USMB Coffee Shop IV

My employer's mother brought me my own pumpkin pie. :D

I made turkey, stuffing, apple pie, green bean casserole, and turkey gravy.... all from scratch. My daughter made cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes, and deviled eggs. My son made macaroni and cheese and the biscuits I was too tired to make.

I completely forgot about the small ham in the fridge, and my son accidentally added a bit of eggnog to the mac ‘n cheese. I managed to pour some of it off, but the faint smell of nutmeg hung around the dish. Truthfully, it still wasn’t terrible.

I’m so thankful for my kids, with whom I had a nice day. And we all remembered their father, whom we miss terribly today. It was two years ago we lost him.
Just finished dinner, made the usual Maryland stuffed ham, smashed taters with gravy, rolls and homemade pecan pumpkin pie with homemade whipped cream. The veggie was the cabbage and onion in the stuffed ham. I ate conservatively and I'm still full as a tick. :thup:
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We have finished dinner as a noon meal and I am beginning to think about a supper of leftovers. What to put out. What needs to be reheated.

Fare was/is Christmas roast plus some smoked turkey for the pure traditionalists.
Wonderful rich brown gravy
Mountains of mashed potatoes
Whole cranberry sauce.
Sweet potato souffle
Green bean casserole
Orange fluff salad
Freshly baked yeast dinner rolls
Partially disassembled cherry pie
Pumpkin pie
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.
Drifter for resolution of difficult situation,
ricechickie on the anniversary of remembrance,
Saveliberty's family in the passing of Mrs Saveliberty's mom.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, Dalia, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

And with Halloween and Thanksgiving behind us, the thoughts turn to the Christmas season. . .
The weather people are reporting freezing cold tonight with lows of 28........ I bet GW would take issue with 28 being freezing cold, that's short sleeve weather up there.........
Depends on whether the wind is blowing. Last night, single-digit temps with 30 mph winds. Brutal! I was lucky, though, only one flight in my 10-hr shift. But it balances out, the night before, I worked five flights on shift.
So, Thanksgiving falls on the 23rd this year. It’s also the two-year anniversary of my husband’s death. I’m having a difficult time thinking of anything to be thankful for. Intellectually, I know things could be worse, but I feel like a ton of shit has landed on me recently, and now this. I can barely even try to pretend for the kids. They’re 20 and 21 years old; it’s not like they’re little.

Two years seems like a long time. But, for this, it’s nothing.

Sorry to deposit this here, but my family frowns on self-pity and I am just drowning in it right now. I’ll go back to my self-reliant tough girl routine soon, probably Monday, but I had to wallow today.
If it's any consolation, I'm thankful that you feel free enough to come here when you need some consolation. My heart does go out to you, the holidays can be so brutal for those who have suffered such a significant loss. [Hugs]
No thanksgiving here. I was going to do Cornish Hens but MrG announced in the middle of the grocery store with me holding the two little frozen birds that he did not want "chicken". So he goes and looks at turkey wings and asks why not them instead of the cornish hens? Um...its poultry, I said. His reply was "but its turkey poultry, not chicken". In other words, he wants prime rib. So..I said fine. We will go to a restaurant and he can order whatever he wants and I will do the same. To go. Come home, eat it, he watches his football, I pop in Lord Of The Rings.

Housemate will not be here, so we will have the house to ourselves. Maybe I will take a nap.
That sounds like a plan, Gracie!
Sorry the pic I had posted didn't take. So I have updated my Profile pic for those who may care. It has been a very long year. As most of my friends here know I lost Mrs O a year ago. No I am not dating. Not sure I care to. I had stepped down from my position as Commander of the local American Legion Post. last election they put me back in. I have turned down County Commander again though. I have joined the Circle of trustees at the Butler institute of American Art. Quite interesting and something a little different. I have become a member of a group that cares for a county Veterans memorial and next month I will become a lifetime member of Vietnam Veterans Of America, where I will be taking a leadership role....

But i must brag on my Beautiful granddaughter. 19 years old, she is a full time college student on the Deans List, she works full time at a modeling agency, and she has purchased her first house.View attachment 161337
Greetings Ollie! You look good in your photo although the ginger fire appears to have become winter snow. I hope you'll come back to the CS and visit more often. I miss your pithy contributions and we could use your additional wisdom. Lee
So, Thanksgiving falls on the 23rd this year. It’s also the two-year anniversary of my husband’s death. I’m having a difficult time thinking of anything to be thankful for. Intellectually, I know things could be worse, but I feel like a ton of shit has landed on me recently, and now this. I can barely even try to pretend for the kids. They’re 20 and 21 years old; it’s not like they’re little.

Two years seems like a long time. But, for this, it’s nothing.

Sorry to deposit this here, but my family frowns on self-pity and I am just drowning in it right now. I’ll go back to my self-reliant tough girl routine soon, probably Monday, but I had to wallow today.
If it's any consolation, I'm thankful that you feel free enough to come here when you need some consolation. My heart does go out to you, the holidays can be so brutal for those who have suffered such a significant loss. [Hugs]

I appreciate that. Thank you, gallantwarrior.
I didn't kill my cat. I didn't starve my cat. I tried to save her life. I was battling breast cancer, the loss of Gracie, then the cat, then losing my home then the loss of the last two dogs...last one 4 months ago. And yes, I posted about it because I didn't know some are allowed to do that but some aren't. Instead, I got to see accusations my dog wanted to die because she belonged to me, my cat died because I starved it to death, jokes of dead cat gifs or cats being kicked across a room, I am made fun of daily for being homeless or not having any money or family because THEY ARE ALL DEAD...due to my negligence supposedly...and a fucking asshole is back with a new nic but constantly posts about dead cats and starving cats and how poor I am while thumbing his nose at staff and they just go along with it for the laughs as well who don't even abide by their own rules they are supposed to enforce.

I am tired of it. Sick of it. Depressed about it. The next two holidays are going to be pure hell and as much as I try to keep standing, keep surviving, I have to battle sick twisted people where I thought I could be able to be around just to save myself from the pain of what I have experienced these past few years. This is NOT the place and it makes it even more depressing. I am sure this will garner more chuckles and grins, and silence from those who do not even bother to defend me against such nastiness but expected it from ME when it was happening to THEM.

So, those who are allowed to, can speak of their own pain and suffering and get comfort...yet others cannot without the pile ons and the sock that keeps coming back and laughs in the faces of all who know who he really is and its just fine and dandy. with staff.

Great. Good to know.
Who's bullying you, Gracie? Unfortunately, I have been here so seldom lately, I just don't waste time going anywhere other than the CS. PM me and let me know, 'cause I'll stand by you. Some people are alive only because they aren't worth doing time for...
I am off to the nursing home. MIL is not doing so well. Looks to be a roller coaster this week with the finalization of the job offer and MIL.

So sorry Save I hope she feels better seeing you and Mrs save.

She passed about an hour and a half ago. We were able to take the MIL's younger sister with us for a final visit. She is not in great health either, so we took her home and headed back to ours.
Condolences, Save! Hopefully she went in peace.
Hossfly had a very busy day today. Early this afternoon I took Missus H to a strip mall a mile from the house to get her nails done. The shop is in the middle of the mall. At the end of the mall is a dry cleaners and I took a couple blankets to be cleaned. I had about 45 minutes to pick up the wife so I drove home to bag some leaves I had raked up. After filling six bags in a half hour I drove back to the mall and parked in front of the cleaners. There was a commotion at the end of the building and I walked around the corner and under a magnolia tree is a picnic table where 5 or 6 homeless guys sit and smoke, drink beer and wine and don't bother anyone or beg. I sometimes buy them a case of Bud and they are grateful. There was only one guy there and he is a vet with a good record. Three young thugs in their early twenties were baiting and threatening him. When they saw me they walked away and I told him to stay in front of the cleaners until he was sure they were gone. I went to my Allstate agents office by the nail shop and was talking to him for about 10 minutes when a woman rushed in and told us 3 guys were fighting at the other end of the building. Pete and I walked out and saw two of the thugs punching the homeless vet and we realized the thugs had sneaked around the building and ambushed him. One thug was behind him with his arms pinning the vets arms to his side. The other thug had punched him about 15 times in the face and neck with a set of sharp, brass knuckles and his face was bleeding profusely. I was carrying my trusty Hurricane and I whacked the brute on the wrist so hard I broke both bones in his wrist. The other thug wouldn't let the vet go so I whacked him on the head once and then whacked him along side the head a second time and it tore his ear half off. I hit him so hard I bent my cane.
Two women came out of the nail shop with some towels and put them around the two guys heads to help stop the bleeding. When the ambulance and police came, Pete and I gave our statements, the thugs were arrested and all 3 of the injured were taken away by the ambulance, escorted by the police. When I got home the desk sergeant called and Pete and I have to go in tomorrow at 9 AM to make formal statements. He also told me that if I hadn't jumped in the vet would have been killed. He is in the IC ward and the sgt. said Pete and I could visit him in a couple days. I'm getting too old for this kind of stuff.

Holy cow Hossfly. Those guys were lucky you had a hurricane and not a Magnum .357 on you. But your knee must be doing really well.

I keep a Glock 17 in the car but I never even thought about it. I wasn't in danger or I would have gotten it out. Knee is fine but I still carry a cane.
Good thing you do! Too bad you couldn't have wailed on those thugs a little longer, but then, folks like us know when to stop.

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