USMB Coffee Shop IV

Ouch, Ouchie, Ow, Ow!

I just burnt two of my fingertips on my left hand.

I went to take the trash out after a great 4th of July bratwurst dinner ,very interesting taste, close enough to pork bratwurst, but not as thick around as regular bratwurst :)
But I regress.
When I went to take it out, I noticed that Mr. P had dropped his cane next to the trike.
He has always had wood canes for 25 years, but got a fold up one for his bike. It's made of metal and has been out there since this morning in 100 degree heat, so...........
When I picked it up ta da! Did not even remember it was metal.:mad-61:
Good thing I'm right handed. :biggrin:
I did that when I started using cast iron skillets again, forgot the handle gets hot also........... :lol:

I'm glad that I am not the only who goes into automatic mode, in certain mundane activities. :biggrin:

We have a friend from Pennsylvania visiting his family and us.
Hubbie went with him to town, because the friend wanted breakfast.
We have a great restaurant that makes it's own chorizo, so he wants eggs & chorizo.
Hubbie had his breakfast already, but he wants to visit with him.
They will end up back here at the house for a awhile. :)
Definitively seeing a much wider variety of birds up here, mostly Warblers but just saw the first House Finch drinking from the "waterfall" in the back yard. One thing I haven't seen in the back yard are pigeons, a good thing because now the doves and little sparrows get all the popcorn and it's not scarfed up by greedy pigeons.
Fairly low temps for us right now - 90 at our house but high humidity makes it feel a lot hotter--we're running 45 to 55% humidity today which is really high for us. And we're under a severe thunderstorm watch. Could be an interesting early evening but I sort of doubt it.
We had some rain move through, nice winds so we opened the house up. The rain is gone and the wind died down so I just closed the house and turned on the A/C. Humidity never rose above 30% here at the house.

But you have refrigerated air yes? That removes a lot of humidity from the air. We have a swamp cooler that adds it. :)
Fairly low temps for us right now - 90 at our house but high humidity makes it feel a lot hotter--we're running 45 to 55% humidity today which is really high for us. And we're under a severe thunderstorm watch. Could be an interesting early evening but I sort of doubt it.
We had some rain move through, nice winds so we opened the house up. The rain is gone and the wind died down so I just closed the house and turned on the A/C. Humidity never rose above 30% here at the house.

But you have refrigerated air yes? That removes a lot of humidity from the air. We have a swamp cooler that adds it. :)
There are times I prefer swamp coolers, at those times where it's too hot or humid to use them effectively then I prefer A/C.
The wife did not have popcorn last night so a couple of hours ago she asked me to pop a bag....... Typically the bags are done in 1 minute 45 seconds, I wasn't paying attention and tossed it in for 2 minutes and 45 seconds......... And I walked away........ Eeeeeeewwwwww........ smoke and burned popcorn smell everywhere.
She tossed a glass with lemon juice and water in the microwave a turned it on 3 minutes, it's supposed to get rid of the smell. It didn't soooooooo, she turned it on for another 3 minutes........ A minute and a half in I hear a loud bang turn around and the microwave door is wide open with water dripping everywhere. Well it needed cleaning anyway........
I kept seeing around the house what I thought were large striped geckos. Turns out they're whiptail lizards, an all female species.
The wife did not have popcorn last night so a couple of hours ago she asked me to pop a bag....... Typically the bags are done in 1 minute 45 seconds, I wasn't paying attention and tossed it in for 2 minutes and 45 seconds......... And I walked away........ Eeeeeeewwwwww........ smoke and burned popcorn smell everywhere.
She tossed a glass with lemon juice and water in the microwave a turned it on 3 minutes, it's supposed to get rid of the smell. It didn't soooooooo, she turned it on for another 3 minutes........ A minute and a half in I hear a loud bang turn around and the microwave door is wide open with water dripping everywhere. Well it needed cleaning anyway........

Burning popcorn? A horrific smell... I understand you.. Run away from there for about a week :)
The wife did not have popcorn last night so a couple of hours ago she asked me to pop a bag....... Typically the bags are done in 1 minute 45 seconds, I wasn't paying attention and tossed it in for 2 minutes and 45 seconds......... And I walked away........ Eeeeeeewwwwww........ smoke and burned popcorn smell everywhere.
She tossed a glass with lemon juice and water in the microwave a turned it on 3 minutes, it's supposed to get rid of the smell. It didn't soooooooo, she turned it on for another 3 minutes........ A minute and a half in I hear a loud bang turn around and the microwave door is wide open with water dripping everywhere. Well it needed cleaning anyway........

Burning popcorn? A horrific smell... I understand you.. Run away from there for about a week :)
The house is open with every fan blowing outward........
Here it is! The Hump Day of 2017. 182 days down, 182 to go after today. We are now closer to the Ghost of Christmas yet to be in December 2017 than we are to the Ghost of Christmas Past in 2016. A curious,mid year New Year's Eve.

So far we have seemed to dodge a lot of bullets. Horrific acts of terror both manmade and natural have skipped right passed. While I've officially retirered from the Building Inspection services, I have yet to receive any retirement benefit. The mysterious 'system' that allocates my checks has assured me that it is only a matter of weeks now. Alright then. I shall also assure the electric company that it is only a matter of weeks then. They should take the same degree of solace I have once hearing from the 'system'.

Mom still is unsure about getting out and about after her oral surgery. I think she is in more discomfort than she is willing to say. The trait of bravery amid medical crisis is one passed down in our family generation to generation. Pop's mother, my sainted grandmother, died of breast cancer in 1965. She refused even morphine right up til the end afraid of becoming an addict. Her husband, Grandpa succumbed to pancreatic cancer in 1980 bravely smoking a Lucky Strike on his death bed.

He smoked unfiltered Luckies constantly. The cuffs of his gabardine trousers acted as improvisational ash trays. That would drive Mom absolutely ape! At his home he had an ash tray shaped like a heart, the wall that would separate the left and right ventricles had little notches to support the cigarette. It wasn't shaped like a real, anotomically correct heart, but it was a garish deep pink ceramic affair with a black base. I wanted that ash tray as a momento of my Grandpa, but the sister of his second wife sold the thing in a yard sale before any of us had the chance to claim a wee piece of his mementos.
I kept seeing around the house what I thought were large striped geckos. Turns out they're whiptail lizards, an all female species.

Yes, those are quite prevalent around here. Carly, the temporary resident minnie doxie and fearless hunter caught and killed one the other day. Hombre caught her just before she brought it into the house to present to me.
What ever happened to,World's Fairs? I remember the 1964 fair in New York, the expo in Montreal in 1967 and attended the
World's Fair in Knoxville back in 1982. But there hasn't been one since. I wonder why?

Were they too costly? Did they not promote tourism? If there was another World's Fair, would you attend? I would!
What ever happened to,World's Fairs? I remember the 1964 fair in New York, the expo in Montreal in 1967 and attended the
World's Fair in Knoxville back in 1982. But there hasn't been one since. I wonder why?

Were they too costly? Did they not promote tourism? If there was another World's Fair, would you attend? I would!

I would love to but you'll have to go abroad. They're called 'expos' now.

They aren't held every year (never were), but they are still held regularly every few years. The last one was I think was in Milan Italy, 2015. And if I remember right there is one currently underway in Kazakhstan that opened June 10 and runs through September 10.

The next one is slated for Dubai in 2020.
What ever happened to,World's Fairs? I remember the 1964 fair in New York, the expo in Montreal in 1967 and attended the
World's Fair in Knoxville back in 1982. But there hasn't been one since. I wonder why?

Were they too costly? Did they not promote tourism? If there was another World's Fair, would you attend? I would!

I would love to but you'll have to go abroad. They're called 'expos' now.

They aren't held every year (never were), but they are still held regularly every few years. The last one was I think was in Milan Italy, 2015. And if I remember right there is one currently underway in Kazakhstan that opened June 10 and runs through September 10.

The next one is slated for Dubai in 2020.
Kazakhstan and Dubai. Where's my Passport?
Went to bed around 10ish last night but woke up at 12:30 am feeling hot and stuffy and feeling like I was sleeping on a pile of bricks. Had a nice t-storm move through around 2:30-3 am, the thunder scared the cats and the rain came down in buckets. Finally was able to go back to sleep around 4 am and woke up a half hour ago. Unfortunately the wife is on a get things done kick right now and I'm not awake yet...........

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