USMB Coffee Shop IV

Thank you for asking, Foxy. My mom is hanging in there. In fact, she felt well enough to join us to celebrate WQ's birthday dinner yesterday. The kids joined us as well as we dined al fresco at our favorite waterfront place.:thup:

Oh shoot. We were so busy yesterday and being the weekend, I didn't check my calendar so missed WelfareQueen 's birthday. So apologies and belated



Don't forget no more, Foxy.


Every time it happens I make a mental note to not let it happen again. But as much as I hate it, I probably will. By the way, I did switch cakes. I don't know what WQ's first name is, but I'm pretty sure it isn't Liz. :)

That cake is perfect for Michael!!:thup:;)

Which one? The one wishing Liz a happy birthday? Or the more generic one? :) He looks like a Michael though. One of my favorite names since we gave it to our first born. :)
My 1st born is Michael also. The name Michael means "Like God"
Thanksgiving dinner is back on. I want to cook my own, not pick it up at some restaurant. I trust myself more than I do some cook in a greasy spoon.

Traditional fare?? One year my mom went all seafood. We've also done standing rib roast and yummy rib eyes. Most years, including this one, are turkey...sometimes we include a ham, but not this year.

Many a Thanksgiving dinner around here will not have turkey, dressing, and sweet potatoes as much as they will feature enchiladas made from homemade tortillas, posole, homemade tamales, green chile stew, and similar fare. But I was raised in 'little Texas' in the southeast corner of the state and thus holiday fare is pretty traditional.
Sorry the pic I had posted didn't take. So I have updated my Profile pic for those who may care. It has been a very long year. As most of my friends here know I lost Mrs O a year ago. No I am not dating. Not sure I care to. I had stepped down from my position as Commander of the local American Legion Post. last election they put me back in. I have turned down County Commander again though. I have joined the Circle of trustees at the Butler institute of American Art. Quite interesting and something a little different. I have become a member of a group that cares for a county Veterans memorial and next month I will become a lifetime member of Vietnam Veterans Of America, where I will be taking a leadership role....

But i must brag on my Beautiful granddaughter. 19 years old, she is a full time college student on the Deans List, she works full time at a modeling agency, and she has purchased her first house.View attachment 161337

Oh wow! She is really beautiful, Ollie. Must take after the other beautiful women in your family. :)
She gets her looks from her mother and Grandmother, her brains from Grandpa....
I am off to the nursing home. MIL is not doing so well. Looks to be a roller coaster this week with the finalization of the job offer and MIL.

So sorry Save I hope she feels better seeing you and Mrs save.

She passed about an hour and a half ago. We were able to take the MIL's younger sister with us for a final visit. She is not in great health either, so we took her home and headed back to ours.
I am off to the nursing home. MIL is not doing so well. Looks to be a roller coaster this week with the finalization of the job offer and MIL.

So sorry Save I hope she feels better seeing you and Mrs save.

She passed about an hour and a half ago. We were able to take the MIL's younger sister with us for a final visit. She is not in great health either, so we took her home and headed back to ours.

Oh Geeze Save, I am so sorry for you and your whole family.
I am off to the nursing home. MIL is not doing so well. Looks to be a roller coaster this week with the finalization of the job offer and MIL.

So sorry Save I hope she feels better seeing you and Mrs save.

She passed about an hour and a half ago. We were able to take the MIL's younger sister with us for a final visit. She is not in great health either, so we took her home and headed back to ours.

Oh Geeze Save, I am so sorry for you and your whole family.

Mrs. Liberty is devastated, she lost a brother just six weeks ago.
I am off to the nursing home. MIL is not doing so well. Looks to be a roller coaster this week with the finalization of the job offer and MIL.

So sorry Save I hope she feels better seeing you and Mrs save.

She passed about an hour and a half ago. We were able to take the MIL's younger sister with us for a final visit. She is not in great health either, so we took her home and headed back to ours.

I’m so sorry for your loss.
I am off to the nursing home. MIL is not doing so well. Looks to be a roller coaster this week with the finalization of the job offer and MIL.

So sorry Save I hope she feels better seeing you and Mrs save.

She passed about an hour and a half ago. We were able to take the MIL's younger sister with us for a final visit. She is not in great health either, so we took her home and headed back to ours.

So sorry for your loss. Will hold your family in my prayers tonight.
I am off to the nursing home. MIL is not doing so well. Looks to be a roller coaster this week with the finalization of the job offer and MIL.

So sorry Save I hope she feels better seeing you and Mrs save.

She passed about an hour and a half ago. We were able to take the MIL's younger sister with us for a final visit. She is not in great health either, so we took her home and headed back to ours.

Sorry to hear this sad news. :(

We were up at 3 a.m. this morning rushing to meet the ambulance to let them into Aunt Betty's house. She managed to call us that she had fainted at least twice and was on the floor. Somehow she had managed to get back in bed when we and the EMT's got there but had no recollection of when or how she got into bed. Pretty scary. However at E.R. she checked out, diagnosis was severe dehydration, they pumped her full of fluids and she was good to go home around 9 this morning. We kept her here at our house for observation today and tonight. If she is feeling good in the morning, we'll take her home as she will surely insist. Scary though. She is 91 and lives alone. And until Dana gets home in early December, she has absolutely nobody checking on her or who is there for her besides Hombre and me.

So with such a short night last night, I'm headed to bed early.
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Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.
Drifter for resolution of difficult situation,
ricechickie on the anniversary of remembrance,
Saveliberty's family in the passing of Mrs Saveliberty's mom.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, Dalia, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

So, Thanksgiving falls on the 23rd this year. It’s also the two-year anniversary of my husband’s death. I’m having a difficult time thinking of anything to be thankful for. Intellectually, I know things could be worse, but I feel like a ton of shit has landed on me recently, and now this. I can barely even try to pretend for the kids. They’re 20 and 21 years old; it’s not like they’re little.

Two years seems like a long time. But, for this, it’s nothing.

Sorry to deposit this here, but my family frowns on self-pity and I am just drowning in it right now. I’ll go back to my self-reliant tough girl routine soon, probably Monday, but I had to wallow today.

Mourning the loss of your husband is not self pity. :smile: There is no time limit on grief that I'm aware of...and sometimes wallowing is called for.


Hope you feel better today.
Cornish hens for me and a girlfriend I met some months ago. She is coming for dinner if she doesn't have to work (caregiver). Next year she hits 62 and is eager to retire. MrG will have steak. Housemate will have half a cornish hen that evening, but he is going to some friends house for thanksgiving lunch.
On my menu:
Whipped yams with marshmellows on top.
Cornish Hens oven basted with orange marmalade glaze and other seasonings.
Green beans
Salad. MAYBE mashed taters and gravy.

Sound absolutely amazing! I love using orange marmalade as a glaze for poultry.

As to the other - internet bullies may be the few, but they are the loud. I'm with foxfyre. You do not have control over what they say, but you do have control over your reaction to ignore them. For your peace of mind.
So, Thanksgiving falls on the 23rd this year. It’s also the two-year anniversary of my husband’s death. I’m having a difficult time thinking of anything to be thankful for. Intellectually, I know things could be worse, but I feel like a ton of shit has landed on me recently, and now this. I can barely even try to pretend for the kids. They’re 20 and 21 years old; it’s not like they’re little.

Two years seems like a long time. But, for this, it’s nothing.

Sorry to deposit this here, but my family frowns on self-pity and I am just drowning in it right now. I’ll go back to my self-reliant tough girl routine soon, probably Monday, but I had to wallow today.

This is definitely the older person part of the board. As such we face this type of crisis more than we want to. I was juyst saying to Mrs. Liberty we need to widen our circle of people, because we are losing some due to the time of life we are in.
This is definitely the older person part of the board. As such we face this type of crisis more than we want to. I was juyst saying to Mrs. Liberty we need to widen our circle of people, because we are losing some due to the time of life we are in.

And sometimes that terrifies me!

Few are left from the generation I looked up to, the teachers and mentors in our daily lives, the wise and the comforters. I am blessed to still have my mother, who is 86...but all the others are gone, and sorely missed...and we are beginning to lose our siblings and our childhood friends.

Our Thanksgiving this year will consist of steamed shrimp and a pitcher of beer shared with daughter and friend at our favorite waterfront fish house. The rest of the family will be scattered - and as we have a newly emptied seat at our table, we lost my father this year, by his own hand - none of us can bear a traditional celebration this year.

I am so very sorry for your recent loss.
Finally dug out my box full of photos (a paper ream box) and started scanning the photos in and saving them to disc....... This is gonna take a while..........

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