USMB Coffee Shop IV

Kind of a lazy day today, didn't get up until almost 11 AM but didn't go to bed until 2:30. Temp got up to almost 90 until the t-storms rolled in and dropped it down to the mid 70s, feels good.
Cooking dinner right now, thick center cut pork chops. While shopping yesterday was looking at pork chops at $3.50 a pound then saw the large pork tenderloin for $2.50 a pound. Bought a 9.5 pound tenderloin and cut 12 thick chops and 2 loin roasts out of it. :thup:

I don't know why, but even though I'm sick and didn't have any need to be up, I only slept for about 7 hours last night. I was hoping to get at least 9, figuring sleep would help me fight off this cold or flu or whatever it is.
Well, hope ya get better soon, nothing like suffering through a bad case of the flu. Eeeeeehhhh, there is one other that's much worse, hope no one else ever has to deal with it and that's prostatitis, nasty little bugger.
Yippee ! The Fox cubs are out and about. So far today I have seen three running through my garden. Which means they are going further afield to forage for food. I got up at four am and it was just getting light, now its nearly five O'clock. Fox watching is a tiring business.
We had an actual super cell hanging over us early evening tonight before it cut loose with some major wind driven pea size hail and a wonderful rain storm--short lived but we'll take what we can get.

And here is the aftermath. . . .the photo doesn't really do it justice. Good night darlinks. See everybody in the morning.

Moo-Moo does NOT want to share his bed with Gypsy Also. lol

I cut a kitty door into a fairly large plastic tote and placed a cat bed in it. Gypsy Also is currently sleeping in it while Moo-Moo pouts in the corner of the porch. He's the only one of my three toms that didn't slap her at first sight. The key is to give the older cats "positive attention" while petting them and the kitten at the same time (cats are jealous and will pay close attention to who's getting more scratches).

So, as Moo-Moo toils with the decision to purr over a good scratching or be pissy over the kitten (my cats cannot resist me, and they all let me scratch their bellies without slashing my hand to bits), Gypsy Also is given a chance to safely get closer to him. She's frightened and needs attention, and will see Moo-Moo as a leader by the end of the day.

His weakness will be food. The only thing Moo-Moo eats is what he can catch, so when Gypsy Also is eating wet food from a bowl, it will bring them closer on a volunteer basis.
This is strange. I just ordered some pool filters through WalMart's website. I checked my email no more than a couple of minutes after placing the order. I got two emails from WalMart. The first had a time stamp of 9:06 and said that my order has been cancelled. The second had a time stamp of 9:07 and thanked me for my order. Did they cancel the order before they processed the order? :dunno:

Without knowing anything about your pool, I must say that ever since I bought the Intex sand filter/pump, life has been a LOT easier with pool maintenance! Sand is good for up to 5 years; paper filters lasted a week, tops.
This is strange. I just ordered some pool filters through WalMart's website. I checked my email no more than a couple of minutes after placing the order. I got two emails from WalMart. The first had a time stamp of 9:06 and said that my order has been cancelled. The second had a time stamp of 9:07 and thanked me for my order. Did they cancel the order before they processed the order? :dunno:

Without knowing anything about your pool, I must say that ever since I bought the Intex sand filter/pump, life has been a LOT easier with pool maintenance! Sand is good for up to 5 years; paper filters lasted a week, tops.

It's just a smallish above ground pool. This is the third year we've had it. I wouldn't count on it lasting for a fourth; we weren't sure it would still be good for this year, actually. It's not worth getting a new filter for, we'll just use the paper cartridges for the filter we have. :)
This is strange. I just ordered some pool filters through WalMart's website. I checked my email no more than a couple of minutes after placing the order. I got two emails from WalMart. The first had a time stamp of 9:06 and said that my order has been cancelled. The second had a time stamp of 9:07 and thanked me for my order. Did they cancel the order before they processed the order? :dunno:

Without knowing anything about your pool, I must say that ever since I bought the Intex sand filter/pump, life has been a LOT easier with pool maintenance! Sand is good for up to 5 years; paper filters lasted a week, tops.

It's just a smallish above ground pool. This is the third year we've had it. I wouldn't count on it lasting for a fourth; we weren't sure it would still be good for this year, actually. It's not worth getting a new filter for, we'll just use the paper cartridges for the filter we have. :)

We must've got our pools around the same time. lol

When we were cleaning it out, I commented that this may be the last year for this liner.
Good morning all. Our little doxie guest went home for awhile last night and I way overslept this morning. It was wonderful!! But I hit the deck running when I did get up. Several things to take care of.

Now need to hit the shower and get prettied up for our passport photos later--no we're not going anywhere in particular but they are due for renewal and. Geez that has gotten expensive to do. But you never know when you might want to leave the country on shorter notice than the process takes.

And we need to go vote. Plus our regular 42 game is this afternoon.

Busy busy.
Waiting for the appliance guy to show up, the wife has been complaining about smelling natural gas for a couple of days now and claimed it was strong this morning. Seems to be a slow leak in the gas cooktop so notified the management company that we were calling the appliance people and then called, they'll be here soon.
Waiting for the appliance guy to show up, the wife has been complaining about smelling natural gas for a couple of days now and claimed it was strong this morning. Seems to be a slow leak in the gas cooktop so notified the management company that we were calling the appliance people and then called, they'll be here soon.

You'll come home, fire up a stogie and wind up on the news!

How about calling the gas utility? They're Johnny on the spot when they hear about gas leaks.
Waiting for the appliance guy to show up, the wife has been complaining about smelling natural gas for a couple of days now and claimed it was strong this morning. Seems to be a slow leak in the gas cooktop so notified the management company that we were calling the appliance people and then called, they'll be here soon.

You'll come home, fire up a stogie and wind up on the news!

How about calling the gas utility? They're Johnny on the spot when they hear about gas leaks.
I knew it was the cooktop, old 36" Jenn-air. The tech just left and as I suspected one of the burner valves has a very slow leak plus he found a leak in one of the feed joints. The feed joint is fixed but he has to order the valve for the burner so in the mean time the gas is off to the cooktop.
I know about not messing with gas, don't like it in the house but it's not our house so I deal with it. As for lighting up a stogie I'm a cig smoker and hate stogies besides I do not smoke in the house, ever. The heater furnace has been summerized so no pilot lights lit and the ovens are electric,again no pilot lights.
The other good thing is it's been relatively cool the last few days so the windows have been wide open but this next week we're supposed to get up to the high 90s, possibly low 100s which means the house will be mostly shut up.
Good thing the wife is extremely sensitive to the smell of gas, it has to be strong before I can smell it. :thup:
I've a little time to kill here at work and it reminds me that, in my working life, I've had very little time to kill at work. I was once an Environmental Engineer chasing down leaking underground storage tanks, asbestos containing building materials, PCB leaking electrical transformers, lead based paint and a mysterious plume of naphthalene in a municipal water source.

Sure I made a lot more money. Sure I got to travel to exotic locales and experience local flavors. But I rarely spent a night in my own home and never had the chance to develop personal relationships that might serve me well today.

I've cast my shadow on the Roman Coliseum, got stopped by some nervous Czechoslovakian border guards, nearly got rolled in San Juan Puerto Rico and spit from the top of the Eiffel Tower. All in all, a pretty interesting life.

But I chucked it all when one of my colleagues got a telephone call in Philadelphia informing him of the death of his father. There he was, 325 miles away when his Pop passed away. I could not live with the notion that the same might happen to my family one day.

I was tired of making improvements to my home and never around to enjoy them. Once, after taking the Red Eye from an Army base in Germany back to Pittsburgh, I got home and collapsed on my sofa exhausted. I woke a few hours later and saw the lights were on. My first thought was 'This must be the Officer's Club.' not recognizing my own living room.

But things are different, if not a bit better now. I've had to adjust my budget downward and my expectations of adventure way downward, but I'm home every night. I miss the hotel services of clean sheets and towels every day, so I do laundry three times a week. I've never had to cook for myself, or even grocery shop. At first, I'd buy way too many groceries and end up tossing out produce and cheese and milk that I over bought.

There's just no manual instructing someone who lived out of a suitcase to adjust to a home centered life style.

Maybe I should write one, but I don't think there's a big market for it.
Waiting for the appliance guy to show up, the wife has been complaining about smelling natural gas for a couple of days now and claimed it was strong this morning. Seems to be a slow leak in the gas cooktop so notified the management company that we were calling the appliance people and then called, they'll be here soon.

You'll come home, fire up a stogie and wind up on the news!

How about calling the gas utility? They're Johnny on the spot when they hear about gas leaks.
I knew it was the cooktop, old 36" Jenn-air. The tech just left and as I suspected one of the burner valves has a very slow leak plus he found a leak in one of the feed joints. The feed joint is fixed but he has to order the valve for the burner so in the mean time the gas is off to the cooktop.
I know about not messing with gas, don't like it in the house but it's not our house so I deal with it. As for lighting up a stogie I'm a cig smoker and hate stogies besides I do not smoke in the house, ever. The heater furnace has been summerized so no pilot lights lit and the ovens are electric,again no pilot lights.
The other good thing is it's been relatively cool the last few days so the windows have been wide open but this next week we're supposed to get up to the high 90s, possibly low 100s which means the house will be mostly shut up.
Good thing the wife is extremely sensitive to the smell of gas, it has to be strong before I can smell it. :thup:
Natural gas-Lower explosive limit=9%. Upper explosive limit= 15%

Lower explosive limit (LEL) is the minimum concentration of natural gas in one atmosphere where an explosion can happen

UEL is the maximum.

Keep the gas above or below those concentrations and you can avoid an insurance claim.
Waiting for the appliance guy to show up, the wife has been complaining about smelling natural gas for a couple of days now and claimed it was strong this morning. Seems to be a slow leak in the gas cooktop so notified the management company that we were calling the appliance people and then called, they'll be here soon.

You'll come home, fire up a stogie and wind up on the news!

How about calling the gas utility? They're Johnny on the spot when they hear about gas leaks.
I knew it was the cooktop, old 36" Jenn-air. The tech just left and as I suspected one of the burner valves has a very slow leak plus he found a leak in one of the feed joints. The feed joint is fixed but he has to order the valve for the burner so in the mean time the gas is off to the cooktop.
I know about not messing with gas, don't like it in the house but it's not our house so I deal with it. As for lighting up a stogie I'm a cig smoker and hate stogies besides I do not smoke in the house, ever. The heater furnace has been summerized so no pilot lights lit and the ovens are electric,again no pilot lights.
The other good thing is it's been relatively cool the last few days so the windows have been wide open but this next week we're supposed to get up to the high 90s, possibly low 100s which means the house will be mostly shut up.
Good thing the wife is extremely sensitive to the smell of gas, it has to be strong before I can smell it. :thup:
Natural gas-Lower explosive limit=9%. Upper explosive limit= 15%

Lower explosive limit (LEL) is the minimum concentration of natural gas in one atmosphere where an explosion can happen

UEL is the maximum.

Keep the gas above or below those concentrations and you can avoid an insurance claim.
Until the replacement part is installed I'll turn the gas on and off when I use the cooktop.
Waiting for the appliance guy to show up, the wife has been complaining about smelling natural gas for a couple of days now and claimed it was strong this morning. Seems to be a slow leak in the gas cooktop so notified the management company that we were calling the appliance people and then called, they'll be here soon.

You'll come home, fire up a stogie and wind up on the news!

How about calling the gas utility? They're Johnny on the spot when they hear about gas leaks.
I knew it was the cooktop, old 36" Jenn-air. The tech just left and as I suspected one of the burner valves has a very slow leak plus he found a leak in one of the feed joints. The feed joint is fixed but he has to order the valve for the burner so in the mean time the gas is off to the cooktop.
I know about not messing with gas, don't like it in the house but it's not our house so I deal with it. As for lighting up a stogie I'm a cig smoker and hate stogies besides I do not smoke in the house, ever. The heater furnace has been summerized so no pilot lights lit and the ovens are electric,again no pilot lights.
The other good thing is it's been relatively cool the last few days so the windows have been wide open but this next week we're supposed to get up to the high 90s, possibly low 100s which means the house will be mostly shut up.
Good thing the wife is extremely sensitive to the smell of gas, it has to be strong before I can smell it. :thup:
Natural gas-Lower explosive limit=9%. Upper explosive limit= 15%

Lower explosive limit (LEL) is the minimum concentration of natural gas in one atmosphere where an explosion can happen

UEL is the maximum.

Keep the gas above or below those concentrations and you can avoid an insurance claim.
Until the replacement part is installed I'll turn the gas on and off when I use the cooktop.
How about a few nights at the outdoor grill? Or Domino's delivery? Anything to keep the gas off.
I was up at 6:30 again for another court date and for a second time, nothing got done. My attorney is the DA for the small town just east of here and had to handle an emergency commitment hearing here in Foley while I was cooling my heels in Bay Minette, 42 miles north of here. It seems that committing someone who thinks they are sane and rational and insists on representing themselves is a time consuming process.
Next date, 7/8
Got the late shift tonight, so I'll be up til 4 AM or so. Let's see... Yesterday morning, I was up about 9 AM. I opened up and stayed for poker til 10PM and came home, laid down and stared at the ceiling until 5 AM. If my brain is still working that works out to43 hours on 1.5 hours of sleep.
And you people wonder why I keep saying that 2 1/2 years ago I was retired but now I'm just tired.
So.... Tuesday night got interesting around 11 PM, 3 guys show up. They had never been to Doc's before as far as I know.
They were an odd trio. I judge they were 25, 35 and 50. Not guys that would normally be hitting the bars together. The youngest one was pretty much drunk when he got there and was nasty with my new bartender. She called him on it in a nice way and she told him that she was only the first person he'd have to deal with and suggested he not make her call the last.
We were all a bit spooked until the 2 older guys convinced him to go out and sit in the 35 year old's brand new Ford truck. 45 minutes later, one of my regulars was leaving. He came back in and reports that there are police cars in the parking lot.
Of course, I want to know what's going on. The sergeant tells me that they got a call for a welfare check for a drunk guy sitting in a vehicle outside of the bar. The caller added that the driver may be too drunk to drive as well. Officer asks me to get the driver.
35 year old walks outside and talks to the 3 officers. They run his name and hook him up for a warrant.
We eventually learn that the call came from the drunk 25 year old in the truck. He got bored and figured the police would be cheaper than a taxi.
While this is going on, the older guy hurried to the men's room for a very short visit. Once the police are gone, I check the bathroom for contraband. I didn't find anything and went back to being the boss.
We closed up at 2AM and did our normal clean up. We finished up a little after 3 and I shut off the lights and we headed for the door. Light coming from under the bathroom door caught my eye and I went over to shut it off. I see water on the floor and it STINKS. I try flushing and plunging the toilet and see the water coming through the floor drain.
I was eventually able to flush the older guy's drug stash through the system by plunging at the outside sewer clean out.
I'm thinking the young guy will not be joining his friends the next time they go bar hopping.

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