USMB Coffee Shop IV

It just breaks my heart to have to leave since its exactly the job I had wanted.But I want to pray and be led in the right direction. I just need support so thanks.

God created supervisors for just such situations. The trick is to explain what is happening and how you adjusted by coming to work early or stay late to avoid issues. Any supervisor worth a hoot should want to keep the hard worker who seeks to resolve issues without confrontation. That said it took me five and a half months of praying to find the postal job. I ask for the job God wanted, so I didn't throw myself into the wrong job.

I'll throw in one of these for good measure. :smiliehug:

Also, I have been told I can be very intimidating in just what seems to be a casual conversation, so if they would like to be chatty with me. :eusa_whistle:

I think my Aunt Betty would agree with you on this. She enjoys all the meals she has at our house, but she loves, loves, loves pumpkin pie. Me? I can take it or leave it and given a choice would choose the pecan and I would choose a fruit pie over either. But we are all different so there is a wide variety of pies to choose to have for Thanksgiving dinner. :)

The only thing which is appropriate for Thanksgiving dinner is a turkey.

This from a guy in Moscow???? Do Russians celebrate the American Thanksgiving complete with Turkey dinners? Or are you a transplanted American?
It just breaks my heart to have to leave since its exactly the job I had wanted.But I want to pray and be led in the right direction. I just need support so thanks.

God created supervisors for just such situations. The trick is to explain what is happening and how you adjusted by coming to work early or stay late to avoid issues. Any supervisor worth a hoot should want to keep the hard worker who seeks to resolve issues without confrontation. That said it took me five and a half months of praying to find the postal job. I ask for the job God wanted, so I didn't throw myself into the wrong job.

I'll throw in one of these for good measure. :smiliehug:

Also, I have been told I can be very intimidating in just what seems to be a casual conversation, so if they would like to be chatty with me. :eusa_whistle:

I don't disagree but when it isn't something really specific or one of those things in which it is one person's word against another, raising such issues can be really dicey. A supervisor can be annoyed with what appears to be trivial complaint or having to choose between who is telling the truth. Those of us it is happening to know exactly what is happening, but making a case for it to somebody else who is neither experiencing it or witnessing it isn't always so easy. And it can inspire a trouble maker to double down on his/her efforts to make you look bad.
Mr. P had a good progress report today from the skin doc.
He is very pleased with how hubbies swelling has gone down in that leg. :)
He see's his reg. doc on Mon. and he will probably send him to a vein specialist to have it scanned in Tucson or Sierra Vista after Thanksgiving.
We'll find out what's really going on. Chances are it's a small blocked vein and he'll need surgery.
Something we both hope and prey isn't so.
Had a couple of minutes to burn here and was just surfing through the stuff of the day on the internet and ran across this:

I ate a $76,000 Thanksgiving dinner—but there was one thing missing


I will never ever have the kind of money that would make such an experience possible. And I am asking myself, if I DID have the money and wouldn't miss it, would I spend that much to enjoy an extra special decadent Thanksgiving meal?

I honestly can't image that I would be that curious????

Give me a little turkey, dry stuffing, and a whole bunch of pumpkin pie, and I'm set for Thanksgiving dinner. Why would I want a bunch of odd food I'll probably hate anyway? :lol:

What, no potatoes and gravy, no cranberry sauce, no corn souffle?

Nope. :) I am fine with potatoes, but not with gravy. No to cranberry sauce, no to souffle. Just plain corn is fine, though. ;)

Potatoes without gravy is like, like .... it's positively unAmerican!
Down south anything without gravy is positively unSouthern.......... As I've stated numerous times here (and elsewhere) gravy is either a food group or a beverage in the south......
WQ is a good cook, but he doesn't really do any baking. I stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, except for the clean up.:D We are hosting dinner on Wednesday for my Dad, and dessert will be pumpkin pecan pie with vanilla cinnamon swirl ice cream. When we go to my Mom's on Thursday, she'll have apple, pumpkin, and brownies.:thup:

I'm gonna have to make it but without the corn or maple syrup. :thup:
TAURUS first degree of earth: Life lesson, service to others
VIRGO second degree of earth: life lesson, Creativeness and order.
CAPRICORN third degree of earth; life lesson, Service to others
CANCER first degree of water: Life lesson, Peace
SCORPIO second degree of water: life lesson, Peace and orderliness
PISCES third degree of water: life lesson, Peace
GEMINI first degree of air: life lesson, Unity
LIBRA second degree of air: life lesson, Unity and balance
AQUARIUS third degree of air: life lesson, Unity
ARIES first degree of fire: life lesson, Love
LEO second degree of fire: life lesson, Universal love
SAGITTARIUS third degree of fire: life lesson, Universal love

And at times it all gets rather bizarre. For instance Hombre is an Aries and I am a Virgo. I ran across one site that explained our relationship thus:

Aries male, Virgo female:

At first glance, this couple have little in common. The bold and go-getting Aries man wouldn’t be interested, we assume, in the meek and mild Virgo woman. She in turn, devoted and loyal, would be much too easily hurt by the aggressive and self-centered Aries man. It’s true that this relationship does need a lot of work by both parties, but Aries man Virgo woman compatibility can work if both partners are willing to adapt.
Aries Man and Virgo Woman ⋆ Astromatcha

Now admittedly for all the decades we have been married, we have had to do a LOT of adapting. But 'meek and mild' Virgo woman? I am an ENTJ after all which is the antithesis of 'meek and mild'. He is an ISFJ pretty much the polar opposite of me in temperament and that describes him perfectly. But it has and does work. He is my best friend even though there are days I could cheerfully strangle him. (I would do it thoughtfully and with kindness of course.)

peach174 is also a Virgo and I don't think any of us see her as 'meek and mild.' :)

I learned at a early age that when you're small and meek & mild you get totally ignored. :biggrin:
Good night darlinks, I really do love you guys.

And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for

Harper (Save's granddaughter),
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Nosmo's mom,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Boedicca, her dad, brother, and family,
Sherry's Mom for treatment to be successful,
The Ringels in difficult transition
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Mr. and Mrs. Gracie in difficult transition
Saveliberty for positive resolution for difficult transition,
Mr. and Mrs. Peach174 for full recovery from setback,
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Ringel's injured shoulder and general wellness
And for our students, job hunters, others in transition.
Drifter for resolution of difficult situation.

And the light is left on for Noomi, Freedombecki, AgainSheila, Esthermoon, Dalia, and all others we hope are okay and will return to us.

To observe the night sky is to wonder what worlds are out there besides us.
Whoa. Slow day in the Coffee Shop. Sure hope that means everybody has something fun going on this weekend.

Reminder to our star gazers that the Leonid meteor shower peaks this weekend. As with most of these, the meteors are the debris from a passing comet. It comes by Earth every 15 or so to 30 or so years and can be spectacular, but this time only about 15 meteors per hour will likely be visible. But for those who would go out for even that:


The iffy viewing for our area is due to some pockets of moisture and therefore periods of cloudiness coming into our area and a major winter storm warning for Colorado. Quite a bit of unsettled weather across the country today and tonight. So if we want more guarantee of good viewing conditions we'll have to go see Gracie or Sherry and WQ or maybe Hossfly or Pogo depending on where they live exactly in the Carolinas. Montrovant could be in the green zone too. :)
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WQ is a good cook, but he doesn't really do any baking. I stay out of the kitchen as much as possible, except for the clean up.:D We are hosting dinner on Wednesday for my Dad, and dessert will be pumpkin pecan pie with vanilla cinnamon swirl ice cream. When we go to my Mom's on Thursday, she'll have apple, pumpkin, and brownies.:thup:


How is your mom doing, Sherry? Holding her own?
Whoa. Slow day in the Coffee Shop. Sure hope that means everybody has something fun going on this weekend.

Reminder to our star gazers that the Leonid meteor shower peaks this weekend. As with most of these, the meteors are the debris from a passing comet. It comes by Earth every 15 or so to 30 or so years and can be spectacular, but this time only about 15 meteors per hour will likely be visible. But for those who would go out for even that:


I'm binge watching The Punisher this weekend. :)
Whoa. Slow day in the Coffee Shop. Sure hope that means everybody has something fun going on this weekend.

Reminder to our star gazers that the Leonid meteor shower peaks this weekend. As with most of these, the meteors are the debris from a passing comet. It comes by Earth every 15 or so to 30 or so years and can be spectacular, but this time only about 15 meteors per hour will likely be visible. But for those who would go out for even that:


I'm binge watching The Punisher this weekend. :)

I had never heard of it so just read up. Aspects of the theme that appeal to me but I suspect it is probably more violent than I enjoy.
My children were born 3 years apart but are both right on the cusp between Sagittarius and Capricorn. We have long joked that that is why they don't fit into any profile. :)

My son is a Capricorn. While some of it accurately describes him, he is a lot more loving and caring than the horoscope describes his sign. Lol.

That's because you're his relative, lol :) All Capricorns love their relatives really much.

That profile really doesn't fit his personality at all. He is hardly ever serious, for one thing. He loves to joke around and laugh. He has a lot of friends and people tend to really like him. That horoscope makes it sound as if he is a real jerk, and that is definitely not the case. I mean, they didn't really have many positive things to say about Capricorn.

Yeah, I suppose, all horoscopes had written by someone, who didn't like Capricorns, Libras etc., and all other astrologists just copied it with variations :)

I personally assign very little credibility to astrology--it is fun to play with but I am not a believer other than I do believe we have a spiritual capacity to process and gain insight from unexpected sources and sometimes the profiles or daily horoscope might be a channel for that.

But I do think the people who write those profiles are very likely to incorporate their personal prejudices and preferences into them. Have an especially lovable Taurus in your life? That could show up in the description. Have an especially unpleasant experience with a Libra. Same thing happens only in reverse.

Even in the Jungian based science of temperament typing--and I do put a lot of credibility in much of that--I still leave open a strong possibility that a person's personal experience, likes and dislikes, can color those profiles that they write.

Astrology wasn't a method to determine people's character. The main problem of Astrology and then - Astronomy was - when we can sow something and when we have to harvest it :)
So, I agree about Jungian types, but astrology signs have a correlation with people... Seriously... I'll write a book about it, if I lose my job and will need some money to spend it on grandchildren :))))))))
I think my Aunt Betty would agree with you on this. She enjoys all the meals she has at our house, but she loves, loves, loves pumpkin pie. Me? I can take it or leave it and given a choice would choose the pecan and I would choose a fruit pie over either. But we are all different so there is a wide variety of pies to choose to have for Thanksgiving dinner. :)

The only thing which is appropriate for Thanksgiving dinner is a turkey.

This from a guy in Moscow???? Do Russians celebrate the American Thanksgiving complete with Turkey dinners? Or are you a transplanted American?

I think no. Unlike a Helloween, T-Day not a popular in Russia. First time about the date of it I've listen when I worked with US clients some years ago. A lot of holidays now came from USSR :)
I think my Aunt Betty would agree with you on this. She enjoys all the meals she has at our house, but she loves, loves, loves pumpkin pie. Me? I can take it or leave it and given a choice would choose the pecan and I would choose a fruit pie over either. But we are all different so there is a wide variety of pies to choose to have for Thanksgiving dinner. :)

The only thing which is appropriate for Thanksgiving dinner is a turkey.

This from a guy in Moscow???? Do Russians celebrate the American Thanksgiving complete with Turkey dinners? Or are you a transplanted American?

I think no. Unlike a Helloween, T-Day not a popular in Russia. First time about the date of it I've listen when I worked with US clients some years ago. A lot of holidays now came from USSR :)

Well you guys go back a lot further than we do. Except for indigenous populations that were all separate tribes and not organized into any kind of permanent society, those who would settle and make a country out of the USA arrived here in the 15th century and began to seriously settle here in the 17th century. And it wasn't until then that European holidays were imported here and uniquely American holidays began to become traditions. Probably most weren't firmly entrenched until late 18th Century, 19th Century.

As I understand it, some of your traditions and customs go back millenia.
My son is a Capricorn. While some of it accurately describes him, he is a lot more loving and caring than the horoscope describes his sign. Lol.

That's because you're his relative, lol :) All Capricorns love their relatives really much.

That profile really doesn't fit his personality at all. He is hardly ever serious, for one thing. He loves to joke around and laugh. He has a lot of friends and people tend to really like him. That horoscope makes it sound as if he is a real jerk, and that is definitely not the case. I mean, they didn't really have many positive things to say about Capricorn.

Yeah, I suppose, all horoscopes had written by someone, who didn't like Capricorns, Libras etc., and all other astrologists just copied it with variations :)

I personally assign very little credibility to astrology--it is fun to play with but I am not a believer other than I do believe we have a spiritual capacity to process and gain insight from unexpected sources and sometimes the profiles or daily horoscope might be a channel for that.

But I do think the people who write those profiles are very likely to incorporate their personal prejudices and preferences into them. Have an especially lovable Taurus in your life? That could show up in the description. Have an especially unpleasant experience with a Libra. Same thing happens only in reverse.

Even in the Jungian based science of temperament typing--and I do put a lot of credibility in much of that--I still leave open a strong possibility that a person's personal experience, likes and dislikes, can color those profiles that they write.

Astrology wasn't a method to determine people's character. The main problem of Astrology and then - Astronomy was - when we can sow something and when we have to harvest it :)
So, I agree about Jungian types, but astrology signs have a correlation with people... Seriously... I'll write a book about it, if I lose my job and will need some money to spend it on grandchildren :))))))))

You write it. I'll read it?
That's because you're his relative, lol :) All Capricorns love their relatives really much.

That profile really doesn't fit his personality at all. He is hardly ever serious, for one thing. He loves to joke around and laugh. He has a lot of friends and people tend to really like him. That horoscope makes it sound as if he is a real jerk, and that is definitely not the case. I mean, they didn't really have many positive things to say about Capricorn.

Yeah, I suppose, all horoscopes had written by someone, who didn't like Capricorns, Libras etc., and all other astrologists just copied it with variations :)

I personally assign very little credibility to astrology--it is fun to play with but I am not a believer other than I do believe we have a spiritual capacity to process and gain insight from unexpected sources and sometimes the profiles or daily horoscope might be a channel for that.

But I do think the people who write those profiles are very likely to incorporate their personal prejudices and preferences into them. Have an especially lovable Taurus in your life? That could show up in the description. Have an especially unpleasant experience with a Libra. Same thing happens only in reverse.

Even in the Jungian based science of temperament typing--and I do put a lot of credibility in much of that--I still leave open a strong possibility that a person's personal experience, likes and dislikes, can color those profiles that they write.

Astrology wasn't a method to determine people's character. The main problem of Astrology and then - Astronomy was - when we can sow something and when we have to harvest it :)
So, I agree about Jungian types, but astrology signs have a correlation with people... Seriously... I'll write a book about it, if I lose my job and will need some money to spend it on grandchildren :))))))))

You write it. I'll read it?

Depend on you :) Do you really want to read it? :)
Got back from DC yesterday evening, Had a great time at the Annual Gab Fest and Liars Club, Ia Drang Veterans Reunion. The picture is of Cliff, Mel and me, the 3 surviving members of my 33 man platoon from Nov '65.


Cliff just sent me a picture of him and me flanking another member of our Ia Drang/ LZ X-Ray group, Walter Joseph Marm, Jr. Joe was the first of 3 men to receive the MOH at LZ X-Ray. We were at another buddy's funeral last summer in Winston-Salem, NC. Great friends for last 53 years.

Whoa. Slow day in the Coffee Shop. Sure hope that means everybody has something fun going on this weekend.

Reminder to our star gazers that the Leonid meteor shower peaks this weekend. As with most of these, the meteors are the debris from a passing comet. It comes by Earth every 15 or so to 30 or so years and can be spectacular, but this time only about 15 meteors per hour will likely be visible. But for those who would go out for even that:


I'm binge watching The Punisher this weekend. :)

I had never heard of it so just read up. Aspects of the theme that appeal to me but I suspect it is probably more violent than I enjoy.

I watched 4 episodes, then the little one came home from school. I had planned to continue after she left to her dad's.....but we ended up wrapping a present I bought for a friend of the little one, and the little one wrapped a present she bought for her mom with her own money, so I decided to keep wrapping presents after she left. I still have some packages on the way, but I have now wrapped almost all of my Christmas gifts. Now I just have to wait 37 days for that holiday to come around........:eusa_doh:

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