USMB Coffee Shop IV

The weather people are reporting freezing cold tonight with lows of 28........ I bet GW would take issue with 28 being freezing cold, that's short sleeve weather up there.........

When I first came to Hawaii the first time in the early 80's the local TV stations did not have weather prognosticators, so the News anchor and the sports guru would take 15 or 20 seconds to say partly sunny or cloudy, with a chance of mauka (mountain)showers... Now all the stations have professional weather dudes and dudettes...

With this info I would like to tell everyone what these professionals have been saying the last couple of days... Granted it is a little early for a Hawaiian winter but the pro's are warning everyone to get out extra blankets for night time activities and wear sweaters when going outdoors during the day... The high temperatures are only going to be around 80... The lows are going to be in the high 60's in the mountains and low 70's in town. There is talk of asking for federal funds for the terrible weather...

Brrr! Hawaii to see chilly temps as system moves in
When I exiled myself to Sarasota, Florida in the mid 1980s I was not prepared for the change of climate.

One of my first assignments at the engineering firm I worked for was to go out to a waterfront development and create as-built drawings. There were four homes, each about 2,400 square feet perched up on 10x10 pilings driven into the Sandy beach. I saw 5 inch white PVC piping coming down from the houses and into the sand. "That'll freeze up and split like a gymnast come winter!" I said to my colleague. He just rolled his eyes.

The next year we were laying out building lots just south of Sarasota. My colleague pointed out a mud puddle and said that that particular puddle had a thin skin of ice on it the previous morning and that ice did not melt until nearly 10:00 in the morning!

In the winter of 1976/77 the Ohio River had 17 inches of ice at the point in Pittsburgh.
So, Thanksgiving falls on the 23rd this year. It’s also the two-year anniversary of my husband’s death. I’m having a difficult time thinking of anything to be thankful for. Intellectually, I know things could be worse, but I feel like a ton of shit has landed on me recently, and now this. I can barely even try to pretend for the kids. They’re 20 and 21 years old; it’s not like they’re little.

Two years seems like a long time. But, for this, it’s nothing.

Sorry to deposit this here, but my family frowns on self-pity and I am just drowning in it right now. I’ll go back to my self-reliant tough girl routine soon, probably Monday, but I had to wallow today.
No thanksgiving here. I was going to do Cornish Hens but MrG announced in the middle of the grocery store with me holding the two little frozen birds that he did not want "chicken". So he goes and looks at turkey wings and asks why not them instead of the cornish hens? Um...its poultry, I said. His reply was "but its turkey poultry, not chicken". In other words, he wants prime rib. So..I said fine. We will go to a restaurant and he can order whatever he wants and I will do the same. To go. Come home, eat it, he watches his football, I pop in Lord Of The Rings.

Housemate will not be here, so we will have the house to ourselves. Maybe I will take a nap.
So, Thanksgiving falls on the 23rd this year. It’s also the two-year anniversary of my husband’s death. I’m having a difficult time thinking of anything to be thankful for. Intellectually, I know things could be worse, but I feel like a ton of shit has landed on me recently, and now this. I can barely even try to pretend for the kids. They’re 20 and 21 years old; it’s not like they’re little.

Two years seems like a long time. But, for this, it’s nothing.

Sorry to deposit this here, but my family frowns on self-pity and I am just drowning in it right now. I’ll go back to my self-reliant tough girl routine soon, probably Monday, but I had to wallow today.
I have no words. Just sorrow at your own sorrow.
So, Thanksgiving falls on the 23rd this year. It’s also the two-year anniversary of my husband’s death. I’m having a difficult time thinking of anything to be thankful for. Intellectually, I know things could be worse, but I feel like a ton of shit has landed on me recently, and now this. I can barely even try to pretend for the kids. They’re 20 and 21 years old; it’s not like they’re little.

Two years seems like a long time. But, for this, it’s nothing.

Sorry to deposit this here, but my family frowns on self-pity and I am just drowning in it right now. I’ll go back to my self-reliant tough girl routine soon, probably Monday, but I had to wallow today.


This is the place to do it ricechickie. That is the honest truth about the grief process and those of us who have been through it know that it isn't for just a little while and then it moves on. While the pain does eventually become memories, those old tapes can start running without any warning and the feelings that come with them are strong and real. And anniversaries are a powerful trigger. So don't beat yourself up and don't be the self-reliant tough girl. It's okay to feel. And those of us in the Coffee Shop have pretty broad shoulders to unload on.
No thanksgiving here. I was going to do Cornish Hens but MrG announced in the middle of the grocery store with me holding the two little frozen birds that he did not want "chicken". So he goes and looks at turkey wings and asks why not them instead of the cornish hens? Um...its poultry, I said. His reply was "but its turkey poultry, not chicken". In other words, he wants prime rib. So..I said fine. We will go to a restaurant and he can order whatever he wants and I will do the same. To go. Come home, eat it, he watches his football, I pop in Lord Of The Rings.

Housemate will not be here, so we will have the house to ourselves. Maybe I will take a nap.

If it was just Hombre and me, we might do the same.
The weather people are reporting freezing cold tonight with lows of 28........ I bet GW would take issue with 28 being freezing cold, that's short sleeve weather up there.........

When I first came to Hawaii the first time in the early 80's the local TV stations did not have weather prognosticators, so the News anchor and the sports guru would take 15 or 20 seconds to say partly sunny or cloudy, with a chance of mauka (mountain)showers... Now all the stations have professional weather dudes and dudettes...

With this info I would like to tell everyone what these professionals have been saying the last couple of days... Granted it is a little early for a Hawaiian winter but the pro's are warning everyone to get out extra blankets for night time activities and wear sweaters when going outdoors during the day... The high temperatures are only going to be around 80... The lows are going to be in the high 60's in the mountains and low 70's in town. There is talk of asking for federal funds for the terrible weather...

Brrr! Hawaii to see chilly temps as system moves in

Okay, that was good. :)
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.
Drifter for resolution of difficult situation.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, Dalia, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

WQ is a good cook, but he doesn't really do any baking. I stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, except for the clean up.:D We are hosting dinner on Wednesday for my Dad, and dessert will be pumpkin pecan pie with vanilla cinnamon swirl ice cream. When we go to my Mom's on Thursday, she'll have apple, pumpkin, and brownies.:thup:


How is your mom doing, Sherry? Holding her own?

Thank you for asking, Foxy. My mom is hanging in there. In fact, she felt well enough to join us to celebrate WQ's birthday dinner yesterday. The kids joined us as well as we dined al fresco at our favorite waterfront place.:thup:
Sorry the pic I had posted didn't take. So I have updated my Profile pic for those who may care. It has been a very long year. As most of my friends here know I lost Mrs O a year ago. No I am not dating. Not sure I care to. I had stepped down from my position as Commander of the local American Legion Post. last election they put me back in. I have turned down County Commander again though. I have joined the Circle of trustees at the Butler institute of American Art. Quite interesting and something a little different. I have become a member of a group that cares for a county Veterans memorial and next month I will become a lifetime member of Vietnam Veterans Of America, where I will be taking a leadership role....

But i must brag on my Beautiful granddaughter. 19 years old, she is a full time college student on the Deans List, she works full time at a modeling agency, and she has purchased her first house.
WQ is a good cook, but he doesn't really do any baking. I stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, except for the clean up.:D We are hosting dinner on Wednesday for my Dad, and dessert will be pumpkin pecan pie with vanilla cinnamon swirl ice cream. When we go to my Mom's on Thursday, she'll have apple, pumpkin, and brownies.:thup:


How is your mom doing, Sherry? Holding her own?

Thank you for asking, Foxy. My mom is hanging in there. In fact, she felt well enough to join us to celebrate WQ's birthday dinner yesterday. The kids joined us as well as we dined al fresco at our favorite waterfront place.:thup:

Give WQ our belated Happy Birthday wishes!
Thanksgiving dinner is back on. I want to cook my own, not pick it up at some restaurant. I trust myself more than I do some cook in a greasy spoon.
Thanksgiving dinner is back on. I want to cook my own, not pick it up at some restaurant. I trust myself more than I do some cook in a greasy spoon.

Traditional fare?? One year my mom went all seafood. We've also done standing rib roast and yummy rib eyes. Most years, including this one, are turkey...sometimes we include a ham, but not this year.
Cornish hens for me and a girlfriend I met some months ago. She is coming for dinner if she doesn't have to work (caregiver). Next year she hits 62 and is eager to retire. MrG will have steak. Housemate will have half a cornish hen that evening, but he is going to some friends house for thanksgiving lunch.
On my menu:
Whipped yams with marshmellows on top.
Cornish Hens oven basted with orange marmalade glaze and other seasonings.
Green beans
Salad. MAYBE mashed taters and gravy.
Cornish hens for me and a girlfriend I met some months ago. She is coming for dinner if she doesn't have to work (caregiver). Next year she hits 62 and is eager to retire. MrG will have steak. Housemate will have half a cornish hen that evening, but he is going to some friends house for thanksgiving lunch.
On my menu:
Whipped yams with marshmellows on top.
Cornish Hens oven basted with orange marmalade glaze and other seasonings.
Green beans
Salad. MAYBE mashed taters and gravy.

Not having smashed taters and gravy is evil!
I know. But it will be just me and MrG that would eat them. My friend and the housemate won't. So I might make a small side dish.
Got back from DC yesterday evening, Had a great time at the Annual Gab Fest and Liars Club, Ia Drang Veterans Reunion. The picture is of Cliff, Mel and me, the 3 surviving members of my 33 man platoon from Nov '65.


I just ran across this one, Hoss. God bless you guys. :thup:

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