USMB Coffee Shop IV

Happy Thanksgiving, CS! :)

I cleaned up my signature (kinda political) and now I'd like to wish Y'all a Thanksgiving full of sweet memories and loving family and friends to share it with or whatever you do is fine with me, really.. don't worry about it...:)

It's going to be a huge mess at my house, all my children, their children, assorted family and friends, probably a few strays, a huge dog, a yappy small dog, a cat and a vicious turtle .. and YUP it's going to be Great...

Again, all the best and Happy Thanksgiving... :smiliehug:


I cleaned up my signature (kinda political) and now I'd like to wish Y'all a Thanksgiving full of sweet memories and loving family and friends to share it with or whatever you do is fine with me, really.. don't worry about it...:)

It's going to be a huge mess at my house, all my children, their children, assorted family and friends, probably a few strays, a huge dog, a yappy small dog, a cat and a vicious turtle .. and YUP it's going to be Great...

Again, all the best and Happy Thanksgiving... :smiliehug:

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And to you Lumpy. Political sigs don't count though I'll personally wrinkle my nose at really ugly ones. Folks can employ the protocol that lets them turn off signatures. But sounds like a great day at your house.

And Happy Thanksgiving everybody. I decided to forego wrestling with the turkey this year and last night put a beautiful roast into the slow cooker--woke up to a devine aroma throughout the house. Will have some traditional sides though and some very expensive sliced smoked turkey from the deli for those who think Thanksgiving without turkey is. . .well. . .Thursday. Having a relaxed and beautiful day so far.
I cleaned up my signature (kinda political) and now I'd like to wish Y'all a Thanksgiving full of sweet memories and loving family and friends to share it with or whatever you do is fine with me, really.. don't worry about it...:)

It's going to be a huge mess at my house, all my children, their children, assorted family and friends, probably a few strays, a huge dog, a yappy small dog, a cat and a vicious turtle .. and YUP it's going to be Great...

Again, all the best and Happy Thanksgiving... :smiliehug:

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And to you Lumpy. Political sigs don't count though I'll personally wrinkle my nose at really ugly ones. Folks can employ the protocol that lets them turn off signatures. But sounds like a great day at your house.

And Happy Thanksgiving everybody. I decided to forego wrestling with the turkey this year and last night put a beautiful roast into the slow cooker--woke up to a devine aroma throughout the house. Will have some traditional sides though and some very expensive sliced smoked turkey from the deli for those who think Thanksgiving without turkey is. . .well. . .Thursday. Having a relaxed and beautiful day so far.

I'm considering eating a can of apple pie filling for Thanksgiving this year. :p It's been sitting in the pantry for too long, it's not going to be made into a pie, and I don't think we have any pumpkin pie here, more's the pity.
I had the weirdest thing this morning. Bought a Sara Lee cherry pie as that is our daughter-in-law's favorite. Took the frozen pie out, plopped it on the baking sheet as instructed and set the timer. When I took the pie out of the oven though it was just a whole pie--no container/pie pan. None left in the box either. So here I had a baked pie with no pie tin sitting on the baking sheet that I needed for other things. What to do?

Finally took the crumb pan out of the toaster oven and it was thin enough and big enough to slide under the pie and transfer it to a pie tin. It ain't pretty--crust broke up quite a bit but it's cherry pie and should taste okay.

But how in the world did it get out of the Sara Lee factory that way? And how could I miss that the pie had no pie tin?
AAnnnd the drama begins. Brother- in- law who is not coming over today but spending the day with his mom cause sister -in -law works just called to see when the food we are cooking will be rdy so he can stop by and make off with all the leftovers like they do every yr without contributing anything cause he works as little as possible so they use it to as groceries for the week but the wife and her mom didnt make as much this year because they werent coming over ........Guy is a Master electrician and could be on easy street if he just went to work everyday. .........
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I cleaned up my signature (kinda political) and now I'd like to wish Y'all a Thanksgiving full of sweet memories and loving family and friends to share it with or whatever you do is fine with me, really.. don't worry about it...:)

It's going to be a huge mess at my house, all my children, their children, assorted family and friends, probably a few strays, a huge dog, a yappy small dog, a cat and a vicious turtle .. and YUP it's going to be Great...

Again, all the best and Happy Thanksgiving... :smiliehug:

.View attachment 162140


And to you Lumpy. Political sigs don't count though I'll personally wrinkle my nose at really ugly ones. Folks can employ the protocol that lets them turn off signatures. But sounds like a great day at your house.

And Happy Thanksgiving everybody. I decided to forego wrestling with the turkey this year and last night put a beautiful roast into the slow cooker--woke up to a devine aroma throughout the house. Will have some traditional sides though and some very expensive sliced smoked turkey from the deli for those who think Thanksgiving without turkey is. . .well. . .Thursday. Having a relaxed and beautiful day so far.

I'm considering eating a can of apple pie filling for Thanksgiving this year. :p It's been sitting in the pantry for too long, it's not going to be made into a pie, and I don't think we have any pumpkin pie here, more's the pity.
I love the idea and boy just think how many calories you will avoid with the lack of carbs that comes with that delicious crust if pumpkin pies are made to perfection. But since I have planned for this day by losing two pounds I am going for anything with crust! ;) Also, extra oyster dressing and gravy. Yum...can't wait. And all I have to do is get bathed and dressed to go where the feast is being homemade. :thup:
Dinner is at 3:00, but that time is soft as there may be a side dish or two requiring just a few minutes more. My responsibility is the ham. I just put it in the oven after mopping it down with paper towels, scoring it with a sharp knife, placing pineapple slices under it and atop it and dumping a can of 7Up over the whole thing. Seal it up tight under aluminum foil, 325 for two hours and viola!

Meanwhile at my brother's house, the turkey has emerged from the overnight brining and otherwise prepared for roasting. Pies were baked last night (pumpkin of course, plus apple made from the new crop of Granny Smiths and Macintoshes from Peace Valley orchards up near Rogers, Ohio in the center of Columbiana County). Above those pies in the oven were placed dinner rolls after being kneaded and proofed.

Mom has her feet up at the Big House. There have been too many Thanksgivings during which she spent the pre-dawn hours fussing over fresh cranberries and green bean casseroles. By dinner time she would be exhausted! Her hair would look more like a helmet as she literally sweated over a hot stove.

The kitchen, not a large accommodating kitchen, but more like a galley on a WWII submarine, would be a wreck by the time Thanksgiving dinner was served in the dining room. There, uncles and aunts and grandparents would be seated around the massive table. Pop and I would put the leaves in around 11:00 in the morning then raid the breakfront and wash the good china. The big mahogany box with the sterling flatware would be taken out the night before and every piece was duly polished and cleaned to impress the family inspectors, er, ah, guests. We would set the table as Mom would occasionally call for help.

"Could you stir this while I look for the blades to the electric carving knife? Has anyone seen the potato ricer?"

After dinner I was sequestered to the kitchen and put in front of the sink. I washed, my brother dried and stacked the good china back on the table where it sat until Pop could put it away until Christmas.

The uncles took pride of place in the living room where they alternatively dozed and reminisced about how thing were done during the war. The aunts chatted away with Mom over slices of pie and cups of coffee. The television showed us the wonders of helium balloons and marching bands and football players.

Altogether I regarded Thanksgiving as 'Christmas light' as the family was together without the added fuss of decorations and gift shopping. I love my Thanksgiving memories but while I was gathering them so lovingly I did not think that those memories themselves would be added to the growing list of things I am truly thankful for.

Happy Thanksgiving, everybody! Save room for pie and memories of the day!
I cleaned up my signature (kinda political) and now I'd like to wish Y'all a Thanksgiving full of sweet memories and loving family and friends to share it with or whatever you do is fine with me, really.. don't worry about it...:)

It's going to be a huge mess at my house, all my children, their children, assorted family and friends, probably a few strays, a huge dog, a yappy small dog, a cat and a vicious turtle .. and YUP it's going to be Great...

Again, all the best and Happy Thanksgiving... :smiliehug:

.View attachment 162140


And to you Lumpy. Political sigs don't count though I'll personally wrinkle my nose at really ugly ones. Folks can employ the protocol that lets them turn off signatures. But sounds like a great day at your house.

And Happy Thanksgiving everybody. I decided to forego wrestling with the turkey this year and last night put a beautiful roast into the slow cooker--woke up to a devine aroma throughout the house. Will have some traditional sides though and some very expensive sliced smoked turkey from the deli for those who think Thanksgiving without turkey is. . .well. . .Thursday. Having a relaxed and beautiful day so far.
Thanks, FF and wishing you and all others here a very happy and loving Thanksgiving. So much to be grateful for.
I had the weirdest thing this morning. Bought a Sara Lee cherry pie as that is our daughter-in-law's favorite. Took the frozen pie out, plopped it on the baking sheet as instructed and set the timer. When I took the pie out of the oven though it was just a whole pie--no container/pie pan. None left in the box either. So here I had a baked pie with no pie tin sitting on the baking sheet that I needed for other things. What to do?

Finally took the crumb pan out of the toaster oven and it was thin enough and big enough to slide under the pie and transfer it to a pie tin. It ain't pretty--crust broke up quite a bit but it's cherry pie and should taste okay.

But how in the world did it get out of the Sara Lee factory that way? And how could I miss that the pie had no pie tin?
Mom had a simple yet effective phrase that put picky eaters and critics on the back foot. Anyone complaining about the appearance, texture or taste of her cooking was told "Eat it! It will make a turd."
I cleaned up my signature (kinda political) and now I'd like to wish Y'all a Thanksgiving full of sweet memories and loving family and friends to share it with or whatever you do is fine with me, really.. don't worry about it...:)

It's going to be a huge mess at my house, all my children, their children, assorted family and friends, probably a few strays, a huge dog, a yappy small dog, a cat and a vicious turtle .. and YUP it's going to be Great...

Again, all the best and Happy Thanksgiving... :smiliehug:

.View attachment 162140


And to you Lumpy. Political sigs don't count though I'll personally wrinkle my nose at really ugly ones. Folks can employ the protocol that lets them turn off signatures. But sounds like a great day at your house.

And Happy Thanksgiving everybody. I decided to forego wrestling with the turkey this year and last night put a beautiful roast into the slow cooker--woke up to a devine aroma throughout the house. Will have some traditional sides though and some very expensive sliced smoked turkey from the deli for those who think Thanksgiving without turkey is. . .well. . .Thursday. Having a relaxed and beautiful day so far.

I'm considering eating a can of apple pie filling for Thanksgiving this year. :p It's been sitting in the pantry for too long, it's not going to be made into a pie, and I don't think we have any pumpkin pie here, more's the pity.
I love the idea and boy just think how many calories you will avoid with the lack of carbs that comes with that delicious crust if pumpkin pies are made to perfection. But since I have planned for this day by losing two pounds I am going for anything with crust! ;) Also, extra oyster dressing and gravy. Yum...can't wait. And all I have to do is get bathed and dressed to go where the feast is being homemade. :thup:

I'll skip the oyster dressing (yuck!) and gravy. :D I would be fine with a pie with crust, but I don't want the can of filling to go to waste. :lol:

We might have pie here, I'm not sure. Who knows, maybe the apple pie filling can will be around until Christmas, and I'll eat it then. :dunno: I just know I'm going to eat it before it expires!
I had the weirdest thing this morning. Bought a Sara Lee cherry pie as that is our daughter-in-law's favorite. Took the frozen pie out, plopped it on the baking sheet as instructed and set the timer. When I took the pie out of the oven though it was just a whole pie--no container/pie pan. None left in the box either. So here I had a baked pie with no pie tin sitting on the baking sheet that I needed for other things. What to do?

Finally took the crumb pan out of the toaster oven and it was thin enough and big enough to slide under the pie and transfer it to a pie tin. It ain't pretty--crust broke up quite a bit but it's cherry pie and should taste okay.

But how in the world did it get out of the Sara Lee factory that way? And how could I miss that the pie had no pie tin?
Mom had a simple yet effective phrase that put picky eaters and critics won the back foot. Anyone complaining about the appearance, texture or taste of her cooking was told "Eat it! It will make a turd."

Simple, yes, but effective? I would have guessed the opposite. :p
I cleaned up my signature (kinda political) and now I'd like to wish Y'all a Thanksgiving full of sweet memories and loving family and friends to share it with or whatever you do is fine with me, really.. don't worry about it...:)

It's going to be a huge mess at my house, all my children, their children, assorted family and friends, probably a few strays, a huge dog, a yappy small dog, a cat and a vicious turtle .. and YUP it's going to be Great...

Again, all the best and Happy Thanksgiving... :smiliehug:

.View attachment 162140


And to you Lumpy. Political sigs don't count though I'll personally wrinkle my nose at really ugly ones. Folks can employ the protocol that lets them turn off signatures. But sounds like a great day at your house.

And Happy Thanksgiving everybody. I decided to forego wrestling with the turkey this year and last night put a beautiful roast into the slow cooker--woke up to a devine aroma throughout the house. Will have some traditional sides though and some very expensive sliced smoked turkey from the deli for those who think Thanksgiving without turkey is. . .well. . .Thursday. Having a relaxed and beautiful day so far.

I'm considering eating a can of apple pie filling for Thanksgiving this year. :p It's been sitting in the pantry for too long, it's not going to be made into a pie, and I don't think we have any pumpkin pie here, more's the pity.
I love the idea and boy just think how many calories you will avoid with the lack of carbs that comes with that delicious crust if pumpkin pies are made to perfection. But since I have planned for this day by losing two pounds I am going for anything with crust! ;) Also, extra oyster dressing and gravy. Yum...can't wait. And all I have to do is get bathed and dressed to go where the feast is being homemade. :thup:

I'll skip the oyster dressing (yuck!) and gravy. :D I would be fine with a pie with crust, but I don't want the can of filling to go to waste. :lol:

We might have pie here, I'm not sure. Who knows, maybe the apple pie filling can will be around until Christmas, and I'll eat it then. :dunno: I just know I'm going to eat it before it expires!
It still sounds so good and this thread is making me very hungry!! :D
I had the weirdest thing this morning. Bought a Sara Lee cherry pie as that is our daughter-in-law's favorite. Took the frozen pie out, plopped it on the baking sheet as instructed and set the timer. When I took the pie out of the oven though it was just a whole pie--no container/pie pan. None left in the box either. So here I had a baked pie with no pie tin sitting on the baking sheet that I needed for other things. What to do?

Finally took the crumb pan out of the toaster oven and it was thin enough and big enough to slide under the pie and transfer it to a pie tin. It ain't pretty--crust broke up quite a bit but it's cherry pie and should taste okay.

But how in the world did it get out of the Sara Lee factory that way? And how could I miss that the pie had no pie tin?
Mom had a simple yet effective phrase that put picky eaters and critics won the back foot. Anyone complaining about the appearance, texture or taste of her cooking was told "Eat it! It will make a turd."

Simple, yes, but effective? I would have guessed the opposite. :p
What Mom says, Mom means!

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