USMB Coffee Shop IV

Here you go, Noomi:

Good morning. Got two thirds of a pot of coffee down, might need another.....
Brought the wife home (to my dad's place) yesterday so she could get some real rest, at least here I won't wake her up every hour or two to take vitals. The cats are happy she's home and won't leave her alone.......
Have lot's of cleaning to do here before the family starts arriving tomorrow for my parent's funeral and, while we don't need it just this minute, have to de-winterize the swamp cooler. My dad had installed A/C with a heat pump but it turns the basement into an icebox while barely cooling the upstairs so it hasn't been used since the first time he turned it on last year. Well, got to get busy. :thup:
Good morning everybody. Enjoying coffee, waiting for the Naproxen to kick in and then need to wash area rugs, furniture throws and generally clear out the clutter in the great room in advance of the carpet cleaners due to arrive later this morning. Then a week from today we are having a cleaning service in to clean the house top to bottom, inside out. As much as Hombre and I hate to admit it, we just can't do the heavy housework any more. Or maybe we just don't want to. :) Anyhow it will be good to get it done.

Hope everybody is having a good Monday and kicking off a good week. Weather is toasty and windless here but not unbearably hot and quite pleasant. Still waiting for the monsoon to arrive within the next few weeks though.

Okay. . . onward. . . .MUSH!!! (Or whatever would be appropriate there. . . .)
Anybody else notice how the days are getting shorter?

Other than High Autumn, when the leaves are at their peak color and the air has a bit of a nip in it, these days of the year are my favorite. Soft summer evenings that begin around 9:15 or so when the first of the fire flies (lightening bugs as they are known in these parts) start to shimmer on lawns and delight little kids, festivals with forbidden carnival food, ripe Bing cherries and the earliest sweet corn are at the farmer's markets, and the aroma of suntan oil, rival only to the smell of a new car fills the nostrils.

The downside to Summer is gasoline. It fuels lawn mowers and blatting motorcycles and other devices making an unwanted din disturbing a nap on the hammock. Mosquitoes buzzing in your ears and tormenting those to whom they have a special attraction. The sticky night air that makes you sweat rather than sleep in bed. These are the things that slightly reduce summer fun.

I learned today that the June full moon is called the Mead Moon. There is a saint protecting bee keepers and this time of year the hives are full of honey. Honey was fermented to produce mead. That's where the term 'honeymoon' comes from. The June bride and grooms are out celebrating the Mead Moon without even knowing about it.
Good Afternoon Everybody!
Been busy this morning!

Since I missed Monday Morning grins I have chosen-
This Afternoons short film entertainment :)

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I've been busy buying groceries this morning. I hate that chore. We only go once a month or maybe once every 6 weeks, but it seems to come around way to fast. We make the 30 mile trek to the Base commissary and buy all the cleaning supplies, and frozen goods, (few I like to buy them right before I'm going to use them). The rest of the time we use the neighborhood grocery store for whatever we're out of.

I use coupons too, a chore to cut and sort....but I usually save about $30 to $40 bucks. Seems like the coupons I use the most are getting rarer and rarer....newspaper full of coupons for hair color, bug sprays and other stuff that I don't need much of. Today I only saved $25 because the Commissary doesn't carry all the "new" brands coming out....

Anyway, I needed to get stuff for the 4th of July....having family over, going to need a lot of food, sodas, toilet paper....argh............
Mondays, Bloody Mondays!

There I was thinking all was going way too smoothly and then the "fire drill" started! Been waiting to hear from another dept when they are going to do a deployment and suddenly via the grapevine I hear that they are doing it on Wednesday! :eek: When were they going to notify us? After everything came crashing down because without co-ordination everything breaks?

Needless to say it was some genius in the executive suite making an arbitrary decision without consulting anyone. So I activate the fire drill protocol so as to avoid the problem and then as I am leaving I hear that he has changed his mind! WTF?

I need something stronger than a coffee! :badgrin:
Mondays, Bloody Mondays!

There I was thinking all was going way too smoothly and then the "fire drill" started! Been waiting to hear from another dept when they are going to do a deployment and suddenly via the grapevine I hear that they are doing it on Wednesday! :eek: When were they going to notify us? After everything came crashing down because without co-ordination everything breaks?

Needless to say it was some genius in the executive suite making an arbitrary decision without consulting anyone. So I activate the fire drill protocol so as to avoid the problem and then as I am leaving I hear that he has changed his mind! WTF?

I need something stronger than a coffee! :badgrin:

How about a Margarita?

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