USMB Coffee Shop IV

I just figured out that one peanut M&M has 10 calories. This makes me sad.

I hope I never worry about calories in my food. Just trying not to bury myself in sugar is already enough hardship for me. :lol:

I only noticed because we still have little mini packages of peanut M&Ms left over from Halloween. I read the label and it says 90 calories and that the package held 9 pieces. Sometimes being a financial analyst has its drawbacks - I always do the math.

I'll change the Boxer to "Don't bother changing it, I'll just destroy the next one, too."

The Boxer chewed some ribbons from the presents under the tree today, then he got the little one's Elf on the Shelf. I heard her yell, came out, and the elf was on the floor with a big dent in its head. I wanted to kill that stupid dog. The little one was distraught.
Another visit with the primary oncologist, he had the tumor board meeting and the primary consensus is currently surgery followed up with chemo is the best approach. She has 4 nodes (masses), on large one on the left kidney, one on the spleen, one in one lung and one in the pleura (lung lining). They're thinking it's only four nodes but even then surgery will be somewhat extensive and we may have to go to Dallas, Houston or maybe Albuquerque for at least a couple of weeks. We have the appointment with the gynecological oncologist on the 20th so we'll get her input then we can make a decision.

I'll change the Boxer to "Don't bother changing it, I'll just destroy the next one, too."

The Boxer chewed some ribbons from the presents under the tree today, then he got the little one's Elf on the Shelf. I heard her yell, came out, and the elf was on the floor with a big dent in its head. I wanted to kill that stupid dog. The little one was distraught.

He's apparently in good company though:

Another visit with the primary oncologist, he had the tumor board meeting and the primary consensus is currently surgery followed up with chemo is the best approach. She has 4 nodes (masses), on large one on the left kidney, one on the spleen, one in one lung and one in the pleura (lung lining). They're thinking it's only four nodes but even then surgery will be somewhat extensive and we may have to go to Dallas, Houston or maybe Albuquerque for at least a couple of weeks. We have the appointment with the gynecological oncologist on the 20th so we'll get her input then we can make a decision.

They are going to remove all four? In one session? I would tell you to crash here if you come to Albuquerque but we will have house guests most of the month.
Another visit with the primary oncologist, he had the tumor board meeting and the primary consensus is currently surgery followed up with chemo is the best approach. She has 4 nodes (masses), on large one on the left kidney, one on the spleen, one in one lung and one in the pleura (lung lining). They're thinking it's only four nodes but even then surgery will be somewhat extensive and we may have to go to Dallas, Houston or maybe Albuquerque for at least a couple of weeks. We have the appointment with the gynecological oncologist on the 20th so we'll get her input then we can make a decision.

They are going to remove all four? In one session? I would tell you to crash here if you come to Albuquerque but we will have house guests most of the month.
They will look to see if they can do a partial removal of the kidney (remove the mass only) or if the whole kidney has to come out. Most likely the spleen will have to come out and with the other two they'll just remove the mass.
Another visit with the primary oncologist, he had the tumor board meeting and the primary consensus is currently surgery followed up with chemo is the best approach. She has 4 nodes (masses), on large one on the left kidney, one on the spleen, one in one lung and one in the pleura (lung lining). They're thinking it's only four nodes but even then surgery will be somewhat extensive and we may have to go to Dallas, Houston or maybe Albuquerque for at least a couple of weeks. We have the appointment with the gynecological oncologist on the 20th so we'll get her input then we can make a decision.

They are going to remove all four? In one session? I would tell you to crash here if you come to Albuquerque but we will have house guests most of the month.
They will look to see if they can do a partial removal of the kidney (remove the mass only) or if the whole kidney has to come out. Most likely the spleen will have to come out and with the other two they'll just remove the mass.

Still seems like a lot for one session. But then if it can all be done in one session, I would sure want that.
Ah. Christmas. And again..none for us. BUT...a friend of mine still struggling after the fire, might come to the duplex and spend the day with us. I have an ad running for her in Craigslist..."live in caregiver needs a new place to live and a job to go with it."

This is the friend that lost her sister and nephew. She has nobody now. :(
Currently she is taying with an older couple who seem determined to do their christian duty but also want her to KNOW they are only doing their christian duty...not because of any heartfelt feelings in their breasts. They make sure she knows this, every day. I told her to hang in there....and eventually something will come along. Trying to get her settled in with RJ up in Red Bluff but if that doesn't pan out...maybe she can find work here in Yba City and maybe a small place of her own. In the meantime....xmas will be with us if she so chooses. No tree...but a nice warm couch (Anne will be at her sisters, so Denise can spend a day or two with us in the duplex), maybe some home cooked cornish hens, and with two people who love her. She is friends with Anne too, so I am sure all will be fine with yet another body in the small duplex for a couple of days.

Maybe next year MrG and I will have a real xmas. Tree, decorations, presents and a dog to tear open gift wrap in excitement!!
As usual, you have such an upbeat attitude and you are still looking out for all the other unfortunates in your sphere. You are my hero, Gracie!
Ah. Christmas. And again..none for us. BUT...a friend of mine still struggling after the fire, might come to the duplex and spend the day with us. I have an ad running for her in Craigslist..."live in caregiver needs a new place to live and a job to go with it."

This is the friend that lost her sister and nephew. She has nobody now. :(
Currently she is taying with an older couple who seem determined to do their christian duty but also want her to KNOW they are only doing their christian duty...not because of any heartfelt feelings in their breasts. They make sure she knows this, every day. I told her to hang in there....and eventually something will come along. Trying to get her settled in with RJ up in Red Bluff but if that doesn't pan out...maybe she can find work here in Yba City and maybe a small place of her own. In the meantime....xmas will be with us if she so chooses. No tree...but a nice warm couch (Anne will be at her sisters, so Denise can spend a day or two with us in the duplex), maybe some home cooked cornish hens, and with two people who love her. She is friends with Anne too, so I am sure all will be fine with yet another body in the small duplex for a couple of days.

Maybe next year MrG and I will have a real xmas. Tree, decorations, presents and a dog to tear open gift wrap in excitement!!
As usual, you have such an upbeat attitude and you are still looking out for all the other unfortunates in your sphere. You are my hero, Gracie!
gallantwarrior , I understand you were in or near Anchorage during the quake. Glad you're OK.
Another visit with the primary oncologist, he had the tumor board meeting and the primary consensus is currently surgery followed up with chemo is the best approach. She has 4 nodes (masses), on large one on the left kidney, one on the spleen, one in one lung and one in the pleura (lung lining). They're thinking it's only four nodes but even then surgery will be somewhat extensive and we may have to go to Dallas, Houston or maybe Albuquerque for at least a couple of weeks. We have the appointment with the gynecological oncologist on the 20th so we'll get her input then we can make a decision.

They are going to remove all four? In one session? I would tell you to crash here if you come to Albuquerque but we will have house guests most of the month.
They will look to see if they can do a partial removal of the kidney (remove the mass only) or if the whole kidney has to come out. Most likely the spleen will have to come out and with the other two they'll just remove the mass.

Still seems like a lot for one session. But then if it can all be done in one session, I would sure want that.
It may be two surgeries a week apart, don't know yet. We still need to get more info then make a final decision. Kidney and/or spleen removal has apparently the longest recovery period, up to one week in the hospital and three to six weeks for recovery from the surgery.
Ah. Christmas. And again..none for us. BUT...a friend of mine still struggling after the fire, might come to the duplex and spend the day with us. I have an ad running for her in Craigslist..."live in caregiver needs a new place to live and a job to go with it."

This is the friend that lost her sister and nephew. She has nobody now. :(
Currently she is taying with an older couple who seem determined to do their christian duty but also want her to KNOW they are only doing their christian duty...not because of any heartfelt feelings in their breasts. They make sure she knows this, every day. I told her to hang in there....and eventually something will come along. Trying to get her settled in with RJ up in Red Bluff but if that doesn't pan out...maybe she can find work here in Yba City and maybe a small place of her own. In the meantime....xmas will be with us if she so chooses. No tree...but a nice warm couch (Anne will be at her sisters, so Denise can spend a day or two with us in the duplex), maybe some home cooked cornish hens, and with two people who love her. She is friends with Anne too, so I am sure all will be fine with yet another body in the small duplex for a couple of days.

Maybe next year MrG and I will have a real xmas. Tree, decorations, presents and a dog to tear open gift wrap in excitement!!
As usual, you have such an upbeat attitude and you are still looking out for all the other unfortunates in your sphere. You are my hero, Gracie!
Blush. Shucks. Thanks GW. :)
I did speak to Anne today about Denise. She said Denise can have her room while she is at her sisters. I called Denise to let her know but it was a message machine. I told her to get her butt down here on the 23rd or 24th...go with us to Anne's sisters house where a pot luck is happening..then we three will go back to the duplex and she will have her own private room for a couple of days, food cooked in a real kitchen, and we can go bebopping around to see what kind of work is available. Anne said if she decides to buy a house...Dennise is welcome to join us as anothe housemate. Its kinda nice to have the neighborhood friends all under the same roof maybe! Only ones missing are Steve and Chelsea the german shepard, RJ and Kathy and Ittybit and her cat Maisy, Tom and Karen and their 4 dogs and the new puppy Murphy. Those were our immediate neighbors and we lost touch with them except for RJ who is in Red Bluff. But if everyone decides to rebuild....we will be neighbors again. :)

And again, signs are telling us we are where we are supposed to be. I called all over today looking for new docs for us..and none are accepting new patients. 30K people lost their homes...AND their doctors too. Not enough to go around within a 50 mile radius. I finally found one in Gridley and made appts for us. But about an hour ago, the local hospital called here at the motel looking for us. I was amazed. They said they heard we were looking for Doctors thru the now defunt Feather River Health Clinic in Parade that is now scattered to the four winds but they have temporarily set up in Oroville and they informed the clinic/hospital here that we need to get new they are working on getting us set up with a primary care physician in their offices..which are also connected to the one in Paradise. My, how info flies, eh? But I was pleasantly surprised! So...we still have our appts in Gridley but will wait for Marysville RideOut clinic to contact us with any new updates to our status in seeing docs here.

To me..that says we are supped to stay here. At least for awhile. We are still connected to Anne and this is why things are falling into place when I thought things couldn't get worse. My bad for doubting.

Like I told the gal at the hopsital that called...."we go where God sends us" and she said "Well, He wants you here and so do we. Hang in there". So..we are hanging in here. :)
Another visit with the primary oncologist, he had the tumor board meeting and the primary consensus is currently surgery followed up with chemo is the best approach. She has 4 nodes (masses), on large one on the left kidney, one on the spleen, one in one lung and one in the pleura (lung lining). They're thinking it's only four nodes but even then surgery will be somewhat extensive and we may have to go to Dallas, Houston or maybe Albuquerque for at least a couple of weeks. We have the appointment with the gynecological oncologist on the 20th so we'll get her input then we can make a decision.

They are going to remove all four? In one session? I would tell you to crash here if you come to Albuquerque but we will have house guests most of the month.
They will look to see if they can do a partial removal of the kidney (remove the mass only) or if the whole kidney has to come out. Most likely the spleen will have to come out and with the other two they'll just remove the mass.

Still seems like a lot for one session. But then if it can all be done in one session, I would sure want that.
It may be two surgeries a week apart, don't know yet. We still need to get more info then make a final decision. Kidney and/or spleen removal has apparently the longest recovery period, up to one week in the hospital and three to six weeks for recovery from the surgery.

Not sure of what I missed, Ringel, but my prayers are with you and yours.
I did speak to Anne today about Denise. She said Denise can have her room while she is at her sisters. I called Denise to let her know but it was a message machine. I told her to get her butt down here on the 23rd or 24th...go with us to Anne's sisters house where a pot luck is happening..then we three will go back to the duplex and she will have her own private room for a couple of days, food cooked in a real kitchen, and we can go bebopping around to see what kind of work is available. Anne said if she decides to buy a house...Dennise is welcome to join us as anothe housemate. Its kinda nice to have the neighborhood friends all under the same roof maybe! Only ones missing are Steve and Chelsea the german shepard, RJ and Kathy and Ittybit and her cat Maisy, Tom and Karen and their 4 dogs and the new puppy Murphy. Those were our immediate neighbors and we lost touch with them except for RJ who is in Red Bluff. But if everyone decides to rebuild....we will be neighbors again. :)

And again, signs are telling us we are where we are supposed to be. I called all over today looking for new docs for us..and none are accepting new patients. 30K people lost their homes...AND their doctors too. Not enough to go around within a 50 mile radius. I finally found one in Gridley and made appts for us. But about an hour ago, the local hospital called here at the motel looking for us. I was amazed. They said they heard we were looking for Doctors thru the now defunt Feather River Health Clinic in Parade that is now scattered to the four winds but they have temporarily set up in Oroville and they informed the clinic/hospital here that we need to get new they are working on getting us set up with a primary care physician in their offices..which are also connected to the one in Paradise. My, how info flies, eh? But I was pleasantly surprised! So...we still have our appts in Gridley but will wait for Marysville RideOut clinic to contact us with any new updates to our status in seeing docs here.

To me..that says we are supped to stay here. At least for awhile. We are still connected to Anne and this is why things are falling into place when I thought things couldn't get worse. My bad for doubting.

Like I told the gal at the hopsital that called...."we go where God sends us" and she said "Well, He wants you here and so do we. Hang in there". So..we are hanging in here. :)
Another visit with the primary oncologist, he had the tumor board meeting and the primary consensus is currently surgery followed up with chemo is the best approach. She has 4 nodes (masses), on large one on the left kidney, one on the spleen, one in one lung and one in the pleura (lung lining). They're thinking it's only four nodes but even then surgery will be somewhat extensive and we may have to go to Dallas, Houston or maybe Albuquerque for at least a couple of weeks. We have the appointment with the gynecological oncologist on the 20th so we'll get her input then we can make a decision.

They are going to remove all four? In one session? I would tell you to crash here if you come to Albuquerque but we will have house guests most of the month.
They will look to see if they can do a partial removal of the kidney (remove the mass only) or if the whole kidney has to come out. Most likely the spleen will have to come out and with the other two they'll just remove the mass.

Still seems like a lot for one session. But then if it can all be done in one session, I would sure want that.
It may be two surgeries a week apart, don't know yet. We still need to get more info then make a final decision. Kidney and/or spleen removal has apparently the longest recovery period, up to one week in the hospital and three to six weeks for recovery from the surgery.

Not sure of what I missed, Ringel, but my prayers are with you and yours.
The wife's cancer came back and spread but don't worry yourself over it, you all have been through hell and it's good to see things are looking up for you.

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