USMB Coffee Shop IV

Ahhh.... 82 degrees...nice breeze...relaxing on the back patio...sippin my own hoppy wheat's good to be alive.

It is indeed. Though it's 11 pm and I'm in my office sipping my nighttime melatonin thingee in advance of going to bed. A cricket is chirping outside the window and my office looks like a gigantic recycling bin exploded in the middle of it. Digging out desks, boxes of old papers, storage cabinets, all. It has turned out to be the biggest job of our get rid of all unnecessary stuff project.

I am entering into that stage....downsizing.
Daughter 26...will be married next year, Son 21 finishing last year of college.
We don't need this big house anymore...I am ready for a much smaller house in a location I want to be.
We decided to downsize also.


Much smaller than the last place.......... :thup:
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The best of todays pictures. The male Fox with two cubs. Unfortunately the female Fox appears to have deserted the lair, as I have not seen her for several days. I have also only seen five cubs since last Sunday when there were seven. I feel like a worried father myself.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Sixfoot's bad back,
Rod, GW's partner,
IamwhatIseem's bad hip,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, and all the others who we miss and hope to return

And Bon Voyage to Mr. and Mrs. Againsheila

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Thanks Foxy, as you can see, I'm so excited I can't sleep. Can hardly wait until we're under way. Talked to Gallentwarrior today and it's going to be a fun time in anchorage.
Holy crappoly! I hope I can deliver! Sheila is jazzed about her trip. I hope I can deliver.

Sheila like many of us hasn't had the easiest time of it. I'm thrilled for her and hope her trip is all she hoped for. And I bet she will enjoy meeting GW and will appreciate him as tour guide just fine.
Just checking in. We're in Juneau. Have already spent too much money, but I'm having a ball. My best friend showed up on this cruise, I didn't even know she could keep a secret. We've been planning this trip for almost a year and she's been teasing me about it, saying she couldn't afford it. She drove us to the airport on Monday to catch the bus to the ship, the went home, picked up her husband and they drove to the boat. You should have seen my face when I saw them on the ship. Makes it even more special, and no, GW, you don't have to plan for them. :D We'll I'm paying an outrageous fee for this internet so I'll sign out now and talk to you all when we get back.
Sheila, if your friend and hubby want to ride along, they are most welcome. I'm not promising Disneyland, but just a bit of Alaska inland from where your cruise itinerary takes you. I do believe the pickup will accommodate all comfortably enough. I won't plan for extras, but if they want to tag along...well, we Alaskans are friendly enough.

Thanks, but then you have to add her in-laws. I think we'd be better off with a clown car.
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The best of todays pictures. The male Fox with two cubs. Unfortunately the female Fox appears to have deserted the lair, as I have not seen her for several days. I have also only seen five cubs since last Sunday when there were seven. I feel like a worried father myself.

I can see how you would worry. I don't know if the cubs are ready to fend for themselves. I wonder if Daddy is up to the task of teaching them to hunt? Perhaps if you have a local animal rescue group that takes in orphaned wild animals you could notify them?
Ahhh.... 82 degrees...nice breeze...relaxing on the back patio...sippin my own hoppy wheat's good to be alive.

It is indeed. Though it's 11 pm and I'm in my office sipping my nighttime melatonin thingee in advance of going to bed. A cricket is chirping outside the window and my office looks like a gigantic recycling bin exploded in the middle of it. Digging out desks, boxes of old papers, storage cabinets, all. It has turned out to be the biggest job of our get rid of all unnecessary stuff project.

I am entering into that stage....downsizing.
Daughter 26...will be married next year, Son 21 finishing last year of college.
We don't need this big house anymore...I am ready for a much smaller house in a location I want to be.

Don't downsize your house too much. You will be surprised how much you'll appreciate the room when the grandkids start coming.
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The best of todays pictures. The male Fox with two cubs. Unfortunately the female Fox appears to have deserted the lair, as I have not seen her for several days. I have also only seen five cubs since last Sunday when there were seven. I feel like a worried father myself.

I can see how you would worry. I don't know if the cubs are ready to fend for themselves. I wonder if Daddy is up to the task of teaching them to hunt? Perhaps if you have a local animal rescue group that takes in orphaned wild animals you could notify them?

The cubs seem healthy, they have come out twice today and run around climbing all over their father and pulling his tail. So there does not seem to be much wrong with the five I have seen. But I worry there are two missing.
I cannot say for certain that the mother is not feeding them at night when I am asleep. But the last time I saw her with them in daylight, a few days ago she was really rough with them, and held them down by the neck with her mouth.
I have not seen her since.

In fact, the last time I saw the female and male together they had a fight and I got this blurry picture of it.

I don't think I can clear this picture up any better, as I do not have photo shop on this computer. It may be possible to sharpen the image with photo shop, but that's as good as windows 10 photo processing will do it.

I think It is a mixture of the Foxes action being too fast for the shutter speed, and there is some camera shake too, because the grass is blurry as well.

Maybe someone on the forum can improve on the picture.
Good morning everybody. Would you believe we are STILL digging out our office? But with two huge sacks of recyclables already moved at least it is beginning to look presentable again. I still need to clean out my desk and we're working on two large storage cabinets and then I have 3 or 4 boxes of extraneous papers to go through and that part will be done. The only other two daunting areas to clean out will be our closed in 'catch all' back porch and then - shudder - the garage.
We're having the little one's birthday party today. It isn't her birthday, that's not for a few days, but her aunt and cousins are here visiting and her mother thought it would be better to do it today instead of during the week. There's an inflatable water slide, our smallish pool, and many, many children have been here throughout the day.

She didn't seem all that excited about my presents, but she didn't seem all that excited about any of them, really. :p
We're having the little one's birthday party today. It isn't her birthday, that's not for a few days, but her aunt and cousins are here visiting and her mother thought it would be better to do it today instead of during the week. There's an inflatable water slide, our smallish pool, and many, many children have been here throughout the day.

She didn't seem all that excited about my presents, but she didn't seem all that excited about any of them, really. :p
Hope she doesn't end up like me, I don't make a big deal out of holidays or birthdays, not even my own, there's no excitement for me, it's just another day. Heck most of the time I have to be reminded even when it's my birthday, the only reason I remembered it was my birthday is because the wife put it on the calendar. :dunno:

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