USMB Coffee Shop IV

Hossfly had a very busy day today. Early this afternoon I took Missus H to a strip mall a mile from the house to get her nails done. The shop is in the middle of the mall. At the end of the mall is a dry cleaners and I took a couple blankets to be cleaned. I had about 45 minutes to pick up the wife so I drove home to bag some leaves I had raked up. After filling six bags in a half hour I drove back to the mall and parked in front of the cleaners. There was a commotion at the end of the building and I walked around the corner and under a magnolia tree is a picnic table where 5 or 6 homeless guys sit and smoke, drink beer and wine and don't bother anyone or beg. I sometimes buy them a case of Bud and they are grateful. There was only one guy there and he is a vet with a good record. Three young thugs in their early twenties were baiting and threatening him. When they saw me they walked away and I told him to stay in front of the cleaners until he was sure they were gone. I went to my Allstate agents office by the nail shop and was talking to him for about 10 minutes when a woman rushed in and told us 3 guys were fighting at the other end of the building. Pete and I walked out and saw two of the thugs punching the homeless vet and we realized the thugs had sneaked around the building and ambushed him. One thug was behind him with his arms pinning the vets arms to his side. The other thug had punched him about 15 times in the face and neck with a set of sharp, brass knuckles and his face was bleeding profusely. I was carrying my trusty Hurricane and I whacked the brute on the wrist so hard I broke both bones in his wrist. The other thug wouldn't let the vet go so I whacked him on the head once and then whacked him along side the head a second time and it tore his ear half off. I hit him so hard I bent my cane.
Two women came out of the nail shop with some towels and put them around the two guys heads to help stop the bleeding. When the ambulance and police came, Pete and I gave our statements, the thugs were arrested and all 3 of the injured were taken away by the ambulance, escorted by the police. When I got home the desk sergeant called and Pete and I have to go in tomorrow at 9 AM to make formal statements. He also told me that if I hadn't jumped in the vet would have been killed. He is in the IC ward and the sgt. said Pete and I could visit him in a couple days. I'm getting too old for this kind of stuff.
Hossfly had a very busy day today. Early this afternoon I took Missus H to a strip mall a mile from the house to get her nails done. The shop is in the middle of the mall. At the end of the mall is a dry cleaners and I took a couple blankets to be cleaned. I had about 45 minutes to pick up the wife so I drove home to bag some leaves I had raked up. After filling six bags in a half hour I drove back to the mall and parked in front of the cleaners. There was a commotion at the end of the building and I walked around the corner and under a magnolia tree is a picnic table where 5 or 6 homeless guys sit and smoke, drink beer and wine and don't bother anyone or beg. I sometimes buy them a case of Bud and they are grateful. There was only one guy there and he is a vet with a good record. Three young thugs in their early twenties were baiting and threatening him. When they saw me they walked away and I told him to stay in front of the cleaners until he was sure they were gone. I went to my Allstate agents office by the nail shop and was talking to him for about 10 minutes when a woman rushed in and told us 3 guys were fighting at the other end of the building. Pete and I walked out and saw two of the thugs punching the homeless vet and we realized the thugs had sneaked around the building and ambushed him. One thug was behind him with his arms pinning the vets arms to his side. The other thug had punched him about 15 times in the face and neck with a set of sharp, brass knuckles and his face was bleeding profusely. I was carrying my trusty Hurricane and I whacked the brute on the wrist so hard I broke both bones in his wrist. The other thug wouldn't let the vet go so I whacked him on the head once and then whacked him along side the head a second time and it tore his ear half off. I hit him so hard I bent my cane.
Two women came out of the nail shop with some towels and put them around the two guys heads to help stop the bleeding. When the ambulance and police came, Pete and I gave our statements, the thugs were arrested and all 3 of the injured were taken away by the ambulance, escorted by the police. When I got home the desk sergeant called and Pete and I have to go in tomorrow at 9 AM to make formal statements. He also told me that if I hadn't jumped in the vet would have been killed. He is in the IC ward and the sgt. said Pete and I could visit him in a couple days. I'm getting too old for this kind of stuff.
Way to save the day, Hoss! Good on you! I hope the veteran gets the care he deserves. As for the thugs, your DiMaggio-like swats with the cane will give them some gooselumps and a sore ear. A cast on the wrist and he can have his new prison buddies something to sign.

Dr. Nosmo prescribes a healthy dram of bourbon and a night to bask in the light heroes alone deserve. No charge.
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Hossfly had a very busy day today. Early this afternoon I took Missus H to a strip mall a mile from the house to get her nails done. The shop is in the middle of the mall. At the end of the mall is a dry cleaners and I took a couple blankets to be cleaned. I had about 45 minutes to pick up the wife so I drove home to bag some leaves I had raked up. After filling six bags in a half hour I drove back to the mall and parked in front of the cleaners. There was a commotion at the end of the building and I walked around the corner and under a magnolia tree is a picnic table where 5 or 6 homeless guys sit and smoke, drink beer and wine and don't bother anyone or beg. I sometimes buy them a case of Bud and they are grateful. There was only one guy there and he is a vet with a good record. Three young thugs in their early twenties were baiting and threatening him. When they saw me they walked away and I told him to stay in front of the cleaners until he was sure they were gone. I went to my Allstate agents office by the nail shop and was talking to him for about 10 minutes when a woman rushed in and told us 3 guys were fighting at the other end of the building. Pete and I walked out and saw two of the thugs punching the homeless vet and we realized the thugs had sneaked around the building and ambushed him. One thug was behind him with his arms pinning the vets arms to his side. The other thug had punched him about 15 times in the face and neck with a set of sharp, brass knuckles and his face was bleeding profusely. I was carrying my trusty Hurricane and I whacked the brute on the wrist so hard I broke both bones in his wrist. The other thug wouldn't let the vet go so I whacked him on the head once and then whacked him along side the head a second time and it tore his ear half off. I hit him so hard I bent my cane.
Two women came out of the nail shop with some towels and put them around the two guys heads to help stop the bleeding. When the ambulance and police came, Pete and I gave our statements, the thugs were arrested and all 3 of the injured were taken away by the ambulance, escorted by the police. When I got home the desk sergeant called and Pete and I have to go in tomorrow at 9 AM to make formal statements. He also told me that if I hadn't jumped in the vet would have been killed. He is in the IC ward and the sgt. said Pete and I could visit him in a couple days. I'm getting too old for this kind of stuff.
Way to save the day, Hoss! Good on you! I hope the veteran gets the care he deserves. As for the thugs, you're DiMaggio-like swats with the cane will give them some gooselumps and a sore ear. A cast on the wrist and he can have his new prison buddies something to sign.

Dr. Nosmo prescribes a healthy drain of bourbon and a night to bask in the light heroes alone deserve. No charge.
Thanks. I don't drink any more but I did eat a big bar of Marzipan awhile ago. As for my action with the vet, I just saw red because that guy never bothers anybody and the neighbors keep an eye on him. He was medically discharged so he has a little money and spends it on the other homeless he hangs with.
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.
Drifter for resolution of difficult situation,
ricechickie on the anniversary of remembrance,
Saveliberty's family in the passing of Mrs Saveliberty's mom.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, Dalia, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

Hossfly had a very busy day today. Early this afternoon I took Missus H to a strip mall a mile from the house to get her nails done. The shop is in the middle of the mall. At the end of the mall is a dry cleaners and I took a couple blankets to be cleaned. I had about 45 minutes to pick up the wife so I drove home to bag some leaves I had raked up. After filling six bags in a half hour I drove back to the mall and parked in front of the cleaners. There was a commotion at the end of the building and I walked around the corner and under a magnolia tree is a picnic table where 5 or 6 homeless guys sit and smoke, drink beer and wine and don't bother anyone or beg. I sometimes buy them a case of Bud and they are grateful. There was only one guy there and he is a vet with a good record. Three young thugs in their early twenties were baiting and threatening him. When they saw me they walked away and I told him to stay in front of the cleaners until he was sure they were gone. I went to my Allstate agents office by the nail shop and was talking to him for about 10 minutes when a woman rushed in and told us 3 guys were fighting at the other end of the building. Pete and I walked out and saw two of the thugs punching the homeless vet and we realized the thugs had sneaked around the building and ambushed him. One thug was behind him with his arms pinning the vets arms to his side. The other thug had punched him about 15 times in the face and neck with a set of sharp, brass knuckles and his face was bleeding profusely. I was carrying my trusty Hurricane and I whacked the brute on the wrist so hard I broke both bones in his wrist. The other thug wouldn't let the vet go so I whacked him on the head once and then whacked him along side the head a second time and it tore his ear half off. I hit him so hard I bent my cane.
Two women came out of the nail shop with some towels and put them around the two guys heads to help stop the bleeding. When the ambulance and police came, Pete and I gave our statements, the thugs were arrested and all 3 of the injured were taken away by the ambulance, escorted by the police. When I got home the desk sergeant called and Pete and I have to go in tomorrow at 9 AM to make formal statements. He also told me that if I hadn't jumped in the vet would have been killed. He is in the IC ward and the sgt. said Pete and I could visit him in a couple days. I'm getting too old for this kind of stuff.
Excellent Hoss nice to see a bit of Rough Justice melted out by you,JUST A SHAME YOU WERE NOT CARRYING YOUR GUN...HOW DID YOUR NAILS TURN OUT(Yes I read between the lines,making out the Manicure & Pedicure was for Mrs Hoss) I know you too well LOL,love you man...steve...these Bastards are SCUMBAGS
Hossfly had a very busy day today. Early this afternoon I took Missus H to a strip mall a mile from the house to get her nails done. The shop is in the middle of the mall. At the end of the mall is a dry cleaners and I took a couple blankets to be cleaned. I had about 45 minutes to pick up the wife so I drove home to bag some leaves I had raked up. After filling six bags in a half hour I drove back to the mall and parked in front of the cleaners. There was a commotion at the end of the building and I walked around the corner and under a magnolia tree is a picnic table where 5 or 6 homeless guys sit and smoke, drink beer and wine and don't bother anyone or beg. I sometimes buy them a case of Bud and they are grateful. There was only one guy there and he is a vet with a good record. Three young thugs in their early twenties were baiting and threatening him. When they saw me they walked away and I told him to stay in front of the cleaners until he was sure they were gone. I went to my Allstate agents office by the nail shop and was talking to him for about 10 minutes when a woman rushed in and told us 3 guys were fighting at the other end of the building. Pete and I walked out and saw two of the thugs punching the homeless vet and we realized the thugs had sneaked around the building and ambushed him. One thug was behind him with his arms pinning the vets arms to his side. The other thug had punched him about 15 times in the face and neck with a set of sharp, brass knuckles and his face was bleeding profusely. I was carrying my trusty Hurricane and I whacked the brute on the wrist so hard I broke both bones in his wrist. The other thug wouldn't let the vet go so I whacked him on the head once and then whacked him along side the head a second time and it tore his ear half off. I hit him so hard I bent my cane.
Two women came out of the nail shop with some towels and put them around the two guys heads to help stop the bleeding. When the ambulance and police came, Pete and I gave our statements, the thugs were arrested and all 3 of the injured were taken away by the ambulance, escorted by the police. When I got home the desk sergeant called and Pete and I have to go in tomorrow at 9 AM to make formal statements. He also told me that if I hadn't jumped in the vet would have been killed. He is in the IC ward and the sgt. said Pete and I could visit him in a couple days. I'm getting too old for this kind of stuff.

Holy cow Hossfly. Those guys were lucky you had a hurricane and not a Magnum .357 on you. But your knee must be doing really well.
Hossfly had a very busy day today. Early this afternoon I took Missus H to a strip mall a mile from the house to get her nails done. The shop is in the middle of the mall. At the end of the mall is a dry cleaners and I took a couple blankets to be cleaned. I had about 45 minutes to pick up the wife so I drove home to bag some leaves I had raked up. After filling six bags in a half hour I drove back to the mall and parked in front of the cleaners. There was a commotion at the end of the building and I walked around the corner and under a magnolia tree is a picnic table where 5 or 6 homeless guys sit and smoke, drink beer and wine and don't bother anyone or beg. I sometimes buy them a case of Bud and they are grateful. There was only one guy there and he is a vet with a good record. Three young thugs in their early twenties were baiting and threatening him. When they saw me they walked away and I told him to stay in front of the cleaners until he was sure they were gone. I went to my Allstate agents office by the nail shop and was talking to him for about 10 minutes when a woman rushed in and told us 3 guys were fighting at the other end of the building. Pete and I walked out and saw two of the thugs punching the homeless vet and we realized the thugs had sneaked around the building and ambushed him. One thug was behind him with his arms pinning the vets arms to his side. The other thug had punched him about 15 times in the face and neck with a set of sharp, brass knuckles and his face was bleeding profusely. I was carrying my trusty Hurricane and I whacked the brute on the wrist so hard I broke both bones in his wrist. The other thug wouldn't let the vet go so I whacked him on the head once and then whacked him along side the head a second time and it tore his ear half off. I hit him so hard I bent my cane.
Two women came out of the nail shop with some towels and put them around the two guys heads to help stop the bleeding. When the ambulance and police came, Pete and I gave our statements, the thugs were arrested and all 3 of the injured were taken away by the ambulance, escorted by the police. When I got home the desk sergeant called and Pete and I have to go in tomorrow at 9 AM to make formal statements. He also told me that if I hadn't jumped in the vet would have been killed. He is in the IC ward and the sgt. said Pete and I could visit him in a couple days. I'm getting too old for this kind of stuff.

Holy cow Hossfly. Those guys were lucky you had a hurricane and not a Magnum .357 on you. But your knee must be doing really well.

I keep a Glock 17 in the car but I never even thought about it. I wasn't in danger or I would have gotten it out. Knee is fine but I still carry a cane.
Hossfly had a very busy day today. Early this afternoon I took Missus H to a strip mall a mile from the house to get her nails done. The shop is in the middle of the mall. At the end of the mall is a dry cleaners and I took a couple blankets to be cleaned. I had about 45 minutes to pick up the wife so I drove home to bag some leaves I had raked up. After filling six bags in a half hour I drove back to the mall and parked in front of the cleaners. There was a commotion at the end of the building and I walked around the corner and under a magnolia tree is a picnic table where 5 or 6 homeless guys sit and smoke, drink beer and wine and don't bother anyone or beg. I sometimes buy them a case of Bud and they are grateful. There was only one guy there and he is a vet with a good record. Three young thugs in their early twenties were baiting and threatening him. When they saw me they walked away and I told him to stay in front of the cleaners until he was sure they were gone. I went to my Allstate agents office by the nail shop and was talking to him for about 10 minutes when a woman rushed in and told us 3 guys were fighting at the other end of the building. Pete and I walked out and saw two of the thugs punching the homeless vet and we realized the thugs had sneaked around the building and ambushed him. One thug was behind him with his arms pinning the vets arms to his side. The other thug had punched him about 15 times in the face and neck with a set of sharp, brass knuckles and his face was bleeding profusely. I was carrying my trusty Hurricane and I whacked the brute on the wrist so hard I broke both bones in his wrist. The other thug wouldn't let the vet go so I whacked him on the head once and then whacked him along side the head a second time and it tore his ear half off. I hit him so hard I bent my cane.
Two women came out of the nail shop with some towels and put them around the two guys heads to help stop the bleeding. When the ambulance and police came, Pete and I gave our statements, the thugs were arrested and all 3 of the injured were taken away by the ambulance, escorted by the police. When I got home the desk sergeant called and Pete and I have to go in tomorrow at 9 AM to make formal statements. He also told me that if I hadn't jumped in the vet would have been killed. He is in the IC ward and the sgt. said Pete and I could visit him in a couple days. I'm getting too old for this kind of stuff.

Hoss, you are a hero! :up: Good for you and good for the others that you helped. The world needs more people like you who will step up like that.
My employer has family coming in tonight to visit for Thanksgiving. The dog apparently decided he should prepare the house for them, so he left diarrhea strewn across my employer's bedroom floor. What makes it especially annoying is that I only noticed it because I was going to that bedroom closet to look for some tape to tape the Christmas present I got for the dog and was wrapping. I quickly went from wrapping a present to wanting to wring the little bastard's neck. I spent close to an hour trying to pick that crap out of the carpet. We don't have Resolve or anything like that here, all we have is some cleaning fluid for a wet-vac, but no wet-vac. I used that stuff, hopefully it works out OK as a direct cleaner.

Right now there are fans drying out the floor, then I'll vacuum a bit later. Hopefully I got it all out. Luckily the family isn't supposed to be here until later tonight. Between the air fresheners I have on and the Febreeze I plan to spray after the floor has been dried and vacuumed, maybe things will be good by the time they arrive.

Stupid damn dog! :mad:
My employer has family coming in tonight to visit for Thanksgiving. The dog apparently decided he should prepare the house for them, so he left diarrhea strewn across my employer's bedroom floor. What makes it especially annoying is that I only noticed it because I was going to that bedroom closet to look for some tape to tape the Christmas present I got for the dog and was wrapping. I quickly went from wrapping a present to wanting to wring the little bastard's neck. I spent close to an hour trying to pick that crap out of the carpet. We don't have Resolve or anything like that here, all we have is some cleaning fluid for a wet-vac, but no wet-vac. I used that stuff, hopefully it works out OK as a direct cleaner.

Right now there are fans drying out the floor, then I'll vacuum a bit later. Hopefully I got it all out. Luckily the family isn't supposed to be here until later tonight. Between the air fresheners I have on and the Febreeze I plan to spray after the floor has been dried and vacuumed, maybe things will be good by the time they arrive.

Stupid damn dog! :mad:

Tis a good thing you did Montro and I am impressed. Be careful what the dog consumes though because if he isn't eating stuff he shouldn't eat, he likely won't ever have diarrhea.
Hossfly had a very busy day today. Early this afternoon I took Missus H to a strip mall a mile from the house to get her nails done. The shop is in the middle of the mall. At the end of the mall is a dry cleaners and I took a couple blankets to be cleaned. I had about 45 minutes to pick up the wife so I drove home to bag some leaves I had raked up. After filling six bags in a half hour I drove back to the mall and parked in front of the cleaners. There was a commotion at the end of the building and I walked around the corner and under a magnolia tree is a picnic table where 5 or 6 homeless guys sit and smoke, drink beer and wine and don't bother anyone or beg. I sometimes buy them a case of Bud and they are grateful. There was only one guy there and he is a vet with a good record. Three young thugs in their early twenties were baiting and threatening him. When they saw me they walked away and I told him to stay in front of the cleaners until he was sure they were gone. I went to my Allstate agents office by the nail shop and was talking to him for about 10 minutes when a woman rushed in and told us 3 guys were fighting at the other end of the building. Pete and I walked out and saw two of the thugs punching the homeless vet and we realized the thugs had sneaked around the building and ambushed him. One thug was behind him with his arms pinning the vets arms to his side. The other thug had punched him about 15 times in the face and neck with a set of sharp, brass knuckles and his face was bleeding profusely. I was carrying my trusty Hurricane and I whacked the brute on the wrist so hard I broke both bones in his wrist. The other thug wouldn't let the vet go so I whacked him on the head once and then whacked him along side the head a second time and it tore his ear half off. I hit him so hard I bent my cane.
Two women came out of the nail shop with some towels and put them around the two guys heads to help stop the bleeding. When the ambulance and police came, Pete and I gave our statements, the thugs were arrested and all 3 of the injured were taken away by the ambulance, escorted by the police. When I got home the desk sergeant called and Pete and I have to go in tomorrow at 9 AM to make formal statements. He also told me that if I hadn't jumped in the vet would have been killed. He is in the IC ward and the sgt. said Pete and I could visit him in a couple days. I'm getting too old for this kind of stuff.

Hoss, you are a hero! :up: Good for you and good for the others that you helped. The world needs more people like you who will step up like that.

Ah, I just happened to be there. My friend Pete has his office there and the woman came into his office. He's a big ol' retired Marine and he would have done the same thing without pulling a gun either. But you're right about people stepping in. In this world now people don't want to get involved because of the PC atmosphere. I'm from the old school though.
My employer has family coming in tonight to visit for Thanksgiving. The dog apparently decided he should prepare the house for them, so he left diarrhea strewn across my employer's bedroom floor. What makes it especially annoying is that I only noticed it because I was going to that bedroom closet to look for some tape to tape the Christmas present I got for the dog and was wrapping. I quickly went from wrapping a present to wanting to wring the little bastard's neck. I spent close to an hour trying to pick that crap out of the carpet. We don't have Resolve or anything like that here, all we have is some cleaning fluid for a wet-vac, but no wet-vac. I used that stuff, hopefully it works out OK as a direct cleaner.

Right now there are fans drying out the floor, then I'll vacuum a bit later. Hopefully I got it all out. Luckily the family isn't supposed to be here until later tonight. Between the air fresheners I have on and the Febreeze I plan to spray after the floor has been dried and vacuumed, maybe things will be good by the time they arrive.

Stupid damn dog! :mad:

Tis a good thing you did Montro and I am impressed. Be careful what the dog consumes though because if he isn't eating stuff he shouldn't eat, he likely won't ever have diarrhea.

The cat just recently had the runs for a few days, and she eats the same food every day. The dog, on the other hand, sometimes gets scraps, and likes to stick his face into the trash and pull things out. He gets in trouble every time, but it still happens. Usually he pulls out paper towels and chews them into pieces. I'm unaware of the dog having had anything unusual in the past day or two, but who knows? Maybe he got a hold of a couple of Reece's Pieces that dropped on the floor when the little one was making pipe-cleaner turkeys with her mom. :dunno:

Whatever the case, I wish the dog knew how to let me know he needs to go outside. I am guessing he did this before I woke up.
My employer has family coming in tonight to visit for Thanksgiving. The dog apparently decided he should prepare the house for them, so he left diarrhea strewn across my employer's bedroom floor. What makes it especially annoying is that I only noticed it because I was going to that bedroom closet to look for some tape to tape the Christmas present I got for the dog and was wrapping. I quickly went from wrapping a present to wanting to wring the little bastard's neck. I spent close to an hour trying to pick that crap out of the carpet. We don't have Resolve or anything like that here, all we have is some cleaning fluid for a wet-vac, but no wet-vac. I used that stuff, hopefully it works out OK as a direct cleaner.

Right now there are fans drying out the floor, then I'll vacuum a bit later. Hopefully I got it all out. Luckily the family isn't supposed to be here until later tonight. Between the air fresheners I have on and the Febreeze I plan to spray after the floor has been dried and vacuumed, maybe things will be good by the time they arrive.

Stupid damn dog! :mad:

Tis a good thing you did Montro and I am impressed. Be careful what the dog consumes though because if he isn't eating stuff he shouldn't eat, he likely won't ever have diarrhea.

The cat just recently had the runs for a few days, and she eats the same food every day. The dog, on the other hand, sometimes gets scraps, and likes to stick his face into the trash and pull things out. He gets in trouble every time, but it still happens. Usually he pulls out paper towels and chews them into pieces. I'm unaware of the dog having had anything unusual in the past day or two, but who knows? Maybe he got a hold of a couple of Reece's Pieces that dropped on the floor when the little one was making pipe-cleaner turkeys with her mom. :dunno:

Whatever the case, I wish the dog knew how to let me know he needs to go outside. I am guessing he did this before I woke up.

For sure there are some things beyond our control. The little dog we are fostering until Dana gets home usually lets us know she wants to go out but if we aren't handy or are asleep or otherwise miss her signal, she just finds an out of the way spot and goes. She hasn't had a lot of discipline in her life. :)

I read up and this seems to be a trait with the mini dachshunds though and it hasn't been a huge problem. Anyway she's with us only 13 more days.
My employer has family coming in tonight to visit for Thanksgiving. The dog apparently decided he should prepare the house for them, so he left diarrhea strewn across my employer's bedroom floor. What makes it especially annoying is that I only noticed it because I was going to that bedroom closet to look for some tape to tape the Christmas present I got for the dog and was wrapping. I quickly went from wrapping a present to wanting to wring the little bastard's neck. I spent close to an hour trying to pick that crap out of the carpet. We don't have Resolve or anything like that here, all we have is some cleaning fluid for a wet-vac, but no wet-vac. I used that stuff, hopefully it works out OK as a direct cleaner.

Right now there are fans drying out the floor, then I'll vacuum a bit later. Hopefully I got it all out. Luckily the family isn't supposed to be here until later tonight. Between the air fresheners I have on and the Febreeze I plan to spray after the floor has been dried and vacuumed, maybe things will be good by the time they arrive.

Stupid damn dog! :mad:

Tis a good thing you did Montro and I am impressed. Be careful what the dog consumes though because if he isn't eating stuff he shouldn't eat, he likely won't ever have diarrhea.

The cat just recently had the runs for a few days, and she eats the same food every day. The dog, on the other hand, sometimes gets scraps, and likes to stick his face into the trash and pull things out. He gets in trouble every time, but it still happens. Usually he pulls out paper towels and chews them into pieces. I'm unaware of the dog having had anything unusual in the past day or two, but who knows? Maybe he got a hold of a couple of Reece's Pieces that dropped on the floor when the little one was making pipe-cleaner turkeys with her mom. :dunno:

Whatever the case, I wish the dog knew how to let me know he needs to go outside. I am guessing he did this before I woke up.

For sure there are some things beyond our control. The little dog we are fostering until Dana gets home usually lets us know she wants to go out but if we aren't handy or are asleep or otherwise miss her signal, she just finds an out of the way spot and goes. She hasn't had a lot of discipline in her life. :)

I read up and this seems to be a trait with the mini dachshunds though and it hasn't been a huge problem. Anyway she's with us only 13 more days.

My cleaning was not what I'd call an unqualified success. I could get a cleaning brush and try that, but I don't know if that would help clean or just grind the stains in. I'll have to see what my employer wants to do.

Our dog isn't nearly as bad as the other one we used to have; that dog was horrible. This particular incident was bad because the dog had the runs, which made it much harder to clean. If he'd just dropped a normal turd on the carpet, I'd have been annoyed, but it would have taken 5-10 minutes to pick it up and do a quick clean of the spot. I was on my knees picking at the various nasty spots in the carpet for probably 45 minutes today, and still didn't get it all out. At least when the cat gets the runs, she still goes in her litter box....although she also got mess in her butt fur, which I had to clean. Still, that was a lot easier than the carpet. :lol:
Thank you for asking, Foxy. My mom is hanging in there. In fact, she felt well enough to join us to celebrate WQ's birthday dinner yesterday. The kids joined us as well as we dined al fresco at our favorite waterfront place.:thup:

Oh shoot. We were so busy yesterday and being the weekend, I didn't check my calendar so missed WelfareQueen 's birthday. So apologies and belated



Don't forget no more, Foxy.


Every time it happens I make a mental note to not let it happen again. But as much as I hate it, I probably will. By the way, I did switch cakes. I don't know what WQ's first name is, but I'm pretty sure it isn't Liz. :)

That cake is perfect for Michael!!:thup:;)

Which one? The one wishing Liz a happy birthday? Or the more generic one? :) He looks like a Michael though. One of my favorite names since we gave it to our first born. :)

The only cake I see is the guitar. My 19-year old son is also a Michael, named after my brother.:)
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.
Drifter for resolution of difficult situation,
ricechickie on the anniversary of remembrance,
Saveliberty's family in the passing of Mrs Saveliberty's mom.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, Dalia, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.


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