USMB Coffee Shop IV

We call it "the grapevine" or "the grade" and got pummeled with mud. Malibu will slide into the ocean if it hits there. Nothing BUT mud slides. But where I am? A few tiny sprinkles. Not even enough to water my plants well enough. It's missing us. :(

Meanwhile....the radiator is in my van. It was a bitch to get in, too. I was cussing a blue streak something fierce. Mr G was holding it steady and since my hands are smaller than his, I finally got all the holes lined up and ratcheted everything in place but I am sure paying for it now. PAIN. Finger joints, especially my wrist cuz it was all bent cockeyed and ratcheting at the same time. DAYUM...remind me never to do that again!

But...Goldie is ready to go puttin' again. Just not today. I'm too pooped and sore and I popped half a vicodin just to take the edge off.
Tough day tomorrow, can use positive thoughts. It is very high stakes and involves court. More late tomorrow.
Positive thoughts and best wishes coming your way!

We were able to have a judge terminate Harper's dad's rights today. This paves the way for her stepdad to adopt!
That's wonderful, Liberty! My daughter has been trying to get the older granddaughter's sperm donor's parental rights terminated for years so that the child's real father can adopt. She had to threaten him with back child support to get the slime to sign the paperwork allowing the girl to be taken overseas. Puke wad certainly does not want to pay all the back support he owes, not to mention his wife would probably castrate him...oh, wait...
We call it "the grapevine" or "the grade" and got pummeled with mud. Malibu will slide into the ocean if it hits there. Nothing BUT mud slides. But where I am? A few tiny sprinkles. Not even enough to water my plants well enough. It's missing us. :(

Meanwhile....the radiator is in my van. It was a bitch to get in, too. I was cussing a blue streak something fierce. Mr G was holding it steady and since my hands are smaller than his, I finally got all the holes lined up and ratcheted everything in place but I am sure paying for it now. PAIN. Finger joints, especially my wrist cuz it was all bent cockeyed and ratcheting at the same time. DAYUM...remind me never to do that again!

But...Goldie is ready to go puttin' again. Just not today. I'm too pooped and sore and I popped half a vicodin just to take the edge off.
I would gladly send you some rain, Gracie. Right now, I'm praying for freeze-up because it's so wet and muddy, the poor goats are stressing out in almost belly-deep muck.
Still above freezing here, and it's mid-October!:shock: While I personally don't mind the warmer weather, it's raining instead of snowing and nothing has even begun to freeze. It's messy as all get-out!
Well, I've finished all but one piece of writing required for the professorship at the Uni. I have to write my "Teaching Philosophy" It's pretty simple, I give the students all I can, they get the grades they earn. Of course, I think they will be looking for something more ..."developed"...I should be able to complete the application and have all the attachments posted by tomorrow morning. I'm not sure I want to change jobs, it's really stressful for me. I'll be moving to 5 day weeks, day work, and will have a two-hour commute once I've moved to my place in Willow next summer.
Congratulations, ChrisL on your promotion. And Save, too! It's important for the family to be able to have this closure and inclusion.
Still above freezing here, and it's mid-October!:shock: While I personally don't mind the warmer weather, it's raining instead of snowing and nothing has even begun to freeze. It's messy as all get-out!
Well, I've finished all but one piece of writing required for the professorship at the Uni. I have to write my "Teaching Philosophy" It's pretty simple, I give the students all I can, they get the grades they earn. Of course, I think they will be looking for something more ..."developed"...I should be able to complete the application and have all the attachments posted by tomorrow morning. I'm not sure I want to change jobs, it's really stressful for me. I'll be moving to 5 day weeks, day work, and will have a two-hour commute once I've moved to my place in Willow next summer.
Congratulations, ChrisL on your promotion. And Save, too! It's important for the family to be able to have this closure and inclusion.

Thanks! :) It's not a promotion but a second job on a per diem basis, but I am hopeful that it will turn into a full time position, or I can obtain another position in the hospital after I've put in some time.
Still above freezing here, and it's mid-October!:shock: While I personally don't mind the warmer weather, it's raining instead of snowing and nothing has even begun to freeze. It's messy as all get-out!
Well, I've finished all but one piece of writing required for the professorship at the Uni. I have to write my "Teaching Philosophy" It's pretty simple, I give the students all I can, they get the grades they earn. Of course, I think they will be looking for something more ..."developed"...I should be able to complete the application and have all the attachments posted by tomorrow morning. I'm not sure I want to change jobs, it's really stressful for me. I'll be moving to 5 day weeks, day work, and will have a two-hour commute once I've moved to my place in Willow next summer.
Congratulations, ChrisL on your promotion. And Save, too! It's important for the family to be able to have this closure and inclusion.

Thanks! :) It's not a promotion but a second job on a per diem basis, but I am hopeful that it will turn into a full time position, or I can obtain another position in the hospital after I've put in some time.
Good luck, just the same. Facing a job change of my own, I emphasize with the changes you must be going through.
Still above freezing here, and it's mid-October!:shock: While I personally don't mind the warmer weather, it's raining instead of snowing and nothing has even begun to freeze. It's messy as all get-out!
Well, I've finished all but one piece of writing required for the professorship at the Uni. I have to write my "Teaching Philosophy" It's pretty simple, I give the students all I can, they get the grades they earn. Of course, I think they will be looking for something more ..."developed"...I should be able to complete the application and have all the attachments posted by tomorrow morning. I'm not sure I want to change jobs, it's really stressful for me. I'll be moving to 5 day weeks, day work, and will have a two-hour commute once I've moved to my place in Willow next summer.
Congratulations, ChrisL on your promotion. And Save, too! It's important for the family to be able to have this closure and inclusion.

Thanks! :) It's not a promotion but a second job on a per diem basis, but I am hopeful that it will turn into a full time position, or I can obtain another position in the hospital after I've put in some time.
Good luck, just the same. Facing a job change of my own, I emphasize with the changes you must be going through.

Well, I'm actually very excited. Lol. I'm ready for a change. :)
Ugh. I'm picking out Christmas gifts right now, and as usual, I just can't decide. Part of my problem is that I have a specific budget which leads me to search for the best possible deals all day. :p
Still above freezing here, and it's mid-October!:shock: While I personally don't mind the warmer weather, it's raining instead of snowing and nothing has even begun to freeze. It's messy as all get-out!
Well, I've finished all but one piece of writing required for the professorship at the Uni. I have to write my "Teaching Philosophy" It's pretty simple, I give the students all I can, they get the grades they earn. Of course, I think they will be looking for something more ..."developed"...I should be able to complete the application and have all the attachments posted by tomorrow morning. I'm not sure I want to change jobs, it's really stressful for me. I'll be moving to 5 day weeks, day work, and will have a two-hour commute once I've moved to my place in Willow next summer.
Congratulations, ChrisL on your promotion. And Save, too! It's important for the family to be able to have this closure and inclusion.

Thanks! :) It's not a promotion but a second job on a per diem basis, but I am hopeful that it will turn into a full time position, or I can obtain another position in the hospital after I've put in some time.
Good luck, just the same. Facing a job change of my own, I emphasize with the changes you must be going through.

The only reason why I'm keeping my "main" job is because this job is only an "on-call" type of job. However, there is a very good possibility that it could turn into a full time position, and then I could quit my current job, which I am just sick and tired of, you know? :)
The cold front hit here with really fierce winds--some 60+ mph gusts--just before midnight last night as predicted. And I slept better in a cool bedroom last night for the first time in several nights. Nice and cool here this morning and the wind is pretty much gone. Enjoying that a lot. Possible showers today they say and it is overcast, but nothing close showing up on the radar. So I'll believe that when I see it.

I haven't checked up on some of the posts a few pages back. How did you make out with driving with your shoulder issue? Was it okay?

No, not really, I managed to get to Walgreens to pick up a prescription and to the MVD and renewed my license, but it was pretty painful and my left arm just doesn't have the mobility yet for me to do that really safely. I called my aunt and fessed up that I didn't feel really safe driving her the longer distance in heavier traffic to the doctor today. But she had a stand by driver. I'll get the injection in the shoulder a week from today and will start physical therapy five days after that and things should improve rapidly. By this time next month I hope to be pretty well well.
Ugh. I'm picking out Christmas gifts right now, and as usual, I just can't decide. Part of my problem is that I have a specific budget which leads me to search for the best possible deals all day. :p
I have a few things already set aside and will probably buy for the locals before Thanksgiving. As loathsome as I find sending gift cards, the cost of sending packages is prohibitive, so my family gets cards with gift cards enclosed. I might send one small package, but I cannot afford more. I quit sending gifts a couple of years ago when it cost me double to send the Easter gifts as it cost to buy them. Screw that!
The cold front hit here with really fierce winds--some 60+ mph gusts--just before midnight last night as predicted. And I slept better in a cool bedroom last night for the first time in several nights. Nice and cool here this morning and the wind is pretty much gone. Enjoying that a lot. Possible showers today they say and it is overcast, but nothing close showing up on the radar. So I'll believe that when I see it.

I haven't checked up on some of the posts a few pages back. How did you make out with driving with your shoulder issue? Was it okay?

No, not really, I managed to get to Walgreens to pick up a prescription and to the MVD and renewed my license, but it was pretty painful and my left arm just doesn't have the mobility yet for me to do that really safely. I called my aunt and fessed up that I didn't feel really safe driving her the longer distance in heavier traffic to the doctor today. But she had a stand by driver. I'll get the injection in the shoulder a week from today and will start physical therapy five days after that and things should improve rapidly. By this time next month I hope to be pretty well well.

Oh, sorry to hear that. :( Hopefully you regain your strength and mobility with the physical therapy.
The cold front hit here with really fierce winds--some 60+ mph gusts--just before midnight last night as predicted. And I slept better in a cool bedroom last night for the first time in several nights. Nice and cool here this morning and the wind is pretty much gone. Enjoying that a lot. Possible showers today they say and it is overcast, but nothing close showing up on the radar. So I'll believe that when I see it.

I haven't checked up on some of the posts a few pages back. How did you make out with driving with your shoulder issue? Was it okay?

No, not really, I managed to get to Walgreens to pick up a prescription and to the MVD and renewed my license, but it was pretty painful and my left arm just doesn't have the mobility yet for me to do that really safely. I called my aunt and fessed up that I didn't feel really safe driving her the longer distance in heavier traffic to the doctor today. But she had a stand by driver. I'll get the injection in the shoulder a week from today and will start physical therapy five days after that and things should improve rapidly. By this time next month I hope to be pretty well well.
Sorry to read about your pain, but be patient with yourself. None of us heal as quickly or as well as we did so many years ago.
Tough day tomorrow, can use positive thoughts. It is very high stakes and involves court. More late tomorrow.
Positive thoughts and best wishes coming your way!

We were able to have a judge terminate Harper's dad's rights today. This paves the way for her stepdad to adopt!
That's wonderful, Liberty! My daughter has been trying to get the older granddaughter's sperm donor's parental rights terminated for years so that the child's real father can adopt. She had to threaten him with back child support to get the slime to sign the paperwork allowing the girl to be taken overseas. Puke wad certainly does not want to pay all the back support he owes, not to mention his wife would probably castrate him...oh, wait...

Different, but similar at the same time GW. Today he shows up sans lawyer and starts his parental rights hearing by asking for a paternity test to determine if Harper is actually his. Didn't impress the judge in a positive way in the least. After twenty minutes of questioning the judge was done and granted the termination. My daughter's attorney must have filed a great brief, because none of us had to say a word. Either that or the defendant just made it very obvious.

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