USMB Coffee Shop IV

Just checking in to see how you're doing. Don't have your phone number anymore and was worried about you with the earthquake. Glad you are okay.
Hey, Sheila! I was wondering how you were doing. Every time I drive home on a nice day and see Denali, I think of you and how it just wasn't cooperative that day you came up. Did you get your kitchen remodel done?
I'm doing OK, a little damage but nothing "earthshaking" (pun intended).

So glad you are okay. Hope the damage is easily repairable. I often think of that trip too. You were so good to us.
Why replace wine glasses? Any guests are welcome to bring their own bottle and we'll just pass that around, yanno, like in high school? It's not like I get too many guests, anyhow.
I enjoyed your visit. As you have guessed, we Alaskans love to show off our life-sized post card. Too bad my place didn't live up to the "Alaskan Bush People" standards. But you did get to see a much more realistic representation of an Alaskan homestead. If you ever make it up this way again, we'll have to get together for another little road trip. I loved having you both.

I will always regret not being at home when you came through Albuquerque. I would have so enjoyed having lunch with you and yours and meeting you in person. The only Coffee Shopper I have had the privilege to meet in person is Ringel and I was not disappointed. I am pretty sure I would feel the same way about the rest of you. :)
Who knows what the future may bring. Also: be careful what you wish for!:muahaha:

Well I am pretty sure I am safe taking my chances with you and pretty much all our Coffee Shoppers. :)
Just checking in to see how you're doing. Don't have your phone number anymore and was worried about you with the earthquake. Glad you are okay.
Hey, Sheila! I was wondering how you were doing. Every time I drive home on a nice day and see Denali, I think of you and how it just wasn't cooperative that day you came up. Did you get your kitchen remodel done?
I'm doing OK, a little damage but nothing "earthshaking" (pun intended).

So glad you are okay. Hope the damage is easily repairable. I often think of that trip too. You were so good to us.
Why replace wine glasses? Any guests are welcome to bring their own bottle and we'll just pass that around, yanno, like in high school? It's not like I get too many guests, anyhow.
I enjoyed your visit. As you have guessed, we Alaskans love to show off our life-sized post card. Too bad my place didn't live up to the "Alaskan Bush People" standards. But you did get to see a much more realistic representation of an Alaskan homestead. If you ever make it up this way again, we'll have to get together for another little road trip. I loved having you both.

I will always regret not being at home when you came through Albuquerque. I would have so enjoyed having lunch with you and yours and meeting you in person. The only Coffee Shopper I have had the privilege to meet in person is Ringel and I was not disappointed. I am pretty sure I would feel the same way about the rest of you. :)
Who knows what the future may bring. Also: be careful what you wish for!:muahaha:
Hope the Corvette is unscathed.
First Sunday in and dinner. Wish I was there. Just got these pictures from Bavaria.

Son, Niece, Mrs. Hoss, Daughter


Feeding the hungry with SIL


Roast beef and pork, 2 types of dumplings

Here it is December already and Christmas trees are sprouting up in homes up and down the Valley. I like a fresh cut tree so it's far too early to bring such a fire hazard into the Great Hall at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate.

Our agriculture in this neck of the woods is restricted by our hilly topography and clay soils. Apple orchards, a patch of sweet corn and sugar maple groves are about it. But there are some enterprising farmers who still grow Scotch Pines for Christmas trees. Unfortunately too many people opt for the convenience of artificial trees. Those trees appear perfect, but provide no aroma. No needles to sweep up and no pan to water daily, but perfection as seen by some.

My brother has an artificial trees. Nine feet tall and in what the marketers call a 'pencil' shape. For the last 35 years I have bought him a Lenox snowflake ornament. They are cream colored porcelain and pierced to give the appearance of an elaborate snowflake a master of scissors and paper would render. Lenox issues a new and different snowflake ornament every year. As it turns out, they are highly collectible and some have increased in value. We estimated, with the addition of the 2018 ornament, he has over $2,000 worth of ornaments on his tree now.

That's another way my retirement plan has gone awry. Between the Lenox ornaments, my collection of classic films on DVD, the improvements I made to Pimplebutt and the way Daisy the Mutt continues to vacuum my wallet clean monthly, I'll be on a diet of ramen noodles and peanut butter for years!
First Sunday in and dinner. Wish I was there. Just got these pictures from Bavaria.

Son, Niece, Mrs. Hoss, Daughter

View attachment 232298

Feeding the hungry with SIL

View attachment 232299

Roast beef and pork, 2 types of dumplings

View attachment 232300

Wow. Good looking group. You weren't able to go? I would want to be there too.

Son got there this morning on 2 week business trip, wife with daughter is there to settle BILs estate and Hossfly is babysitting grandson and keeping appoints at VA hospital.
Moriarty is a small town on I-40 about 35+ miles east of Albuquerque. This shot was taken from the main drag yesterday afternoon. What do you think? Super cell? Alien spacecraft?


Alien spaceship coming for to carry you to Mars?
Here it is December already and Christmas trees are sprouting up in homes up and down the Valley. I like a fresh cut tree so it's far too early to bring such a fire hazard into the Great Hall at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate.

Our agriculture in this neck of the woods is restricted by our hilly topography and clay soils. Apple orchards, a patch of sweet corn and sugar maple groves are about it. But there are some enterprising farmers who still grow Scotch Pines for Christmas trees. Unfortunately too many people opt for the convenience of artificial trees. Those trees appear perfect, but provide no aroma. No needles to sweep up and no pan to water daily, but perfection as seen by some.

My brother has an artificial trees. Nine feet tall and in what the marketers call a 'pencil' shape. For the last 35 years I have bought him a Lenox snowflake ornament. They are cream colored porcelain and pierced to give the appearance of an elaborate snowflake a master of scissors and paper would render. Lenox issues a new and different snowflake ornament every year. As it turns out, they are highly collectible and some have increased in value. We estimated, with the addition of the 2018 ornament, he has over $2,000 worth of ornaments on his tree now.

That's another way my retirement plan has gone awry. Between the Lenox ornaments, my collection of classic films on DVD, the improvements I made to Pimplebutt and the way Daisy the Mutt continues to vacuum my wallet clean monthly, I'll be on a diet of ramen noodles and peanut butter for years!

I love a real Christmas tree too, but being married all these decades to a career professional all lines insurance adjuster, I don't fight it. He has worked too many Christmas fires caused by Christmas trees and would be so uncomfortable with one in our home, I have to respect that. So these days we drag the 9' tall schefflera plant/tree away from the window and put a card table there. That is covered with my Uncle Henry's WWII Marine blanket and we set up our little 4' artificial tree and make it look as pretty as possible. It is encased at the base with a red velvet tree skirt. And the rest of the decorations over the mantle, across the bookcases taking up most of one wall, on the metal banister separating the office from the entryway etc and over all the windows provides sufficient color and pleasure to satisfy.

Each year we think we won't decorate much, but every year we do.

Sometimes tradition is just comforting and makes the heart swell a little with appreciation and gratitude.
Local news here was just showing a jeep/suv driving over/thru/around a big hole in the road and my first thought that YOU, GW?? Though I don't know what kind of vehicle he has.

He works at the airport??? Not sure in what manner, but I've seen where they've turned away planes...….so he may have to stick around until all incoming flights have officially landed, either there or other airports in the area :dunno:

Hopefully he'll get to post an update to let us know if all is ok

He is a skilled mechanic that fixes whatever needs fixing on the planes at the airport and oversees their general servicing. (He also teaches airplane mechanics at the university.) And he was at work when the earthquake(s) hit. He was okay but all the roads out of Anchorage have been damaged or are blocked by mud or rockslides and we think he could possibly have tried to make it to his homestead to take care of the dogs, cats, chickens, turkeys, and a sizable goat herd. He lives an hour or two north of Anchorage.

then being a mechanic and doing the servicing.....he may be stuck at work to care for the planes that had been diverted. :dunno:

With the roads being as they are, it could be near impossible to get home. Hopefully his partner did or maybe a friend or neighbor to care for the animals?

If nothing else, most animals can survive some tough situations as long as they have water.
Unfortunately, water is the problem. I have to thaw it out daily and add fresh.

To be completely honest, I was actually more concerned about predators but didn't want to alarm. I don't know all of your situation, but can only imagine that if you're on 200 acres you'd have to be far enough away from civilization and would be at greater risk.

Animals can survive a while without water depending on how long, they just won't be happy about it. Have you looked into heated waterers? I know some are electric which may or may not be practical for you, but maybe battery operated??? I don't know how effective in your climate, or even if safe, but might be worth looking into.
I haven't found any battery-powered heated buckets yet but there are ways of powering with solar to charge batteries and using an inverter. Problem here is-too little sun. Right now, sunrise is about quarter to 10, sunset about quarter to 4. We're still three weeks short of winter solstice so we'll get down to less than five hours of daylight daily. Of course, that's daylight when there isn't overcast or snow. It works for me when I use galvanized buckets that I can melt ice on a field stove and then add fresh water but that has to be done at least once a day.
Predators aren't a problem between the Great Pyrenees dogs I keep in the pens with the goats and the electric fences. Dogs will discourage dogs and bears. Electric works in the summer and is an effective bear deterrent. I worry more about eagles, ravens, and hawks getting my chickens but the tom turkey makes a good warning system when winged predators show up. Turkey sets up the alarm and the other birds run for cover. It's kind of fun to watch.

Do your birds have some kind of overhead cover that they can duck under??? Even where I live there are hawks & eagles that fly over looking for snacks. Yes even the noisiest animal around goes dead silent when they're in the neighborhood. Usually my chickens will either run for the coop or the nearest cover available.
Luckily none of those predators have dared come into our yard and I can only assume it's because we have a fenced yard with scattered fruit trees, shed, coop and a few piles of unfinished projects that doesn't give them enough room to land/take off from...….with the exception of one small hawk that landed in a tree in the front yard and scared off all the wild birds coming to the feeder. It was smaller than any of the chickens though and they were in the back yard but still hiding out.
One time we did have a Canadian goose show up in our backyard. It was injured though we don't know if from landing or trying to take off here, or if injured elsewhere. But we quickly discovered it couldn't get out of the yard for lack of 'runway' space, so hubs took it out to the main road, waited for traffic to clear, then let it go.

As for water...……..where are your waterers? Out in the open? Or inside the animal shelters??? I am wondering about using an insulated container with additional insulation of some sort, inside the shelter with all or many animals in there for body heat, along with deep litter??? Sorry, I'm just trying to think of 'natural' ways it would keep from freezing......which can work ok here, but not sure it would work where you are.
I'm always wondering why houses just didn't explode! The live trees were supported by an X shaped Woden brace with not way to water the tree. The trees were festooned with incandescent lights that burned hot. A coal furnace was in the basement generating embers. Electrical wiring was primarive knob and tube with asbestos insulation.

With all those fire hazards, nightmare for insurance adjusters, it's a wonder the fire department wasn't just patrolling neighborhoods in anticipation.
I hate being an online student but still getting phone calls for updates about things happening on campus. I got a phone call at 2AM this morning because of a tornado warning at my school. I'm over a hundred miles away! Don't call me at 2AM. And don't call again a while later to tell me it's safe. :eusa_doh:
Well hell ! I have been working on my latest picture, and today I tackled the face of the figure. I found some worn out brushes that only had a few bristles left, and they were perfect for doing the whites of the eyes.

Strangely, I have started having visions sometimes when I close my eyes. The other night I shut my eyes and for at least a minute I saw a stream of pictures of angels radiating light pass before my eyes. It was like actually seeing dozens of paintings of angels which appeared to be a few feet in front of my eyes even though they were shut.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.

And we continue pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Rod, GW's partner,
Kat's sister,
Dana, Foxfyre's friend recovering from heart transplant
Strength and stamina for gallantwarrior in his relocation project,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Saveliberty's mom for successful surgery and quick healing
TheLiq and family who need prayers and positive vibes now
Gracie & Mr. G now homeless again
Drifter's friend's mother now homeless
Montrovant in difficult transition
Nosmo's mom back in the hospital
Drifter for smooth sailing in her new job.

JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Beautress's friend EJ undergoing chemo.
Ringel and Mrs. Ringel awaiting a treatment plan.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so those who have been away can find their way back and we rejoice when they do!!!
Ah. Christmas. And again..none for us. BUT...a friend of mine still struggling after the fire, might come to the duplex and spend the day with us. I have an ad running for her in Craigslist..."live in caregiver needs a new place to live and a job to go with it."

This is the friend that lost her sister and nephew. She has nobody now. :(
Currently she is taying with an older couple who seem determined to do their christian duty but also want her to KNOW they are only doing their christian duty...not because of any heartfelt feelings in their breasts. They make sure she knows this, every day. I told her to hang in there....and eventually something will come along. Trying to get her settled in with RJ up in Red Bluff but if that doesn't pan out...maybe she can find work here in Yba City and maybe a small place of her own. In the meantime....xmas will be with us if she so chooses. No tree...but a nice warm couch (Anne will be at her sisters, so Denise can spend a day or two with us in the duplex), maybe some home cooked cornish hens, and with two people who love her. She is friends with Anne too, so I am sure all will be fine with yet another body in the small duplex for a couple of days.

Maybe next year MrG and I will have a real xmas. Tree, decorations, presents and a dog to tear open gift wrap in excitement!!
I just figured out that one peanut M&M has 10 calories. This makes me sad.

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