USMB Coffee Shop IV

first day of seasons 2015 fall equinox, winter solstice, spring equinox, summer solstice

We're watching the game, and I think WQ is going to end up making me a Redskins fan. I was born and raised north of Chicago, so spent my childhood rooting for the Bears...I was 17 when they won the Super Bowl. I converted to a Rams fan while living in Missouri, and then cheered for the Panthers while living in NC. Since relocating to Florida, I was never able to get on board with the Bucs, and a lot of that is because they blackout the games. Looking forward to some halftime snacks.:thup:


Yum. And I think somebody else in the CS is a Redskins fan? Was it Nosmo? Or Spoonie? Can't remember. But as a Cowboys fan and archrival to the Redskins, I'll love you and WQ just as much anyway. :)

I luv ya Hoss......but I can't stand the CowPies.....

Well..still here, playing catch up. Dayum! Lots of stuff happens in a week, doesn't it?

On MY end...I gave one of the roomie's an eviction notice cuz she is batshit crazy and I am tired of it. Got a new roomie moving in 10/15, too! We will be a multi cultural house so it should be interesting. One 24 year old hispanic. One 30 year old black man. One 68 year old Native American man. One soon to be 63 year old caucasian (me).
Roomie already knows of the new roomie cuz his cousin went to school with him. All references were glowing. We all liked him at first meeting.

Then, Mr Gracie turned 68 4 days ago. And last monday, Karma went to the vet and so far, the bill is at almost 800 bucks. Pancreatitis. She is doing better but she is still not the dog she used to be and I am hoping she pulls out of this. All this in one week. Jeez.
Well..still here, playing catch up. Dayum! Lots of stuff happens in a week, doesn't it?

On MY end...I gave one of the roomie's an eviction notice cuz she is batshit crazy and I am tired of it. Got a new roomie moving in 10/15, too! We will be a multi cultural house so it should be interesting. One 24 year old hispanic. One 30 year old black man. One 68 year old Native American man. One soon to be 63 year old caucasian (me).
Roomie already knows of the new roomie cuz his cousin went to school with him. All references were glowing. We all liked him at first meeting.

Then, Mr Gracie turned 68 4 days ago. And last monday, Karma went to the vet and so far, the bill is at almost 800 bucks. Pancreatitis. She is doing better but she is still not the dog she used to be and I am hoping she pulls out of this. All this in one week. Jeez.

Wow Gracie, you've had a pretty wild week yourself it seems. So hope your new grouping of roomies works out cohesively and I put Karma on the list. Glad you checked in.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
WQ's mom Dorothy and Aunt Bev,
Hossfly for wellness for his trip this week,
Gracie's Karma,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

This is a "barndominium"--remodeled old barn--the stalls were repurposed into bedrooms. I like it. :)

P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
That barn home looks like my friends house in Wyoming. I love that!

And thanks for putting Krama on the list. I worry about her but at least she is not vomiting any more and seems to be keeping food down. She is on a special diet of that Hill's RX food. Expensive but I will do anything for my furbaby. I paid them 500, but still owe 235....not counting the next round of xrays and pancreas tests that have to be done Nov 1st. I need another damn 4k map is what I need. On top of that...I have a dental appt this coming wednesday. Got the xrays paid for, but now I have 2 small cavities and a cleaning that needs to be done. That's gonna set me back another 400+ so I am thankful my dentist takes payments. Yes....we need to find another map to sell on ebay :lol:
I'm up and ready extra early today. I'm going to the dentist this morning. I have a toothache. :( I hate the dentist.
Uh-ooohh... good luck there... :neutral:

I hate when they take the little hook and poke you in the sore tooth! They always do that!!!
It's called a probe and they have to to find if there's any decay and where exactly the decay is. Like when a doctor starts probing areas of the body that are in extreme pain to determine what is causing the pain. When they hit it you just about jump off the table.

I actually asked him. :p He said it's to be sure it's the right tooth and that a lot of times people will think it is the tooth in front of or behind the tooth that actually has a cavity. I still don't like it though. Lol.
I'm up and ready extra early today. I'm going to the dentist this morning. I have a toothache. :( I hate the dentist.

Oh, so sorry Chris. You and I share a common dislike for the dentist even though I really like my dentist personally. But I had far less trauma thinking about a week in the hospital including days in ICU, five hours on the operating table, and weeks of recuperation than I have facing a routine visit to the dentist. So I'll send all manner of calming vibes your way.

Lol. I'm sure I would be much more frightened of having a surgery. :D I don't like pain, so I hate seeing any doctors really.

Just a small cavity. I got a filling and had to deal with a numb mouth for half the day. I hate that it makes me feel as if I'm drooling. :lol:
I'm up and ready extra early today. I'm going to the dentist this morning. I have a toothache. :( I hate the dentist.
Uh-ooohh... good luck there... :neutral:

I hate when they take the little hook and poke you in the sore tooth! They always do that!!!
I think they do it because they know it's going to hurt... sadistic sons a bitches...

I asked him. He says they do that to make sure it isn't another tooth that is actually bothering you. I guess oftentimes the pain will radiate to the tooth in front of or behind the tooth that is the actual problem tooth.
That can of soda is probably the most fattening thing that you consume. You would be surprised at just how fattening soda really is. Even the diet soda.

Soda may be fattening through calorie content, but there is no fat in it.

That is true, and the average non-diet soda has about 140 calories which isn't excessive as snacks go, but I do believe Chris is right and naturally or artificially sweetened carbonated beverages in excess affect our metabolism negatively and trigger other unhealthy mechanisms. Hombre and I stopped stocking carbonated beverages years ago and I think that was very good for us. We still indulge now and then--I enjoy a root beer or coke or Dr. Pepper once or twice a month but our beverage of choice is routine coffee, tea, or more often than not, water.

That's what I do too. I have soda once in a while at home and when I go out for dinner, but not every day like I used to. When I quit drinking soda, I lost weight, I know that much! :)
We're watching the game, and I think WQ is going to end up making me a Redskins fan. I was born and raised north of Chicago, so spent my childhood rooting for the Bears...I was 17 when they won the Super Bowl. I converted to a Rams fan while living in Missouri, and then cheered for the Panthers while living in NC. Since relocating to Florida, I was never able to get on board with the Bucs, and a lot of that is because they blackout the games. Looking forward to some halftime snacks.:thup:

As long as that's not Velveeta (real fake cheese) I'd probably eat the whole thing........ :D

For years I've used no bean chili and...


It tastes very similar to Chili's skillet queso. However, I happened to come across a kit that was less expensive, plus on sale BOGO, and we all liked it just as well.:thup:

One of my favorite quick and easy things to eat is, a slice of bread, two boiled Oscar Mayer hotdogs on the bread, heat and pour Hormel HOT chili, no beans over that, sweet onions diced small over that, and topped with shredded cheddar cheese... mmmMMMMmmmm... :D

And I can feel my arteries hardening just thinking about it. We do pretty much the same thing but use split hotdog or hamburger buns for the bread. And I prefer Wolf Brand chili. :)
I guess the canned chili isn't the best thing for you, but the cheese is probably the worst because of it's high cholesterol content, even though it's also high in protein and good for you. I like the Wolf brand chili too, but for with hotdogs, it's gotta be no beans for me. I smother it with the diced onions too. I eat onions on lots of stuff, in my salads, in my cooking, love the onions.

Cheese is my weakness. I love cheese!! Cheese makes everything taste better. :D
We're watching the game, and I think WQ is going to end up making me a Redskins fan. I was born and raised north of Chicago, so spent my childhood rooting for the Bears...I was 17 when they won the Super Bowl. I converted to a Rams fan while living in Missouri, and then cheered for the Panthers while living in NC. Since relocating to Florida, I was never able to get on board with the Bucs, and a lot of that is because they blackout the games. Looking forward to some halftime snacks.:thup:


Yum. And I think somebody else in the CS is a Redskins fan? Was it Nosmo? Or Spoonie? Can't remember. But as a Cowboys fan and archrival to the Redskins, I'll love you and WQ just as much anyway. :)

I luv ya Hoss......but I can't stand the CowPies.....


I think some of the chemicals in the artificial sugars make a body retain water. Hence the weight gain. Regular pop/soda has a lot of sugar content. The acids in pop can cause cavities. Dogs rarely drink it. There I think I incorporated most of the last two pages into one post.
My selling radar is off this week. I was certain I had two sales this week and the people took left turns both times. :dunno:
Good morning everybody. Another beautiful late summer morning in Albuquerque--just a touch of autumn in the air, but temps will remain warm in the 80's this week. Hombre is busily making breakfast for us and I'm catching up on the morning news. But more and more am wanting this life of leisure to conclude and get back to being busy with stuff. Soon I tell myself. Soon.

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