USMB Coffee Shop IV

The poor mans TV tray.
Sometimes USMB isn't much of a fun site. My lighter more fun threads don't get much attention either. Probably if you just post on threads you can stand to post on for awhile--some are too offensive for me--you'll become one of the bunch more. When people see your name and feel like they know you, it might go better. But I've been here forever and fun threads just don't get much attention if any. So don't take it that people don't like you. You just aren't mean enough for some. :)

Be like save...well maybe not.
Happy Saturday! I hope the day finds everyone well. I am in the middle of a board game tourney with friends. Not doing well, but I am not doing terrible either. Cheers!

I learned Catan over the holidays. Sort of like Monopoly.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Freedombecki and Becki’s hubby,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary.
Nosmo's mom,
Ernie's stop smoking project,
Sherry’s Mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
The Ringels in difficult transition,
Boedicca's Dad,
Foxfyre's friend Dana and Aunt Betty,
Etherion and his grandma,
Kat's sister,
Saveliberty for wellness,
Ringel's Gizmo and Boo and wellness for Ringel,
Ernie for wellness,
Gallant Warrior's chilly goats,
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days.
Grace for wellness and Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition who need a break big time right now.

All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Alan, Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Sixfoot, and all others who need to find their way back.

Sunset over Fort Worth
Just finished watching a WWII movie that actually left me in tears, Hacksaw Ridge.
It's about Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector who became an Army medic and during the bloodiest battle on Okinawa managed to win the Congressional Medal of Honor without ever firing a shot.
It's a brutally realistic movie but what he did was beyond heroic, it was miraculous.

That one is on my to-watch list. The previews look good and the subject is an interesting one.

Bonsoir, i like this forum but i find strange that some of my threat are not working well
Just finished watching a WWII movie that actually left me in tears, Hacksaw Ridge.
It's about Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector who became an Army medic and during the bloodiest battle on Okinawa managed to win the Congressional Medal of Honor without ever firing a shot.
It's a brutally realistic movie but what he did was beyond heroic, it was miraculous.

That one is on my to-watch list. The previews look good and the subject is an interesting one.

Hello, it's strange that the subjects I create do not interest the members ... I have presented nice little games and nobody play.

Sometimes USMB isn't much of a fun site. My lighter more fun threads don't get much attention either. Probably if you just post on threads you can stand to post on for awhile--some are too offensive for me--you'll become one of the bunch more. When people see your name and feel like they know you, it might go better. But I've been here forever and fun threads just don't get much attention if any. So don't take it that people don't like you. You just aren't mean enough for some. :)

Thank you for the reply, you know I had created a forum on the history of France and the members came to register but nobody or almost did post and in the long after a lot of work I threw in the towel and I Have come here because I want to practice my English and follow the American news and it is true I am not a mean person I have character while not being too shy.:)

I have always enjoyed French history featuring Louis XIV. What a remarkable monarch. Of course, his reign began rather obscurely because Anne of Austria and her (alleged) lover Cardinal Mazarin served as regent and counselor until Louis reached his majority.

I create before a thread about Louis X1V in the section History :)

Louis XIV, France's Sun King
Schindler's list was very good. I also enjoy many of the war movies... Saving private Ryan is one, full metal jacket, etc.
Some of the best one liners came out of that one, lol.

I will watch anything except chick flicks or movies about animals because the animal always dies. Tear jerker a. Blech. I also don't like slasher flicks. Scarey, yes, but not stupid scarey like Freddy and jason etc. I prefer historical, action, drama...Without the chicks.

Sent from my Z981 using mobile app
"The Thin Red Line" was another good, modern WWII movie.

Hmm.. It seems good variant for this weekend of home watching :)
Just finished watching a WWII movie that actually left me in tears, Hacksaw Ridge.
It's about Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector who became an Army medic and during the bloodiest battle on Okinawa managed to win the Congressional Medal of Honor without ever firing a shot.
It's a brutally realistic movie but what he did was beyond heroic, it was miraculous.

That one is on my to-watch list. The previews look good and the subject is an interesting one.

Bonsoir, i like this forum but i find strange that some of my threat are not working well
Just finished watching a WWII movie that actually left me in tears, Hacksaw Ridge.
It's about Desmond Doss, a conscientious objector who became an Army medic and during the bloodiest battle on Okinawa managed to win the Congressional Medal of Honor without ever firing a shot.
It's a brutally realistic movie but what he did was beyond heroic, it was miraculous.

That one is on my to-watch list. The previews look good and the subject is an interesting one.

Hello, it's strange that the subjects I create do not interest the members ... I have presented nice little games and nobody play.

Maybe some people (like me) don't have enough time to rake all forum, only threads, they know? :) Give me a link on your game and I'll try to upkeep your activity! :)
Good morning everybody. I slept in this morning and enjoyed it. But of course once I got up I was behind on my chores. But oh well. Another chilly but bright sunny day. Looks to be the same all over the west except for Washington State.

Deciding what to make for breakfast this morning. Or if I wait a bit we'll just have lunch. :)
Good morning everybody. I slept in this morning and enjoyed it. But of course once I got up I was behind on my chores. But oh well. Another chilly but bright sunny day. Looks to be the same all over the west except for Washington State.

Deciding what to make for breakfast this morning. Or if I wait a bit we'll just have lunch. :)
I had Schwarzwälder Schinken on toast. :thup:

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