USMB Coffee Shop IV

I made my decision with SickBird. I am taking it to the wildlife rehab place tomorrow and let them do what needs done..whatever that may be. I checked to see if they take even sparrows..or whatever it is...and yes, they do. So tomorrow to that place to drop it off. Right now it is in a box with a soft towel for warmth. Safe.

Not stressing so much now. At least it is protected for tonight.
Then, when I get back home, off to the vet so Karma can get her blood work done to see how the pancreas is doing..then off to the beach for their walk, then home to scrub out the bird feeders, the bird baths, rake the hell out of the yard and remove all that seed everywhere. What SickBird has is very contagious to other birds so I gotta get it all cleaned out and removed for a week or two so no others catch it as well. Which will make Mr Gracie very happy cuz bird seed costs a lot since I feed them year round! I'll toss a bunch in the front yard all over the sand so they stop chowing in the backyard where this disease can be caught if they grab seeds SickBird spit out...or drink water he drank from.
I'm torn. SickBird hopped over to a lone brick next to the brick fence, scratched out a hole and hunkered down with his head under his wing. This is where he/she plans to sleep to night I guess. It's pitiful to see. I made a box and put a soft towel in it, but Mr Gracie said let nature take its course. Or chop it's head off with an ax. I said I can't do that. He said he can't either.
The field rats come out at night. Raccoons. Possums. A brick wall and a single brick next to it with a little tiny space and no top is not protection. Then again, he/she is going to die anyway from starvation...cuz this trichthingy takes over their beaks and upper gastro areas. That cement crust thing is already affecting the one eye but was still soft enough for me to remove it. But the nostril is covered too.

Do I give it a mercy death..or leave it alone? What would you do? I know I am going to stress over this bird all night. Its so sad to see it hunkered there when all the other birds are up in trees safe.:(
Leave it alone, Gracie. Nature is a bitch, but it is what it is...with luck, the bird will be gone by morning. Unless you can be merciful and accept that such things are hard, leave it be. I do not envy your choice.
It's asleep in a box on a warm towel. I can't let nature take its course. Can't. Hunkered next to a brick, in the open. Just can't.
So right now, it will not eat or drink cuz birds settle down at night. In the it goes to the wildcare center. If it can be saved, they will save it. It can still eat. It can still drink. It just can't fly and it's so sad to see it so...sad, and sick.

I hate being in this position. Some I can save on my own. Some...I can't. This one is in the latter category. :(
Remember the walking stick bug I saved? That was the most amazing thing. Well, next to the butterfly. I learn so much from them.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Gracie's sore hand,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
The mathematically challenged among us will appreciate that math is now illegal in Kentucky: Do you suppose it will catch on?

The CPU heatsink/fan showed up yesterday, went to install it today...... too big, would have to permanently remove two RAM sticks so the return label is printed and I ordered one that will fit and is made for my CPU for half the price.

That's the one real problem with building your own stuff and buying online. Size or compatibility issues are always a danger.

I used to build my own computers but I am out of date with all the changes that have taken place. So I had my last computer built for me by a local dealer, to my specifications. He only charged me £60 labour and that included installing and updating windows 7.
I was part of our new airport advisory committee, but resigned back in February with a long list of issues I saw not being addressed by management and our city government. Found out today the manager was fired yesterday. Apparently the new city manager agreed with my list from what I heard. Oops, looking for change in attitude, not personnel.
The CPU heatsink/fan showed up yesterday, went to install it today...... too big, would have to permanently remove two RAM sticks so the return label is printed and I ordered one that will fit and is made for my CPU for half the price.

That's the one real problem with building your own stuff and buying online. Size or compatibility issues are always a danger.

I used to build my own computers but I am out of date with all the changes that have taken place. So I had my last computer built for me by a local dealer, to my specifications. He only charged me £60 labour and that included installing and updating windows 7.
The heatsink I ordered was an aftermarket item, an item I never used aftermarket on before. Nowadays building computers is even easier, even more plug and play than it was just a few years ago.
I found they kept producing new types of plug in slots and I got confused as to which was which. I have a room full of old computers and discarded video cards. The last time I tried to upgrade my computer installing new ram, I caused a fault on the motherboard. So I am now content to allow experts to build my system for me. I got to choose the parts from a list and they put it together for me.
I found they kept producing new types of plug in slots and I got confused as to which was which. I have a room full of old computers and discarded video cards. The last time I tried to upgrade my computer installing new ram, I caused a fault on the motherboard. So I am now content to allow experts to build my system for me. I got to choose the parts from a list and they put it together for me.
Look for computer recycling centers if you want or try selling them on Ebay to make a little money. If you have anything akin to Goodwill in GB that takes your old parts for free that's a good way to get rid of them.
Had to take the wife out to have blood work drawn so I was up early, only about 4 hours of sleep. Laid back down expecting to be out for a few hours but was only out for about a half hour power nap, yup I do feel less physically and mentally wasted. :thup:
Very glad I decided to come back to town yesterday. Not only did I wake up to a couple of inches of wet, heavy snow, but the Willow was so high and running so fast, they closed the bridge yesterday afternoon. They must have done it right after I crossed over, too. Of course, the morning commute to school was a nightmare. It's like many completely forget how to drive in snowy conditions and they have to learn anew each year.
Oh, well, the weather is here, wish you were fine!
Very glad I decided to come back to town yesterday. Not only did I wake up to a couple of inches of wet, heavy snow, but the Willow was so high and running so fast, they closed the bridge yesterday afternoon. They must have done it right after I crossed over, too. Of course, the morning commute to school was a nightmare. It's like many completely forget how to drive in snowy conditions and they have to learn anew each year.
Oh, well, the weather is here, wish you were fine!
SickBird is buried under the tree where it tried so hard to get up to at night and having to settle for a brick, along with some flowers I placed there.
It depressed me, but I like to envision it not being afraid at its last gasp and instead was flying madly thru a dark tunnel into a light and swooping with twirlies and dips, no tumors on its head, eyes clear, right to the man in a white robe and perching on His finger before being encompassed in a mass of other birds that accepted him instead of flying off whenever he hopped over to join him...and they all fly off together to the most beautiful tree ever.

Death of animals is a big downer for me. Anything to perk myself up helps.

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