USMB Coffee Shop IV

Finally got the baseboard in the master closet and extra bedroom (temporary storage), all that's left right now is to nail it in. I'll caulk and paint later. Cut and am sanding the threshold for door from the hall to the bathroom, have to hit it with 120 grit then maybe 220 grit before polyurethaning. I have two more to do for the openings where the kitchen joins the great room and hall. Using redwood for my thresholds.
It's not too hot to work there?
The Wife had chemo Monday - Tuesday, this one seems to have hit her pretty hard. Since Tuesday thru today she's basically been sleeping 18 to 20 hours a day when she's not vomiting.
BTW, I returned her iPhone, she didn't want it, had them throw the T Mobile chip in her old phone. There was a $50 restocking fee on the purchase contract........ Still it's better than forking out almost $700 over the next two years.
How long do her spells usually last after chemo? Is there anything they can give her, at least to still the nausea?
Finally got the baseboard in the master closet and extra bedroom (temporary storage), all that's left right now is to nail it in. I'll caulk and paint later. Cut and am sanding the threshold for door from the hall to the bathroom, have to hit it with 120 grit then maybe 220 grit before polyurethaning. I have two more to do for the openings where the kitchen joins the great room and hall. Using redwood for my thresholds.
It's not too hot to work there?
Yeah, kinda sorta but it's got to be done besides once I got all hot and sweaty I turned on the swamp cooler so I could cool down inside. The metal parts on the mitre saw and table saw got very warm sitting for hours in the sun light........
92 here today. That's gotta be hot by anyone's standards, not just Alaskans. We're all commiserating with each other because nobody can sleep. Alaska isn't usually a place that requires air conditioning so almost no one has it. Personally, I find it difficult to sleep with sweat pooling in my ears.
On another note: Years of neglecting one's personal care, eating total crap (except when I cook it), and generally subjecting himself to an abusive, driven life, have fired a warning shot across my partner's bow. He's been feeling unwell and attributed his chest pain to coughing, a result of all the smoke we've been subjected to these last 2-3 weeks. I went by his place this morning to pick up my pocket pooch and he was complaining of chest pain, from coughing, or course, dizziness, and his eyes were blurry. At first I told him he needed to see a doc, and soon. So, we went to have some tea and a snack a local eatery we frequent. As I looked at him, I noticed his mouth was sagging, kind of slipping off to the right. The waitress teased him about being drunk so early in the day because he was slurring his words. I told the waitress to pack our stuff to go and ordered him into the car. I took him to the emergency room where, after a series of tests, the doc told him he had had a heart attack. It didn't look too bad, but they wanted to keep him at least overnight, do more tests. He wanted to go home. I pretty much ordered him to stay. I told him he better not die before he's done fixing the back hoe! After the blood work came back, they will be doing a heart catheter and see if they can fix his problem with a stint. While perhaps not as bad as it could have been, it's still pretty serious. No matter how much he bugs me sometimes, I will definitely have to change my lifestyle if he doesn't pay attention to this warning.
The Wife had chemo Monday - Tuesday, this one seems to have hit her pretty hard. Since Tuesday thru today she's basically been sleeping 18 to 20 hours a day when she's not vomiting.

I know your beautiful Bride does not know me from Jack Legg, but please give her my best as I know she does not deserve feeling the way she does...

We were only at 60% relative humidity so is wasn't horrible like when it's 105 with 90%
Gasp, melt...
When I bought this place, I decided to add a 750 square foot deck with attached gazebo. It took me and a friend about a month to build the deck and a chicken coop. For one 10 day period, the high was over 100 each day The weather station closest to here topped out at 107 on the worst day. I can't work like that any more I was 62 and Wayne was 64. I'm about to be 70 in what, 3 weeks? Seems like I was 18 about 5 years ago?
I have been feeling younger for the last couple weeks, likely because I'm dating a 44 year old.
We were only at 60% relative humidity so is wasn't horrible like when it's 105 with 90%
Gasp, melt...
When I bought this place, I decided to add a 750 square foot deck with attached gazebo. It took me and a friend about a month to build the deck and a chicken coop. For one 10 day period, the high was over 100 each day The weather station closest to here topped out at 107 on the worst day. I can't work like that any more I was 62 and Wayne was 64. I'm about to be 70 in what, 3 weeks? Seems like I was 18 about 5 years ago?
I have been feeling younger for the last couple weeks, likely because I'm dating a 44 year old.
Yeah, those gals almost half your age will make you feel younger, until you die from exertion keeping them happy. (lol)
I know what you mean about not doing what I could even a few years ago. I was partnered with a 24-yr-old puppy on one flight this morning and was happy to have him offer to carry my ladder for me. I sometimes wonder whether they are disappointed when I graciously accept their offer of help? I think part of the vaunted wisdom comes with age is the fact that we begin to recognize our limitations?
The Wife had chemo Monday - Tuesday, this one seems to have hit her pretty hard. Since Tuesday thru today she's basically been sleeping 18 to 20 hours a day when she's not vomiting.
BTW, I returned her iPhone, she didn't want it, had them throw the T Mobile chip in her old phone. There was a $50 restocking fee on the purchase contract........ Still it's better than forking out almost $700 over the next two years.
Prayers up, Ringel. I'm so sorry she's having a hard time with chemo. :hands:
On another note: Years of neglecting one's personal care, eating total crap (except when I cook it), and generally subjecting himself to an abusive, driven life, have fired a warning shot across my partner's bow. He's been feeling unwell and attributed his chest pain to coughing, a result of all the smoke we've been subjected to these last 2-3 weeks. I went by his place this morning to pick up my pocket pooch and he was complaining of chest pain, from coughing, or course, dizziness, and his eyes were blurry. At first I told him he needed to see a doc, and soon. So, we went to have some tea and a snack a local eatery we frequent. As I looked at him, I noticed his mouth was sagging, kind of slipping off to the right. The waitress teased him about being drunk so early in the day because he was slurring his words. I told the waitress to pack our stuff to go and ordered him into the car. I took him to the emergency room where, after a series of tests, the doc told him he had had a heart attack. It didn't look too bad, but they wanted to keep him at least overnight, do more tests. He wanted to go home. I pretty much ordered him to stay. I told him he better not die before he's done fixing the back hoe! After the blood work came back, they will be doing a heart catheter and see if they can fix his problem with a stint. While perhaps not as bad as it could have been, it's still pretty serious. No matter how much he bugs me sometimes, I will definitely have to change my lifestyle if he doesn't pay attention to this warning.

Hate to hear this about your running buddy GW... Hope he listens to you about the back hoe...
On another note: Years of neglecting one's personal care, eating total crap (except when I cook it), and generally subjecting himself to an abusive, driven life, have fired a warning shot across my partner's bow. He's been feeling unwell and attributed his chest pain to coughing, a result of all the smoke we've been subjected to these last 2-3 weeks. I went by his place this morning to pick up my pocket pooch and he was complaining of chest pain, from coughing, or course, dizziness, and his eyes were blurry. At first I told him he needed to see a doc, and soon. So, we went to have some tea and a snack a local eatery we frequent. As I looked at him, I noticed his mouth was sagging, kind of slipping off to the right. The waitress teased him about being drunk so early in the day because he was slurring his words. I told the waitress to pack our stuff to go and ordered him into the car. I took him to the emergency room where, after a series of tests, the doc told him he had had a heart attack. It didn't look too bad, but they wanted to keep him at least overnight, do more tests. He wanted to go home. I pretty much ordered him to stay. I told him he better not die before he's done fixing the back hoe! After the blood work came back, they will be doing a heart catheter and see if they can fix his problem with a stint. While perhaps not as bad as it could have been, it's still pretty serious. No matter how much he bugs me sometimes, I will definitely have to change my lifestyle if he doesn't pay attention to this warning.

Hate to hear this about your running buddy GW... Hope he listens to you about the back hoe...
I found out that several people at work noticed how he looked/acted the past couple of days at work. Of course, most of us wrote it off to the intense heat and the haze of smoke from the wildfire south of us. Folks with asthma at work are wearing masks because it bothers them so much. I have noticed a runny nose and my hair gets sweaty and sticky. We are just not accustomed to this kind of heat. The combo of heat and smoke could very well have triggered a heart attack.
We have another co-worker who is exhibiting some of the biggest "tells" for diabetes. He's overweight and has lately bloated to the point that his jeans cut into his ankles. He's also moving painfully and slowly. We were discussing the best way to approach him, but being a bunch of guys, we know that to ask him "Hey, what's up?" would not be welcomed. So, I asked the shop "gramma" if she would consider broaching the subject. Her hubby died of diabetes, lost a foot to amputation on the way, so she is familiar with the symptoms. She's going to take this on.
The Wife had chemo Monday - Tuesday, this one seems to have hit her pretty hard. Since Tuesday thru today she's basically been sleeping 18 to 20 hours a day when she's not vomiting.
BTW, I returned her iPhone, she didn't want it, had them throw the T Mobile chip in her old phone. There was a $50 restocking fee on the purchase contract........ Still it's better than forking out almost $700 over the next two years.
How long do her spells usually last after chemo? Is there anything they can give her, at least to still the nausea?
It depends, a couple of days to a week or more and yes she has a couple of anti-nausea medications she takes, doesn't always help though.
We were only at 60% relative humidity so is wasn't horrible like when it's 105 with 90%
Gasp, melt...
When I bought this place, I decided to add a 750 square foot deck with attached gazebo. It took me and a friend about a month to build the deck and a chicken coop. For one 10 day period, the high was over 100 each day The weather station closest to here topped out at 107 on the worst day. I can't work like that any more I was 62 and Wayne was 64. I'm about to be 70 in what, 3 weeks? Seems like I was 18 about 5 years ago?
I have been feeling younger for the last couple weeks, likely because I'm dating a 44 year old.
Yeah, those gals almost half your age will make you feel younger, until you die from exertion keeping them happy. (lol)
I know what you mean about not doing what I could even a few years ago. I was partnered with a 24-yr-old puppy on one flight this morning and was happy to have him offer to carry my ladder for me. I sometimes wonder whether they are disappointed when I graciously accept their offer of help? I think part of the vaunted wisdom comes with age is the fact that we begin to recognize our limitations?
Thankfully, at least with the people I hang with, the young bucks respect what us old geezers have learned and will carry the ladder so they might watch and learn.
Yes, this one may kill me, but what better way to go? seriously, we're still at the point where I rush around my truck (hiding the limp best I can) and open her door and she appreciates it. I've told her that at the point where she has to open her own door she'll know that she has caught me. She is a fairly recent divorcee and works her butt off to support her boys. I respect her for that.
We were only at 60% relative humidity so is wasn't horrible like when it's 105 with 90%
Gasp, melt...
When I bought this place, I decided to add a 750 square foot deck with attached gazebo. It took me and a friend about a month to build the deck and a chicken coop. For one 10 day period, the high was over 100 each day The weather station closest to here topped out at 107 on the worst day. I can't work like that any more I was 62 and Wayne was 64. I'm about to be 70 in what, 3 weeks? Seems like I was 18 about 5 years ago?
I have been feeling younger for the last couple weeks, likely because I'm dating a 44 year old.
Yeah, those gals almost half your age will make you feel younger, until you die from exertion keeping them happy. (lol)
I know what you mean about not doing what I could even a few years ago. I was partnered with a 24-yr-old puppy on one flight this morning and was happy to have him offer to carry my ladder for me. I sometimes wonder whether they are disappointed when I graciously accept their offer of help? I think part of the vaunted wisdom comes with age is the fact that we begin to recognize our limitations?
Thankfully, at least with the people I hang with, the young bucks respect what us old geezers have learned and will carry the ladder so they might watch and learn.
Yes, this one may kill me, but what better way to go? seriously, we're still at the point where I rush around my truck (hiding the limp best I can) and open her door and she appreciates it. I've told her that at the point where she has to open her own door she'll know that she has caught me. She is a fairly recent divorcee and works her butt off to support her boys. I respect her for that.
Most of the youngsters do just that, hang around to watch and listen. I am a born teacher and enjoy teaching the stuff I know to others. I'm fortunate to know enough gee-whiz stuff, too!
I wish you much luck with your lady. You seem quite happy and old geezers like us deserve that spark of happiness, we've earned it.
We were only at 60% relative humidity so is wasn't horrible like when it's 105 with 90%
Gasp, melt...
When I bought this place, I decided to add a 750 square foot deck with attached gazebo. It took me and a friend about a month to build the deck and a chicken coop. For one 10 day period, the high was over 100 each day The weather station closest to here topped out at 107 on the worst day. I can't work like that any more I was 62 and Wayne was 64. I'm about to be 70 in what, 3 weeks? Seems like I was 18 about 5 years ago?
I have been feeling younger for the last couple weeks, likely because I'm dating a 44 year old.
Yeah, those gals almost half your age will make you feel younger, until you die from exertion keeping them happy. (lol)
I know what you mean about not doing what I could even a few years ago. I was partnered with a 24-yr-old puppy on one flight this morning and was happy to have him offer to carry my ladder for me. I sometimes wonder whether they are disappointed when I graciously accept their offer of help? I think part of the vaunted wisdom comes with age is the fact that we begin to recognize our limitations?
Thankfully, at least with the people I hang with, the young bucks respect what us old geezers have learned and will carry the ladder so they might watch and learn.
Yes, this one may kill me, but what better way to go? seriously, we're still at the point where I rush around my truck (hiding the limp best I can) and open her door and she appreciates it. I've told her that at the point where she has to open her own door she'll know that she has caught me. She is a fairly recent divorcee and works her butt off to support her boys. I respect her for that.
Most of the youngsters do just that, hang around to watch and listen. I am a born teacher and enjoy teaching the stuff I know to others. I'm fortunate to know enough gee-whiz stuff, too!
I wish you much luck with your lady. You seem quite happy and old geezers like us deserve that spark of happiness, we've earned it.
I'm not a great teacher. I lack patience. but if you can learn by watching me do it better than you can ever hope to do it, you young snot, you might learn something. Oh and another thing! Guns and Roses is NOT classic rock! </geezer_rant>
Gasp, melt...
When I bought this place, I decided to add a 750 square foot deck with attached gazebo. It took me and a friend about a month to build the deck and a chicken coop. For one 10 day period, the high was over 100 each day The weather station closest to here topped out at 107 on the worst day. I can't work like that any more I was 62 and Wayne was 64. I'm about to be 70 in what, 3 weeks? Seems like I was 18 about 5 years ago?
I have been feeling younger for the last couple weeks, likely because I'm dating a 44 year old.
Yeah, those gals almost half your age will make you feel younger, until you die from exertion keeping them happy. (lol)
I know what you mean about not doing what I could even a few years ago. I was partnered with a 24-yr-old puppy on one flight this morning and was happy to have him offer to carry my ladder for me. I sometimes wonder whether they are disappointed when I graciously accept their offer of help? I think part of the vaunted wisdom comes with age is the fact that we begin to recognize our limitations?
Thankfully, at least with the people I hang with, the young bucks respect what us old geezers have learned and will carry the ladder so they might watch and learn.
Yes, this one may kill me, but what better way to go? seriously, we're still at the point where I rush around my truck (hiding the limp best I can) and open her door and she appreciates it. I've told her that at the point where she has to open her own door she'll know that she has caught me. She is a fairly recent divorcee and works her butt off to support her boys. I respect her for that.
Most of the youngsters do just that, hang around to watch and listen. I am a born teacher and enjoy teaching the stuff I know to others. I'm fortunate to know enough gee-whiz stuff, too!
I wish you much luck with your lady. You seem quite happy and old geezers like us deserve that spark of happiness, we've earned it.
I'm not a great teacher. I lack patience. but if you can learn by watching me do it better than you can ever hope to do it, you young snot, you might learn something. Oh and another thing! Guns and Roses is NOT classic rock! </geezer_rant>

Some of the bands that count as classic rock now make me feel old. :p
When I bought this place, I decided to add a 750 square foot deck with attached gazebo. It took me and a friend about a month to build the deck and a chicken coop. For one 10 day period, the high was over 100 each day The weather station closest to here topped out at 107 on the worst day. I can't work like that any more I was 62 and Wayne was 64. I'm about to be 70 in what, 3 weeks? Seems like I was 18 about 5 years ago?
I have been feeling younger for the last couple weeks, likely because I'm dating a 44 year old.
Yeah, those gals almost half your age will make you feel younger, until you die from exertion keeping them happy. (lol)
I know what you mean about not doing what I could even a few years ago. I was partnered with a 24-yr-old puppy on one flight this morning and was happy to have him offer to carry my ladder for me. I sometimes wonder whether they are disappointed when I graciously accept their offer of help? I think part of the vaunted wisdom comes with age is the fact that we begin to recognize our limitations?
Thankfully, at least with the people I hang with, the young bucks respect what us old geezers have learned and will carry the ladder so they might watch and learn.
Yes, this one may kill me, but what better way to go? seriously, we're still at the point where I rush around my truck (hiding the limp best I can) and open her door and she appreciates it. I've told her that at the point where she has to open her own door she'll know that she has caught me. She is a fairly recent divorcee and works her butt off to support her boys. I respect her for that.
Most of the youngsters do just that, hang around to watch and listen. I am a born teacher and enjoy teaching the stuff I know to others. I'm fortunate to know enough gee-whiz stuff, too!
I wish you much luck with your lady. You seem quite happy and old geezers like us deserve that spark of happiness, we've earned it.
I'm not a great teacher. I lack patience. but if you can learn by watching me do it better than you can ever hope to do it, you young snot, you might learn something. Oh and another thing! Guns and Roses is NOT classic rock! </geezer_rant>

Some of the bands that count as classic rock now make me feel old. :p
I remember when they did an Anne Murray "Zamfir" type commercial in the 90s...... Noooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! Those commercials are for old people!!!!!
Took the wife for a drive, she wanted to get out of the house for a while. Headed up to Santa Fe, stopped at Look What the Cat Dragged in thrift store then took Rte 14 back through Madrid. When we got home she went right to bed, that trip wore her out.

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