USMB Coffee Shop IV

Went to bed around 10ish last night but woke up at 12:30 am feeling hot and stuffy and feeling like I was sleeping on a pile of bricks. Had a nice t-storm move through around 2:30-3 am, the thunder scared the cats and the rain came down in buckets. Finally was able to go back to sleep around 4 am and woke up a half hour ago. Unfortunately the wife is on a get things done kick right now and I'm not awake yet...........

Carly woke me up last night barking at the thunder. Loved the rain though. It wasn't coming in my window so I left it open--the smell of the rain was heavenly.
Went to bed around 10ish last night but woke up at 12:30 am feeling hot and stuffy and feeling like I was sleeping on a pile of bricks. Had a nice t-storm move through around 2:30-3 am, the thunder scared the cats and the rain came down in buckets. Finally was able to go back to sleep around 4 am and woke up a half hour ago. Unfortunately the wife is on a get things done kick right now and I'm not awake yet...........

Carly woke me up last night barking at the thunder. Loved the rain though. It wasn't coming in my window so I left it open--the smell of the rain was heavenly.
The back patio has a very nice roof over it, log post and beam with log rafters and cedar roof slats covered with a metal roof, love the sound of rain on a metal roof. The upright posts are carved in a large basket pattern.
Had to close the bedroom window as the rain was hitting the screen and spraying on the head of the bed, reopened it after the rain had passed.
I replaced the asphalt shingle roof on Pimplebutt with a standing seam steel roof about five years ago. If it's rain ning hard I can hear the rain pelting the roof. But I also replaced a wooden and asphalt shingled overhang above the rear door with an all steel awning. That's where the sound comes from.

If you took the head from a drum and laid it flat on a table, it won't make much of a sound when you strike it with a drumstick. But put it over a hollow cylinder and thump it it virtually rings. That's why the roof proper doesn't create the expected sound of rain on metal. But there's nothing blunting the sound under the overhang. Even a gentle rain sounds glorious.
Went to bed around 10ish last night but woke up at 12:30 am feeling hot and stuffy and feeling like I was sleeping on a pile of bricks. Had a nice t-storm move through around 2:30-3 am, the thunder scared the cats and the rain came down in buckets. Finally was able to go back to sleep around 4 am and woke up a half hour ago. Unfortunately the wife is on a get things done kick right now and I'm not awake yet...........

Carly woke me up last night barking at the thunder. Loved the rain though. It wasn't coming in my window so I left it open--the smell of the rain was heavenly.
The back patio has a very nice roof over it, log post and beam with log rafters and cedar roof slats covered with a metal roof, love the sound of rain on a metal roof. The upright posts are carved in a large basket pattern.
Had to close the bedroom window as the rain was hitting the screen and spraying on the head of the bed, reopened it after the rain had passed.
I agree about the sound of rain on a metal roof. But we use metal for other reasons, one being that they shed snow a lot better than other types of roofs. The other big reason is, metal roofs are less susceptible to catching fire than asphalt or wood shingles. Both snow and wild fires are issues where I live.
Went to bed around 10ish last night but woke up at 12:30 am feeling hot and stuffy and feeling like I was sleeping on a pile of bricks. Had a nice t-storm move through around 2:30-3 am, the thunder scared the cats and the rain came down in buckets. Finally was able to go back to sleep around 4 am and woke up a half hour ago. Unfortunately the wife is on a get things done kick right now and I'm not awake yet...........

Carly woke me up last night barking at the thunder. Loved the rain though. It wasn't coming in my window so I left it open--the smell of the rain was heavenly.
The back patio has a very nice roof over it, log post and beam with log rafters and cedar roof slats covered with a metal roof, love the sound of rain on a metal roof. The upright posts are carved in a large basket pattern.
Had to close the bedroom window as the rain was hitting the screen and spraying on the head of the bed, reopened it after the rain had passed.
I agree about the sound of rain on a metal roof. But we use metal for other reasons, one being that they shed snow a lot better than other types of roofs. The other big reason is, metal roofs are less susceptible to catching fire than asphalt or wood shingles. Both snow and wild fires are issues where I live.

What's happening in world! Today in fact I was swimming to job - having my sneakers full of water. It's all because of heavy rain... But when I left job - there wasn't any wet place! Which is year now? It seems I've just visited time machine..
It's been raining here, too. But I welcome the rain. The last few years have been so dry that wild fires have been a major concern. Lots of people around here lost their homes two years ago because of a trash fire that got out of control. Of course, the years when we have lots of rain, we have floods. A couple of years ago, the bridge where I live washed away and I ended up leading my goats a few miles downstream to where they were building a new bridge. Some days you get the wolf, some days the wolf gets you, I guess.
It's been raining here, too. But I welcome the rain. The last few years have been so dry that wild fires have been a major concern. Lots of people around here lost their homes two years ago because of a trash fire that got out of control. Of course, the years when we have lots of rain, we have floods. A couple of years ago, the bridge where I live washed away and I ended up leading my goats a few miles downstream to where they were building a new bridge. Some days you get the wolf, some days the wolf gets you, I guess.

We need the rain too but it has been very spotty so far. The places that haven't gotten any or haven't gotten much are tinder dry and fire is real concern here too. The monsoon should arrive any time now though and if get a good one, it does knock down the fire hazard considerably. If it is a bust, then we burn.
Going to be pretty busy tomorrow and won't have time to post so I shall post now. I wanted to wish everybody a happy 4th of July. We have problems in our country and it seems that everyday there is something new wrong in the land in which we live but with that said, I can't think of a single place on this earth where I would rather live. In spite of all of our problems, America is still the greatest place on earth. As we celebrate tomorrow, let's not forget what makes us unique and also give thanks to all the great people who made this country the country that it is.
Let's see... Doc's is open, so I should stop by there, fun food and fireworks at my partners' place and I have a date. Really don't know where it might lead, but if nothing else, I will enjoy the company of a gorgeous woman.
Y'all have a great Uncle Sam's Birthday!
Going to be pretty busy tomorrow and won't have time to post so I shall post now. I wanted to wish everybody a happy 4th of July. We have problems in our country and it seems that everyday there is something new wrong in the land in which we live but with that said, I can't think of a single place on this earth where I would rather live. In spite of all of our problems, America is still the greatest place on earth. As we celebrate tomorrow, let's not forget what makes us unique and also give thanks to all the great people who made this country the country that it is.

You and the Mrs. Have a wonderful vacation !!!
I just got back from the sky rocket show. The town across the river Chester, West Virginia sponsors the Independece Day show while East Liverpool, Ohio produces the show in mid June for the annual Pottery Festival.

They had some new and amazing sky rockets tonight. One looked like a hamburger splitting up. The top half of the 'bun' rose up revealing a circle of red that served as a beef patty. Meanwhile the lower half of the bun sunk away. I took Mom down and we sat in chairs right behind the historic Thompson House and enjoyed a wonderful view.

My brother served as the President of the Pottery Festival Association for five or six years. One year he asked if I would like to set off the fireworks. Who could say no? I thought it was just ceremonial. I might push a button or blow a horn and a professional would do the rest. But my function was to actually choreograph the whole show.

There were dozens of plastic tubes ranging from six inches in diameter up to ten inches. They were arrayed in big sand filled crates. A labyrinth of wires ran from each of the tubes to a central control panel. The panel was fitted out with green yellow and red lights with little toggle switched under each light.

"The show is supposed to go about twenty minutes" explained the pyrotechnician "The green lights are C types, the smallest and lowest ones. Yellow are Bs and the reds are As, the highest, loudest and most expensive ones. The white button fires the grand finale."

That was the extent of my fireworks training. So, precisely at 9:30 I fired the first C type skyrocket. I keep pushing the button randomly selecting a couple of C followed by a B or two. The As were fired sparingly. As the green and yellow lights went out, I concentrated on the red lights firing A types with abandon. Once all the colored lights were out, I hit the white button. All hel broke loose as the sky above the sewage treatment plant, the site of the fireworks, filled with light, smoke, light, color and noise.

If you ever get the chance to fire off a sky rocket show, do it.

One more item off the Bucket List.

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Independence Day!
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Well the neighbors have run out of ammo or else they are respecting the fact that it is bedtime for a lot of us, and I have an early eye appointment in the morning so I'm shutting down for the night. Carly isn't as spooked by the fireworks as some dogs, but she sure doesn't like them. Especially the big color burst kind that get way up there. Very scary for her. Very illegal but some folks had a lot of them.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
GW's daughter, her friend Sachendra, and Sachendra's husband Bob and son Gary in what is probably Sachendra's last days.
Mrs. Saveliberty with her knee surgery.
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Kat & Mr. Kat in transition,
Hossfly's knee surgery,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition and wellness for Ringel,
Dana!!!! (Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant.)
Special prayers and/or positive thoughts for Mr. Peach and Peach143 in the coming days and wellness for them both.
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
All of us and those we care about who are looking for work,

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, Oddball, Spoonman, SFC Ollie, AgainSheila, and all others we hope will return.

May we think of freedom, not as the right to do as we please, but as the opportunity to do what is right.--Peter Marshall
We had an interesting 4th of July.

The buffalo hot dogs turned out great, served it with german potato salad.

Then at 8:30 p.m. one of the idiot neighbors did fireworks!!!! :eek-52:
All of the sparks went out though, before hitting the ground. They also had plenty with garden hoses around the area.
The whole State is under a fireworks ban, because it's so dry.

We were all up keeping a close eye on it. It lasted off and on till 10:30 p.m.
We have our own willowlakes volunteer fire dept. because the city covers only the city of Benson.
Tomorrow afternoon Mr. P gets his heart test to see how much his 1/4 th of his heart is performing.
40 % or higher means he can get rid of the vest.
Our fingers are crossed. :)
We'll know hopefully with a phone call on Friday.

Oh, and have I mentioned before how much I hate Tucson (even though I used to live there) :lmao:
Tomorrow afternoon Mr. P gets his heart test to see how much his 1/4 th of his heart is performing.
40 % or higher means he can get rid of the vest.
Our fingers are crossed. :)
We'll know hopefully with a phone call on Friday.

Oh, and have I mentioned before how much I hate Tucson (even though I used to live there) :lmao:

We'll kick him to the top of the list for tomorrow. The top of course is the bottom. :)
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