USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well folks... Guess what! Got a call from the bar. When they were moving of our tables to clean up last night, a leveler foot broke off. Mot of the feet are seized up from rust so this meant replacing the pedestal. I had 4 spare tables in my garage, so I took the pedestal off one and was carrying it out to the truck when I put my foot on something that made my placement off level. When I shifted my weight to my left foot, I snapped a bone. After a trip to the hospital, I am now wearing a boot that is supposed to immobilize the foot. Another 8 weeks of crutches is in my future.
I was just getting to where I could get around without the cane and was planning to ride the Harley to my last doctor visit Monday. Now, I have an ill fitting boot that gives less support than my shoe and makes walking more painful that walking bare foot. The worst part is that I'm back on pain medication. I am NOT a happy camper!

View attachment 136381

You need to stop carrying things for the next 6 months or so. :p
I NEED to get back to doing what I love.
I have taken the boot off and that has relieved most of the pain. I will put the damned thing back on before walking on it, but dammit! this sucks.

I agree Ernie. It sucks. I wish we could offer more than to just care. :(
All companies should have this posted.
No Game Night this evening. Rather, tomorrow night is the Independece Day Extravaganza. My brother will put a pork shoulder on his smoker and we will enjoy pulled pork sandwiches! Our usual fare is red table grapes, pistachios, Gardetto's party mix and Snyder' Extra Dark pretzels. So tomorrow we eat like kings.

The blossoms on the catalpa trees are fallen. The catalpa is the last tree to leaf out in the spring and the last to lose its leaves in the autumn. And so we are in high summer here in the upper Ohio River valley. Kids are setting off firecrackers and dancing with fireflies in their back yards.

On the 26th Mom endured dental surgery to remove the last of her teeth. She's 83 and enduring a lot in her Golden Years. Her stitches are due to rot away in the next few days. I took her my blender and the makings for Cream of Asparagus soup, as the last of the local asparagus is in the produce stores. Her hope is that by the time our magnificent sweet corn crop is ready, so will she.

It rained furiously last night after midnight. The flowers appreciated the chance to drink in rain water instead of the tap water fed to them by the watering system. The lawn seems to be appreciative too as it will need me to mow it again before the end of this weekend. Damn it!

A non sequitor if you please. Is this the most civil forum on USMB? I ask because every time I have an interaction out on the wider board with a fellow Coffee Shopper, it is always respectful and thoughtful and incisive. Is it because we know a wee bit about each other here and know how to comport ourselves? Or is it because Coffee Shopers are naturally more respectful, thoughtful and incisive? Anyway, I credit Foxfyre for keeping this forum as pleasant as she does! I'm not just kissing up here, but I should!

Oh! By way of keeping the non sequitor train rolling, if any of you dog owners out there have pets plagued by summer time hot spots (particularly harsh on poodles), the remedy I found not only works wonders and quickly, but isn't seen as a problem in application, so far as Daisy the Mutt goes anyway. It's Happy Jack Skin Balm. A greasy, oily liquid. the consistency of cooking oil. I found it at my local Tractor Supply store, kind of a Macy's for yokels. Twice daily for two days and the hot spot is a memory! I wash the spot each night with mild dog shampoo and brush the spot free of any tangles.
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Well folks... Guess what! Got a call from the bar. When they were moving of our tables to clean up last night, a leveler foot broke off. Mot of the feet are seized up from rust so this meant replacing the pedestal. I had 4 spare tables in my garage, so I took the pedestal off one and was carrying it out to the truck when I put my foot on something that made my placement off level. When I shifted my weight to my left foot, I snapped a bone. After a trip to the hospital, I am now wearing a boot that is supposed to immobilize the foot. Another 8 weeks of crutches is in my future.
I was just getting to where I could get around without the cane and was planning to ride the Harley to my last doctor visit Monday. Now, I have an ill fitting boot that gives less support than my shoe and makes walking more painful that walking bare foot. The worst part is that I'm back on pain medication. I am NOT a happy camper!

View attachment 136381
That sounds so good!
Pork is off our household list. :(
Why? Pork these days have extremely little fat especially in the high quality cuts. Pork tenderloin is lower in fat than a skinless chicken breast.

Too high in sodium, cholesterol & fat.
Only if you cook it in sodium, cholesterol and fat or are you thinking bacon. :dunno:

Docs orders.
No Beef, Pork or Turkey.
Whew! That sucks! That leaves what?...chicken, seafood, goat, mutton...?

Baked skinless chicken breast, any type of fish except tuna, no shrimp or lobster.
No goat or mutton ,we don't like the taste if either one, but it does leave, buffalo,elk and scottish highland beef. Found the place to buy it by surfing online.
From buffalo he has bacon, bratwurst and hot dogs. He is a very happy camper and now you know what's been keeping me busy learning how to cook and season these new meats. Plus hand washing the defibrillator vests every other day. He has only 2. :mad-61:
Should be a convenience store, not a government agency, donchathink?View attachment 136394
I've never said no to a frosty bottle of Beck's nor a maduro wrapped stogie! Can we leave the pistol in the safe please?
Why? You realize that it won't jump up and bite you. It's holding the table clothe down against the breeze.
After a few frosty Beck's, the table cloth holder might fall into less than reliable hands. Better safe than sorry. I'll use a brick to prevent any linen calamities.

Note: the table in the photo is of treated lumber sans tablecloth.
That sounds so good!
Pork is off our household list. :(
Why? Pork these days have extremely little fat especially in the high quality cuts. Pork tenderloin is lower in fat than a skinless chicken breast.

Too high in sodium, cholesterol & fat.
Only if you cook it in sodium, cholesterol and fat or are you thinking bacon. :dunno:

Docs orders.
No Beef, Pork or Turkey.
Whew! That sucks! That leaves what?...chicken, seafood, goat, mutton...?

Baked skinless chicken breast, any type of fish except tuna, no shrimp or lobster.
No goat or mutton ,we don't like the taste if either one, but it does leave, buffalo,elk and scottish highland beef. Found the place to buy it by surfing online.
From buffalo he has bacon, bratwurst and hot dogs. He is a very happy camper and now you know what's been keeping me busy learning how to cook and season these new meats. Plus hand washing the defibrillator vests every other day. He has only 2.
Well folks... Guess what! Got a call from the bar. When they were moving of our tables to clean up last night, a leveler foot broke off. Mot of the feet are seized up from rust so this meant replacing the pedestal. I had 4 spare tables in my garage, so I took the pedestal off one and was carrying it out to the truck when I put my foot on something that made my placement off level. When I shifted my weight to my left foot, I snapped a bone. After a trip to the hospital, I am now wearing a boot that is supposed to immobilize the foot. Another 8 weeks of crutches is in my future.
I was just getting to where I could get around without the cane and was planning to ride the Harley to my last doctor visit Monday. Now, I have an ill fitting boot that gives less support than my shoe and makes walking more painful that walking bare foot. The worst part is that I'm back on pain medication. I am NOT a happy camper!

View attachment 136381

And it had to be you to do it because........... and no one else do it because...............
Sometimes Ernie I wonder why I have pulled you up out of that mud. :biggrin:
Should be a convenience store, not a government agency, donchathink?View attachment 136394
I've never said no to a frosty bottle of Beck's nor a maduro wrapped stogie! Can we leave the pistol in the safe please?
Well, my friend, Let's just say, if I'm there, it's not a gun free zone. I was armed in the hospital. I am armed in the bar, Walmart, virtually everywhere. I am armed right now.
Hell I went to the Sheriff's office to renew my pistol permit and turned around at the door and went back to my truck. The cop shop and the court house are about the only places in town you can't carry a firearm.
Should be a convenience store, not a government agency, donchathink?View attachment 136394
I've never said no to a frosty bottle of Beck's nor a maduro wrapped stogie! Can we leave the pistol in the safe please?
Why? You realize that it won't jump up and bite you. It's holding the table clothe down against the breeze.
After a few frosty Beck's, the table cloth holder might fall into less than reliable hands. Better safe than sorry. I'll use a brick to prevent any linen calamities.

Note: the table in the photo is of treated lumber sans tablecloth.
I haven't had a drink in over 29 years. I assure you, I don't take the responsibility lightly. In my business, a firearm is essentially a necessity. I am armed so that I can defend my staff, my partners, clients and my property. Ask the guy who came at me reaching for a knife if my being armed made a difference.
Thankfully, I was able to draw my weapon quickly enough that he thought better of bringing the proverbial knife to a gun fight. His hand came up slow and empty and he lived.
50 years, FIFTY YEARS, I've carried a firearm pretty much daily and I've drawn it from it's holster just once. There are 4 loaded handguns within 15 feet of where I sit. None of them has ever gone off by itself or taken a life. They are tools you hope you never need, not something to fear
It's likely you encounter armed citizens on a daily basis. The woman behind you at the grocery store might just have a .38 in her purse. The clerk at the gas station may have a .380 in the waistband of his pants. The guy in the suit with his eyes darting around the airplane cabin may be a sky marshal willing to die to keep you safe. Thank them all. They are far more likely to save your life than take it. I'm willing to bet you at some point are within 6 feet of a firearm every day you leave your home. You haven't been shot yet, have you?
You having unrest troubles in Foley?
Or do you just feel more secure with one since your injured knee & foot?
I've had one instance where I needed it, but no. Foley is no more dangerous than any other city. I just figure I have a responsibility to protect people, especially at Doc's.
The business is more dangerous than most. There might just be 2 or 3 thousand dollars in the register so that puts a target on my back. I sell alcohol. That tends to bring out the worst in people. Better safe than sorry.
Well folks... Guess what! Got a call from the bar. When they were moving of our tables to clean up last night, a leveler foot broke off. Mot of the feet are seized up from rust so this meant replacing the pedestal. I had 4 spare tables in my garage, so I took the pedestal off one and was carrying it out to the truck when I put my foot on something that made my placement off level. When I shifted my weight to my left foot, I snapped a bone. After a trip to the hospital, I am now wearing a boot that is supposed to immobilize the foot. Another 8 weeks of crutches is in my future.
I was just getting to where I could get around without the cane and was planning to ride the Harley to my last doctor visit Monday. Now, I have an ill fitting boot that gives less support than my shoe and makes walking more painful that walking bare foot. The worst part is that I'm back on pain medication. I am NOT a happy camper!

View attachment 136381

Ohhhhhh nooooooooooooo...............Ernie am I going to have to move in with you? You know I am just up the street....or across the road...or whatever. You've been a disaster lately!
Should be a convenience store, not a government agency, donchathink?View attachment 136394
I've never said no to a frosty bottle of Beck's nor a maduro wrapped stogie! Can we leave the pistol in the safe please?
Why? You realize that it won't jump up and bite you. It's holding the table clothe down against the breeze.
After a few frosty Beck's, the table cloth holder might fall into less than reliable hands. Better safe than sorry. I'll use a brick to prevent any linen calamities.

Note: the table in the photo is of treated lumber sans tablecloth.
I haven't had a drink in over 29 years. I assure you, I don't take the responsibility lightly. In my business, a firearm is essentially a necessity. I am armed so that I can defend my staff, my partners, clients and my property. Ask the guy who came at me reaching for a knife if my being armed made a difference.
Thankfully, I was able to draw my weapon quickly enough that he thought better of bringing the proverbial knife to a gun fight. His hand came up slow and empty and he lived.
50 years, FIFTY YEARS, I've carried a firearm pretty much daily and I've drawn it from it's holster just once. There are 4 loaded handguns within 15 feet of where I sit. None of them has ever gone off by itself or taken a life. They are tools you hope you never need, not something to fear
It's likely you encounter armed citizens on a daily basis. The woman behind you at the grocery store might just have a .38 in her purse. The clerk at the gas station may have a .380 in the waistband of his pants. The guy in the suit with his eyes darting around the airplane cabin may be a sky marshal willing to die to keep you safe. Thank them all. They are far more likely to save your life than take it. I'm willing to bet you at some point are within 6 feet of a firearm every day you leave your home. You haven't been shot yet, have you?
I wasn't raised in a gun culture. We all seem to get along without thinking we're constantly in danger. Pop never kept guns and neither do I. I was not raised to think about being the hero gunslinger.

In my town, guns have brought more tragedy than happiness. More death than glee. If it's all the same to you, Ernie, I'm not alright living on the set of a Dirty Harry movie. I know that some people feel safer around them. I just wish to God that they didn't have to be armed in order to feel secure. I think that's a pity.
I have no problem with a responsible person packing iron. Doesn't bother me in the least. I do not CC but in my home there are several pistols in handy spots should there be a need. In this day and age you just never know what may happen.
Should be a convenience store, not a government agency, donchathink?View attachment 136394
I've never said no to a frosty bottle of Beck's nor a maduro wrapped stogie! Can we leave the pistol in the safe please?

I think Ernie's gun is more likely to be on his person as the chief security guy at Docs. And I would deem that a safe place if not in the safe. :)

Before my Uncle Ed passed away last September, we were his first line of defense when he needed something done at the house, when he needed transport to the doctor or urgent care or the hospital, when he had computer problems, etc. In his last days he was becoming very deaf and was mostly blind from advanced glaucoma, was on oxygen for the COPD and not that steady on his feet.

So when Hombre was there helping with something, he glanced into the storage closet in the office and saw the 38 caliber hand gun on top of the safe. And he told Uncle Ed, "you know Ed, you really should put the gun in the safe out of sight." "Oh no!" Ed said emphatically, "I want it there if I need to use it."

Now THAT was a scary thought. :)
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Should be a convenience store, not a government agency, donchathink?View attachment 136394
I've never said no to a frosty bottle of Beck's nor a maduro wrapped stogie! Can we leave the pistol in the safe please?
Why? You realize that it won't jump up and bite you. It's holding the table clothe down against the breeze.
After a few frosty Beck's, the table cloth holder might fall into less than reliable hands. Better safe than sorry. I'll use a brick to prevent any linen calamities.

Note: the table in the photo is of treated lumber sans tablecloth.
I haven't had a drink in over 29 years. I assure you, I don't take the responsibility lightly. In my business, a firearm is essentially a necessity. I am armed so that I can defend my staff, my partners, clients and my property. Ask the guy who came at me reaching for a knife if my being armed made a difference.
Thankfully, I was able to draw my weapon quickly enough that he thought better of bringing the proverbial knife to a gun fight. His hand came up slow and empty and he lived.
50 years, FIFTY YEARS, I've carried a firearm pretty much daily and I've drawn it from it's holster just once. There are 4 loaded handguns within 15 feet of where I sit. None of them has ever gone off by itself or taken a life. They are tools you hope you never need, not something to fear
It's likely you encounter armed citizens on a daily basis. The woman behind you at the grocery store might just have a .38 in her purse. The clerk at the gas station may have a .380 in the waistband of his pants. The guy in the suit with his eyes darting around the airplane cabin may be a sky marshal willing to die to keep you safe. Thank them all. They are far more likely to save your life than take it. I'm willing to bet you at some point are within 6 feet of a firearm every day you leave your home. You haven't been shot yet, have you?
I wasn't raised in a gun culture. We all seem to get along without thinking we're constantly in danger. Pop never kept guns and neither do I. I was not raised to think about being the hero gunslinger.

In my town, guns have brought more tragedy than happiness. More death than glee. If it's all the same to you, Ernie, I'm not alright living on the set of a Dirty Harry movie. I know that some people feel safer around them. I just wish to God that they didn't have to be armed in order to feel secure. I think that's a pity.

I too wish the world was a more civil place, but it just isn't, most especially in the current generation. I don't CC myself, but would not hesitate to do so if I needed to. I'm a pretty good shot with a shotgun, rifle, or hand gun. I don't know of a single person who CC's--and there are a lot of them in New Mexico--who has ever used a firearm inappropriately or illegally. Maybe it is because they had to pass a pretty stringent process to get the permit that I feel safer when I am with them.

But I do agree in today's culture, there are a lot more people who will use them irresponsibly or illegally and we need to adjust to that.

I was raised in a gun culture. Everybody had them. I know I was still in elementary school when I was initiated into it. The guys would have their rifle or shotgun in a gun rack in their pickups when they came to high school as they planned to go hunting as soon as school was out. There was a gun case or rack in most homes. Every shop keeper had one under the counter. And as a kid growing up, nobody ever got shot on purpose or accidentally. But we could leave the keys in the ignition when we went into the store or were parked in our driveways. We didn't have to lock our homes. We could walk anywhere in town at midnight in perfect safety. And I don't know if the bad guys knew about the guns or not, but they seemed to give our little town a wide berth.

Thank you for the kind words re the Coffee Shop. I like to think we have something special here that transcends our differences of opinion when it comes to religion, politics, social issues etc. It is difficult to be 'mean' to somebody out there after experiencing them as a friend in here. :)

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