USMB Coffee Shop IV

Morning Noomi !

You have a great Monday. :)

That I shall. After I go to work this afternoon for a whopping three hour shift. Lots of petrol to waste on that, lol.

How's your day been?

Long and very Hot - 102 degrees or 38.9 Celsius.
Is your mouth healing well?
What time is it there?
It's 5:30 p.m. my time.

About 12 degrees celsius here, middle of winter!
Mouth is healing well. :)

And its 1.30am. :)
That I shall. After I go to work this afternoon for a whopping three hour shift. Lots of petrol to waste on that, lol.

How's your day been?

Long and very Hot - 102 degrees or 38.9 Celsius.
Is your mouth healing well?
What time is it there?
It's 5:30 p.m. my time.

About 12 degrees celsius here, middle of winter!
Mouth is healing well. :)

And its 1.30am. :)

You are up really early :D

Yes I heard that Perth got really, really cold.
Oh wait hang on I typed it wrong. Its 10.30am lol.

That's OK. We all do typo's.

Yes, we is. Or they is.
Oh how I hate our stupid dog. Little rat is something like 8 months old now, and has actually been doing worse about doing his business outside recently. It used to be that he really only pooped in the house, now he's peeing around the house as well. I take the little bastard outside every hour to hour and a half, and still, he goes in the house. Now he and the cat have picked up fleas. I've bathed them probably 5 times in the past week, they each got a new flea collar, and each has been treated with Frontline. I keep vacuuming the house, doing laundry, and still, more fleas. It's bad enough with the cat, who I like. With the dog, who I would like to never see again, it's extremely annoying.

Dogs suck! :evil:

BBD excluded, of course. :D
Oh how I hate our stupid dog. Little rat is something like 8 months old now, and has actually been doing worse about doing his business outside recently. It used to be that he really only pooped in the house, now he's peeing around the house as well. I take the little bastard outside every hour to hour and a half, and still, he goes in the house. Now he and the cat have picked up fleas. I've bathed them probably 5 times in the past week, they each got a new flea collar, and each has been treated with Frontline. I keep vacuuming the house, doing laundry, and still, more fleas. It's bad enough with the cat, who I like. With the dog, who I would like to never see again, it's extremely annoying.

Dogs suck! :evil:

BBD excluded, of course. :D

Yanno -- you may have to just bomb if they're established in the house somewhere.
Don't put it off.

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