USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning all. Up early laundering sheets from ALL the beds (post house guests) so our maid service can remake the beds when they come this afternoon. Have always felt a little guilty hiring that maid service just because neither Hombre or I wanted to do the heavy housework anymore, not because we couldn't. But now that neither of us really CAN do it, I am very grateful for them. They come once a month and thoroughly clean everything and it stays pretty decent then for the month.

Best night I've had yet with my shoulder. Going to do active physical therapy on it today.

So the coffee is good, we almost have the house clean enough for the maid service already, and it should be a good Monday. Wishing a good Monday for everybody.
Bought me a new deep fryer. I had one that I forgot when I moved to north Phoenix to go to school, and I've missed it ever since. My mother gave me this little Fry Daddy deal that my Dad used to use, and it's the messiest thing, splatters oil all over, really small, it just wasn't working for me. So I splurged and bought this puppy...

Anybody else cook with a deep fryer? I can't wait to get this one and try it out on some fish.
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BEAUTIFUL day here, the heat and humidity has finally relented, so it's time to get my can outside and hit it. There's just tons to do.
Ahh, good evening/afternoon. I'm jealous of some. In the Mideast temperatures are still on the rise, where I live it reached the 106 at noon, humidity about 80%, it's crazy and it's difficult to breathe. I have a friend's pup and my doggysitter duties got me to witness him jumping into his own water bowl. At first I thought it's official, this dog lost it, but I guess poor Shorty was just looking for the coolest spot in the house, and the floor just won't do.


I hope for a better weather next week.

Hi Lipush. What part of the country do you call home? We have lived in country with extremely high humidity along with triple digit summer temps, and it isn't any fun at all. Not to mention the sky high A/C bills necessary just to survive.

Here on the high desert we are enjoying a relatively mild summer with temps averaging from the low to mid 80's to maybe low 90's, but have had very few days with temps more extreme than that. And I am not complaining about that.

I live in southern Israel, it's near Be'er Sheva. No words needed for what we had today

Beersheba Weather Forecasts Maps News - Yahoo Weather
Check out Ft Worth this next week, Sailor.

Weather on AOL - local, regional and national weather forecasts, news, stories and photos

Ahh, good evening/afternoon. I'm jealous of some. In the Mideast temperatures are still on the rise, where I live it reached the 106 at noon, humidity about 80%, it's crazy and it's difficult to breathe. I have a friend's pup and my doggysitter duties got me to witness him jumping into his own water bowl. At first I thought it's official, this dog lost it, but I guess poor Shorty was just looking for the coolest spot in the house, and the floor just won't do.


I hope for a better weather next week.

Hi Lipush. What part of the country do you call home? We have lived in country with extremely high humidity along with triple digit summer temps, and it isn't any fun at all. Not to mention the sky high A/C bills necessary just to survive.

Here on the high desert we are enjoying a relatively mild summer with temps averaging from the low to mid 80's to maybe low 90's, but have had very few days with temps more extreme than that. And I am not complaining about that.

I live in southern Israel, it's near Be'er Sheva. No words needed for what we had today

Beersheba Weather Forecasts Maps News - Yahoo Weather
Check out Ft Worth this next week, Sailor.

Weather on AOL - local, regional and national weather forecasts, news, stories and photos


Check out Phoenix Arizona
map usa weather outlook highs Arizona - Bing
Bought me a new deep fryer. I had one that I forgot when I moved to north Phoenix to go to school, and I've missed it ever since. My mother gave me this little Fry Daddy deal that my Dad used to use, and it's the messing thing, splatters oil all over, really small, it just wasn't working for me. So I splurged and bought this puppy...

Anybody else cook with a deep fryer? I can't wait to get this one and try it out on some fish.

Wow, that would be neat. But a gallon of oil? That is a LOT of oil. I wonder how often you have to change it if you are frying things like fish, shrimp, chicken, pork? Everything that we fry is always in a skillet on our stove top.
Ahh, good evening/afternoon. I'm jealous of some. In the Mideast temperatures are still on the rise, where I live it reached the 106 at noon, humidity about 80%, it's crazy and it's difficult to breathe. I have a friend's pup and my doggysitter duties got me to witness him jumping into his own water bowl. At first I thought it's official, this dog lost it, but I guess poor Shorty was just looking for the coolest spot in the house, and the floor just won't do.


I hope for a better weather next week.

Hi Lipush. What part of the country do you call home? We have lived in country with extremely high humidity along with triple digit summer temps, and it isn't any fun at all. Not to mention the sky high A/C bills necessary just to survive.

Here on the high desert we are enjoying a relatively mild summer with temps averaging from the low to mid 80's to maybe low 90's, but have had very few days with temps more extreme than that. And I am not complaining about that.

I live in southern Israel, it's near Be'er Sheva. No words needed for what we had today

Beersheba Weather Forecasts Maps News - Yahoo Weather
Check out Ft Worth this next week, Sailor.

Weather on AOL - local, regional and national weather forecasts, news, stories and photos


Yeah, in a battle of the weather, no matter how bad it is, it is almost always worse somewhere. :) But the fact is, when the temps get to 100 or more, it is hot. Was in southern Nevada once (Laughlin) when the temp got up to about 120. You would think you really couldn't tell much difference between 120 and 105 which is pretty normal there in the summer. But you can tell the difference. One is just miserable hot. The other, you are convinced if you get out of the shade, you will just curl up and die.
Ahh, good evening/afternoon. I'm jealous of some. In the Mideast temperatures are still on the rise, where I live it reached the 106 at noon, humidity about 80%, it's crazy and it's difficult to breathe. I have a friend's pup and my doggysitter duties got me to witness him jumping into his own water bowl. At first I thought it's official, this dog lost it, but I guess poor Shorty was just looking for the coolest spot in the house, and the floor just won't do.


I hope for a better weather next week.

Hi Lipush. What part of the country do you call home? We have lived in country with extremely high humidity along with triple digit summer temps, and it isn't any fun at all. Not to mention the sky high A/C bills necessary just to survive.

Here on the high desert we are enjoying a relatively mild summer with temps averaging from the low to mid 80's to maybe low 90's, but have had very few days with temps more extreme than that. And I am not complaining about that.

I live in southern Israel, it's near Be'er Sheva. No words needed for what we had today

Beersheba Weather Forecasts Maps News - Yahoo Weather
Check out Ft Worth this next week, Sailor.

Weather on AOL - local, regional and national weather forecasts, news, stories and photos


Check out Phoenix Arizona
map usa weather outlook highs Arizona - Bing

Reminds me of this... lol

Bought me a new deep fryer. I had one that I forgot when I moved to north Phoenix to go to school, and I've missed it ever since. My mother gave me this little Fry Daddy deal that my Dad used to use, and it's the messing thing, splatters oil all over, really small, it just wasn't working for me. So I splurged and bought this puppy...

Anybody else cook with a deep fryer? I can't wait to get this one and try it out on some fish.

Wow, that would be neat. But a gallon of oil? That is a LOT of oil. I wonder how often you have to change it if you are frying things like fish, shrimp, chicken, pork? Everything that we fry is always in a skillet on our stove top.

Yeah I wanted one that would cook for a few people at once, like when the son and his woman stop down.

Never cooked pork in a deep fryer, just fish, shrimp and chicken, and of course fries and such, finger food.
Bought me a new deep fryer. I had one that I forgot when I moved to north Phoenix to go to school, and I've missed it ever since. My mother gave me this little Fry Daddy deal that my Dad used to use, and it's the messing thing, splatters oil all over, really small, it just wasn't working for me. So I splurged and bought this puppy...

Anybody else cook with a deep fryer? I can't wait to get this one and try it out on some fish.

Wow, that would be neat. But a gallon of oil? That is a LOT of oil. I wonder how often you have to change it if you are frying things like fish, shrimp, chicken, pork? Everything that we fry is always in a skillet on our stove top.

Yeah I wanted one that would cook for a few people at once, like when the son and his woman stop down.

Never cooked pork in a deep fryer, just fish, shrimp and chicken, and of course fries and such, finger food.

We do bread and fry bone in pork chops and I make tempura out of just about anything for sweet and sour dishes. I reuse oil over and over if it has just been used to fry taters or other veggies, but if I fry animal products, we discard most or all of the oil after one use--I might use the crispies left in a bit of the oil to flavor cream gravy for next day biscuits or whatever. So I am not sure how long you can keep and reuse oil in a deep fryer that has been used to fry meat, poultry, or fish.
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About all I use my deep fryer for is chicken.
I pressure cook drum sticks or wings till just about done (12 minutes) then coat in a batter of 1 cup milk, 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp shortening, salt to taste and a good bit of poultry seasoning. I use about a tsp/ cup of flour. I mix up the batter and let it sit while the oil heats up. (I heat my oil to 400 *) and the pressure cooker does its thing. When I'm about ready to go, I add 1stp of baking soda/cup of flour to the batter. Adjust milk to get the consistency of the batter about like a pancake batter, dip the chicken and fry to golden brown. It comes out nice and moist and tastes like chicken with the stuffing on the outside.
It's even great cold.

I hope everybody had a good weekend.
According to the local news the two storms that rolled through dropped 3.2 inches of water on us. The pool is almost up to the highest fill mark which is a good thing, I don't have to pay to add water to it........ :D
It's looking as though the puppy arrived with fleas. He's getting a flea bath right now, apparently his second of the day. We had a flea infestation once before and it was horrible trying to get rid of them. I gave the cat and dog so many baths, vacuumed almost every day for months, load after load of laundry, spraying stuff on the furniture, putting powder on the carpets, they just wouldn't go away. If we get fleas again I am going to be pissed! A dog I didn't want and fleas to go with it? :mad:
I got a flea problem with my little outside kitten that I took in, and I tried everything under sun to get rid of them too and nothing worked. I finally relented and called an exterminator. He sprayed one time and they were gone in a week. The bonus was it killed every other insect in the house as well. Didn't see a spider or anything else for probably two years, not even in the basement.

When I lived at home with my mother 40 years ago her cats had fleas., and they are very hard to kill. I tried to crush then between my finger and thumb but they are too tough. Then I tried drowning them in a sink of water, but they just walked around on the bottom of the sink until I got bored with waiting for them to drown.
About all I use my deep fryer for is chicken.
I pressure cook drum sticks or wings till just about done (12 minutes) then coat in a batter of 1 cup milk, 2 cups flour, 2 eggs, 2 tbsp shortening, salt to taste and a good bit of poultry seasoning. I use about a tsp/ cup of flour. I mix up the batter and let it sit while the oil heats up. (I heat my oil to 400 *) and the pressure cooker does its thing. When I'm about ready to go, I add 1stp of baking soda/cup of flour to the batter. Adjust milk to get the consistency of the batter about like a pancake batter, dip the chicken and fry to golden brown. It comes out nice and moist and tastes like chicken with the stuffing on the outside.
It's even great cold.

It's all a matter of taste I think. While yours is almost certainly delicious, I don't want my chicken batter to be flavored with anything other than salt and pepper so that the full goodness of fried chicken comes through--and i want it to be light with just the right amount of light crispy crunch that protects the moistness of the perfectly cooked chicken inside. The trick is to have the oil just the right temp when the battered chicken is introduced--can't cook too long or too quickly and get the perfect results.
Ahh, good evening/afternoon. I'm jealous of some. In the Mideast temperatures are still on the rise, where I live it reached the 106 at noon, humidity about 80%, it's crazy and it's difficult to breathe. I have a friend's pup and my doggysitter duties got me to witness him jumping into his own water bowl. At first I thought it's official, this dog lost it, but I guess poor Shorty was just looking for the coolest spot in the house, and the floor just won't do.


I hope for a better weather next week.

Hi Lipush. What part of the country do you call home? We have lived in country with extremely high humidity along with triple digit summer temps, and it isn't any fun at all. Not to mention the sky high A/C bills necessary just to survive.

Here on the high desert we are enjoying a relatively mild summer with temps averaging from the low to mid 80's to maybe low 90's, but have had very few days with temps more extreme than that. And I am not complaining about that.

I live in southern Israel, it's near Be'er Sheva. No words needed for what we had today

Beersheba Weather Forecasts Maps News - Yahoo Weather
Check out Ft Worth this next week, Sailor.

Weather on AOL - local, regional and national weather forecasts, news, stories and photos


Check out Phoenix Arizona
map usa weather outlook highs Arizona - Bing
You need to go buy a good snow shovel in that weather. :biggrin:
I'm fixing to head to the beach with the dogs. GORGEOUS day here. I feel like wading in salt water and feeling sand between my toes. I'll take the camera this time!

Foxfyre, good luck tomorrow! Do let us know how it goes as soon as you get home, ok? Prayers for you and your fatty liver non threatening cyst. ;)

btw folks...fleas HATE vinegar. Dilute it and spritz furniture. For pets, dilute and give pet a bath in it. Just make sure you DILUTE it. Fleas HATE vinegar. They also hate sea water so if you are near an ocean....take the pets to the beach. They will jump off the pet mui pronto!
Hi Lipush. What part of the country do you call home? We have lived in country with extremely high humidity along with triple digit summer temps, and it isn't any fun at all. Not to mention the sky high A/C bills necessary just to survive.

Here on the high desert we are enjoying a relatively mild summer with temps averaging from the low to mid 80's to maybe low 90's, but have had very few days with temps more extreme than that. And I am not complaining about that.

I live in southern Israel, it's near Be'er Sheva. No words needed for what we had today

Beersheba Weather Forecasts Maps News - Yahoo Weather
Check out Ft Worth this next week, Sailor.

Weather on AOL - local, regional and national weather forecasts, news, stories and photos


Check out Phoenix Arizona
map usa weather outlook highs Arizona - Bing
You need to go buy a good snow shovel in that weather. :biggrin:

Actually Peach lives southeast of Phoenix where the temps are a bit more moderate. She often gets more snow than we get here in Albuquerque, but both of us need a snow shovel about as often as you do in Cowtown. :)
I have been spending more time in my library getting acquainted with books I have had for many years without reading them. My latest read is called 'the magic of obelisks'. It is a fascinating and well illustrated book which covers a lot of interesting history. Today I was reading about John Dee, who was queen Elisabeth the firsts mystical advisor. I found some books by him online and ordered one about his messages from the spirit world. This was centuries before spiritualism started in Victorian times.
I'm fixing to head to the beach with the dogs. GORGEOUS day here. I feel like wading in salt water and feeling sand between my toes. I'll take the camera this time!

Foxfyre, good luck tomorrow! Do let us know how it goes as soon as you get home, ok? Prayers for you and your fatty liver non threatening cyst. ;)

btw folks...fleas HATE vinegar. Dilute it and spritz furniture. For pets, dilute and give pet a bath in it. Just make sure you DILUTE it. Fleas HATE vinegar. They also hate sea water so if you are near an ocean....take the pets to the beach. They will jump off the pet mui pronto!

I tried to bathe the animals with vinegar when they had fleas. Didn't work. :(

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