USMB Coffee Shop IV

Holy crap!! That was probably the biggest quake I've ever experienced and the after shocks are still coming. Lights out in the terminal and the radio coms are down. They just transmitted a tsunami warning. Preliminary strength estimated as high as 7.2. Good thing I have my Depends on.

My goodness. Were you in Anchorage at the time? Checking for news now. . .

Edit: Only place I could find anything was the Drudge Report--they seem to post news faster than anybody else--and they are saying 6.7. Plenty big enough to be scary:
Major earthquake shakes Anchorage, Southcentral
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It's Movie Night again and I'm at the Learning Center showing The Grapes of Wrath. What a movie! Possibly the best cinematography ever shot in Hollywood history.

More folks here tonight than ever before! Next week is Gary Cooper and Barbara Stanwyck in Ball of Fire. Then Christmas movies start up with The Man who came to Dinner with Monty Woolley and Bette Davis. Then The Bishop's Wife with Loretta Young and Cary Grant.

Our movie day with Dana, still severely handicapped after her heart transplant--long story there--and Aunt Betty who is living her 92nd year but seems more like a 50 or 60 year old, we try to choose classic movies with good acting and strong story lines with a minimum of gratuitous sex and violence. Last Sunday we watched "To Kill a Mocking Bird." I had forgotten what an amazing film it was. It will be hard to find something comparable for this coming weekend.

I will agree with you that though somewhat depressing "The Grapes of Wrath" is also an amazing film and one that everybody should see at least once.
Here's the January lineup:

January 2
Some Like it Hot

January 9
It Happened one Night

January 16
Breakfast at Tiffany's

January 23
How Green was my Valley

January 30
Singin' in the Rain

That's a pretty good start for the new year.

I'm pretty sure I've never seen a single one of those movies. :p I've probably seen a scene here and there, but that's it. That includes The Grapes of Wrath and To Kill a Mockingbird. If I have seen any of them, it was when I was young and I don't remember it.
Every one of those films is definitely worth watching. I'm sure many of our fellow CShoppers would agree.

It's unlikely I would enjoy many of them. They are just too old for me. I have a very hard time with black and white movies, and I can't imagine watching the Mickey Rooney stereotype Asian role without cringing. I've seen clips of his portrayal and it doesn't strike me as at all funny, just sad. Singin in the Rain might be one I could enjoy, just because the title song is so iconic and just seeing the title puts the song in my head. :)

There are a few movies that are simply made for black and white. "To Kill a Mockingbird" for instance is an incredibly amazing film that I can't imagine anybody would not appreciate, but I can't imagine it in anything other than black and white. Same with "Schindler's List" that just wouldn't have worked in color except for the poignant image of the little girl's red coat that was the one thing in color in the entire film until the closing scene when the survivors and progeny of 'Schindler's jews' were placing ceremonial stones on his gravestone in tribute to him.
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Holy crap!! That was probably the biggest quake I've ever experienced and the after shocks are still coming. Lights out in the terminal and the radio coms are down. They just transmitted a tsunami warning. Preliminary strength estimated as high as 7.2. Good thing I have my Depends on.

My goodness. Were you in Anchorage at the time? Checking for news now. . .

Edit: Only place I could find anything was the Drudge Report--they seem to post news faster than anybody else--and they are saying 6.7. Plenty big enough to be scary:
Major earthquake shakes Anchorage, Southcentral
I'm listening to the radio now. Constant call-in information with lots of damage to roads. I sure hope I can get home. They're calling parents to pick kids up at school, roads buckled, bridges and overpasses damaged, parts of town with no power.
Holy crap!! That was probably the biggest quake I've ever experienced and the after shocks are still coming. Lights out in the terminal and the radio coms are down. They just transmitted a tsunami warning. Preliminary strength estimated as high as 7.2. Good thing I have my Depends on.

My goodness. Were you in Anchorage at the time? Checking for news now. . .

Edit: Only place I could find anything was the Drudge Report--they seem to post news faster than anybody else--and they are saying 6.7. Plenty big enough to be scary:
Major earthquake shakes Anchorage, Southcentral
I'm listening to the radio now. Constant call-in information with lots of damage to roads. I sure hope I can get home. They're calling parents to pick kids up at school, roads buckled, bridges and overpasses damaged, parts of town with no power.

I hope you can get home too, so that you can check on your animals and your home.
Guy at work committed suicide on Tuesday. His longtime girlfriend and mother of his children left him for a friend some time ago, 6 months to a year, not sure.
When I felt something wasnt right at home and dragged out of my wife of 23 yrs she had an affair and wanted to "explore" the situation, he was constantly asking how I was.. Now I'm wondering if there isn't something I could have done or should have noticed. He seemed like he was ok
For awhile I couldn' think straight. Darkness hits you so hard and so fast. Dad died right after and I stood at his grave alone. Only thing that got me thru was a brother who had been thru it twice take me in, talk me thru . Was there bout 2 months.
Yeah my older brother took his life too. It's hard on the family.

I lost my Dad in 2012 also. Nothing in life prepares you for the passing of a parent.

Sorry to hear about your friend. Even had you known he was contemplating suicide, you can't blame yourself for their actions.
I'm not....some reflection is proper and due I think at times like this.

I have contemplated suicide myself in the past, and not without reason. I have been schizophrenic since 1969 and have had much mental suffering. But my advice to anyone thinking of suicide is. DON'T DO IT.
Especially if you are young and having emotional upsets. Believe me if you live long enough you will get stronger, and better able to deal with things. I am 72 and although I was mildly depressed all day I finally got it together, and did two hours painting on a picture I have been working on since the beginning of the week.
I seem to finally be getting it together with painting, and appear to be having a late flowering. Although I wake up in the morning, look at my work and wonder what I am bothering for. It just looks like a mess. But as the day goes on I brighten up and each time I get it together to do some work I make headway and the painting looks better.

Well we will soon see whether you people think it was worth the trouble, as I am getting close to completing it and will probably do so by next week. Then I will post a picture of it.
Looking forward to seeing your artistic stylings

Well you can see my new picture in the arts forum, follow the link. But its a terrible photo, out of focus, and the painting is not finished anyway. I just had to see if I could post it ok.

My paintings
Lots of closures, hospitals, schools, performances and meetings cancelled all over the area. I've lived here 30 years and this is the biggest earthquake I've experienced. Dang, another after shock!

Just saw a report that the International Airport road is damaged. And the epicenter was just 12 miles north of Anchorage. Can't find anything on whether the Glenn highway is passable--that is how you get home yes?

Is there any chance your partner is there with the goats, dogs, cats?
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Just saw the news. Came here immediately to see how GW is doing and I'm glad he's ok! Wow. Mother Earth is having a hissy, isn't she? Well...once we get settled here....favor returned, GW. Come to us!

Meanwhile..I hope your critters are ok and your home is as well. Have you heard from the partner and does he know how the places are? I will keep checking in to see how you are. I got a message today on the NEW phone that you called a couple of days ago but I just now saw it. Either its the phone..or me. Prolly me. Still learning how to use this one.

Anyway...I won't call you because I know you are at work although maybe not actually working..still...I know what its like to get phone calls in the middle of a crisis, lol. Very comforting but can be hectic. I said...I will keep checking in with you. And know that if you hafta high tail it....grab yer critters and head on down to burned up Cali. I'll find a hole for ya!

Just saw the news. Came here immediately to see how GW is doing and I'm glad he's ok! Wow. Mother Earth is having a hissy, isn't she? Well...once we get settled here....favor returned, GW. Come to us!

Meanwhile..I hope your critters are ok and your home is as well. Have you heard from the partner and does he know how the places are? I will keep checking in to see how you are. I got a message today on the NEW phone that you called a couple of days ago but I just now saw it. Either its the phone..or me. Prolly me. Still learning how to use this one.

Anyway...I won't call you because I know you are at work although maybe not actually working..still...I know what its like to get phone calls in the middle of a crisis, lol. Very comforting but can be hectic. I said...I will keep checking in with you. And know that if you hafta high tail it....grab yer critters and head on down to burned up Cali. I'll find a hole for ya!


I could accommodate GW pretty short term along with the dogs and cats. . .BUT. . .I think the neighbors and probably the city would object to a herd of goats.
Our movie day with Dana, still severely handicapped after her heart transplant--long story there--and Aunt Betty who is living her 92nd year but seems more like a 50 or 60 year old, we try to choose classic movies with good acting and strong story lines with a minimum of gratuitous sex and violence. Last Sunday we watched "To Kill a Mocking Bird." I had forgotten what an amazing film it was. It will be hard to find something comparable for this coming weekend.

I will agree with you that though somewhat depressing "The Grapes of Wrath" is also an amazing film and one that everybody should see at least once.
Here's the January lineup:

January 2
Some Like it Hot

January 9
It Happened one Night

January 16
Breakfast at Tiffany's

January 23
How Green was my Valley

January 30
Singin' in the Rain

That's a pretty good start for the new year.

I'm pretty sure I've never seen a single one of those movies. :p I've probably seen a scene here and there, but that's it. That includes The Grapes of Wrath and To Kill a Mockingbird. If I have seen any of them, it was when I was young and I don't remember it.
Every one of those films is definitely worth watching. I'm sure many of our fellow CShoppers would agree.

It's unlikely I would enjoy many of them. They are just too old for me. I have a very hard time with black and white movies, and I can't imagine watching the Mickey Rooney stereotype Asian role without cringing. I've seen clips of his portrayal and it doesn't strike me as at all funny, just sad. Singin in the Rain might be one I could enjoy, just because the title song is so iconic and just seeing the title puts the song in my head. :)

There are a few movies that are simply made for black and white. "To Kill a Mockingbird" for instance is an incredibly amazing film that I can't imagine anybody would not appreciate, but I can't imagine it in anything other than black and white. Same with "Schindler's List" that just wouldn't have worked in color except for the poignant image of the little girl's red coat that was the one thing in color in the entire film until the closing scene when the survivors and progeny of 'Schindler's jews' were placing ceremonial stones on his gravestone in tribute to him.

I actually have never watched Schindler's List, specifically because it's in black and white. :lol:

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