USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good morning, Coffee Shop crew. Had my coffee, have showered, shaved and got my church clothes on... Beautiful day here. Will be heading out for church soon. Then will most likely take Mrs. BBD out to breakfast.

I love your life, as I perceive it, BBD. It is a way of life, that has been fading fast. :eusa_boohoo:

I shudder to think what I would have become if it hadn't of been for Mrs. BBD. According to her, I am a "rescued husband". She said before we married my wardrobe was that of an assortment of clown suits. She said I had no purpose in life except for hunting and fishing. She said that I needed to own more dishes than a complete set of four service settings. She said that there was no need for me to know every waitress in the diners in town. She said that the proper thing to do is to balance your check book monthly - not semi-annually like I was used to doing. She forced me into shaving every day. Thanks to her, I have become an outstanding member of the community. Although babies still cry when they get close to me at least the young children no longer run away. I owe it all to Mrs. BBD. However, I must say that if she dies tomorrow, I will go back to only shaving once or twice a week.
Good morning everybody. Like BBD we're both showered, shampooed, and at least I am dressed for church--Hombre will be shortly--and ready for church. We'll probably attend a different one than the BBD's though. :) And then to brunch with friend Dana. Usually Aunt Betty goes with us too but she had house guests arriving last night so she planned to be with them this morning.

On the gout issue, yes, the few days of steroid treatment can knock down a bad gout attack, but we all know steroids have some of the world's worst side effects so they should be taken extremely sparingly. And each gout attack does do some permanent damage to the joints and can eventually damage kidneys and cause kidney stones. For those with recurring gout attacks--Hombre is a good example--there is a 60-yr-old drug call Allopurinol that keeps gout from occurring in almost all who take it. Zero side effects for most people despite the 'you're gonna die if you take this drug' list they require all pharmaceuticals to post these days. Prescription only but it's cheap. One little bitty pill a day takes care of it.

Thinking about Noomi's winter and comparing it with our mid to high 90's that are common for us this time of year--that would be about 35 celsius for you Noomi- and thinking I'm not ready for winter again just yet.

Okay, one more cup of coffee and then off to church with us. . .

I agree with you about the gout prevention drugs. Ever since I started those I haven't had another attack. Apparently it is so cheap because it is just an extract from grape skins or something similar. Whatever it is it works and that is one medication I will take gladly considering the alternative and it's treatment.

Today has turned out strange. It was clear and sunny and headed for 83. Now it is 75, heavily overcast and actually cool! :dunno: Going to take it easy today and have a little me time recharging and catching up on my reading.

Sunday smiles! :)
Good morning everybody. Like BBD we're both showered, shampooed, and at least I am dressed for church--Hombre will be shortly--and ready for church. We'll probably attend a different one than the BBD's though. :) And then to brunch with friend Dana. Usually Aunt Betty goes with us too but she had house guests arriving last night so she planned to be with them this morning.

On the gout issue, yes, the few days of steroid treatment can knock down a bad gout attack, but we all know steroids have some of the world's worst side effects so they should be taken extremely sparingly. And each gout attack does do some permanent damage to the joints and can eventually damage kidneys and cause kidney stones. For those with recurring gout attacks--Hombre is a good example--there is a 60-yr-old drug call Allopurinol that keeps gout from occurring in almost all who take it. Zero side effects for most people despite the 'you're gonna die if you take this drug' list they require all pharmaceuticals to post these days. Prescription only but it's cheap. One little bitty pill a day takes care of it.

Thinking about Noomi's winter and comparing it with our mid to high 90's that are common for us this time of year--that would be about 35 celsius for you Noomi- and thinking I'm not ready for winter again just yet.

Okay, one more cup of coffee and then off to church with us. . .

I agree with you about the gout prevention drugs. Ever since I started those I haven't had another attack. Apparently it is so cheap because it is just an extract from grape skins or something similar. Whatever it is it works and that is one medication I will take gladly considering the alternative and it's treatment.

Today has turned out strange. It was clear and sunny and headed for 83. Now it is 75, heavily overcast and actually cool! :dunno: Going to take it easy today and have a little me time recharging and catching up on my reading.

Sunday smiles! :)

Good plan, good plan, good man, good man!
Just wondering... Does anybody know where rabbits go when they go on vacation?


Rabbit Hole Wyoming?

Hare-issonburg Virginia?

Decisions, decisions...

Warrenting DC via O'Hare airport?

They all go to the moon. :D

In Japanese tradition, rabbits live on the Moon where they make mochi, the popular snack of mashed sticky rice.

In my case I think they all travel to my front and backyard where they dig holes. :lol:
Cotton tails in the Front.
Jacks in the back.

Rabbit Hole Wyoming?

Hare-issonburg Virginia?

Decisions, decisions...

Warrenting DC via O'Hare airport?

They all go to the moon. :D

In Japanese tradition, rabbits live on the Moon where they make mochi, the popular snack of mashed sticky rice.

In my case I think they all travel to my front and backyard where they dig holes. :lol:
Cotton tails in the Front.
Jacks in the back.

Not all of them -- I got some here. But I'll send 'em your way Peach. :eusa_angel:

Some people don't believe me but I can hear animals talk. One day I heard one talking out the window -- sitting there in front of my budding garden plot was a rabbit, just taking it all in, musing "gee, it all looks so good, I don't know where to start!"

I went out and walked up behind him and asked, "can I help you?"

Rabbit says, "yeah, I just don't know where to start -- do you have a special today? What do you recommend?"

"I recommend you get your bunny buns out of here!" and chased him up the hill into the woods.

A day or so later I hear a clumping sound outside. Look out the window and there's a horse, in the same spot the rabbit had been, mumbling "Gee it all looks so good I don't know where to start..."

I stuck my head out the door and snapped "Hey!"
The horse put his head down, turned red and walked toward the driveway to graze on weeds over that way.

It's good to communicate with the animals. I can't sit up all night waiting for deer like Ernie does though.





Recipe for double-rabbit stew...... looking, looking...

Ok, [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION] and [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], run with the Hare cross-court!!
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Rabbit Hole Wyoming?

Hare-issonburg Virginia?

Decisions, decisions...

Warrenting DC via O'Hare airport?

They all go to the moon. :D

In Japanese tradition, rabbits live on the Moon where they make mochi, the popular snack of mashed sticky rice.

In my case I think they all travel to my front and backyard where they dig holes. :lol:
Cotton tails in the Front.
Jacks in the back.

We have wild hares around here. The babies are cute and watching them play in the Spring is fun. We had one who insisted upon having breakfast under the glass table on the patio. I guess he liked the idea of a sun roof! :D The population is kept in check by the birds of prey and probably the foxes too.
Warrenting DC via O'Hare airport?

They all go to the moon. :D

In Japanese tradition, rabbits live on the Moon where they make mochi, the popular snack of mashed sticky rice.

In my case I think they all travel to my front and backyard where they dig holes. :lol:
Cotton tails in the Front.
Jacks in the back.

We have wild hares around here. The babies are cute and watching them play in the Spring is fun. We had one who insisted upon having breakfast under the glass table on the patio. I guess he liked the idea of a sun roof! :D The population is kept in check by the birds of prey and probably the foxes too.

Be sure to guard your backside.:eusa_whistle:





Recipe for double-rabbit stew...... looking, looking...

Ok, [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION] and [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION], run with the Hare cross-court!!

So that's what people are seeing when they spot Bigfoot prints in the woods.

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