USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

Well, yesterday was my last physical terrorism session and Monday is my last Dr. visit. Therapy started with just 30 degrees of movement in the knee. I was stuck between 15 and 45 degrees. I can now lock my knee straight and can bend it to 120 degrees. I can walk without the cane, but it is usually close by. I am doing more and more at the bar.
I can't run or jump on my left leg and I can't kneel, but most everything else is doable. I did finally get a temporary handicapped placard so I can get a parking spot in the same zip code at Wally World.
SWelling is still a problem and the therapists tell me it might be a year before that goes away completely, but I've found that a compression stocking helps a lot. I'm still not able to get into my cowboy boots, but I'm close.
Got to head for Doc's to repair a table and get the stage cleared so the band can set up. Cecil Blue starts at 9, Kat.... Just sayin'.
Well, yesterday was my last physical terrorism session and Monday is my last Dr. visit. Therapy started with just 30 degrees of movement in the knee. I was stuck between 15 and 45 degrees. I can now lock my knee straight and can bend it to 120 degrees. I can walk without the cane, but it is usually close by. I am doing more and more at the bar.
I can't run or jump on my left leg and I can't kneel, but most everything else is doable. I did finally get a temporary handicapped placard so I can get a parking spot in the same zip code at Wally World.
SWelling is still a problem and the therapists tell me it might be a year before that goes away completely, but I've found that a compression stocking helps a lot. I'm still not able to get into my cowboy boots, but I'm close.
Got to head for Doc's to repair a table and get the stage cleared so the band can set up. Cecil Blue starts at 9, Kat.... Just sayin'.

It feels great to be liberated and over the hump huh?
Hopefully Mr. P will receive a phone call soon after his appointment July 6th and tells him he no longer needs the life vest defibrillator.
He will be able to sleep much better without that battery.
He can also ride his can am when he wants to, without melting the gel.:biggrin:
Well, yesterday was my last physical terrorism session and Monday is my last Dr. visit. Therapy started with just 30 degrees of movement in the knee. I was stuck between 15 and 45 degrees. I can now lock my knee straight and can bend it to 120 degrees. I can walk without the cane, but it is usually close by. I am doing more and more at the bar.
I can't run or jump on my left leg and I can't kneel, but most everything else is doable. I did finally get a temporary handicapped placard so I can get a parking spot in the same zip code at Wally World.
SWelling is still a problem and the therapists tell me it might be a year before that goes away completely, but I've found that a compression stocking helps a lot. I'm still not able to get into my cowboy boots, but I'm close.
Got to head for Doc's to repair a table and get the stage cleared so the band can set up. Cecil Blue starts at 9, Kat.... Just sayin'.

It feels great to be liberated and over the hump huh?
Hopefully Mr. P will receive a phone call soon after his appointment July 6th and tells him he no longer needs the life vest defibrillator.
He will be able to sleep much better without that battery.
He can also ride his can am when he wants to, without melting the gel.:biggrin:

We'll be pulling for him for sure. He'll feel like he has been let out of jail not having to wear that vest.

Friend Dana will be in Salt Lake City for a few more months getting serious rehab which now is more like American Ninja Warrior training sessions, and of course she would like to come home but they need to monitor her closely to be sure she isn't rejecting the new heart.

But she has had a defribrillating pacemaker for many years that periodically shocks her and every so often she has to go in for a painful and dangerous surgery for them to cut out all the scar tissue that builds up around it. And for the past six months she has had a heart pump that replaced half of her heart and required a huge and very heavy battery to be lugged with her everywhere she went. Plus the heavy meds associated with all that kept her feeling terrible, depressed, and lethargic.

Now. . .new heart. . .no pacemaker. . .no heart pump and accessories. . .just a few anti-rejection meds and a routine check every few months and she's good as new.

It never ceases to amaze me what the medical profession can do and the amazing capacity the body has to heal itself.
Anybody doing anything for the 4th this weekend?

I know we won't have the fireworks like usual, it's too dry.
Too hot for the parade. That's for the younger people. :)
We are having buffalo bratwurst. :biggrin:
He loves his bacon (just like BBD) and bratwurst.
More than likely we will stay home and watch some good movies on Netflix.
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Anybody doing anything for the 4th this weekend?

I know we won't have the fireworks like usual, it's too dry.
Too hot for the parade. That's for the younger people. :)
We are having buffalo bratwurst. :biggrin: More than likely we will stay home and watch some good movies on Netflix.

Aunt Betty is taking us out to dinner somewhere on the 4th. I really would rather stay in and just enjoy a meal at home. I'll have to see what I can do. . .maybe bring in a meal and let her pay for it. She feels guilty having dinner and a movie with us every Sunday unless she reciprocates.
Well, yesterday was my last physical terrorism session and Monday is my last Dr. visit. Therapy started with just 30 degrees of movement in the knee. I was stuck between 15 and 45 degrees. I can now lock my knee straight and can bend it to 120 degrees. I can walk without the cane, but it is usually close by. I am doing more and more at the bar.
I can't run or jump on my left leg and I can't kneel, but most everything else is doable. I did finally get a temporary handicapped placard so I can get a parking spot in the same zip code at Wally World.
SWelling is still a problem and the therapists tell me it might be a year before that goes away completely, but I've found that a compression stocking helps a lot. I'm still not able to get into my cowboy boots, but I'm close.
Got to head for Doc's to repair a table and get the stage cleared so the band can set up. Cecil Blue starts at 9, Kat.... Just sayin'.

It feels great to be liberated and over the hump huh?
Hopefully Mr. P will receive a phone call soon after his appointment July 6th and tells him he no longer needs the life vest defibrillator.
He will be able to sleep much better without that battery.
He can also ride his can am when he wants to, without melting the gel.:biggrin:

We'll be pulling for him for sure. He'll feel like he has been let out of jail not having to wear that vest.

Friend Dana will be in Salt Lake City for a few more months getting serious rehab which now is more like American Ninja Warrior training sessions, and of course she would like to come home but they need to monitor her closely to be sure she isn't rejecting the new heart.

But she has had a defribrillating pacemaker for many years that periodically shocks her and every so often she has to go in for a painful and dangerous surgery for them to cut out all the scar tissue that builds up around it. And for the past six months she has had a heart pump that replaced half of her heart and required a huge and very heavy battery to be lugged with her everywhere she went. Plus the heavy meds associated with all that kept her feeling terrible, depressed, and lethargic.

Now. . .new heart. . .no pacemaker. . .no heart pump and accessories. . .just a few anti-rejection meds and a routine check every few months and she's good as new.

It never ceases to amaze me what the medical profession can do and the amazing capacity the body has to heal itself.

Me either!!!
Thanks to this drug , with just one quarter of his heart working he possibly won't need an inside defibrillator and pump.
Anybody doing anything for the 4th this weekend?

I know we won't have the fireworks like usual, it's too dry.
Too hot for the parade. That's for the younger people. :)
We are having buffalo bratwurst. :biggrin: More than likely we will stay home and watch some good movies on Netflix.

Aunt Betty is taking us out to dinner somewhere on the 4th. I really would rather stay in and just enjoy a meal at home. I'll have to see what I can do. . .maybe bring in a meal and let her pay for it. She feels guilty having dinner and a movie with us every Sunday unless she reciprocates.

At home sounds better to me. :)
Anybody doing anything for the 4th this weekend?

I know we won't have the fireworks like usual, it's too dry.
Too hot for the parade. That's for the younger people. :)
We are having buffalo bratwurst. :biggrin:
He loves his bacon (just like BBD) and bratwurst.
More than likely we will stay home and watch some good movies on Netflix.

The little one is at her dad's this weekend, so no plans for me. I'll just be doing schoolwork, playing games, and watching TV. Same as usual.
I don't think anyone's into it this year.
Perhaps because it falls in the middle of the week rather than nearer to the weekend. :)
Two days ago I made a pork loin roast with an apple mustard glaze.

That sounds so good!
Pork is off our household list. :(
Why? Pork these days have extremely little fat especially in the high quality cuts. Pork tenderloin is lower in fat than a skinless chicken breast.

Too high in sodium, cholesterol & fat.
Only if you cook it in sodium, cholesterol and fat or are you thinking bacon. :dunno:

Docs orders.
No Beef, Pork or Turkey.
Whew! That sucks! That leaves what?...chicken, seafood, goat, mutton...?
Anybody doing anything for the 4th this weekend?

I know we won't have the fireworks like usual, it's too dry.
Too hot for the parade. That's for the younger people. :)
We are having buffalo bratwurst. :biggrin:
He loves his bacon (just like BBD) and bratwurst.
More than likely we will stay home and watch some good movies on Netflix.
I'll be at the Willow property, running off the evil revelers who think fireworks are such a great idea in the middle of the woods. Of course, their homes and everything they've worked at building for years will not disappear in a moment's stupidity fueled by cheap pyrotechnics... Of course, there's lots more to do there, but the 4th is always an exercise in woodman diplomacy.
Well folks... Guess what! Got a call from the bar. When they were moving of our tables to clean up last night, a leveler foot broke off. Mot of the feet are seized up from rust so this meant replacing the pedestal. I had 4 spare tables in my garage, so I took the pedestal off one and was carrying it out to the truck when I put my foot on something that made my placement off level. When I shifted my weight to my left foot, I snapped a bone. After a trip to the hospital, I am now wearing a boot that is supposed to immobilize the foot. Another 8 weeks of crutches is in my future.
I was just getting to where I could get around without the cane and was planning to ride the Harley to my last doctor visit Monday. Now, I have an ill fitting boot that gives less support than my shoe and makes walking more painful that walking bare foot. The worst part is that I'm back on pain medication. I am NOT a happy camper!

Well folks... Guess what! Got a call from the bar. When they were moving of our tables to clean up last night, a leveler foot broke off. Mot of the feet are seized up from rust so this meant replacing the pedestal. I had 4 spare tables in my garage, so I took the pedestal off one and was carrying it out to the truck when I put my foot on something that made my placement off level. When I shifted my weight to my left foot, I snapped a bone. After a trip to the hospital, I am now wearing a boot that is supposed to immobilize the foot. Another 8 weeks of crutches is in my future.
I was just getting to where I could get around without the cane and was planning to ride the Harley to my last doctor visit Monday. Now, I have an ill fitting boot that gives less support than my shoe and makes walking more painful that walking bare foot. The worst part is that I'm back on pain medication. I am NOT a happy camper!

View attachment 136381

You need to stop carrying things for the next 6 months or so. :p
Well folks... Guess what! Got a call from the bar. When they were moving of our tables to clean up last night, a leveler foot broke off. Mot of the feet are seized up from rust so this meant replacing the pedestal. I had 4 spare tables in my garage, so I took the pedestal off one and was carrying it out to the truck when I put my foot on something that made my placement off level. When I shifted my weight to my left foot, I snapped a bone. After a trip to the hospital, I am now wearing a boot that is supposed to immobilize the foot. Another 8 weeks of crutches is in my future.
I was just getting to where I could get around without the cane and was planning to ride the Harley to my last doctor visit Monday. Now, I have an ill fitting boot that gives less support than my shoe and makes walking more painful that walking bare foot. The worst part is that I'm back on pain medication. I am NOT a happy camper!

View attachment 136381

You need to stop carrying things for the next 6 months or so. :p
I NEED to get back to doing what I love.
I have taken the boot off and that has relieved most of the pain. I will put the damned thing back on before walking on it, but dammit! this sucks.

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