USMB Coffee Shop IV


The only reason why I'm keeping my "main" job is because this job is only an "on-call" type of job. However, there is a very good possibility that it could turn into a full time position, and then I could quit my current job, which I am just sick and tired of, you know? :)

Happy for you Chris! You are being prudent and my guess is you will get a full hire out of it soon.
I had a shoulder injury for two years and finally it subsided. I am younger and a super hero, so give yourself a break Foxfyre. ;)
I kept having this image of my daughter having to take Harper to a supervised visitation with a person she doesn't know for two hours a visit. Wondering what the dear child would think about why we were doing this. So grateful we will not know.
My daughter has agonized over how, when, where, or why to address the issue with the older gd. My daughter's husband is the only father this girl has ever known, or ever needs to know. The sperm donor was an abusive asshole. Lots more to the story, but that belongs to my daughter. If I had known then what I learned later, the young man would never have had the opportunity to marry and have other children.
Well, my birthday/Christmas shopping is done. I had $230 to spend and ended up spending $230.10. I'm pretty good at getting just about to the exact number I set myself when I make online purchases. :p

I got the Christmas gifts I wanted for this year, including some stuff for the little one I hope she will not get tired of right away. I got a little badminton set, just a cheap thing to put in the backyard, but she and I can both get exercise playing it. I also got her a big box of Legos. I used to play with Legos a bunch as a child and they will engage her mind more than premade toys, hopefully.

I also ordered Win7. I'll probably dual-boot the new PC, using Windows for games and Linux for everything else. I think I'll go ahead and get the Win10 upgrade, but if I can put an ISO on disk or flash drive for later, I may just go back to 7. I don't like Microsoft looking at the contents of my PC. :mad:
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we're still keeping vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Spoonie, Ringel, 007, Hombre, Sheila, Alan, & GW's sore backs,
Sherry’s Mom,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Noomi’s Auntie Marj,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mrs. BBD's knee,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie and Colonel,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Ringel for wellness, rest, healing, and extra strength,
Nosmo's mom,
Ringel's Jasper,
Pogo's brother,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,
And all others we love and hold in concern with a special RIP for Bert.

And the light is left on for Freedombecki, Againsheila, Alan1 and all the others who we miss and hope to return.


P.S. Sometimes in the editing of the vigil list or when I have switched computers, somebody gets dropped that is supposed to be on it. This will always be inadvertent and if ya'll would call it to my attention, it would be much appreciated.
Ugh. I'm picking out Christmas gifts right now, and as usual, I just can't decide. Part of my problem is that I have a specific budget which leads me to search for the best possible deals all day. :p
I have a few things already set aside and will probably buy for the locals before Thanksgiving. As loathsome as I find sending gift cards, the cost of sending packages is prohibitive, so my family gets cards with gift cards enclosed. I might send one small package, but I cannot afford more. I quit sending gifts a couple of years ago when it cost me double to send the Easter gifts as it cost to buy them. Screw that!

At this stage of life, Hombre and I and those we love have everything we need and most of what we want and buying gifts for special occasions is pretty much a semi-stressful obligation of buying 'stuff' that nobody needs or particularly wants. So those gift certificates are the way to ensure that you can give a gift that will result in the person being able to get themselves something they really like and can use. I love getting them. And am more and more less reluctant to give them.
At this stage of life, Hombre and I and those we love have everything we need and most of what we want and buying gifts for special occasions is pretty much a semi-stressful obligation of buying 'stuff' that nobody needs or particularly wants. So those gift certificates are the way to ensure that you can give a gift that will result in the person being able to get themselves something they really like and can use. I love getting them. And am more and more less reluctant to give them.

I use Dad Visas on occasion. Better known as cash...
My daughter has agonized over how, when, where, or why to address the issue with the older gd. My daughter's husband is the only father this girl has ever known, or ever needs to know. The sperm donor was an abusive asshole. Lots more to the story, but that belongs to my daughter. If I had known then what I learned later, the young man would never have had the opportunity to marry and have other children.

Left out breathing, I'm sure it was just an oversight.
Anybody know where this house is? Hombre and I visited a similar underground house in the Scottsdale area years ago, but I don't think that was this one. Plus that terrain doesn't look at all like Scottsdale. :)

Anybody know where this house is? Hombre and I visited a similar underground house in the Scottsdale area years ago, but I don't think that was this one. Plus that terrain doesn't look at all like Scottsdale. :)


That is Villa Vals in Switzerland.

It's in this list of unusual, hobbit-like homes. Real-life Houses That Look Like They Belong in the Shire

It has its own website. Villa Vals

You can also see it described here. Villa Vals | Subterranean Luxury in Switzerland
Anybody know where this house is? Hombre and I visited a similar underground house in the Scottsdale area years ago, but I don't think that was this one. Plus that terrain doesn't look at all like Scottsdale. :)


That is Villa Vals in Switzerland.

It's in this list of unusual, hobbit-like homes. Real-life Houses That Look Like They Belong in the Shire

It has its own website. Villa Vals

You can also see it described here. Villa Vals | Subterranean Luxury in Switzerland

Beat me to it. It's listed along with a bunch of others on this page: Earth Ships

I had no idea -- was going to say "Photoshop" at first. :)
I have a Firefox extension that lets me right-click and choose "search image on Google" that returns a list of where the picture appears. Then you just choose the one that rings true.
Well, my birthday/Christmas shopping is done. I had $230 to spend and ended up spending $230.10. I'm pretty good at getting just about to the exact number I set myself when I make online purchases. :p

I got the Christmas gifts I wanted for this year, including some stuff for the little one I hope she will not get tired of right away. I got a little badminton set, just a cheap thing to put in the backyard, but she and I can both get exercise playing it. I also got her a big box of Legos. I used to play with Legos a bunch as a child and they will engage her mind more than premade toys, hopefully.

I also ordered Win7. I'll probably dual-boot the new PC, using Windows for games and Linux for everything else. I think I'll go ahead and get the Win10 upgrade, but if I can put an ISO on disk or flash drive for later, I may just go back to 7. I don't like Microsoft looking at the contents of my PC. :mad:
Have you ever considered making gifts? There's a lot of satisfaction in making your own things and they are often far less expensive than store-bought.

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