USMB Coffee Shop IV

Okaaaayyyyy, we have a major t-storm right over the top of us right now. Rain is coming down in buckets!!!
Send some up here to Cowtown. No rain in 6 weeks and averaging 103 this next week.
It's easing up right now but at it's height the rain was blowing sideways, the 12' back covered sun porch is swamped, the rain was spraying in the sliding door leading to the sun porch and it looks like it may have added an inch and a half to the pool. It's heading northeast. Pretty sure all the streets around here are rivers.
I'm gonna be in El Chuco around the 12th for a couple days. That'll change the weather.
Don't know where that is. The only El Chuco I can find is in Venezuela.
Okaaaayyyyy, we have a major t-storm right over the top of us right now. Rain is coming down in buckets!!!
Send some up here to Cowtown. No rain in 6 weeks and averaging 103 this next week.
It's easing up right now but at it's height the rain was blowing sideways, the 12' back covered sun porch is swamped, the rain was spraying in the sliding door leading to the sun porch and it looks like it may have added an inch and a half to the pool. It's heading northeast. Pretty sure all the streets around here are rivers.
I'm gonna be in El Chuco around the 12th for a couple days. That'll change the weather.
Don't know where that is. The only El Chuco I can find is in Venezuela.
El Paso
Okaaaayyyyy, we have a major t-storm right over the top of us right now. Rain is coming down in buckets!!!
Send some up here to Cowtown. No rain in 6 weeks and averaging 103 this next week.
It's easing up right now but at it's height the rain was blowing sideways, the 12' back covered sun porch is swamped, the rain was spraying in the sliding door leading to the sun porch and it looks like it may have added an inch and a half to the pool. It's heading northeast. Pretty sure all the streets around here are rivers.
I'm gonna be in El Chuco around the 12th for a couple days. That'll change the weather.
Don't know where that is. The only El Chuco I can find is in Venezuela.
El Paso
That just brought me to a Wiki page with shitloads of info on it. A nickname for El Paso? :dunno:

Remember, we only got down here in March.
Send some up here to Cowtown. No rain in 6 weeks and averaging 103 this next week.
It's easing up right now but at it's height the rain was blowing sideways, the 12' back covered sun porch is swamped, the rain was spraying in the sliding door leading to the sun porch and it looks like it may have added an inch and a half to the pool. It's heading northeast. Pretty sure all the streets around here are rivers.
I'm gonna be in El Chuco around the 12th for a couple days. That'll change the weather.
Don't know where that is. The only El Chuco I can find is in Venezuela.
El Paso
That just brought me to a Wiki page with shitloads of info on it. A nickname for El Paso? :dunno:

Remember, we only got down here in March.
Saw that. Scroll up to the top of the page.
It's easing up right now but at it's height the rain was blowing sideways, the 12' back covered sun porch is swamped, the rain was spraying in the sliding door leading to the sun porch and it looks like it may have added an inch and a half to the pool. It's heading northeast. Pretty sure all the streets around here are rivers.
I'm gonna be in El Chuco around the 12th for a couple days. That'll change the weather.
Don't know where that is. The only El Chuco I can find is in Venezuela.
El Paso
That just brought me to a Wiki page with shitloads of info on it. A nickname for El Paso? :dunno:

Remember, we only got down here in March.
Saw that. Scroll up to the top of the page.
So basically it means an El Paso resident. It's also called Chucotown by some.
The second cell is moving through right now........
We just had a lightning strike right outside that back, huge flash with an instantaneous crack that made both the wife and I jump out of our skins!!
Ahh, good evening/afternoon. I'm jealous of some. In the Mideast temperatures are still on the rise, where I live it reached the 106 at noon, humidity about 80%, it's crazy and it's difficult to breathe. I have a friend's pup and my doggysitter duties got me to witness him jumping into his own water bowl. At first I thought it's official, this dog lost it, but I guess poor Shorty was just looking for the coolest spot in the house, and the floor just won't do.


I hope for a better weather next week.

Hi Lipush. What part of the country do you call home? We have lived in country with extremely high humidity along with triple digit summer temps, and it isn't any fun at all. Not to mention the sky high A/C bills necessary just to survive.

Here on the high desert we are enjoying a relatively mild summer with temps averaging from the low to mid 80's to maybe low 90's, but have had very few days with temps more extreme than that. And I am not complaining about that.

I live in southern Israel, it's near Be'er Sheva. No words needed for what we had today

Beersheba Weather Forecasts Maps News - Yahoo Weather

Ah, I've never been to Israel though I've always wanted to visit there. But miserable heat is miserable heat no matter where you live I think.
Relatively cool in Foley today. We topped out at 96 with a heat index of 114.
The prediction for tomorrow is 92 with a bit less humidity.
Ahh, good evening/afternoon. I'm jealous of some. In the Mideast temperatures are still on the rise, where I live it reached the 106 at noon, humidity about 80%, it's crazy and it's difficult to breathe. I have a friend's pup and my doggysitter duties got me to witness him jumping into his own water bowl. At first I thought it's official, this dog lost it, but I guess poor Shorty was just looking for the coolest spot in the house, and the floor just won't do.


I hope for a better weather next week.

Hi Lipush. What part of the country do you call home? We have lived in country with extremely high humidity along with triple digit summer temps, and it isn't any fun at all. Not to mention the sky high A/C bills necessary just to survive.

Here on the high desert we are enjoying a relatively mild summer with temps averaging from the low to mid 80's to maybe low 90's, but have had very few days with temps more extreme than that. And I am not complaining about that.

I live in southern Israel, it's near Be'er Sheva. No words needed for what we had today

Beersheba Weather Forecasts Maps News - Yahoo Weather

Ah, I've never been to Israel though I've always wanted to visit there. But miserable heat is miserable heat no matter where you live I think.
Relatively cool in Foley today. We topped out at 96 with a heat index of 114.
The prediction for tomorrow is 92 with a bit less humidity.
Ever consider moving to New York? :lmao:
Ahh, good evening/afternoon. I'm jealous of some. In the Mideast temperatures are still on the rise, where I live it reached the 106 at noon, humidity about 80%, it's crazy and it's difficult to breathe. I have a friend's pup and my doggysitter duties got me to witness him jumping into his own water bowl. At first I thought it's official, this dog lost it, but I guess poor Shorty was just looking for the coolest spot in the house, and the floor just won't do.


I hope for a better weather next week.

Hi Lipush. What part of the country do you call home? We have lived in country with extremely high humidity along with triple digit summer temps, and it isn't any fun at all. Not to mention the sky high A/C bills necessary just to survive.

Here on the high desert we are enjoying a relatively mild summer with temps averaging from the low to mid 80's to maybe low 90's, but have had very few days with temps more extreme than that. And I am not complaining about that.

I live in southern Israel, it's near Be'er Sheva. No words needed for what we had today

Beersheba Weather Forecasts Maps News - Yahoo Weather

Ah, I've never been to Israel though I've always wanted to visit there. But miserable heat is miserable heat no matter where you live I think.
Relatively cool in Foley today. We topped out at 96 with a heat index of 114.
The prediction for tomorrow is 92 with a bit less humidity.
Ever consider moving to New York? :lmao:
Grew up 60 miles NE of Times Square. It snows there.
15 years ago, I tied a snow shovel to the roof of my car and drove south. I never stopped until a guy at a gas station asked me what that thing was on my roof.
Hi Lipush. What part of the country do you call home? We have lived in country with extremely high humidity along with triple digit summer temps, and it isn't any fun at all. Not to mention the sky high A/C bills necessary just to survive.

Here on the high desert we are enjoying a relatively mild summer with temps averaging from the low to mid 80's to maybe low 90's, but have had very few days with temps more extreme than that. And I am not complaining about that.

I live in southern Israel, it's near Be'er Sheva. No words needed for what we had today

Beersheba Weather Forecasts Maps News - Yahoo Weather

Ah, I've never been to Israel though I've always wanted to visit there. But miserable heat is miserable heat no matter where you live I think.
Relatively cool in Foley today. We topped out at 96 with a heat index of 114.
The prediction for tomorrow is 92 with a bit less humidity.
Ever consider moving to New York? :lmao:
Grew up 60 miles NE of Times Square. It snows there.
15 years ago, I tied a snow shovel to the roof of my car and drove south. I never stopped until a guy at a gas station asked me what that thing was on my roof.

I still miss the snow from NY. Of course, I've never had to drive in it. :lol:

We get occasional snow here, but not enough to suit me. Mostly I want it for the little one to play in while she's still little. :D
My 2nd wife grew up in Recife Brazil, about 500 miles south of the Equator. When she first came to the States, she spent her first night (mid January) in Bridgeport, CT. She woke up to 1" of snow. She LOVED the stuff.
I've seen one single snow flake in the last 14 years. I almost decided not to buy this hose because of it.
I'm thinking that maybe this winter, I'll fly up to CT to visit the kids, But I'll never leave the airport. I'll just have a meal with them, go outside and make a snow ball, toss it at the terminal and fly home.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Mrs. Ernie,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Spoonman, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
It's looking as though the puppy arrived with fleas. He's getting a flea bath right now, apparently his second of the day. We had a flea infestation once before and it was horrible trying to get rid of them. I gave the cat and dog so many baths, vacuumed almost every day for months, load after load of laundry, spraying stuff on the furniture, putting powder on the carpets, they just wouldn't go away. If we get fleas again I am going to be pissed! A dog I didn't want and fleas to go with it? :mad:
I got a flea problem with my little outside kitten that I took in, and I tried everything under sun to get rid of them too and nothing worked. I finally relented and called an exterminator. He sprayed one time and they were gone in a week. The bonus was it killed every other insect in the house as well. Didn't see a spider or anything else for probably two years, not even in the basement.
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