USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well we had an interesting afternoon. Had just picked up Carly's prescription at the vet and were headed to Sprouts to buy fresh fruit and veggies when we got hit in the right rear quarter panel--tore the skin almost all the way off the car and screwed up the left rear wheel and then the right one when the car spun into the curb. The car has been towed and we drove a rental car home but are pretty bummed about the whole thing. And it had been an absolutely pleasant day up to that point.

Sorry to hear the news of your bad luck Foxfyre... This is probably like preaching to the choir but, cars are replaceable and we pay a boatload of money to insurance companies to do just that. An inconvenience yes, but as long as no one was injured blessing should be counted. Amen and pass the plate... ole foxy needs the money...
Well we had an interesting afternoon. Had just picked up Carly's prescription at the vet and were headed to Sprouts to buy fresh fruit and veggies when we got hit in the right rear quarter panel--tore the skin almost all the way off the car and screwed up the left rear wheel and then the right one when the car spun into the curb. The car has been towed and we drove a rental car home but are pretty bummed about the whole thing. And it had been an absolutely pleasant day up to that point.

At least no one was hurt. :)
Happy Wednesday!

Well we had an interesting afternoon. Had just picked up Carly's prescription at the vet and were headed to Sprouts to buy fresh fruit and veggies when we got hit in the right rear quarter panel--tore the skin almost all the way off the car and screwed up the left rear wheel and then the right one when the car spun into the curb. The car has been towed and we drove a rental car home but are pretty bummed about the whole thing. And it had been an absolutely pleasant day up to that point.

But happy to hear you both are alright. :)
Well we had an interesting afternoon. Had just picked up Carly's prescription at the vet and were headed to Sprouts to buy fresh fruit and veggies when we got hit in the right rear quarter panel--tore the skin almost all the way off the car and screwed up the left rear wheel and then the right one when the car spun into the curb. The car has been towed and we drove a rental car home but are pretty bummed about the whole thing. And it had been an absolutely pleasant day up to that point.
Hopefully you two are alright. :thup: Academy or Montgomery Sprouts?
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Academy Sprouts. I have a bit of whiplash in my neck and upper back but it isn't getting worse so I figure it will be sort lived. Hombre says he is okay but he seems to be moving more slowly today. We spent the morning dealing with the body shop and trying to find out what the towing company did with our car when they didn't deliver it to the body shop last night. We did find it and it should be there by now. Got our first Wednesday (10% discount for senior citizens) grocery shopping done. Thank goodness I hired a housekeeping service to do a quick clean ahead of house guests arriving tomorrow. I honestly think I would not have been up to that.
Academy Sprouts. I have a bit of whiplash in my neck and upper back but it isn't getting worse so I figure it will be sort lived. Hombre says he is okay but he seems to be moving more slowly today. We spent the morning dealing with the body shop and trying to find out what the towing company did with our car when they didn't deliver it to the body shop last night. We did find it and it should be there by now. Got our first Wednesday (10% discount for senior citizens) grocery shopping done. Thank goodness I hired a housekeeping service to do a quick clean ahead of house guests arriving tomorrow. I honestly think I would not have been up to that.
If you were hit that hard you should both get checked out medically. I'm assuming it was the other driver's fault hence I would get an attorney or at least talk to one.
Academy Sprouts. I have a bit of whiplash in my neck and upper back but it isn't getting worse so I figure it will be sort lived. Hombre says he is okay but he seems to be moving more slowly today. We spent the morning dealing with the body shop and trying to find out what the towing company did with our car when they didn't deliver it to the body shop last night. We did find it and it should be there by now. Got our first Wednesday (10% discount for senior citizens) grocery shopping done. Thank goodness I hired a housekeeping service to do a quick clean ahead of house guests arriving tomorrow. I honestly think I would not have been up to that.
If you were hit that hard you should both get checked out medically. I'm assuming it was the other driver's fault hence I would get an attorney or at least talk to one.

I have been thinking the same thing. Sometimes you don't know for a few days.
Well we had an interesting afternoon. Had just picked up Carly's prescription at the vet and were headed to Sprouts to buy fresh fruit and veggies when we got hit in the right rear quarter panel--tore the skin almost all the way off the car and screwed up the left rear wheel and then the right one when the car spun into the curb. The car has been towed and we drove a rental car home but are pretty bummed about the whole thing. And it had been an absolutely pleasant day up to that point.
How are you guys, though?
Well we had an interesting afternoon. Had just picked up Carly's prescription at the vet and were headed to Sprouts to buy fresh fruit and veggies when we got hit in the right rear quarter panel--tore the skin almost all the way off the car and screwed up the left rear wheel and then the right one when the car spun into the curb. The car has been towed and we drove a rental car home but are pretty bummed about the whole thing. And it had been an absolutely pleasant day up to that point.

You personified your car Foxfyre, car's skin? You can try a band-aid, but I am thinking body shop...

Well, brother-in-law died Wednesday at 5:40 am. Mrs. Liberty had a dream that he died at 5:55 am, but no specific day. Funeral is Saturday. Still on the job search with no solid prospects just yet. Although I was running out of landscape work, and now there are four medium sized jobs to keep me busy through next week, so not all is bad or stressful.
Academy Sprouts. I have a bit of whiplash in my neck and upper back but it isn't getting worse so I figure it will be sort lived. Hombre says he is okay but he seems to be moving more slowly today. We spent the morning dealing with the body shop and trying to find out what the towing company did with our car when they didn't deliver it to the body shop last night. We did find it and it should be there by now. Got our first Wednesday (10% discount for senior citizens) grocery shopping done. Thank goodness I hired a housekeeping service to do a quick clean ahead of house guests arriving tomorrow. I honestly think I would not have been up to that.
Don't either of you guys be heroes. If there is any suspicion that you have been injured, have it documented, NOW!
Well we had an interesting afternoon. Had just picked up Carly's prescription at the vet and were headed to Sprouts to buy fresh fruit and veggies when we got hit in the right rear quarter panel--tore the skin almost all the way off the car and screwed up the left rear wheel and then the right one when the car spun into the curb. The car has been towed and we drove a rental car home but are pretty bummed about the whole thing. And it had been an absolutely pleasant day up to that point.

You personified your car Foxfyre, car's skin? You can try a band-aid, but I am thinking body shop...

Well, brother-in-law died Wednesday at 5:40 am. Mrs. Liberty had a dream that he died at 5:55 am, but no specific day. Funeral is Saturday. Still on the job search with no solid prospects just yet. Although I was running out of landscape work, and now there are four medium sized jobs to keep me busy through next week, so not all is bad or stressful.
Sorry for Mrs. Liberty's loss.
I'm still crossing the hooks for you to find some steady, rewarding work.
Housemate is in his hallway bathroom, peeling 50 year old wallpaper off the walls...and lo and mold is under it. Oh lucky us.
So now, we hold our breath when we head to our rooms, in the laundry room and partially in the kitchen. We DID finally get new flooring in the kitchen and tomorrow it will go in his hallway bathroom but I feel sorry for the guy installing it and hopes he has a mask.
Housemate did peel off a bunch of wallpaper and cleaned it off with mold killer spray, then painted primer on it but the whole bathroom needs to be done. I hope he doesn't put it off. I've had enough of mold and mushrooms growing under beds for a lifetime.
A gorgeous Harvest moon hung low in the eastern sky last night. It looked to be the size of a Mason jar lid at 7:00 as dusk settled in. But today I awoke to an autumn rain pelting the roof. Time to roll over and snooze for a few more minutes. I'm up and at 'em by 8:00 most days since retirement. Daisy the Mutt's toenails can be heard clicking down along the hardwood floors around 10:30. She goes to the kitchen, laps up some water, stretches and poses then swats the sole of my foot in order to be let outside. Five minutes later, she lets out a yap to be brought back inside. Then it's time for her to take a forty minute nap.

I took Mom on a dive yesterday. She wanted to buy some apples and the local orchards are brimming with a bumper crop. After the orchard we went to a farm stand to get the last of the sweet corn this season. Along with ears of sweet corn, she picked up some freshly harvested beets, still with the foliage attached, an eggplant, butternut squash, a couple handfuls of green beans, banana peppers, red potatoes, a zucchini and a half gallon of fresh apple cider.

We're still a few weeks from peak autumn colors so out we'll go in mid month to take in the sights. I got a faint whiff of a coal fire on our sojourn. I remember when most folks in these parts heated their homes with coal. The racket the delivery trucks made as they dumped coal down metal chutes into coal cellars in basements. The little tornadoes of soot swirling around in front porches. The heaps of ashes along the roadside in the winter to provide traction to stuck motorists.

I heard that this week marked the sixtieth anniversary of the launch of Sputnik. When I was born in January of that year, there were 48 states in the union, Ike was president and nothing had yet to be launched into outer space. What a time it must have been. By October, I was soiling my cloth diaper as Mom clinched safety pins between her teeth while she deposited a dirty diaper into a pale.

It made me think about my first real memory. It was the Cuban Missile crisis fifty five years ago this month. When the grown ups are afraid, even the little kids pay attention. I remember imitating President Kennedy, calling that Caribbean island "Cuber" as I understood him to say and eliciting roars of laughter from my parents and grandparents.

In case the wheels fell off and a nuclear exchange happened, we were to repair to Grandpa's house on Vernia Street. There, in the backyard under the crab apple tree, he had built a bomb shelter where we were to spend eternity. Within three years, the bomb shelter that was off limits to us grandkids became our playhouse in combination with a storage shed where grandpa's lawn mower would sit. The place reeked of vinegar as Grandpa seemed to refuse to rake up the crab apples that fell in late summertime. Honey bees were a constant threat as the rotting apple smell drew them like a watermelon rind draws flies at a picnic.

Grandpa's next door neighbor had a small metal shop set up in his garage. The buzz and crackle of the welder droned on through the day and into the evening. We were all duly warned to never EVER look at the bluish sparks it produced. The son of Grandpa's neighbor was Bernie Allen, a name that might not mean anything to you. But Bernie Allen was an East Liverpudlian who made it to the big leagues playing shortstop.

Grandpa was a Ford man and his Fairlane sat in his driveway. Big, blue and with a distinctive hood ornament that looked like a heraldic coat of arms, Grandpa's Fairlane would regularly whisk us grandkids down to Roger's Drive-In for root beer floats and onion rings. Uncle Alex (pronounced "Elec") was a Buick man and Pop drove a Mercury and then Pontiacs. Uncle Ducky, always an outlayer, drove Studebakers. An odd choice for a man of his massive carriage.
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A gorgeous Harvest moon hung low in the eastern sky last night. It looked to be the size of a Mason jar lid at 7:00 as dusk settled in. But today I awoke to an autumn rain pelting the roof. Time to roll over and snooze for a few more minutes. I'm up and at them by 8:00 most days since retirement. Daisy the Mutt's toenails can be heard clicking down along the hardwood around 10:30. She goes to the kitchen, laps up some water, stretches and poses then swats the sole of my foot in order to be let outside. Five minutes later, she lets out a yap to be brought back inside. Then it's time for her to take a forty minute nap.

I took Mom on a dive yesterday. She wanted to buy some apples and the local orchards are brimming with a bumper crop. After the orchard we went to a farm stand,to get the last of the sweet corn this season. Along with ears of sweet corn, she picked up some freshly harvested beet, still with the foliage attached, an eggplant, butternut squash, a couple handfuls of green beans, banana peppers, red potatoes, a zucchini and a half gallon of fresh apple cider.

We're still a few weeks from peak autumn colors so out we'll go in mid month to take in the sights. I got a faint whiff of a coal fire on our sojourn. I remember when most folks in these parts heated their homes with coal. The racket the delivery trucks made as they dumped coal down metal shoots into coal cellars in basements. The little tornadoes of soot swirling around in front porches. The heaps of ashes along the roadside in the winter to provide traction to stuck motorists.

I heard that this week marked the sixtieth anniversary of the launch of Sputnik. When I was born in January of that year, there were 48 states in the union, Ike was president and nothing had yet to be launched into outer space. What a time it must have been. By October, I was soiling my cloth diaper as Mom clinched safety pins between her teeth while she deposited a dirty diaper into a pale.

It made me think about my first real memory. It was the Cuban Missile crisis fifty five years ago this month. When the grown ups are afraid, even the little kids pay attention. I remember imitating President Kennedy, calling that Caribbean island "Cuber" as I understood him to say and eliciting roars of laughter from my parents and grandparents.
I wanna come live with you.
Not feeling any worse. Time pretty well tied up with our house guests this weekend but will check in when I can.

Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness,
007's brother-in-law for a full recovery,
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Comfort to Mrs. Saveliberty & family in the loss of her brother,
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, SFC Ollie, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Beautiful late harvest moon tonight
Talked to a friend of mine who makes his living brewing home-made wild berry jams and jellies (he has a chemistry degree from MIT). He mentioned that berries have been pretty scarce this season, and yet some of his usual suppliers brought in bumper crops from their locations. Weather has been pretty weird here this year.
When I first moved up here in '88, summers were typically pretty wet, lots of rain, all the time, beginning in July. Then it got nice and sunny for the past 7-8 years. We've been spoiled. This summer has been more "typical" with rain starting in early July and not really stopping ever since. I know that it will stop raining soon, when it starts snowing. The goats are miserable in their pens where the snow is almost knee deep for me in places.
My barn roof trusses were delivered Wed. I pick up the sheathing and steel panels tomorrow. I'm looking forward to getting at least a few sections of roof done. And I brought in the roof under budget, too!!

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