USMB Coffee Shop IV

How about a few nights at the outdoor grill? Or Domino's delivery? Anything to keep the gas off.
Believe it or not I hate cooking on a grill and fast food pizza sucks big time might go with oven baked and a few microwave dinners. There are a couple of really good mom and pop pizza joints but they don't deliver so I'd have to pick them up, couple of good Chinese places nearby also.

I have yet to find a pizza that I'm really impressed with. You can bake your own pizza in the oven though! It's easy if you buy a ready-made crust, like Boboli.
Has to be thin crust for the wife, wheat allergy. There is one chain we found that we both love called Extreme Pizza, unfortunately there's not one down here.

I have several friends and family members with wheat allergies. My niece swears by this wheat-free pizza crust recipe saying it is as close to regular pizza as you can get without using wheat. I have not made it and it looks like an awful lot of ingredients for a pizza crust, but whatever works. I have no idea where you get rice flour, tapioca flour, xanthan gum or agar powder/flakes though. Everything else are staples in my kitchen.


1⁄2 cup + 1 tbsp. brown rice flour
3⁄4 cup tapioca flour
1 3⁄4 tsp dry yeast (make sure it is gluten free)
2 tsp xanthan gum
1 tsp agar powder or flakes
pinch salt
1 tsp dried oregano (optional)
1 tsp olive oil
1 tsp vinegar
1⁄2 cup + 1 2⁄3 tbsp warm water
pizza sauce and toppings of choice

In a mixing bowl combine the rice flour, tapioca flour, yeast, xanthan gum, agar, salt, and optional oregano.

In a separate bowl mix the olive oil, vinegar, and warm water.

Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and add the wet mixture. Beat well for 5-6 minutes by hand, or for 3 minutes in a food mixer. The dough should be soft and slightly sticky.

Line a pizza pan or baking sheet with baking parchment, or lightly oil and rice flour. Put the dough on the baking sheet and using your hands knead the dough a few times until it is smooth. Using either your hands or a brown rice floured rolling pin, form the pizza dough into a smooth circular shape approximately 12 inches in diameter sprinkling with rice flour to stop it getting sticky as you work. Make the edges slightly thicker to retain the filling.

Bake the pizza crust for 10 minutes.

Add your store bought or homemade tomato sauce and toppings and bake another 20-25 minutes until crust is done.

Sounds good. I hate working with dough though! :D
I love working with dough, especially when it's mine. :thup:

A word of warning, when you put something in the oven to reheat it make sure you check what the oven temp is set on.......... Almost had crispy critters.......
Little history question for ya'll. How did a dollar become known as a buck? Hint: It dates back to the early 1800s.
Flour tortillas baked make a great pizza dough, too.

Meanwhile...I had to rearrange the back yard furniture further away from the small patio for the roomies to use. New guy seems to think its ok to climb up on the fence and peer over to chat with me when I am trying to just chill and be left alone. I am not amused at this behavior. So I told him the fence is there for a reason, the yard is my oasis and please do not do it any more. He apologized and said he wouldn't. I am not happy that he COULD again if he wanted to and I wouldn't know it if I wasn't looking and he is peeking. So I hung a bunch of sarongs on the umbrella, moved everything WAY back to the other side of the house as far as I could get it, and that seems to work. And I told MrG if he did it again, the gate is coming off and reinstalled against the patio room. He will lose access to the little patio for good. But if I can keep my cool for another 3 months, he will be gone. He is moving in September. And, this newest little stunt is something to put in their rental agreement. "NO CLIMBING ON THE FENCE. Looking over it is like walking in my private room!" and have them initial next to it on the contract.

Jeez. Why are people so damn oblivious to common courtesy?

I was wondering about your setup with taking in renters. Are you operating like a boarding house? Furnish meals? Laundry? Cleaning service etc? Or are they allowed to cook in their room?
They are renting a room. Period. Common areas we all share is kitchen, laundry room, den, front yard. Roomies have their own bathroom they share. This is all front of the house. BACK of the house is MINE and I have a door in the hallway so they are stopped from coming into the back portion of the house.
They do their own laundry. Their own cooking. Their own laundry. Do their own cleaning of their room and bathroom. They are not allowed to cook in their rooms since they have a full kitchen at their disposal. I clean the laundry room, kitchen, den, maintain the front yard. I do not touch their bathroom because I don't use it. That's their job. I also never ever enter their rooms. Unless I smell smoke or there is a flood from a pipe and they are not home.
The blossoms are falling from the rhododendrons. Last week they were full tilt, the size of water goblets and dazzling in pink and pale purple. There's one rhododendron at the water fountain at the park. Whenever I would pause there to get a drink, the bush sounded as if it was about to short circuit. The buzzing came from the big ol' bumblebees flitting from flower to flower. These bees have an abdomen the size of a thimble and perform due diligence pollenating the blossoms.

Azaleas have dropped all their petals too. In high Spring when all the bush is brilliant hues of red and pink and white, you could easily imagine them bursting into flame and hearing the voice of God as Moses did, or Charlton Heston as the rest of us did.

Mom's roses are making a spectacle of themselves this Spring. Each of the six tea rose bushes I gave her three Christmases ago have found a place in the front lawn of the Big House and are now showing off with scores of flowers each. Pasadena in the Rust Belt.

Daisy the Mutt, the Great White hunter, caught a chipmunk in the park last week. I looked behind me to see her frolicking around, front legs pouncing and then a chipmunk fly and flip into the air, much to her delight. I called her, which caused her head to snap toward me. That was enough of a distraction to allow the frightened chipmunk to beat a hasty retreat up a tree. I just had Daisy vacuum out my wallet to the tune of $280 on the Saturday before. Her veterinarian must have had a boat payment due and vaccinated my pooch as if she was about to immigrate to Indonesia. I didn't want a measly chipmunk to undo all those shots.

Sunday my brother and my sister-in-law are taking my six year old nephew to the Pirates game against the Anaheim Angels. That means their mutt, Teddy, will need some caretaking. Saturday night Teddy comes to Pimplebutt to vie for my attention with his 'cousin' Daisy. Sleeping arraignments have yet to be determined.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
TK, and TK's grandma,
Becki and Becki’s hubby,
Mrs. O and SFCOllie,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Gracie's fur friend Karma,
Mr. And Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Gracie's eye surgery and stop smoking project,
Sixfoot's bad back,
Rod, GW's partner,
IamwhatIseem's bad hip,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Mr. Kat and Kat's mom,
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, BBD, Spoonman, 007, BigBlackDog, and all the others who we miss and hope to return.

Also RIP Muhammad Ali and remember all people and critters in the floods in Texas and Louisiana.

Good morning CS! :bye1: I'm leaving tomorrow night for my vacation in Newport. I won't be back until Friday evening/night, but I will be bringing my laptop, so I might pop in but I'll probably be busy (I hope - lol). I'm really excited. I really need this vacation.
The Fox cubs are scampering around every night, and the mother is bringing them food, but not suckling.
She brought them a bird which I think was a magpie, and one fox cub snatched it and ran off into the bushes with it. So at least one of them had a good meal. Its a shame about the rest of them. I was also sorry for the bird as I used to like to see it flying around.
I met the neighbour in the street and spoke to him about them, and he said there are eight cubs, not seven.

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