USMB Coffee Shop IV

Sherry and me are cooking an early Thanksgiving for her Dad on Wednesday. I'm cooking the bird and doing the mashed potatoes.....Sherry is cooking the rest. We go to her Mom's on Turkey day.

Thanksgiving is my favorite Holiday of the year. I love the Fall...right around my birthday....hanging out with the family. It's all good. I like Christmas as well, but sometimes it's a little too much hubbub. safe folks and count your blessings. :)
Got back from DC yesterday evening, Had a great time at the Annual Gab Fest and Liars Club, Ia Drang Veterans Reunion. The picture is of Cliff, Mel and me, the 3 surviving members of my 33 man platoon from Nov '65.


I just ran across this one, Hoss. God bless you guys. :thup:

Thanks WQ. I put another one in Post # 51299
I didn't kill my cat. I didn't starve my cat. I tried to save her life. I was battling breast cancer, the loss of Gracie, then the cat, then losing my home then the loss of the last two dogs...last one 4 months ago. And yes, I posted about it because I didn't know some are allowed to do that but some aren't. Instead, I got to see accusations my dog wanted to die because she belonged to me, my cat died because I starved it to death, jokes of dead cat gifs or cats being kicked across a room, I am made fun of daily for being homeless or not having any money or family because THEY ARE ALL DEAD...due to my negligence supposedly...and a fucking asshole is back with a new nic but constantly posts about dead cats and starving cats and how poor I am while thumbing his nose at staff and they just go along with it for the laughs as well who don't even abide by their own rules they are supposed to enforce.

I am tired of it. Sick of it. Depressed about it. The next two holidays are going to be pure hell and as much as I try to keep standing, keep surviving, I have to battle sick twisted people where I thought I could be able to be around just to save myself from the pain of what I have experienced these past few years. This is NOT the place and it makes it even more depressing. I am sure this will garner more chuckles and grins, and silence from those who do not even bother to defend me against such nastiness but expected it from ME when it was happening to THEM.

So, those who are allowed to, can speak of their own pain and suffering and get comfort...yet others cannot without the pile ons and the sock that keeps coming back and laughs in the faces of all who know who he really is and its just fine and dandy. with staff.

Great. Good to know.
WQ is a good cook, but he doesn't really do any baking. I stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, except for the clean up.:D We are hosting dinner on Wednesday for my Dad, and dessert will be pumpkin pecan pie with vanilla cinnamon swirl ice cream. When we go to my Mom's on Thursday, she'll have apple, pumpkin, and brownies.:thup:


How is your mom doing, Sherry? Holding her own?

Thank you for asking, Foxy. My mom is hanging in there. In fact, she felt well enough to join us to celebrate WQ's birthday dinner yesterday. The kids joined us as well as we dined al fresco at our favorite waterfront place.:thup:

Oh shoot. We were so busy yesterday and being the weekend, I didn't check my calendar so missed WelfareQueen 's birthday. So apologies and belated


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Sorry. Wrong forum. But...I won't delete it. You can ask staff to do it if you wish, Foxfyre.
Sorry the pic I had posted didn't take. So I have updated my Profile pic for those who may care. It has been a very long year. As most of my friends here know I lost Mrs O a year ago. No I am not dating. Not sure I care to. I had stepped down from my position as Commander of the local American Legion Post. last election they put me back in. I have turned down County Commander again though. I have joined the Circle of trustees at the Butler institute of American Art. Quite interesting and something a little different. I have become a member of a group that cares for a county Veterans memorial and next month I will become a lifetime member of Vietnam Veterans Of America, where I will be taking a leadership role....

But i must brag on my Beautiful granddaughter. 19 years old, she is a full time college student on the Deans List, she works full time at a modeling agency, and she has purchased her first house.View attachment 161337

Oh wow! She is really beautiful, Ollie. Must take after the other beautiful women in your family. :)
WQ is a good cook, but he doesn't really do any baking. I stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, except for the clean up.:D We are hosting dinner on Wednesday for my Dad, and dessert will be pumpkin pecan pie with vanilla cinnamon swirl ice cream. When we go to my Mom's on Thursday, she'll have apple, pumpkin, and brownies.:thup:


How is your mom doing, Sherry? Holding her own?

Thank you for asking, Foxy. My mom is hanging in there. In fact, she felt well enough to join us to celebrate WQ's birthday dinner yesterday. The kids joined us as well as we dined al fresco at our favorite waterfront place.:thup:

Oh shoot. We were so busy yesterday and being the weekend, I didn't check my calendar so missed WelfareQueen 's birthday. So apologies and belated



Don't forget no more, Foxy.

I didn't kill my cat. I didn't starve my cat. I tried to save her life. I was battling breast cancer, the loss of Gracie, then the cat, then losing my home then the loss of the last two dogs...last one 4 months ago. And yes, I posted about it because I didn't know some are allowed to do that but some aren't. Instead, I got to see accusations my dog wanted to die because she belonged to me, my cat died because I starved it to death, jokes of dead cat gifs or cats being kicked across a room, I am made fun of daily for being homeless or not having any money or family because THEY ARE ALL DEAD...due to my negligence supposedly...and a fucking asshole is back with a new nic but constantly posts about dead cats and starving cats and how poor I am while thumbing his nose at staff and they just go along with it for the laughs as well who don't even abide by their own rules they are supposed to enforce.

I am tired of it. Sick of it. Depressed about it. The next two holidays are going to be pure hell and as much as I try to keep standing, keep surviving, I have to battle sick twisted people where I thought I could be able to be around just to save myself from the pain of what I have experienced these past few years. This is NOT the place and it makes it even more depressing. I am sure this will garner more chuckles and grins, and silence from those who do not even bother to defend me against such nastiness but expected it from ME when it was happening to THEM.

So, those who are allowed to, can speak of their own pain and suffering and get comfort...yet others cannot without the pile ons and the sock that keeps coming back and laughs in the faces of all who know who he really is and its just fine and dandy. with staff.

Great. Good to know.

I’m sorry for what you’ve been through.
WQ is a good cook, but he doesn't really do any baking. I stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, except for the clean up.:D We are hosting dinner on Wednesday for my Dad, and dessert will be pumpkin pecan pie with vanilla cinnamon swirl ice cream. When we go to my Mom's on Thursday, she'll have apple, pumpkin, and brownies.:thup:


How is your mom doing, Sherry? Holding her own?

Thank you for asking, Foxy. My mom is hanging in there. In fact, she felt well enough to join us to celebrate WQ's birthday dinner yesterday. The kids joined us as well as we dined al fresco at our favorite waterfront place.:thup:

Oh shoot. We were so busy yesterday and being the weekend, I didn't check my calendar so missed WelfareQueen 's birthday. So apologies and belated



Don't forget no more, Foxy.


Every time it happens I make a mental note to not let it happen again. But as much as I hate it, I probably will. By the way, I did switch cakes. I don't know what WQ's first name is, but I'm pretty sure it isn't Liz. :)
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WQ is a good cook, but he doesn't really do any baking. I stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, except for the clean up.:D We are hosting dinner on Wednesday for my Dad, and dessert will be pumpkin pecan pie with vanilla cinnamon swirl ice cream. When we go to my Mom's on Thursday, she'll have apple, pumpkin, and brownies.:thup:


How is your mom doing, Sherry? Holding her own?

Thank you for asking, Foxy. My mom is hanging in there. In fact, she felt well enough to join us to celebrate WQ's birthday dinner yesterday. The kids joined us as well as we dined al fresco at our favorite waterfront place.:thup:

Oh shoot. We were so busy yesterday and being the weekend, I didn't check my calendar so missed WelfareQueen 's birthday. So apologies and belated



Don't forget no more, Foxy.


Every time it happens I make a mental note to not let it happen again. But as much as I hate it, I probably will.
WQ is a good cook, but he doesn't really do any baking. I stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, except for the clean up.:D We are hosting dinner on Wednesday for my Dad, and dessert will be pumpkin pecan pie with vanilla cinnamon swirl ice cream. When we go to my Mom's on Thursday, she'll have apple, pumpkin, and brownies.:thup:


How is your mom doing, Sherry? Holding her own?

Thank you for asking, Foxy. My mom is hanging in there. In fact, she felt well enough to join us to celebrate WQ's birthday dinner yesterday. The kids joined us as well as we dined al fresco at our favorite waterfront place.:thup:

Oh shoot. We were so busy yesterday and being the weekend, I didn't check my calendar so missed WelfareQueen 's birthday. So apologies and belated



Don't forget no more, Foxy.


Every time it happens I make a mental note to not let it happen again. But as much as I hate it, I probably will. By the way, I did switch cakes. I don't know what WQ's first name is, but I'm pretty sure it isn't Liz. :)

That cake is perfect for Michael!!:thup:;)
How is your mom doing, Sherry? Holding her own?

Thank you for asking, Foxy. My mom is hanging in there. In fact, she felt well enough to join us to celebrate WQ's birthday dinner yesterday. The kids joined us as well as we dined al fresco at our favorite waterfront place.:thup:

Oh shoot. We were so busy yesterday and being the weekend, I didn't check my calendar so missed WelfareQueen 's birthday. So apologies and belated



Don't forget no more, Foxy.


Every time it happens I make a mental note to not let it happen again. But as much as I hate it, I probably will. By the way, I did switch cakes. I don't know what WQ's first name is, but I'm pretty sure it isn't Liz. :)

That cake is perfect for Michael!!:thup:;)

Sorry the pic I had posted didn't take. So I have updated my Profile pic for those who may care. It has been a very long year. As most of my friends here know I lost Mrs O a year ago. No I am not dating. Not sure I care to. I had stepped down from my position as Commander of the local American Legion Post. last election they put me back in. I have turned down County Commander again though. I have joined the Circle of trustees at the Butler institute of American Art. Quite interesting and something a little different. I have become a member of a group that cares for a county Veterans memorial and next month I will become a lifetime member of Vietnam Veterans Of America, where I will be taking a leadership role....

But i must brag on my Beautiful granddaughter. 19 years old, she is a full time college student on the Deans List, she works full time at a modeling agency, and she has purchased her first house.View attachment 161337
Really Nice Post,as usual Ollie,God Bless You and all your family past and present...steve
I am off to the nursing home. MIL is not doing so well. Looks to be a roller coaster this week with the finalization of the job offer and MIL.

So sorry about the MIL. . .was hoping a good corner had been turned there. Good news re finalization of the job offer.
Sorry the pic I had posted didn't take. So I have updated my Profile pic for those who may care. It has been a very long year. As most of my friends here know I lost Mrs O a year ago. No I am not dating. Not sure I care to. I had stepped down from my position as Commander of the local American Legion Post. last election they put me back in. I have turned down County Commander again though. I have joined the Circle of trustees at the Butler institute of American Art. Quite interesting and something a little different. I have become a member of a group that cares for a county Veterans memorial and next month I will become a lifetime member of Vietnam Veterans Of America, where I will be taking a leadership role....

But i must brag on my Beautiful granddaughter. 19 years old, she is a full time college student on the Deans List, she works full time at a modeling agency, and she has purchased her first house.View attachment 161337

Really Nice Post,as usual Ollie,God Bless You and all your family past and present...steve

Hey theliq, welcome back to the CS. Now if you could find and persuade Noomi to come back we would have our Australian division back intact. :)
How is your mom doing, Sherry? Holding her own?

Thank you for asking, Foxy. My mom is hanging in there. In fact, she felt well enough to join us to celebrate WQ's birthday dinner yesterday. The kids joined us as well as we dined al fresco at our favorite waterfront place.:thup:

Oh shoot. We were so busy yesterday and being the weekend, I didn't check my calendar so missed WelfareQueen 's birthday. So apologies and belated



Don't forget no more, Foxy.


Every time it happens I make a mental note to not let it happen again. But as much as I hate it, I probably will. By the way, I did switch cakes. I don't know what WQ's first name is, but I'm pretty sure it isn't Liz. :)

That cake is perfect for Michael!!:thup:;)

Which one? The one wishing Liz a happy birthday? Or the more generic one? :) He looks like a Michael though. One of my favorite names since we gave it to our first born. :)

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