USMB Coffee Shop IV

I LOVE it! I want one!
Good morning everybody. Had a great night--best night's sleep I have had in a very long time. Now enjoying waffles and bacon. After hospital food for a week Hombre has miraculously become a brilliant cook! Now I just have to remember that I will do much better overall if I don't overdo now.

Happy Hump Day to all--hope you all are having a productive or at least a good day.

Welcome back! We missed you! Hospital food is soooo bland. The only thing you have to look forward to is jello. Lol.
Great to have you back, Foxy!
What a day yesterday! up at 7AM and off to dealing with the world by 8:15.
I met with the city Prosecutor to talk about the guy we had arrested at the bar. I wanted him to know that he had had every intention of assaulting me with a very large knife.
Then off to Doc's to do some paperwork and a few maintenance items. Back here for an hour and back to court.
They offered the kid 90 days suspended for the resisting arrest and a fine for the public intox.
It seems he's in the National Guard and showed up in uniform figuring he could score a few points. That worked against him in the end
He refused the deal and plead not guilty
He'll be going to trial facing 6 months for resisting, 30 days for public intox and a year federal time followed by a less than honorable discharge.
It doesn't look like I will be called as a witness at this point.

Then it was back to Doc's for my security shift. I locked the door at 4 AM

Did you ever realize that opening a bar would be such dangerous business? I mean, if you think about, it's a pretty vulnerable position. The scums, the drunks . . . You need to be extra careful and aware of your surroundings and the people that come and go from your bar.
I like to look at classic cars, but I wouldn't want to own one. I've heard it's a lot of work to maintain them and keep them running (expensive), and also I would be too protective of it I think.
Good morning everybody. A bright blue late summer day in Albuquerque--just a touch of fall in the air in the mornings now. Hombre is off for a routine eye exam and I am trying to catch up on correspondence and deciding what to do about the disaster zone on my desk--it is beginning to resemble an episode of "Hoarders".
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Good morning everybody. A bright blue late summer day in Albuquerque--just a touch of fall in the air in the mornings now. Hombre is off for a routine eye exam and I am trying to catch up on correspondence and deciding what to do about the disaster zone on my desk--it is beginning to resemble an episode of "Hoarders".

Glad your home Foxy. :) Time to get the Led out. :thup:

Great to have you back, Foxy!
What a day yesterday! up at 7AM and off to dealing with the world by 8:15.
I met with the city Prosecutor to talk about the guy we had arrested at the bar. I wanted him to know that he had had every intention of assaulting me with a very large knife.
Then off to Doc's to do some paperwork and a few maintenance items. Back here for an hour and back to court.
They offered the kid 90 days suspended for the resisting arrest and a fine for the public intox.
It seems he's in the National Guard and showed up in uniform figuring he could score a few points. That worked against him in the end
He refused the deal and plead not guilty
He'll be going to trial facing 6 months for resisting, 30 days for public intox and a year federal time followed by a less than honorable discharge.
It doesn't look like I will be called as a witness at this point.

Then it was back to Doc's for my security shift. I locked the door at 4 AM

Did you ever realize that opening a bar would be such dangerous business? I mean, if you think about, it's a pretty vulnerable position. The scums, the drunks . . . You need to be extra careful and aware of your surroundings and the people that come and go from your bar.
I knew what I was getting into. I've always been good at reading people. I can pick the potential troublemakers out pretty quickly.
Actually, I'd rather deal with them than the girl puking on the floor, but that's a part of the job too.
Hell On a busy night, if I don't have to grab the mop at least once, I haven't sold enough booze.
Sometimes you see something on the news that is so disgusting it just needs to be fully publicized and I'm posting it here in my belief that this isn't the least bit controversial. A mother riding in the ambulance with her young son who needed some stitches in his head was able to observe--and videophotograph--the driver texting and surfing on his phone the whole way to the hospital. That was bad enough, but the news report in the link here said the driver will be 'punished.' Punished??????? When people get fined and picketed and fired for much much less serious offenses, this driver will be punished? Not fired immediately?

Mom catches ambulance driver texting behind the wheel
Sometimes you see something on the news that is so disgusting it just needs to be fully publicized and I'm posting it here in my belief that this isn't the least bit controversial. A mother riding in the ambulance with her young son who needed some stitches in his head was able to observe--and videophotograph--the driver texting and surfing on his phone the whole way to the hospital. That was bad enough, but the news report in the link here said the driver will be 'punished.' Punished??????? When people get fined and picketed and fired for much much less serious offenses, this driver will be punished? Not fired immediately?

Mom catches ambulance driver texting behind the wheel
Public sector unions......
Sometimes you see something on the news that is so disgusting it just needs to be fully publicized and I'm posting it here in my belief that this isn't the least bit controversial. A mother riding in the ambulance with her young son who needed some stitches in his head was able to observe--and videophotograph--the driver texting and surfing on his phone the whole way to the hospital. That was bad enough, but the news report in the link here said the driver will be 'punished.' Punished??????? When people get fined and picketed and fired for much much less serious offenses, this driver will be punished? Not fired immediately?

Mom catches ambulance driver texting behind the wheel

Maybe texting his parole officer for the DUIs?
Great to have you back, Foxy!
What a day yesterday! up at 7AM and off to dealing with the world by 8:15.
I met with the city Prosecutor to talk about the guy we had arrested at the bar. I wanted him to know that he had had every intention of assaulting me with a very large knife.
Then off to Doc's to do some paperwork and a few maintenance items. Back here for an hour and back to court.
They offered the kid 90 days suspended for the resisting arrest and a fine for the public intox.
It seems he's in the National Guard and showed up in uniform figuring he could score a few points. That worked against him in the end
He refused the deal and plead not guilty
He'll be going to trial facing 6 months for resisting, 30 days for public intox and a year federal time followed by a less than honorable discharge.
It doesn't look like I will be called as a witness at this point.

Then it was back to Doc's for my security shift. I locked the door at 4 AM

Did you ever realize that opening a bar would be such dangerous business? I mean, if you think about, it's a pretty vulnerable position. The scums, the drunks . . . You need to be extra careful and aware of your surroundings and the people that come and go from your bar.
I knew what I was getting into. I've always been good at reading people. I can pick the potential troublemakers out pretty quickly.
Actually, I'd rather deal with them than the girl puking on the floor, but that's a part of the job too.
Hell On a busy night, if I don't have to grab the mop at least once, I haven't sold enough booze.

Lol! That would be me, the girl puking on the floor. :lol: I'm not much of a drinker, that's for sure. :confused:
Great to have you back, Foxy!
What a day yesterday! up at 7AM and off to dealing with the world by 8:15.
I met with the city Prosecutor to talk about the guy we had arrested at the bar. I wanted him to know that he had had every intention of assaulting me with a very large knife.
Then off to Doc's to do some paperwork and a few maintenance items. Back here for an hour and back to court.
They offered the kid 90 days suspended for the resisting arrest and a fine for the public intox.
It seems he's in the National Guard and showed up in uniform figuring he could score a few points. That worked against him in the end
He refused the deal and plead not guilty
He'll be going to trial facing 6 months for resisting, 30 days for public intox and a year federal time followed by a less than honorable discharge.
It doesn't look like I will be called as a witness at this point.

Then it was back to Doc's for my security shift. I locked the door at 4 AM

Did you ever realize that opening a bar would be such dangerous business? I mean, if you think about, it's a pretty vulnerable position. The scums, the drunks . . . You need to be extra careful and aware of your surroundings and the people that come and go from your bar.
I knew what I was getting into. I've always been good at reading people. I can pick the potential troublemakers out pretty quickly.
Actually, I'd rather deal with them than the girl puking on the floor, but that's a part of the job too.
Hell On a busy night, if I don't have to grab the mop at least once, I haven't sold enough booze.

Lol! That would be me, the girl puking on the floor. :lol: I'm not much of a drinker, that's for sure. :confused:
Got a mop. No problem, Chris. I'd love the opportunity to clean up after you.
Great to have you back, Foxy!
What a day yesterday! up at 7AM and off to dealing with the world by 8:15.
I met with the city Prosecutor to talk about the guy we had arrested at the bar. I wanted him to know that he had had every intention of assaulting me with a very large knife.
Then off to Doc's to do some paperwork and a few maintenance items. Back here for an hour and back to court.
They offered the kid 90 days suspended for the resisting arrest and a fine for the public intox.
It seems he's in the National Guard and showed up in uniform figuring he could score a few points. That worked against him in the end
He refused the deal and plead not guilty
He'll be going to trial facing 6 months for resisting, 30 days for public intox and a year federal time followed by a less than honorable discharge.
It doesn't look like I will be called as a witness at this point.

Then it was back to Doc's for my security shift. I locked the door at 4 AM

Did you ever realize that opening a bar would be such dangerous business? I mean, if you think about, it's a pretty vulnerable position. The scums, the drunks . . . You need to be extra careful and aware of your surroundings and the people that come and go from your bar.
I knew what I was getting into. I've always been good at reading people. I can pick the potential troublemakers out pretty quickly.
Actually, I'd rather deal with them than the girl puking on the floor, but that's a part of the job too.
Hell On a busy night, if I don't have to grab the mop at least once, I haven't sold enough booze.

I wouldn't puke on your floor! Of course, I wouldn't buy your drinks, either. Alcohol, disgusting! :lol:

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