USMB Coffee Shop IV

My local robber yesterday got a basket from KFC and ate a several chicken wings, without paying attention of pepper at their skins.. I'm in fury. I'm gathering NERF bullets to reload my gun and hunt him for revenge!!!

Oooo scary. :)

But it's also of interest that you have KFC in Moscow. We do share a lot in common, don't we.

Foxy hoping to have a seagull for lunch. But it flew away.
This house has a "water fall" in the yard with a small pool, man-made, it's about 2 1/2 feet in diameter and about 1 /12 feet deep with stacked rocks behind it and a pump to run the water up so as to form a waterfall. This morning I went out and noticed the pool was half empty with the front flat rocks and ground wet...... Pretty sure we have a local raccoon or two.........

I've never seen any in this neighborhood. About the only wildlife around here are birds, including a roadrunner now and then, and lizards.
Rowdy lizards?

I think so according to resident doxie Carly. She caught and killed one first rattle out of the box this morning. Fortunately Hombre intercepted her and confiscated it before she presented it to me in the house.
Not having any indigenous reptiles here, I don't know what my critters would do with them. Previous experience indicates that cats are hell on all small animals, including reptiles. Mice, voles, and shrews are a mainstay for my ferals, with a bird thrown in once in a while. My doxie was the best mouser, ever!
How is Carly doing? How is Carly's momma doing? Any prognosis when she'll be able to come home?
7 months and I finally made it back to work. 7 months and I can pay the the bills and still have more in the account than the week before. Failed my first workability test which is when the wife started getting uneasy. Swelling wouldnt go down and the incisions wouldnt stay closed. Dr had no thoughts on the matter at all which surprised me. Quit drinking soda and started a protein shake and supplement routine, problem solved overnite. Allowed a more aggressive workout routine which led to passing a last chance test.Total of 7 major financial blows in 7 months. Never seen anything like this before. Hopefully its over as I still have a hospital bill for one of the daughters and sundry expenses I started putting on the credit card in case things spun out of control.
Hoping your trials are over and your life is on the mend.
Just a question, did they find what was causing the irritation, was it something in the soda?
This house has a "water fall" in the yard with a small pool, man-made, it's about 2 1/2 feet in diameter and about 1 /12 feet deep with stacked rocks behind it and a pump to run the water up so as to form a waterfall. This morning I went out and noticed the pool was half empty with the front flat rocks and ground wet...... Pretty sure we have a local raccoon or two.........

I've never seen any in this neighborhood. About the only wildlife around here are birds, including a roadrunner now and then, and lizards.
Rowdy lizards?

I think so according to resident doxie Carly. She caught and killed one first rattle out of the box this morning. Fortunately Hombre intercepted her and confiscated it before she presented it to me in the house.
Not having any indigenous reptiles here, I don't know what my critters would do with them. Previous experience indicates that cats are hell on all small animals, including reptiles. Mice, voles, and shrews are a mainstay for my ferals, with a bird thrown in once in a while. My doxie was the best mouser, ever!
How is Carly doing? How is Carly's momma doing? Any prognosis when she'll be able to come home?

Thanks. Carly is doing wonderfully. No more bad spells and she seems to have fully recovered from whatever she had--she is bouncy and happy and energetic and interested in everything at age 11.

Dana, her primary human companion, continues to get better and better. She had a heart transplant three weeks ago yesterday and is already in assisted living and doing serious rehab. She has to stay in Salt Lake City for up to five more months so that they can keep close tabs on any signs of rejection. But if there is no rejection and they have her meds regulated, she could be home before Thanksgiving.
This house has a "water fall" in the yard with a small pool, man-made, it's about 2 1/2 feet in diameter and about 1 /12 feet deep with stacked rocks behind it and a pump to run the water up so as to form a waterfall. This morning I went out and noticed the pool was half empty with the front flat rocks and ground wet...... Pretty sure we have a local raccoon or two.........

I've never seen any in this neighborhood. About the only wildlife around here are birds, including a roadrunner now and then, and lizards.
Rowdy lizards?

I think so according to resident doxie Carly. She caught and killed one first rattle out of the box this morning. Fortunately Hombre intercepted her and confiscated it before she presented it to me in the house.
Not having any indigenous reptiles here, I don't know what my critters would do with them. Previous experience indicates that cats are hell on all small animals, including reptiles. Mice, voles, and shrews are a mainstay for my ferals, with a bird thrown in once in a while. My doxie was the best mouser, ever!
How is Carly doing? How is Carly's momma doing? Any prognosis when she'll be able to come home?

Thanks. Carly is doing wonderfully. No more bad spells and she seems to have fully recovered from whatever she had--she is bouncy and happy and energetic and interested in everything at age 11.

Dana, her primary human companion, continues to get better and better. She had a heart transplant three weeks ago yesterday and is already in assisted living and doing serious rehab. She has to stay in Salt Lake City for up to five more months so that they can keep close tabs on any signs of rejection. But if there is no rejection and they have her meds regulated, she could be home before Thanksgiving.

That is so wonderful! :biggrin:
This house has a "water fall" in the yard with a small pool, man-made, it's about 2 1/2 feet in diameter and about 1 /12 feet deep with stacked rocks behind it and a pump to run the water up so as to form a waterfall. This morning I went out and noticed the pool was half empty with the front flat rocks and ground wet...... Pretty sure we have a local raccoon or two.........

I've never seen any in this neighborhood. About the only wildlife around here are birds, including a roadrunner now and then, and lizards.
Rowdy lizards?

I think so according to resident doxie Carly. She caught and killed one first rattle out of the box this morning. Fortunately Hombre intercepted her and confiscated it before she presented it to me in the house.
Not having any indigenous reptiles here, I don't know what my critters would do with them. Previous experience indicates that cats are hell on all small animals, including reptiles. Mice, voles, and shrews are a mainstay for my ferals, with a bird thrown in once in a while. My doxie was the best mouser, ever!
How is Carly doing? How is Carly's momma doing? Any prognosis when she'll be able to come home?

Thanks. Carly is doing wonderfully. No more bad spells and she seems to have fully recovered from whatever she had--she is bouncy and happy and energetic and interested in everything at age 11.

Dana, her primary human companion, continues to get better and better. She had a heart transplant three weeks ago yesterday and is already in assisted living and doing serious rehab. She has to stay in Salt Lake City for up to five more months so that they can keep close tabs on any signs of rejection. But if there is no rejection and they have her meds regulated, she could be home before Thanksgiving.
I'm happy to hear good news about both Dana and Carly. I'll bet Carly goes nuts when momma comes home, though. Not to mention how momma will feel...
Rowdy lizards?

I think so according to resident doxie Carly. She caught and killed one first rattle out of the box this morning. Fortunately Hombre intercepted her and confiscated it before she presented it to me in the house.

Hello Lady Foxfyre, I hope that you're doing well...

Hey Lumpy!!! Long time no see. So happy you dropped by. And yes, doing very well thank you and I hope the same for you and yours.

Oh, life's been going pretty good, the family is fine and I'm having plenty of laughs .. sooo no complaints.

I'm glad you're doing very well Mama Fox, when it's asked who you respect or admire the most at the USMB, you still top my list Darlin... :smiliehug:

Well thank you my friend. I imagine there are many but its always nice to get on a good list once in awhile. :) It's always good to see you.

If anyone picks on you I'd be thrilled to stomp their ego, thrilled I tell you.. :wink_2:

Granted, I've never met anyone around here that you couldn't outsmart...

..and Thanks...
At Game Night one of my friends asked me if I had heard the news, or seen the you tube video of a young actress going berserk in a Hollywood commissary. He said she was stabbing her fellow stars with a fork.

"Reese...Reese?" He asked, staring at the ceiling hoping to find the answer there.

"Witherspoon?" I suggested.

"No! With her fork!"
7 months and I finally made it back to work. 7 months and I can pay the the bills and still have more in the account than the week before. Failed my first workability test which is when the wife started getting uneasy. Swelling wouldnt go down and the incisions wouldnt stay closed. Dr had no thoughts on the matter at all which surprised me. Quit drinking soda and started a protein shake and supplement routine, problem solved overnite. Allowed a more aggressive workout routine which led to passing a last chance test.Total of 7 major financial blows in 7 months. Never seen anything like this before. Hopefully its over as I still have a hospital bill for one of the daughters and sundry expenses I started putting on the credit card in case things spun out of control.
Hoping your trials are over and your life is on the mend.
Just a question, did they find what was causing the irritation, was it something in the soda?
They really had no interest or ideas.
I just got done with my algebra exam, I got a 94 (technically, 94.444 repeating), 17/18. That's an A, a perfectly good score......but I'm disappointed, because I thought I knew all of the answers pretty easily. I finished the exam and went back and looked over each question in 30 minutes of the 2 hours allowed. I didn't have any answers I thought were iffy. I can't find out yet what I got wrong, but I think I'll be able to on Wednesday. I wonder if it was just a typo, or a misplaced point on a graph. :dunno:
I just got done with my algebra exam, I got a 94 (technically, 94.444 repeating), 17/18. That's an A, a perfectly good score......but I'm disappointed, because I thought I knew all of the answers pretty easily. I finished the exam and went back and looked over each question in 30 minutes of the 2 hours allowed. I didn't have any answers I thought were iffy. I can't find out yet what I got wrong, but I think I'll be able to on Wednesday. I wonder if it was just a typo, or a misplaced point on a graph. :dunno:

Sheesh, you did great .. so celebrate .. yourself...:party:

My youngest daughter is similar, straight A's but she tends to undermine the success she deserves. On one hand it's great that she strives for perfection and on the other I'd rather she wasn't suspected of being a tad anal retentive.

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Really nice here too, which is great after going through that tropical storm.

My local robber yesterday got a basket from KFC and ate a several chicken wings, without paying attention of pepper at their skins.. I'm in fury. I'm gathering NERF bullets to reload my gun and hunt him for revenge!!!

Oooo scary. :)

But it's also of interest that you have KFC in Moscow. We do share a lot in common, don't we.

Offcourse, we have a several fastfood nets, not only in Moscow but, I think, in every large town at this side of Ural mountains... And also there are a lot of local FF with pizza, hamburgers, sushi, pancakes and so on. It's popular for a lot of people, who don't want to lose any time or want to eat not so expensive...
Really nice here too, which is great after going through that tropical storm.

umm .. whoops .. I forgot what I was going to say, (the legs... ava) .. :dunno:

well ...

We had hail today and some heavy rain, sweeeet .. and the dog went kinda nuts chasing hail stones.. fun times.
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Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.​

Everything is easy once we know the answer.
Success is the journey as much as the destination.
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That's one thing about the Coffee Shop .. No night owls and the kittens are sleeping...


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