USMB Coffee Shop IV

I do believe the monsoon is upon us. Lots of pregnant looking clouds out there, we have cooled down to a really REALLY pleasant 74 though today's rain looks like it will skirt around us to the west.

But over in Arizona:

Gasp, melt...
When I bought this place, I decided to add a 750 square foot deck with attached gazebo. It took me and a friend about a month to build the deck and a chicken coop. For one 10 day period, the high was over 100 each day The weather station closest to here topped out at 107 on the worst day. I can't work like that any more I was 62 and Wayne was 64. I'm about to be 70 in what, 3 weeks? Seems like I was 18 about 5 years ago?
I have been feeling younger for the last couple weeks, likely because I'm dating a 44 year old.
Yeah, those gals almost half your age will make you feel younger, until you die from exertion keeping them happy. (lol)
I know what you mean about not doing what I could even a few years ago. I was partnered with a 24-yr-old puppy on one flight this morning and was happy to have him offer to carry my ladder for me. I sometimes wonder whether they are disappointed when I graciously accept their offer of help? I think part of the vaunted wisdom comes with age is the fact that we begin to recognize our limitations?
Thankfully, at least with the people I hang with, the young bucks respect what us old geezers have learned and will carry the ladder so they might watch and learn.
Yes, this one may kill me, but what better way to go? seriously, we're still at the point where I rush around my truck (hiding the limp best I can) and open her door and she appreciates it. I've told her that at the point where she has to open her own door she'll know that she has caught me. She is a fairly recent divorcee and works her butt off to support her boys. I respect her for that.
Most of the youngsters do just that, hang around to watch and listen. I am a born teacher and enjoy teaching the stuff I know to others. I'm fortunate to know enough gee-whiz stuff, too!
I wish you much luck with your lady. You seem quite happy and old geezers like us deserve that spark of happiness, we've earned it.
I'm not a great teacher. I lack patience. but if you can learn by watching me do it better than you can ever hope to do it, you young snot, you might learn something. Oh and another thing! Guns and Roses is NOT classic rock! </geezer_rant>
Guns and Roses? What are those? I'm pretty eclectic when it comes to music.
Yeah, I can learn in many modalities, watching it done, reading about how a thing is done, and especially when I can finger-fornicate the project myself. And life being the way it is, I'm betting this whippersnapper could show you a few things, too! :eusa_dance:
Took the wife for a drive, she wanted to get out of the house for a while. Headed up to Santa Fe, stopped at Look What the Cat Dragged in thrift store then took Rte 14 back through Madrid. When we got home she went right to bed, that trip wore her out.
That's an interesting name for thrift store...
I can understand her wanting to get out and just enjoy a ride, maybe lunch out? If she was able to comfortably retire after the trip, it was likely worth it.
When I bought this place, I decided to add a 750 square foot deck with attached gazebo. It took me and a friend about a month to build the deck and a chicken coop. For one 10 day period, the high was over 100 each day The weather station closest to here topped out at 107 on the worst day. I can't work like that any more I was 62 and Wayne was 64. I'm about to be 70 in what, 3 weeks? Seems like I was 18 about 5 years ago?
I have been feeling younger for the last couple weeks, likely because I'm dating a 44 year old.
Yeah, those gals almost half your age will make you feel younger, until you die from exertion keeping them happy. (lol)
I know what you mean about not doing what I could even a few years ago. I was partnered with a 24-yr-old puppy on one flight this morning and was happy to have him offer to carry my ladder for me. I sometimes wonder whether they are disappointed when I graciously accept their offer of help? I think part of the vaunted wisdom comes with age is the fact that we begin to recognize our limitations?
Thankfully, at least with the people I hang with, the young bucks respect what us old geezers have learned and will carry the ladder so they might watch and learn.
Yes, this one may kill me, but what better way to go? seriously, we're still at the point where I rush around my truck (hiding the limp best I can) and open her door and she appreciates it. I've told her that at the point where she has to open her own door she'll know that she has caught me. She is a fairly recent divorcee and works her butt off to support her boys. I respect her for that.
Most of the youngsters do just that, hang around to watch and listen. I am a born teacher and enjoy teaching the stuff I know to others. I'm fortunate to know enough gee-whiz stuff, too!
I wish you much luck with your lady. You seem quite happy and old geezers like us deserve that spark of happiness, we've earned it.
I'm not a great teacher. I lack patience. but if you can learn by watching me do it better than you can ever hope to do it, you young snot, you might learn something. Oh and another thing! Guns and Roses is NOT classic rock! </geezer_rant>
Guns and Roses? What are those? I'm pretty eclectic when it comes to music.
Yeah, I can learn in many modalities, watching it done, reading about how a thing is done, and especially when I can finger-fornicate the project myself. And life being the way it is, I'm betting this whippersnapper could show you a few things, too! :eusa_dance:

Well, I am officially in deep shit. Docs said the partner had a heart attack some time in the past week. I noticed the initial symptoms of a stroke yesterday and dragged him to the emergency room. When I left him there, he could still talk, use both hands/arms, and walk. When I went to see him this morning, his right arm is a swollen, cool, clammy lump (good thing he's a southpaw). His right leg is almost as useless although he can move it a little. His face seems to be melting off his skull and he's unintelligible. I thought I caught the signs pretty early and got him to the hospital as soon as I recognized them. Guess not. All the docs could tell us for sure today is: they don't know...
They don't whether he'll recover, or how much he'll recover, or how long it will take for him to recover. I know one thing for sure, this is going to get expensive. And, I'll have to take over his work on the place in addition to my own. I'm texting a buddy right now who has volunteered to pick up and haul a trailer load of hay. I'll have to contact our hay guy tomorrow. Oh, yeah, I'll have to pick up the slack and start paying for the things my partner paid for. I'm in deep shit. Needless to say, I'm starting to feel a little stressed and tired. I think tomorrow, I'll get some things done I was planning on doing and then come home and grant myself the afternoon "off". It will be easier for me to get up early Monday morning and get some of the outside work done, before it gets too hot. (Sweat running down everywhere on my body that goes down right now. It's 89F right now!)
And, I am most likely going to have to postpone my hip replacement. Another year of pain and agony but one of us has to be able to keep things going. At least I can postpone things. A stroke doesn't get postponed.
I do believe the monsoon is upon us. Lots of pregnant looking clouds out there, we have cooled down to a really REALLY pleasant 74 though today's rain looks like it will skirt around us to the west.

But over in Arizona:

I was out a while ago in the garage, had a crack of lightning the rolled from west to east, that was really cool. Not long after that the rain hit us, we had some decent rain for about 15 - 20 minutes and continued to sprinkle for a while afterwards.
I do believe the monsoon is upon us. Lots of pregnant looking clouds out there, we have cooled down to a really REALLY pleasant 74 though today's rain looks like it will skirt around us to the west.

But over in Arizona:

I was out a while ago in the garage, had a crack of lightning the rolled from west to east, that was really cool. Not long after that the rain hit us, we had some decent rain for about 15 - 20 minutes and continued to sprinkle for a while afterwards.

We have a little over a half inch in our rain guage. That is awesome! Hoping for a little more but watching the radar the storms are weakening and will probably start breaking up and dissipating now that the sun is down.
Well, I am officially in deep shit. Docs said the partner had a heart attack some time in the past week. I noticed the initial symptoms of a stroke yesterday and dragged him to the emergency room. When I left him there, he could still talk, use both hands/arms, and walk. When I went to see him this morning, his right arm is a swollen, cool, clammy lump (good thing he's a southpaw). His right leg is almost as useless although he can move it a little. His face seems to be melting off his skull and he's unintelligible. I thought I caught the signs pretty early and got him to the hospital as soon as I recognized them. Guess not. All the docs could tell us for sure today is: they don't know...
They don't whether he'll recover, or how much he'll recover, or how long it will take for him to recover. I know one thing for sure, this is going to get expensive. And, I'll have to take over his work on the place in addition to my own. I'm texting a buddy right now who has volunteered to pick up and haul a trailer load of hay. I'll have to contact our hay guy tomorrow. Oh, yeah, I'll have to pick up the slack and start paying for the things my partner paid for. I'm in deep shit. Needless to say, I'm starting to feel a little stressed and tired. I think tomorrow, I'll get some things done I was planning on doing and then come home and grant myself the afternoon "off". It will be easier for me to get up early Monday morning and get some of the outside work done, before it gets too hot. (Sweat running down everywhere on my body that goes down right now. It's 89F right now!)
And, I am most likely going to have to postpone my hip replacement. Another year of pain and agony but one of us has to be able to keep things going. At least I can postpone things. A stroke doesn't get postponed.
Oh man, GW!!! This is awful! Do keep us updated. Maybe things will get better and you can still have your surgery? Damn. Just damn damn damn.
Well, I am officially in deep shit. Docs said the partner had a heart attack some time in the past week. I noticed the initial symptoms of a stroke yesterday and dragged him to the emergency room. When I left him there, he could still talk, use both hands/arms, and walk. When I went to see him this morning, his right arm is a swollen, cool, clammy lump (good thing he's a southpaw). His right leg is almost as useless although he can move it a little. His face seems to be melting off his skull and he's unintelligible. I thought I caught the signs pretty early and got him to the hospital as soon as I recognized them. Guess not. All the docs could tell us for sure today is: they don't know...
They don't whether he'll recover, or how much he'll recover, or how long it will take for him to recover. I know one thing for sure, this is going to get expensive. And, I'll have to take over his work on the place in addition to my own. I'm texting a buddy right now who has volunteered to pick up and haul a trailer load of hay. I'll have to contact our hay guy tomorrow. Oh, yeah, I'll have to pick up the slack and start paying for the things my partner paid for. I'm in deep shit. Needless to say, I'm starting to feel a little stressed and tired. I think tomorrow, I'll get some things done I was planning on doing and then come home and grant myself the afternoon "off". It will be easier for me to get up early Monday morning and get some of the outside work done, before it gets too hot. (Sweat running down everywhere on my body that goes down right now. It's 89F right now!)
And, I am most likely going to have to postpone my hip replacement. Another year of pain and agony but one of us has to be able to keep things going. At least I can postpone things. A stroke doesn't get postponed.

So sorry GW. Wish we were closer and more firm of body these days so we could help. We hate not being able to help Ringel with the heavy lifting right here. There must be a solution for you to get some help and have that surgery? That's what we'll hope for.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Kat's sister,
Wellness for Foxfyre's sister and Hombre's sister
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
JustAnotherNut for strength and wisdom dealing with challenges.
Gracie & Mr. G in difficult transition and for positive trend to continue.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Peach for healing
Ringel for healing and Mrs. R facing serious health challenges in difficult transition
Beautress for wellness
GallantWarrior for pain relief and healing in advance of surgery.
Rod, GW's partner for recovery and help for GW dealing with that.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we keep the porch light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

Spent about a half hour on the line with my bank....... Checked the accounts and noticed the wife's account was down to .98 cents, what the hell is she buying??!!! Opened the account activity and here's all these charges for magazine subscriptions charged 4 times per month for $4 to $14 since December. Obviously we don't use (or check) that account very often.
The bank is sending her a new card, canceling the old one and I filed a request to investigate and attempt to get our money back. Also called the subscription service and cancelled everything and requested a full refund of all moneys, we'll see what comes of that in 5 - 7 business days.
At least no more moneys will be taken out by them.
Moral of this story; if it's too good to be true run the other way..........
Well, I am officially in deep shit. Docs said the partner had a heart attack some time in the past week. I noticed the initial symptoms of a stroke yesterday and dragged him to the emergency room. When I left him there, he could still talk, use both hands/arms, and walk. When I went to see him this morning, his right arm is a swollen, cool, clammy lump (good thing he's a southpaw). His right leg is almost as useless although he can move it a little. His face seems to be melting off his skull and he's unintelligible. I thought I caught the signs pretty early and got him to the hospital as soon as I recognized them. Guess not. All the docs could tell us for sure today is: they don't know...
They don't whether he'll recover, or how much he'll recover, or how long it will take for him to recover. I know one thing for sure, this is going to get expensive. And, I'll have to take over his work on the place in addition to my own. I'm texting a buddy right now who has volunteered to pick up and haul a trailer load of hay. I'll have to contact our hay guy tomorrow. Oh, yeah, I'll have to pick up the slack and start paying for the things my partner paid for. I'm in deep shit. Needless to say, I'm starting to feel a little stressed and tired. I think tomorrow, I'll get some things done I was planning on doing and then come home and grant myself the afternoon "off". It will be easier for me to get up early Monday morning and get some of the outside work done, before it gets too hot. (Sweat running down everywhere on my body that goes down right now. It's 89F right now!)
And, I am most likely going to have to postpone my hip replacement. Another year of pain and agony but one of us has to be able to keep things going. At least I can postpone things. A stroke doesn't get postponed.
Oh man, GW!!! This is awful! Do keep us updated. Maybe things will get better and you can still have your surgery? Damn. Just damn damn damn.
I'm going to call my surgeon tomorrow and see what he recommends. If the arthritis is too far advanced he may not want to wait another year. The longer I go without, the more work it will be to correct the damage. I also need to call my brother who is coming up to help out whether he feels like putting up with two cripples (he's never met my partner). We don't know how long the partner will be in the hospital, or therapy. Right now, things look pretty bad because his entire right side is useless. Several of the guys from work have been visiting him and that's probably good.
I'm going to sell off most of my goat herd. The little ones will be pretty easy because there's a strong market for them. The older goats, not so much. I should postpone my surgery if for no other reason this will be a prime opportunity to get into the partner's hoarder house and clear things out. It's impossible when he's around because you just can't throw anything away, it's all so precious and full of potential!
So much going on with our CS posters lately. I've never been good with comfort or condolences, so I thought I'd just give a widespread "wish I could help" to everyone going through so many varied troubles. I can barely do the adulting thing, I don't know how you all deal with these challenges.
So much going on with our CS posters lately. I've never been good with comfort or condolences, so I thought I'd just give a widespread "wish I could help" to everyone going through so many varied troubles. I can barely do the adulting thing, I don't know how you all deal with these challenges.
We all deal with what we must although the challenges change as we grow and change, physically, emotionally, mentally. You have your plate pretty full right now, too, Montro, you're just on a different diet.
Keep working towards your goals and you will see the success you earn and crave.
When I bought this place, I decided to add a 750 square foot deck with attached gazebo. It took me and a friend about a month to build the deck and a chicken coop. For one 10 day period, the high was over 100 each day The weather station closest to here topped out at 107 on the worst day. I can't work like that any more I was 62 and Wayne was 64. I'm about to be 70 in what, 3 weeks? Seems like I was 18 about 5 years ago?
I have been feeling younger for the last couple weeks, likely because I'm dating a 44 year old.
Yeah, those gals almost half your age will make you feel younger, until you die from exertion keeping them happy. (lol)
I know what you mean about not doing what I could even a few years ago. I was partnered with a 24-yr-old puppy on one flight this morning and was happy to have him offer to carry my ladder for me. I sometimes wonder whether they are disappointed when I graciously accept their offer of help? I think part of the vaunted wisdom comes with age is the fact that we begin to recognize our limitations?
Thankfully, at least with the people I hang with, the young bucks respect what us old geezers have learned and will carry the ladder so they might watch and learn.
Yes, this one may kill me, but what better way to go? seriously, we're still at the point where I rush around my truck (hiding the limp best I can) and open her door and she appreciates it. I've told her that at the point where she has to open her own door she'll know that she has caught me. She is a fairly recent divorcee and works her butt off to support her boys. I respect her for that.
Most of the youngsters do just that, hang around to watch and listen. I am a born teacher and enjoy teaching the stuff I know to others. I'm fortunate to know enough gee-whiz stuff, too!
I wish you much luck with your lady. You seem quite happy and old geezers like us deserve that spark of happiness, we've earned it.
I'm not a great teacher. I lack patience. but if you can learn by watching me do it better than you can ever hope to do it, you young snot, you might learn something. Oh and another thing! Guns and Roses is NOT classic rock! </geezer_rant>

Some of the bands that count as classic rock now make me feel old. :p
How do you think I feel about it? I'll be 70 at the end of the month. Classic Rock ended somewhere around 1970 for me.
When I bought this place, I decided to add a 750 square foot deck with attached gazebo. It took me and a friend about a month to build the deck and a chicken coop. For one 10 day period, the high was over 100 each day The weather station closest to here topped out at 107 on the worst day. I can't work like that any more I was 62 and Wayne was 64. I'm about to be 70 in what, 3 weeks? Seems like I was 18 about 5 years ago?
I have been feeling younger for the last couple weeks, likely because I'm dating a 44 year old.
Yeah, those gals almost half your age will make you feel younger, until you die from exertion keeping them happy. (lol)
I know what you mean about not doing what I could even a few years ago. I was partnered with a 24-yr-old puppy on one flight this morning and was happy to have him offer to carry my ladder for me. I sometimes wonder whether they are disappointed when I graciously accept their offer of help? I think part of the vaunted wisdom comes with age is the fact that we begin to recognize our limitations?
Thankfully, at least with the people I hang with, the young bucks respect what us old geezers have learned and will carry the ladder so they might watch and learn.
Yes, this one may kill me, but what better way to go? seriously, we're still at the point where I rush around my truck (hiding the limp best I can) and open her door and she appreciates it. I've told her that at the point where she has to open her own door she'll know that she has caught me. She is a fairly recent divorcee and works her butt off to support her boys. I respect her for that.
Most of the youngsters do just that, hang around to watch and listen. I am a born teacher and enjoy teaching the stuff I know to others. I'm fortunate to know enough gee-whiz stuff, too!
I wish you much luck with your lady. You seem quite happy and old geezers like us deserve that spark of happiness, we've earned it.
I'm not a great teacher. I lack patience. but if you can learn by watching me do it better than you can ever hope to do it, you young snot, you might learn something. Oh and another thing! Guns and Roses is NOT classic rock! </geezer_rant>
Guns and Roses? What are those? I'm pretty eclectic when it comes to music.
Yeah, I can learn in many modalities, watching it done, reading about how a thing is done, and especially when I can finger-fornicate the project myself. And life being the way it is, I'm betting this whippersnapper could show you a few things, too! :eusa_dance:
I'm a multi-modal learner myself. I watch a lot of Youtube videos. I'll catch myself pausing the video, running out to the shop and making a few cuts to confirm that that can really be done. but one on one with a good teacher is the best way for me to learn. I had a friend, about 10 years my senior who taught me a lot about wood turning. He was a kind of gruff guy who would explain what he wanted me to try, hand me the tools then bitch when I did it wrong. He was a good friend, so I expected that. He would tell me to try again and offer advice, like "roll your wrist, idiot" or "if you do it like that, you're gonna get blood on everything. I miss him. He's been gone about a year. I still have the fifth of Mount Gay I kept on hand for him.
Well, I am officially in deep shit. Docs said the partner had a heart attack some time in the past week. I noticed the initial symptoms of a stroke yesterday and dragged him to the emergency room. When I left him there, he could still talk, use both hands/arms, and walk. When I went to see him this morning, his right arm is a swollen, cool, clammy lump (good thing he's a southpaw). His right leg is almost as useless although he can move it a little. His face seems to be melting off his skull and he's unintelligible. I thought I caught the signs pretty early and got him to the hospital as soon as I recognized them. Guess not. All the docs could tell us for sure today is: they don't know...
They don't whether he'll recover, or how much he'll recover, or how long it will take for him to recover. I know one thing for sure, this is going to get expensive. And, I'll have to take over his work on the place in addition to my own. I'm texting a buddy right now who has volunteered to pick up and haul a trailer load of hay. I'll have to contact our hay guy tomorrow. Oh, yeah, I'll have to pick up the slack and start paying for the things my partner paid for. I'm in deep shit. Needless to say, I'm starting to feel a little stressed and tired. I think tomorrow, I'll get some things done I was planning on doing and then come home and grant myself the afternoon "off". It will be easier for me to get up early Monday morning and get some of the outside work done, before it gets too hot. (Sweat running down everywhere on my body that goes down right now. It's 89F right now!)
And, I am most likely going to have to postpone my hip replacement. Another year of pain and agony but one of us has to be able to keep things going. At least I can postpone things. A stroke doesn't get postponed.
Damn! Sorry. Prayers for you both.
I do believe the monsoon is upon us. Lots of pregnant looking clouds out there, we have cooled down to a really REALLY pleasant 74 though today's rain looks like it will skirt around us to the west.

But over in Arizona:

I was out a while ago in the garage, had a crack of lightning the rolled from west to east, that was really cool. Not long after that the rain hit us, we had some decent rain for about 15 - 20 minutes and continued to sprinkle for a while afterwards.

We have a little over a half inch in our rain guage. That is awesome! Hoping for a little more but watching the radar the storms are weakening and will probably start breaking up and dissipating now that the sun is down.
So I can get a better handle on monsoon season, how much total rain can you expect from it?

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