USMB Coffee Shop IV

That profile really doesn't fit his personality at all. He is hardly ever serious, for one thing. He loves to joke around and laugh. He has a lot of friends and people tend to really like him. That horoscope makes it sound as if he is a real jerk, and that is definitely not the case. I mean, they didn't really have many positive things to say about Capricorn.

Yeah, I suppose, all horoscopes had written by someone, who didn't like Capricorns, Libras etc., and all other astrologists just copied it with variations :)

I personally assign very little credibility to astrology--it is fun to play with but I am not a believer other than I do believe we have a spiritual capacity to process and gain insight from unexpected sources and sometimes the profiles or daily horoscope might be a channel for that.

But I do think the people who write those profiles are very likely to incorporate their personal prejudices and preferences into them. Have an especially lovable Taurus in your life? That could show up in the description. Have an especially unpleasant experience with a Libra. Same thing happens only in reverse.

Even in the Jungian based science of temperament typing--and I do put a lot of credibility in much of that--I still leave open a strong possibility that a person's personal experience, likes and dislikes, can color those profiles that they write.

Astrology wasn't a method to determine people's character. The main problem of Astrology and then - Astronomy was - when we can sow something and when we have to harvest it :)
So, I agree about Jungian types, but astrology signs have a correlation with people... Seriously... I'll write a book about it, if I lose my job and will need some money to spend it on grandchildren :))))))))

You write it. I'll read it?

Depend on you :) Do you really want to read it? :)

Well I don't want you to lose your job of course. But if you wrote it and I had access to it, sure I would read it just because you wrote it if for no other reason. :)
Got back from DC yesterday evening, Had a great time at the Annual Gab Fest and Liars Club, Ia Drang Veterans Reunion. The picture is of Cliff, Mel and me, the 3 surviving members of my 33 man platoon from Nov '65.


Cliff just sent me a picture of him and me flanking another member of our Ia Drang/ LZ X-Ray group, Walter Joseph Marm, Jr. Joe was the first of 3 men to receive the MOH at LZ X-Ray. We were at another buddy's funeral last summer in Winston-Salem, NC. Great friends for last 53 years.


Super. :)
Got back from DC yesterday evening, Had a great time at the Annual Gab Fest and Liars Club, Ia Drang Veterans Reunion. The picture is of Cliff, Mel and me, the 3 surviving members of my 33 man platoon from Nov '65.

Three wise men. It is that time of year.

Thank you, Cliff and Mel for your service. Well done!
The cold November rain began pelting the roof in the wee small hours this morning and has continued through to this afternoon. Chilly, gray and wet we greet Saturday.

The gas logs are blazing away here in the Great Hall of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate and Daisy the Mutt is laying on the hearth. I can stand with my backside pressed against the fireplace warming my legs and feet for about 45 seconds. The back of my trousers feel as if they were just taken from a dryer powered by plutonium. But Daisy can lay there for twenty minutes. I swear she is about to sweat poodle gravy!

This would be the day I venture out to the Christmas tree farm to select and tag my tannenbaum, oh tannenbaum. But the weather tells me to stay home and watch college football instead.

I bought a ham for Thanksgiving as I do not eat poultry. The last piece of poultry I knowingly ate was in a spoonful of Campbell's chicken noodle soup in the winter of 1963. It's a long story.

My brother is having Thanksgiving this year. Mom is 83 and wants, rightfully, to retire from the hassle of preparing a feast. She is now content to allow her sons to found, prepare and serve Thanksgiving dinner. Who can blame her for that? My brother has developed into a sterling cook and has a gracious home to serve a grand meal. I have the means to buy groceries and prepare the ham.

So Thanksgiving is just about upon us. And we are truly grateful for the blessings we enjoy.
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My wife and I have been married over 56 years. I've been trying to get her to stop cooking Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners for a herd of people for around 15 years. This year she turned 80 and said she would not cook Turkey Day dinner for the first time since we were married. We always had 15-25 people for dinner. Instead, we will go to another friends house. Now figger this! We went to the store this morning and bought the ingredients for a complete turkey dinner next Sunday for 8 of our friends who have no family or no family here. Cooking has always been her passion and she's been a restaurant cook, manager and a chef for over 45 years. I gave up being a soldier but she won't give up cooking.
My wife and I have been married over 56 years. I've been trying to get her to stop cooking Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners for a herd of people for around 15 years. This year she turned 80 and said she would not cook Turkey Day dinner for the first time since we were married. We always had 15-25 people for dinner. Instead, we will go to another friends house. Now figger this! We went to the store this morning and bought the ingredients for a complete turkey dinner next Sunday for 8 of our friends who have no family or no family here. Cooking has always been her passion and she's been a restaurant cook, manager and a chef for over 45 years. I gave up being a soldier but she won't give up cooking.
Mom's post feast lament has always been "Ot takes all day to cook all this food and the eating part only takes about forty five minutes!" This Thanksgiving all she will be concerned with is that forty five minute part.

Maybe your better half just loves that 'all day' part more than she is telling you. Anyway, I can appreciate a person with a big heart wanting to make sure everyone, regardless of family situation has a great Thanksgiving meal.
My wife and I have been married over 56 years. I've been trying to get her to stop cooking Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners for a herd of people for around 15 years. This year she turned 80 and said she would not cook Turkey Day dinner for the first time since we were married. We always had 15-25 people for dinner. Instead, we will go to another friends house. Now figger this! We went to the store this morning and bought the ingredients for a complete turkey dinner next Sunday for 8 of our friends who have no family or no family here. Cooking has always been her passion and she's been a restaurant cook, manager and a chef for over 45 years. I gave up being a soldier but she won't give up cooking.

Hoss my newly found cyber friend count your blessings... You are truly are a lucky man to have a beautiful wife and friend of 56+ years...
My wife and I have been married over 56 years. I've been trying to get her to stop cooking Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners for a herd of people for around 15 years. This year she turned 80 and said she would not cook Turkey Day dinner for the first time since we were married. We always had 15-25 people for dinner. Instead, we will go to another friends house. Now figger this! We went to the store this morning and bought the ingredients for a complete turkey dinner next Sunday for 8 of our friends who have no family or no family here. Cooking has always been her passion and she's been a restaurant cook, manager and a chef for over 45 years. I gave up being a soldier but she won't give up cooking.

If I didn't enjoy doing it, I wouldn't do it it. But I love to cook for people who love to eat what I cook. It lets me show off what culinary skills I have and experiment with new dishes that they'll gamely eat no matter how they turn out. It's truly a labor of love and though I don't have the stamina I used to have and I do shortcut more, I still love doing it.

But, we usually have a maximum of eight to ten folks for Thanksgiving dinner and this year my sister won't be with us and Dana is still in Salt Lake City for another 17 days so we may have just six this year. A very comfortable group to cook for and serve. I am greatly looking forward to it.

Which is a really long way to say that I'm with your wife on this one. I understand that it just doesn't feel right not to do it at this point in our lives. When I don't want to do it anymore, and that day will come, then i won't. :)
My wife and I have been married over 56 years. I've been trying to get her to stop cooking Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners for a herd of people for around 15 years. This year she turned 80 and said she would not cook Turkey Day dinner for the first time since we were married. We always had 15-25 people for dinner. Instead, we will go to another friends house. Now figger this! We went to the store this morning and bought the ingredients for a complete turkey dinner next Sunday for 8 of our friends who have no family or no family here. Cooking has always been her passion and she's been a restaurant cook, manager and a chef for over 45 years. I gave up being a soldier but she won't give up cooking.

If I didn't enjoy doing it, I wouldn't do it it. But I love to cook for people who love to eat what I cook. It lets me show off what culinary skills I have and experiment with new dishes that they'll gamely eat no matter how they turn out. It's truly a labor of love and though I don't have the stamina I used to have and I do shortcut more, I still love doing it.

But, we usually have a maximum of eight to ten folks for Thanksgiving dinner and this year my sister won't be with us and Dana is still in Salt Lake City for another 17 days so we may have just six this year. A very comfortable group to cook for and serve. I am greatly looking forward to it.

Which is a really long way to say that I'm with your wife on this one. I understand that it just doesn't feel right not to do it at this point in our lives. When I don't want to do it anymore, and that day will come, then i won't. :)

I was always proud of her for her skill and satisfaction for cooking and she loves to feed people. We catered wedding receptions and birthday parties for 20 years and when she didn't give away all the leftovers to the guests she would box them up and hand them out to the ever present homeless who learned to hang around near those functions. I never cared for the leftovers unless it was prime rib.
The cold November rain began pelting the roof in the wee small hours this morning and has continued through to this afternoon. Chilly, gray and wet we greet Saturday.

The gas logs are blazing away here in the Great Hall of the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate and Daisy the Mutt is laying on the hearth. I can stand with my backside pressed against the fireplace warming my legs and feet for about 45 seconds. The back of my trousers feel as if they were just taken from a dryer powered by plutonium. But Daisy can lay there for twenty minutes. I swear she is about to sweat poodle gravy!

This would be the day I venture out to the Christmas tree farm to select and tag my tannenbaum, oh tannenbaum. But the weather tells me to stay home and watch college football instead.

I bought a ham for Thanksgiving as I do not eat poultry. The last piece of poultry I knowingly ate was in a spoonful of Campbell's chicken noodle soup in the winter of 1963. It's a long story.

My brother is having Thanksgiving this year. Mom is 83 and wants, rightfully, to retire from the hassle of preparing a feast. She is now content to allow her sons to found, prepare and serve Thanksgiving dinner. Who can blame her for that? My brother has developed into a sterling cook and has a gracious home to serve a grand meal. I have the means to buy groceries and prepare the ham.

So Thanksgiving is just about upon us. And we are truly grateful for the blessings we enjoy.

I used to do that up on the mountain. Our Strader insert in our fireplace made it so very efficient that it would heat the living/dining area and kitchen and also put enough warmth into the bedrooms that they were just cool but not icy cold when we went to bed. The furnace never kicked on when the fireplace was going.

But the trick was figuring just how far from the fire to place yourself on the floor so that you got maximum warmth without having to check to see if your clothing was smoking.

I was just looking at the weather across the country right now. All of yesterday's clouds and moisture including Colorado's winter storm warning is long gone and it is perfectly clear across the western two thirds of the country from the southern to northern border. But there is a solid line of really angry looking storms stretching from Mississippi to just east of the great lakes--really uncommon for this time of year.

And it looks to be raining across most of the northeast.

We could use the moisture. But not the storms.
My wife and I have been married over 56 years. I've been trying to get her to stop cooking Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners for a herd of people for around 15 years. This year she turned 80 and said she would not cook Turkey Day dinner for the first time since we were married. We always had 15-25 people for dinner. Instead, we will go to another friends house. Now figger this! We went to the store this morning and bought the ingredients for a complete turkey dinner next Sunday for 8 of our friends who have no family or no family here. Cooking has always been her passion and she's been a restaurant cook, manager and a chef for over 45 years. I gave up being a soldier but she won't give up cooking.

If I didn't enjoy doing it, I wouldn't do it it. But I love to cook for people who love to eat what I cook. It lets me show off what culinary skills I have and experiment with new dishes that they'll gamely eat no matter how they turn out. It's truly a labor of love and though I don't have the stamina I used to have and I do shortcut more, I still love doing it.

But, we usually have a maximum of eight to ten folks for Thanksgiving dinner and this year my sister won't be with us and Dana is still in Salt Lake City for another 17 days so we may have just six this year. A very comfortable group to cook for and serve. I am greatly looking forward to it.

Which is a really long way to say that I'm with your wife on this one. I understand that it just doesn't feel right not to do it at this point in our lives. When I don't want to do it anymore, and that day will come, then i won't. :)

You would hate to have me at a holiday dinner. :lol:
My wife and I have been married over 56 years. I've been trying to get her to stop cooking Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners for a herd of people for around 15 years. This year she turned 80 and said she would not cook Turkey Day dinner for the first time since we were married. We always had 15-25 people for dinner. Instead, we will go to another friends house. Now figger this! We went to the store this morning and bought the ingredients for a complete turkey dinner next Sunday for 8 of our friends who have no family or no family here. Cooking has always been her passion and she's been a restaurant cook, manager and a chef for over 45 years. I gave up being a soldier but she won't give up cooking.

If I didn't enjoy doing it, I wouldn't do it it. But I love to cook for people who love to eat what I cook. It lets me show off what culinary skills I have and experiment with new dishes that they'll gamely eat no matter how they turn out. It's truly a labor of love and though I don't have the stamina I used to have and I do shortcut more, I still love doing it.

But, we usually have a maximum of eight to ten folks for Thanksgiving dinner and this year my sister won't be with us and Dana is still in Salt Lake City for another 17 days so we may have just six this year. A very comfortable group to cook for and serve. I am greatly looking forward to it.

Which is a really long way to say that I'm with your wife on this one. I understand that it just doesn't feel right not to do it at this point in our lives. When I don't want to do it anymore, and that day will come, then i won't. :)

You would hate to have me at a holiday dinner. :lol:

Naw. I would enjoy coming up with something you would eat. My shirttail cousin--my uncle by marriage niece--is allergic to everything and is diabetic to boot. I loved experimenting with recipes to come up with something she could and would eat. You would just be a different kind of challenge. :)
The weather people are reporting freezing cold tonight with lows of 28........ I bet GW would take issue with 28 being freezing cold, that's short sleeve weather up there.........
The weather people are reporting freezing cold tonight with lows of 28........ I bet GW would take issue with 28 being freezing cold, that's short sleeve weather up there.........

Even here later on in the winter, that would be considered pretty mild though we don't get the sub zero temps that Alaska and the upper midwest does.
I'm back to checking in on the eagle cam in Florida again. Harriet and M1, the eagle couple we've been tracking for ages now, are back in their nesting tree and doing repairs on the nest. Harriet will lay probably 2 and maybe more eggs sometime in the next few days or weeks. I have an icon for the eagle cam on my desk top so I can check in without any fuss. I have become quite attached to this eagle family. Last year only one egg hatched so the parents and we could give our full attention to one eaglet as he grew up and eventually departed to make his own way in the world.

Anybody want to watch with me this year, the eagle cam (actually several of them) are here:
Live Eagle Cam

The website is courtesy of the real estate company on whose property the nesting tree is. They set up and maintain the cams and the website but don't do any real estate advertising on the site. All those moderating the chat are very knowledgeable volunteers and really helpful to help us understand what is going on.

It is interesting watching and even hearing the traffic on a busy highway beyond the nesting tree but the eagles seem to pay no attention to it whatsover.
My wife and I have been married over 56 years. I've been trying to get her to stop cooking Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter dinners for a herd of people for around 15 years. This year she turned 80 and said she would not cook Turkey Day dinner for the first time since we were married. We always had 15-25 people for dinner. Instead, we will go to another friends house. Now figger this! We went to the store this morning and bought the ingredients for a complete turkey dinner next Sunday for 8 of our friends who have no family or no family here. Cooking has always been her passion and she's been a restaurant cook, manager and a chef for over 45 years. I gave up being a soldier but she won't give up cooking.

If I didn't enjoy doing it, I wouldn't do it it. But I love to cook for people who love to eat what I cook. It lets me show off what culinary skills I have and experiment with new dishes that they'll gamely eat no matter how they turn out. It's truly a labor of love and though I don't have the stamina I used to have and I do shortcut more, I still love doing it.

But, we usually have a maximum of eight to ten folks for Thanksgiving dinner and this year my sister won't be with us and Dana is still in Salt Lake City for another 17 days so we may have just six this year. A very comfortable group to cook for and serve. I am greatly looking forward to it.

Which is a really long way to say that I'm with your wife on this one. I understand that it just doesn't feel right not to do it at this point in our lives. When I don't want to do it anymore, and that day will come, then i won't. :)

You would hate to have me at a holiday dinner. :lol:

Naw. I would enjoy coming up with something you would eat. My shirttail cousin--my uncle by marriage niece--is allergic to everything and is diabetic to boot. I loved experimenting with recipes to come up with something she could and would eat. You would just be a different kind of challenge. :)

The challenge would be in suppressing your urge to experiment. :lol: I like what I like and don't see a reason to look for new food to eat, other than my sometimes sensitive digestive system. :p
The weather people are reporting freezing cold tonight with lows of 28........ I bet GW would take issue with 28 being freezing cold, that's short sleeve weather up there.........

When I first came to Hawaii the first time in the early 80's the local TV stations did not have weather prognosticators, so the News anchor and the sports guru would take 15 or 20 seconds to say partly sunny or cloudy, with a chance of mauka (mountain)showers... Now all the stations have professional weather dudes and dudettes...

With this info I would like to tell everyone what these professionals have been saying the last couple of days... Granted it is a little early for a Hawaiian winter but the pro's are warning everyone to get out extra blankets for night time activities and wear sweaters when going outdoors during the day... The high temperatures are only going to be around 80... The lows are going to be in the high 60's in the mountains and low 70's in town. There is talk of asking for federal funds for the terrible weather...

Brrr! Hawaii to see chilly temps as system moves in

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