USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just checked SickBird. It is pecking away at the food I left it and found the water pan. Eye still clear. It lets me get to within 3 feet now. Maybe it knows I am not planning to hurt it and will keep its eye as clear as I can. Not much I can do about its beak though. It was like cement when I tried to remove it.
It's Tuesday, and you know what that means! Almost Wednesday which also means . . .


I have to go back to work? Meh:eusa_doh:

When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
Good morning everybody. An absolutely positively marvelous early autumn day in Albuquerque. Looking at the long range forecast for the winter, the strong El Nino out there is supposed to give us southwestern southern states below normal temps this winter while those of you in the northern states should have above normal temps. I would imagine that is good news for both of us.

Oh, it was really humid here today. It was only 79 degrees, but 94% humidity. As our local weather lady says, "the air you can wear." Lol. :) It's supposed to rain tomorrow.
The little one stayed home from school today, second day in a row. She's woken up with a fever both days. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen have worked to reduce the fever, but it's come back. She hasn't felt too bad, thankfully, but mom doesn't want to send her to school feverish. On the plus side, that's meant I've had a couple of days like it was before she started school, with me able to hang with her for the whole day. :)

Hope she is well soon! :)
I just checked SickBird. It is pecking away at the food I left it and found the water pan. Eye still clear. It lets me get to within 3 feet now. Maybe it knows I am not planning to hurt it and will keep its eye as clear as I can. Not much I can do about its beak though. It was like cement when I tried to remove it.

I have to give you kudos Gracie. That kind of kindness is special.
It's Tuesday, and you know what that means! Almost Wednesday which also means . . .


I have to go back to work? Meh:eusa_doh:

When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
I go back Wednesday night. Working 4/10s I don't have a "hump day".

Only a 4-day work week isn't so bad though! I don't know what you do for a living, but that extra two hours every day would be TOUGH for me! Lol.
Well, we're back in town again. I was going to leave early tomorrow morning but decided that with the miserable, rainy weather, I'd just as well pack it in and come back this afternoon. Good thing, too, as I loaded the last cat into the truck it started snowing big, fat, wet snowflakes. It's still too cold for much more than wet snow and more rain, but I wouldn't have relished driving back on wet, snowy, icy roads in the dark of morning, if the snow continues and the temps drop.
It's Tuesday, and you know what that means! Almost Wednesday which also means . . .


I have to go back to work? Meh:eusa_doh:

When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
I go back Wednesday night. Working 4/10s I don't have a "hump day".

Only a 4-day work week isn't so bad though! I don't know what you do for a living, but that extra two hours every day would be TOUGH for me! Lol.
My regular full-time job? I'm an aircraft line mechanic. We service several foreign-based aircraft companies that fly through Anchorage. Sometimes, it's balls-to-the-walls busy, other times there's plenty of time to grab a cat nap between rushes.
It's Tuesday, and you know what that means! Almost Wednesday which also means . . .


I have to go back to work? Meh:eusa_doh:

When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
I go back Wednesday night. Working 4/10s I don't have a "hump day".

Only a 4-day work week isn't so bad though! I don't know what you do for a living, but that extra two hours every day would be TOUGH for me! Lol.
My regular full-time job? I'm an aircraft line mechanic. We service several foreign-based aircraft companies that fly through Anchorage. Sometimes, it's balls-to-the-walls busy, other times there's plenty of time to grab a cat nap between rushes.

I kind of prefer to be busy. The day drags on and on when work is slow for me.
I have to go back to work? Meh:eusa_doh:

When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
I go back Wednesday night. Working 4/10s I don't have a "hump day".

Only a 4-day work week isn't so bad though! I don't know what you do for a living, but that extra two hours every day would be TOUGH for me! Lol.
My regular full-time job? I'm an aircraft line mechanic. We service several foreign-based aircraft companies that fly through Anchorage. Sometimes, it's balls-to-the-walls busy, other times there's plenty of time to grab a cat nap between rushes.

I kind of prefer to be busy. The day drags on and on when work is slow for me.
I manage to stay busy enough most all the time, but graves is a tough shift and even a five minute nap refreshes and perks one up. What I can't believe is when someone manages to sleep through the noise of a B747 taxiing up right beside them!
It's Tuesday, and you know what that means! Almost Wednesday which also means . . .


I have to go back to work? Meh:eusa_doh:

When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
I go back Wednesday night. Working 4/10s I don't have a "hump day".

Only a 4-day work week isn't so bad though! I don't know what you do for a living, but that extra two hours every day would be TOUGH for me! Lol.
I picked up a box of books and moved it to another room for the wife today and ordered pizza for dinner, it was a tough work day........
It's Tuesday, and you know what that means! Almost Wednesday which also means . . .


I have to go back to work? Meh:eusa_doh:

When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
I go back Wednesday night. Working 4/10s I don't have a "hump day".

Only a 4-day work week isn't so bad though! I don't know what you do for a living, but that extra two hours every day would be TOUGH for me! Lol.
I picked up a box of books and moved it to another room for the wife today and ordered pizza for dinner, it was a tough work day........

Wow! Rough day! Lol. No physical labor for me at work though, it's just incredibly boring and 1 hour can feel like 3 hours.
I have to go back to work? Meh:eusa_doh:

When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
I go back Wednesday night. Working 4/10s I don't have a "hump day".

Only a 4-day work week isn't so bad though! I don't know what you do for a living, but that extra two hours every day would be TOUGH for me! Lol.
I picked up a box of books and moved it to another room for the wife today and ordered pizza for dinner, it was a tough work day........

Wow! Rough day! Lol. No physical labor for me at work though, it's just incredibly boring and 1 hour can feel like 3 hours.
Well I wasn't completely truthful, I moved a few boxes and one of her suitcases filled with clothes she's "planning to be able to get back into"........ shoulda used a crane.......
I'm torn. SickBird hopped over to a lone brick next to the brick fence, scratched out a hole and hunkered down with his head under his wing. This is where he/she plans to sleep to night I guess. It's pitiful to see. I made a box and put a soft towel in it, but Mr Gracie said let nature take its course. Or chop it's head off with an ax. I said I can't do that. He said he can't either.
The field rats come out at night. Raccoons. Possums. A brick wall and a single brick next to it with a little tiny space and no top is not protection. Then again, he/she is going to die anyway from starvation...cuz this trichthingy takes over their beaks and upper gastro areas. That cement crust thing is already affecting the one eye but was still soft enough for me to remove it. But the nostril is covered too.

Do I give it a mercy death..or leave it alone? What would you do? I know I am going to stress over this bird all night. Its so sad to see it hunkered there when all the other birds are up in trees safe.:(
It's Tuesday, and you know what that means! Almost Wednesday which also means . . .


I have to go back to work? Meh:eusa_doh:

When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
I go back Wednesday night. Working 4/10s I don't have a "hump day".

Only a 4-day work week isn't so bad though! I don't know what you do for a living, but that extra two hours every day would be TOUGH for me! Lol.

I worked four 10's on one hospital job I had. You do get used to it and having a 3-day weekend every week is great.
It's Tuesday, and you know what that means! Almost Wednesday which also means . . .


I have to go back to work? Meh:eusa_doh:

When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
I go back Wednesday night. Working 4/10s I don't have a "hump day".

Only a 4-day work week isn't so bad though! I don't know what you do for a living, but that extra two hours every day would be TOUGH for me! Lol.

I worked four 10's on one hospital job I had. You do get used to it and having a 3-day weekend every week is great.

I would LOVE a 3-day weekend.
I have to go back to work? Meh:eusa_doh:

When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
I go back Wednesday night. Working 4/10s I don't have a "hump day".

Only a 4-day work week isn't so bad though! I don't know what you do for a living, but that extra two hours every day would be TOUGH for me! Lol.
I picked up a box of books and moved it to another room for the wife today and ordered pizza for dinner, it was a tough work day........

Wow! Rough day! Lol. No physical labor for me at work though, it's just incredibly boring and 1 hour can feel like 3 hours.
I'm at work right now! It's really a cool place to work. Great music and the boss lets me surf the net.
And drunks can be quite amusing.
When? I have to work Saturday too, but only for half a day, so that's good. I still look forward to Friday.
I go back Wednesday night. Working 4/10s I don't have a "hump day".

Only a 4-day work week isn't so bad though! I don't know what you do for a living, but that extra two hours every day would be TOUGH for me! Lol.
I picked up a box of books and moved it to another room for the wife today and ordered pizza for dinner, it was a tough work day........

Wow! Rough day! Lol. No physical labor for me at work though, it's just incredibly boring and 1 hour can feel like 3 hours.
I'm at work right now! It's really a cool place to work. Great music and the boss lets me surf the net.
And drunks can be quite amusing.

Lol! Well la-tee-da! :lol:

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