USMB Coffee Shop IV

I too was raised in a gun culture. Grew up hunting and shooting and it was considered a normal thing. As a teen we boys used to go down to the city dump and shoot rats with our .22s. A gun, in it's own right is not a dangerous thing. The person handling it controls what is done with it. Guns don't kill people. People kill people with the gun.
Well folks... Guess what! Got a call from the bar. When they were moving of our tables to clean up last night, a leveler foot broke off. Mot of the feet are seized up from rust so this meant replacing the pedestal. I had 4 spare tables in my garage, so I took the pedestal off one and was carrying it out to the truck when I put my foot on something that made my placement off level. When I shifted my weight to my left foot, I snapped a bone. After a trip to the hospital, I am now wearing a boot that is supposed to immobilize the foot. Another 8 weeks of crutches is in my future.
I was just getting to where I could get around without the cane and was planning to ride the Harley to my last doctor visit Monday. Now, I have an ill fitting boot that gives less support than my shoe and makes walking more painful that walking bare foot. The worst part is that I'm back on pain medication. I am NOT a happy camper!

View attachment 136381

Ohhhhhh nooooooooooooo...............Ernie am I going to have to move in with you? You know I am just up the street....or across the road...or whatever. You've been a disaster lately!
Well, Kat, that could be arranged, but I'm sure Mr Kat might not be so kind and understanding. Yes, my life has had a couple set backs in the last 4 months, but I have found out that I have many good friends who will be there for me at a moment's notice. I am a lucky man, despite recent road blocks.
Should be a convenience store, not a government agency, donchathink?View attachment 136394
I've never said no to a frosty bottle of Beck's nor a maduro wrapped stogie! Can we leave the pistol in the safe please?
Why? You realize that it won't jump up and bite you. It's holding the table clothe down against the breeze.
After a few frosty Beck's, the table cloth holder might fall into less than reliable hands. Better safe than sorry. I'll use a brick to prevent any linen calamities.

Note: the table in the photo is of treated lumber sans tablecloth.
I haven't had a drink in over 29 years. I assure you, I don't take the responsibility lightly. In my business, a firearm is essentially a necessity. I am armed so that I can defend my staff, my partners, clients and my property. Ask the guy who came at me reaching for a knife if my being armed made a difference.
Thankfully, I was able to draw my weapon quickly enough that he thought better of bringing the proverbial knife to a gun fight. His hand came up slow and empty and he lived.
50 years, FIFTY YEARS, I've carried a firearm pretty much daily and I've drawn it from it's holster just once. There are 4 loaded handguns within 15 feet of where I sit. None of them has ever gone off by itself or taken a life. They are tools you hope you never need, not something to fear
It's likely you encounter armed citizens on a daily basis. The woman behind you at the grocery store might just have a .38 in her purse. The clerk at the gas station may have a .380 in the waistband of his pants. The guy in the suit with his eyes darting around the airplane cabin may be a sky marshal willing to die to keep you safe. Thank them all. They are far more likely to save your life than take it. I'm willing to bet you at some point are within 6 feet of a firearm every day you leave your home. You haven't been shot yet, have you?
I wasn't raised in a gun culture. We all seem to get along without thinking we're constantly in danger. Pop never kept guns and neither do I. I was not raised to think about being the hero gunslinger.

In my town, guns have brought more tragedy than happiness. More death than glee. If it's all the same to you, Ernie, I'm not alright living on the set of a Dirty Harry movie. I know that some people feel safer around them. I just wish to God that they didn't have to be armed in order to feel secure. I think that's a pity.
I was raised with a loaded gun standing by the door. I have provided food for my family by shooting from inside the kitchen. I have defended my wife from a would-be rapist. I am completely comfortable around weapons and most people who carry or own them.
I don't think of myself as a hero gunslinger. I would be deliriously happy if I never had to unholster my weapon ever again. I went through a lot of soul searching the one time I did and don't want to again go through the intellectual vs. emotional inner turmoil I did at the time.
Yes. People get shot and killed by firearms, but far more people are spared because they or someone close by is armed. You don't read of these folks because in the vast majority of cases, it is enough to let a would be assailant know that they stand a very good chance of dying if they continue on their path.
I have no desire to live on the set of a Dirty Harry movie or to take a life. My desire is to prevent violence by being a responsible, well trained deterrent.
I agree. I wish I didn't feel the need to arm myself to ensure the safety of my employees and clients but the fact is, the world is not the peaceful Utopia we wish it was. I support your decision to act as if no harm will come to you, but I know that it may and at some point, it may be necessary for me to save your life in the face of a deranged individual with a weapon. I am not eager, my friend, but I am ready.
I too was raised in a gun culture. Grew up hunting and shooting and it was considered a normal thing. As a teen we boys used to go down to the city dump and shoot rats with our .22s. A gun, in it's own right is not a dangerous thing. The person handling it controls what is done with it. Guns don't kill people. People kill people with the gun.

In England the gun laws have been tightened to ban most people from owning a gun. In my youth it was different and I had a 410 bolt action shotgun when I was sixteen. All I had to do was get a license at the post office.
I used it to shoot pigeons and starlings. Now I regret doing that , and I often feed the local pigeons to try and make up for the senseless killing of my miss spent youth.
Should be a convenience store, not a government agency, donchathink?View attachment 136394
I've never said no to a frosty bottle of Beck's nor a maduro wrapped stogie! Can we leave the pistol in the safe please?
Why? You realize that it won't jump up and bite you. It's holding the table clothe down against the breeze.
After a few frosty Beck's, the table cloth holder might fall into less than reliable hands. Better safe than sorry. I'll use a brick to prevent any linen calamities.

Note: the table in the photo is of treated lumber sans tablecloth.
You're drinking with the wrong people if they're that unreliable. What's to stop them from picking up the brick and braining you with it?
Should be a convenience store, not a government agency, donchathink?View attachment 136394
I've never said no to a frosty bottle of Beck's nor a maduro wrapped stogie! Can we leave the pistol in the safe please?
Why? You realize that it won't jump up and bite you. It's holding the table clothe down against the breeze.
After a few frosty Beck's, the table cloth holder might fall into less than reliable hands. Better safe than sorry. I'll use a brick to prevent any linen calamities.

Note: the table in the photo is of treated lumber sans tablecloth.
You're drinking with the wrong people if they're that unreliable. What's to stop them from picking up the brick and braining you with it?
If they hit me with a brick it'll hurt for sure. But if they pull a trigger, it's all over. Bricks are slow compared to guns.
Should be a convenience store, not a government agency, donchathink?View attachment 136394
I've never said no to a frosty bottle of Beck's nor a maduro wrapped stogie! Can we leave the pistol in the safe please?
Why? You realize that it won't jump up and bite you. It's holding the table clothe down against the breeze.
After a few frosty Beck's, the table cloth holder might fall into less than reliable hands. Better safe than sorry. I'll use a brick to prevent any linen calamities.

Note: the table in the photo is of treated lumber sans tablecloth.
I haven't had a drink in over 29 years. I assure you, I don't take the responsibility lightly. In my business, a firearm is essentially a necessity. I am armed so that I can defend my staff, my partners, clients and my property. Ask the guy who came at me reaching for a knife if my being armed made a difference.
Thankfully, I was able to draw my weapon quickly enough that he thought better of bringing the proverbial knife to a gun fight. His hand came up slow and empty and he lived.
50 years, FIFTY YEARS, I've carried a firearm pretty much daily and I've drawn it from it's holster just once. There are 4 loaded handguns within 15 feet of where I sit. None of them has ever gone off by itself or taken a life. They are tools you hope you never need, not something to fear
It's likely you encounter armed citizens on a daily basis. The woman behind you at the grocery store might just have a .38 in her purse. The clerk at the gas station may have a .380 in the waistband of his pants. The guy in the suit with his eyes darting around the airplane cabin may be a sky marshal willing to die to keep you safe. Thank them all. They are far more likely to save your life than take it. I'm willing to bet you at some point are within 6 feet of a firearm every day you leave your home. You haven't been shot yet, have you?
It seems the Albuquerque thrift stores don't take donations from Friday through Sunday. We found this out with a car packed with donations yesterday so today we made the trip up to the wife's favorite place in Santa Fe, Look What the Cat Dragged In and dropped the donations there.
On the return trip there was a car pulled over on the north bound side of I 25 with the front fully engulfed in flames, it had just happened and a couple of people had already stopped to help and were running towards the car with fire extinguishers, looked like everyone had escaped the car. Of course north bound was already starting to back up.
Speaking of traffic the local news reported that Albuquerque has the second most polite drivers in the nation......... Personally I have never had to drive amidst a more concentrated group of clueless and distracted drivers in my life........ :lol:
Ouch, Ouchie, Ow, Ow!

I just burnt two of my fingertips on my left hand.

I went to take the trash out after a great 4th of July bratwurst dinner ,very interesting taste, close enough to pork bratwurst, but not as thick around as regular bratwurst :)
But I regress.
When I went to take it out, I noticed that Mr. P had dropped his cane next to the trike.
He has always had wood canes for 25 years, but got a fold up one for his bike. It's made of metal and has been out there since this morning in 100 degree heat, so...........
When I picked it up ta da! Did not even remember it was metal.:mad-61:
Good thing I'm right handed. :biggrin:
Fairly low temps for us right now - 90 at our house but high humidity makes it feel a lot hotter--we're running 45 to 55% humidity today which is really high for us. And we're under a severe thunderstorm watch. Could be an interesting early evening but I sort of doubt it.
Fairly low temps for us right now - 90 at our house but high humidity makes it feel a lot hotter--we're running 45 to 55% humidity today which is really high for us. And we're under a severe thunderstorm watch. Could be an interesting early evening but I sort of doubt it.
We had some rain move through, nice winds so we opened the house up. The rain is gone and the wind died down so I just closed the house and turned on the A/C. Humidity never rose above 30% here at the house.
Ouch, Ouchie, Ow, Ow!

I just burnt two of my fingertips on my left hand.

I went to take the trash out after a great 4th of July bratwurst dinner ,very interesting taste, close enough to pork bratwurst, but not as thick around as regular bratwurst :)
But I regress.
When I went to take it out, I noticed that Mr. P had dropped his cane next to the trike.
He has always had wood canes for 25 years, but got a fold up one for his bike. It's made of metal and has been out there since this morning in 100 degree heat, so...........
When I picked it up ta da! Did not even remember it was metal.:mad-61:
Good thing I'm right handed. :biggrin:
I did that when I started using cast iron skillets again, forgot the handle gets hot also........... :lol:
Fairly low temps for us right now - 90 at our house but high humidity makes it feel a lot hotter--we're running 45 to 55% humidity today which is really high for us. And we're under a severe thunderstorm watch. Could be an interesting early evening but I sort of doubt it.
We had some rain move through, nice winds so we opened the house up. The rain is gone and the wind died down so I just closed the house and turned on the A/C. Humidity never rose above 30% here at the house.

I was just using the internet weather numbers. We don't have any way to measure humidity here. Might ought to get one of those weather stations, huh.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

The simplest and most psychologically satisfying explanation of any observed phenomenon is that it happened that way because someone wanted it to happen that way.--Thomas Sowell
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

The simplest and most psychologically satisfying explanation of any observed phenomenon is that it happened that way because someone wanted it to happen that way.--Thomas Sowell

Fairly low temps for us right now - 90 at our house but high humidity makes it feel a lot hotter--we're running 45 to 55% humidity today which is really high for us. And we're under a severe thunderstorm watch. Could be an interesting early evening but I sort of doubt it.
We had some rain move through, nice winds so we opened the house up. The rain is gone and the wind died down so I just closed the house and turned on the A/C. Humidity never rose above 30% here at the house.

I was just using the internet weather numbers. We don't have any way to measure humidity here. Might ought to get one of those weather stations, huh.
Doesn't have to be one of the expensive ones, just temp and humidity. No need to measure wind speed, direction, rain totals, etc unless you're into that.
Fairly low temps for us right now - 90 at our house but high humidity makes it feel a lot hotter--we're running 45 to 55% humidity today which is really high for us. And we're under a severe thunderstorm watch. Could be an interesting early evening but I sort of doubt it.
We had some rain move through, nice winds so we opened the house up. The rain is gone and the wind died down so I just closed the house and turned on the A/C. Humidity never rose above 30% here at the house.

I was just using the internet weather numbers. We don't have any way to measure humidity here. Might ought to get one of those weather stations, huh.
Doesn't have to be one of the expensive ones, just temp and humidity. No need to measure wind speed, direction, rain totals, etc unless you're into that.

I would like to have a rain guage but you can buy those to stick out in the yard for a couple of bucks or so. I am seeing some four and five star wireless weather stations advertised for under $30. Might look into that at some point. We have indoor outdoor thermometers but nothing to measure barometric pressure or humidity. Having lived in Tornado Alley for most of my life, a barometer was pretty important. :)
Well folks... Guess what! Got a call from the bar. When they were moving of our tables to clean up last night, a leveler foot broke off. Mot of the feet are seized up from rust so this meant replacing the pedestal. I had 4 spare tables in my garage, so I took the pedestal off one and was carrying it out to the truck when I put my foot on something that made my placement off level. When I shifted my weight to my left foot, I snapped a bone. After a trip to the hospital, I am now wearing a boot that is supposed to immobilize the foot. Another 8 weeks of crutches is in my future.
I was just getting to where I could get around without the cane and was planning to ride the Harley to my last doctor visit Monday. Now, I have an ill fitting boot that gives less support than my shoe and makes walking more painful that walking bare foot. The worst part is that I'm back on pain medication. I am NOT a happy camper!

View attachment 136381

Ohhhhhh nooooooooooooo...............Ernie am I going to have to move in with you? You know I am just up the street....or across the road...or whatever. You've been a disaster lately!

Actually, I am the one out of work. I could come down, but after I ran off all the troublemakers, Ernie would not have near the fun at the bar.
Should be a convenience store, not a government agency, donchathink?View attachment 136394
I've never said no to a frosty bottle of Beck's nor a maduro wrapped stogie! Can we leave the pistol in the safe please?
Why? You realize that it won't jump up and bite you. It's holding the table clothe down against the breeze.
After a few frosty Beck's, the table cloth holder might fall into less than reliable hands. Better safe than sorry. I'll use a brick to prevent any linen calamities.

Note: the table in the photo is of treated lumber sans tablecloth.
You're drinking with the wrong people if they're that unreliable. What's to stop them from picking up the brick and braining you with it?
If they hit me with a brick it'll hurt for sure. But if they pull a trigger, it's all over. Bricks are slow compared to guns.

Googling fastest brick in the West was unsuccessful.

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