USMB Coffee Shop IV

My employer has family coming in tonight to visit for Thanksgiving. The dog apparently decided he should prepare the house for them, so he left diarrhea strewn across my employer's bedroom floor. What makes it especially annoying is that I only noticed it because I was going to that bedroom closet to look for some tape to tape the Christmas present I got for the dog and was wrapping. I quickly went from wrapping a present to wanting to wring the little bastard's neck. I spent close to an hour trying to pick that crap out of the carpet. We don't have Resolve or anything like that here, all we have is some cleaning fluid for a wet-vac, but no wet-vac. I used that stuff, hopefully it works out OK as a direct cleaner.

Right now there are fans drying out the floor, then I'll vacuum a bit later. Hopefully I got it all out. Luckily the family isn't supposed to be here until later tonight. Between the air fresheners I have on and the Febreeze I plan to spray after the floor has been dried and vacuumed, maybe things will be good by the time they arrive.

Stupid damn dog! :mad:

Tis a good thing you did Montro and I am impressed. Be careful what the dog consumes though because if he isn't eating stuff he shouldn't eat, he likely won't ever have diarrhea.

The cat just recently had the runs for a few days, and she eats the same food every day. The dog, on the other hand, sometimes gets scraps, and likes to stick his face into the trash and pull things out. He gets in trouble every time, but it still happens. Usually he pulls out paper towels and chews them into pieces. I'm unaware of the dog having had anything unusual in the past day or two, but who knows? Maybe he got a hold of a couple of Reece's Pieces that dropped on the floor when the little one was making pipe-cleaner turkeys with her mom. :dunno:

Whatever the case, I wish the dog knew how to let me know he needs to go outside. I am guessing he did this before I woke up.
Kennel. If you kennel train the dog and put him in there when he is unattended, most dogs will hesitate to soil their "cave". Then you can take him out immediately when you return. I've kennel-trained all of my indoor dogs and it works well. Good luck. Oh, yeah, sometimes if they chew up and eat those rawhide chewy things, that will irritate their bowels and cause them to have diarrhea.
My employer has family coming in tonight to visit for Thanksgiving. The dog apparently decided he should prepare the house for them, so he left diarrhea strewn across my employer's bedroom floor. What makes it especially annoying is that I only noticed it because I was going to that bedroom closet to look for some tape to tape the Christmas present I got for the dog and was wrapping. I quickly went from wrapping a present to wanting to wring the little bastard's neck. I spent close to an hour trying to pick that crap out of the carpet. We don't have Resolve or anything like that here, all we have is some cleaning fluid for a wet-vac, but no wet-vac. I used that stuff, hopefully it works out OK as a direct cleaner.

Right now there are fans drying out the floor, then I'll vacuum a bit later. Hopefully I got it all out. Luckily the family isn't supposed to be here until later tonight. Between the air fresheners I have on and the Febreeze I plan to spray after the floor has been dried and vacuumed, maybe things will be good by the time they arrive.

Stupid damn dog! :mad:

Tis a good thing you did Montro and I am impressed. Be careful what the dog consumes though because if he isn't eating stuff he shouldn't eat, he likely won't ever have diarrhea.

The cat just recently had the runs for a few days, and she eats the same food every day. The dog, on the other hand, sometimes gets scraps, and likes to stick his face into the trash and pull things out. He gets in trouble every time, but it still happens. Usually he pulls out paper towels and chews them into pieces. I'm unaware of the dog having had anything unusual in the past day or two, but who knows? Maybe he got a hold of a couple of Reece's Pieces that dropped on the floor when the little one was making pipe-cleaner turkeys with her mom. :dunno:

Whatever the case, I wish the dog knew how to let me know he needs to go outside. I am guessing he did this before I woke up.

For sure there are some things beyond our control. The little dog we are fostering until Dana gets home usually lets us know she wants to go out but if we aren't handy or are asleep or otherwise miss her signal, she just finds an out of the way spot and goes. She hasn't had a lot of discipline in her life. :)

I read up and this seems to be a trait with the mini dachshunds though and it hasn't been a huge problem. Anyway she's with us only 13 more days.
My doxie never figured out how to tell me she wanted out. When she got older, I put down some of those "wee-wee" training pads and she used those regularly. Now, one of my cats has decided she wants wee-wee pads instead of the litter box when she wants to pee. Good thing I still have a large supply available.
My employer has family coming in tonight to visit for Thanksgiving. The dog apparently decided he should prepare the house for them, so he left diarrhea strewn across my employer's bedroom floor. What makes it especially annoying is that I only noticed it because I was going to that bedroom closet to look for some tape to tape the Christmas present I got for the dog and was wrapping. I quickly went from wrapping a present to wanting to wring the little bastard's neck. I spent close to an hour trying to pick that crap out of the carpet. We don't have Resolve or anything like that here, all we have is some cleaning fluid for a wet-vac, but no wet-vac. I used that stuff, hopefully it works out OK as a direct cleaner.

Right now there are fans drying out the floor, then I'll vacuum a bit later. Hopefully I got it all out. Luckily the family isn't supposed to be here until later tonight. Between the air fresheners I have on and the Febreeze I plan to spray after the floor has been dried and vacuumed, maybe things will be good by the time they arrive.

Stupid damn dog! :mad:

Tis a good thing you did Montro and I am impressed. Be careful what the dog consumes though because if he isn't eating stuff he shouldn't eat, he likely won't ever have diarrhea.

The cat just recently had the runs for a few days, and she eats the same food every day. The dog, on the other hand, sometimes gets scraps, and likes to stick his face into the trash and pull things out. He gets in trouble every time, but it still happens. Usually he pulls out paper towels and chews them into pieces. I'm unaware of the dog having had anything unusual in the past day or two, but who knows? Maybe he got a hold of a couple of Reece's Pieces that dropped on the floor when the little one was making pipe-cleaner turkeys with her mom. :dunno:

Whatever the case, I wish the dog knew how to let me know he needs to go outside. I am guessing he did this before I woke up.
Kennel. If you kennel train the dog and put him in there when he is unattended, most dogs will hesitate to soil their "cave". Then you can take him out immediately when you return. I've kennel-trained all of my indoor dogs and it works well. Good luck. Oh, yeah, sometimes if they chew up and eat those rawhide chewy things, that will irritate their bowels and cause them to have diarrhea.

He's actually usually good, but on those few occasions he has problems, he doesn't really let us know that he needs to go out very well. :p
I cleaned up my signature (kinda political) and now I'd like to wish Y'all a Thanksgiving full of sweet memories and loving family and friends to share it with or whatever you do is fine with me, really.. don't worry about it...:)

It's going to be a huge mess at my house, all my children, their children, assorted family and friends, probably a few strays, a huge dog, a yappy small dog, a cat and a vicious turtle .. and YUP it's going to be Great...

Again, all the best and Happy Thanksgiving... :smiliehug:

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Happy Thanksgiving, Lumpy! That all seems wonderful. I wish I could have a house full of kids and friends again. I kinda miss those messy, noisy days.
My employer has family coming in tonight to visit for Thanksgiving. The dog apparently decided he should prepare the house for them, so he left diarrhea strewn across my employer's bedroom floor. What makes it especially annoying is that I only noticed it because I was going to that bedroom closet to look for some tape to tape the Christmas present I got for the dog and was wrapping. I quickly went from wrapping a present to wanting to wring the little bastard's neck. I spent close to an hour trying to pick that crap out of the carpet. We don't have Resolve or anything like that here, all we have is some cleaning fluid for a wet-vac, but no wet-vac. I used that stuff, hopefully it works out OK as a direct cleaner.

Right now there are fans drying out the floor, then I'll vacuum a bit later. Hopefully I got it all out. Luckily the family isn't supposed to be here until later tonight. Between the air fresheners I have on and the Febreeze I plan to spray after the floor has been dried and vacuumed, maybe things will be good by the time they arrive.

Stupid damn dog! :mad:

Tis a good thing you did Montro and I am impressed. Be careful what the dog consumes though because if he isn't eating stuff he shouldn't eat, he likely won't ever have diarrhea.

The cat just recently had the runs for a few days, and she eats the same food every day. The dog, on the other hand, sometimes gets scraps, and likes to stick his face into the trash and pull things out. He gets in trouble every time, but it still happens. Usually he pulls out paper towels and chews them into pieces. I'm unaware of the dog having had anything unusual in the past day or two, but who knows? Maybe he got a hold of a couple of Reece's Pieces that dropped on the floor when the little one was making pipe-cleaner turkeys with her mom. :dunno:

Whatever the case, I wish the dog knew how to let me know he needs to go outside. I am guessing he did this before I woke up.
Kennel. If you kennel train the dog and put him in there when he is unattended, most dogs will hesitate to soil their "cave". Then you can take him out immediately when you return. I've kennel-trained all of my indoor dogs and it works well. Good luck. Oh, yeah, sometimes if they chew up and eat those rawhide chewy things, that will irritate their bowels and cause them to have diarrhea.

He's actually usually good, but on those few occasions he has problems, he doesn't really let us know that he needs to go out very well. :p
With the hershey-squirts, it might be pretty tough for him to make a timely notification. Hope he gets over his indisposition soon, and avoids any other carpeted areas. Happy Thanksgiving (belated), how was that pie?
Whew! Almost 30 pages to catch up. I was fortunate because I've only had the one flight in an entire 10-hr shift, so I've been goofing around here.
My usual invites for Thanksgiving were not extended this year but my new commute doesn't really allow for stopping for socializing. After the solstice, we'll be gaining daylight again and sunset won't be shortly after 3 pm, then I'll have more time. I will be going to my brother-from-another-mother's place for Christmas Eve. He told me the guest room would be ready, but I do have my four-legger fur-fam that also needs attention.
I did cook up a turkey breast, some dressing and cranberry sauce and a side of veggies, as well as providing an apple pie for the gang at work. I couldn't resist. The crew chowed down happily. The bosses put up a pretty nice lunch, but those of us on graves usually get cold, greasy leftovers.
I'm getting nicely settled into my new routine. That two-hour drive eats up a lot of time, but being HOME means a lot. Last night, the stars were strewn across the velvet sky like you will never see them around town. You can see the Milky Way almost like a gossamer shawl.
Having no TV, not even to run DVDs, I have taken up reading again. This past weekend, I devoured a historical novel about Eleanor of Aquitaine. Makes me want to watch "A Lion in Winter" again. I also managed to slurp down Heinlein's "Variable Star", which isn't actually pure Heinlein but is co-authored using a manuscript his family found after his death.
I did take time to consider what I have to be thankful for, it's too easy to enumerate those things that are "wrong" in our lives.
I am thankful:
...that my daughter is happily married and has two wonderful girls of her own.
...that my granddaughters are working their butts of to get good grades and not miss school, and that both are well-brought-up young ladies.
...I happy that my SIL is doing what he's always dreamed of doing and is happy and proud of his wife and daughters.
I have a secure job I enjoy, I have moved into my last home and enjoy making it more my home all the time. I have time to read and can do it bundled up next to the woodstove and using a lantern when necessary. Everyone is healthy and happy. There's loads more. I have no complaints.
And so, I hope that all my CS friends can overcome their grief and other obstacles in their lives, obtain good health and high spirits, and continue to visit here.
My employer has family coming in tonight to visit for Thanksgiving. The dog apparently decided he should prepare the house for them, so he left diarrhea strewn across my employer's bedroom floor. What makes it especially annoying is that I only noticed it because I was going to that bedroom closet to look for some tape to tape the Christmas present I got for the dog and was wrapping. I quickly went from wrapping a present to wanting to wring the little bastard's neck. I spent close to an hour trying to pick that crap out of the carpet. We don't have Resolve or anything like that here, all we have is some cleaning fluid for a wet-vac, but no wet-vac. I used that stuff, hopefully it works out OK as a direct cleaner.

Right now there are fans drying out the floor, then I'll vacuum a bit later. Hopefully I got it all out. Luckily the family isn't supposed to be here until later tonight. Between the air fresheners I have on and the Febreeze I plan to spray after the floor has been dried and vacuumed, maybe things will be good by the time they arrive.

Stupid damn dog! :mad:

Tis a good thing you did Montro and I am impressed. Be careful what the dog consumes though because if he isn't eating stuff he shouldn't eat, he likely won't ever have diarrhea.

The cat just recently had the runs for a few days, and she eats the same food every day. The dog, on the other hand, sometimes gets scraps, and likes to stick his face into the trash and pull things out. He gets in trouble every time, but it still happens. Usually he pulls out paper towels and chews them into pieces. I'm unaware of the dog having had anything unusual in the past day or two, but who knows? Maybe he got a hold of a couple of Reece's Pieces that dropped on the floor when the little one was making pipe-cleaner turkeys with her mom. :dunno:

Whatever the case, I wish the dog knew how to let me know he needs to go outside. I am guessing he did this before I woke up.
Kennel. If you kennel train the dog and put him in there when he is unattended, most dogs will hesitate to soil their "cave". Then you can take him out immediately when you return. I've kennel-trained all of my indoor dogs and it works well. Good luck. Oh, yeah, sometimes if they chew up and eat those rawhide chewy things, that will irritate their bowels and cause them to have diarrhea.

He's actually usually good, but on those few occasions he has problems, he doesn't really let us know that he needs to go out very well. :p
With the hershey-squirts, it might be pretty tough for him to make a timely notification. Hope he gets over his indisposition soon, and avoids any other carpeted areas. Happy Thanksgiving (belated), how was that pie?

The dog seems fine now, it was just that one morning he had issues.

My pie was, as usual with pumpkin pie, delicious. I ate about 2/3 of the 8" pie I got. :)
Anyone remember the fractal screensaver called ' hop' ? I want to find out the code number that unlocks more features. The screensaver is obsolete now and it only runs on windows 98 but I have an old computer running the old windows and hop works on it. It is fascinating as you never see the same pattern twice.
Mr. P saw his skin wound Doc. this morning.
Doc.says his wounds are healing fast now and is healing just fine. :)

He can ride the Can Am into town now.
He's a very happy camper.
Mr. P saw his skin wound Doc. this morning.
Doc.says his wounds are healing fast now and is healing just fine. :)

He can ride the Can Am into town now.
He's a very happy camper.

That is something to be thankful for. Hooray! We'll keep you guys on the list until the healing is complete.
Whew! Almost 30 pages to catch up. I was fortunate because I've only had the one flight in an entire 10-hr shift, so I've been goofing around here.
My usual invites for Thanksgiving were not extended this year but my new commute doesn't really allow for stopping for socializing. After the solstice, we'll be gaining daylight again and sunset won't be shortly after 3 pm, then I'll have more time. I will be going to my brother-from-another-mother's place for Christmas Eve. He told me the guest room would be ready, but I do have my four-legger fur-fam that also needs attention.
I did cook up a turkey breast, some dressing and cranberry sauce and a side of veggies, as well as providing an apple pie for the gang at work. I couldn't resist. The crew chowed down happily. The bosses put up a pretty nice lunch, but those of us on graves usually get cold, greasy leftovers.
I'm getting nicely settled into my new routine. That two-hour drive eats up a lot of time, but being HOME means a lot. Last night, the stars were strewn across the velvet sky like you will never see them around town. You can see the Milky Way almost like a gossamer shawl.
Having no TV, not even to run DVDs, I have taken up reading again. This past weekend, I devoured a historical novel about Eleanor of Aquitaine. Makes me want to watch "A Lion in Winter" again. I also managed to slurp down Heinlein's "Variable Star", which isn't actually pure Heinlein but is co-authored using a manuscript his family found after his death.
I did take time to consider what I have to be thankful for, it's too easy to enumerate those things that are "wrong" in our lives.
I am thankful:
...that my daughter is happily married and has two wonderful girls of her own.
...that my granddaughters are working their butts of to get good grades and not miss school, and that both are well-brought-up young ladies.
...I happy that my SIL is doing what he's always dreamed of doing and is happy and proud of his wife and daughters.
I have a secure job I enjoy, I have moved into my last home and enjoy making it more my home all the time. I have time to read and can do it bundled up next to the woodstove and using a lantern when necessary. Everyone is healthy and happy. There's loads more. I have no complaints.
And so, I hope that all my CS friends can overcome their grief and other obstacles in their lives, obtain good health and high spirits, and continue to visit here.

There are so many things I envy about that GW I could give up television in favor of books, radio, and internet, but I don't think I would be comfortable giving up all electronic communication. And I wouldn't want to give up my favorite movies--I have an extensive collection and so many I never tire of--I can put one of those on and just lose myself for an hour or two and all is well with the world. I think I am too spoiled to that to be comfortable giving it up.
I am off to the nursing home. MIL is not doing so well. Looks to be a roller coaster this week with the finalization of the job offer and MIL.

So sorry Save I hope she feels better seeing you and Mrs save.

She passed about an hour and a half ago. We were able to take the MIL's younger sister with us for a final visit. She is not in great health either, so we took her home and headed back to ours.
Condolences, Save! Hopefully she went in peace.

She left this world five minutes after the hospice paperwork was signed. Funeral was today and I was pleased the two local daughters were able to come and support their stepmom and myself. I was asked to say a prayer at the dinner with thirty seconds notice. No pressure there.
I am off to the nursing home. MIL is not doing so well. Looks to be a roller coaster this week with the finalization of the job offer and MIL.

So sorry Save I hope she feels better seeing you and Mrs save.

She passed about an hour and a half ago. We were able to take the MIL's younger sister with us for a final visit. She is not in great health either, so we took her home and headed back to ours.
Condolences, Save! Hopefully she went in peace.

She left this world five minutes after the hospice paperwork was signed. Funeral was today and I was pleased the two local daughters were able to come and support their stepmom and myself. I was asked to say a prayer at the dinner with thirty seconds notice. No pressure there.

I didn't kill my cat. I didn't starve my cat. I tried to save her life. I was battling breast cancer, the loss of Gracie, then the cat, then losing my home then the loss of the last two dogs...last one 4 months ago. And yes, I posted about it because I didn't know some are allowed to do that but some aren't. Instead, I got to see accusations my dog wanted to die because she belonged to me, my cat died because I starved it to death, jokes of dead cat gifs or cats being kicked across a room, I am made fun of daily for being homeless or not having any money or family because THEY ARE ALL DEAD...due to my negligence supposedly...and a fucking asshole is back with a new nic but constantly posts about dead cats and starving cats and how poor I am while thumbing his nose at staff and they just go along with it for the laughs as well who don't even abide by their own rules they are supposed to enforce.

I am tired of it. Sick of it. Depressed about it. The next two holidays are going to be pure hell and as much as I try to keep standing, keep surviving, I have to battle sick twisted people where I thought I could be able to be around just to save myself from the pain of what I have experienced these past few years. This is NOT the place and it makes it even more depressing. I am sure this will garner more chuckles and grins, and silence from those who do not even bother to defend me against such nastiness but expected it from ME when it was happening to THEM.

So, those who are allowed to, can speak of their own pain and suffering and get comfort...yet others cannot without the pile ons and the sock that keeps coming back and laughs in the faces of all who know who he really is and its just fine and dandy. with staff.

Great. Good to know.

...and then your glass is also half full with others here who do offer comfort and support. The ignore button is a wonderful option and using it can create a better experience if you let it. Think about it, real life does not offer an ignore button. I didn't join the board to grow a thicker skin, I joined to enjoy other people and be entertained. You are my friend Gracie, I know you know that. A bunch of the rest of us are too.
I am off to the nursing home. MIL is not doing so well. Looks to be a roller coaster this week with the finalization of the job offer and MIL.

So sorry Save I hope she feels better seeing you and Mrs save.

She passed about an hour and a half ago. We were able to take the MIL's younger sister with us for a final visit. She is not in great health either, so we took her home and headed back to ours.
Condolences, Save! Hopefully she went in peace.

She left this world five minutes after the hospice paperwork was signed. Funeral was today and I was pleased the two local daughters were able to come and support their stepmom and myself. I was asked to say a prayer at the dinner with thirty seconds notice. No pressure there.


I am good drifter. God only gives me what I can handle and God thinks I'm badass. ;)
So sorry Save I hope she feels better seeing you and Mrs save.

She passed about an hour and a half ago. We were able to take the MIL's younger sister with us for a final visit. She is not in great health either, so we took her home and headed back to ours.
Condolences, Save! Hopefully she went in peace.

She left this world five minutes after the hospice paperwork was signed. Funeral was today and I was pleased the two local daughters were able to come and support their stepmom and myself. I was asked to say a prayer at the dinner with thirty seconds notice. No pressure there.


I am good drifter. God only gives me what I can handle and God thinks I'm badass. ;)

You are!
Random funeral observations

Watching Mrs. Liberty lock arms with her youngest sister during Amazing Grace.

Seeing my stepdaughter hug grandma through the burial ceremony.

Looking at four daughters sit through their mom's funeral, while two of my daughters and both parents sit in the gathering.

Listening to the pastor and knowing he worked for my MIL and FIL, drove my SILs and wife to school as the bus driver. Then his daughter worked with Mrs. Liberty for a while and later became the school secretary for my kids and this woman''s kids are good friends with my kids to this day. Lives weaved together.

Handing a niece a grave blanket bought by the family for her dad's grave of six weeks. The grave is three down from the one we were filling today.

The mixture of fear and honor in being asked to give the dinner prayer.
Oh, and funerals are like a strip bar. I was pealing off bills for this and that all day. Probably will not mention that to Mrs. Liberty.

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