USMB Coffee Shop IV

Well, I am officially in deep shit. Docs said the partner had a heart attack some time in the past week. I noticed the initial symptoms of a stroke yesterday and dragged him to the emergency room. When I left him there, he could still talk, use both hands/arms, and walk. When I went to see him this morning, his right arm is a swollen, cool, clammy lump (good thing he's a southpaw). His right leg is almost as useless although he can move it a little. His face seems to be melting off his skull and he's unintelligible. I thought I caught the signs pretty early and got him to the hospital as soon as I recognized them. Guess not. All the docs could tell us for sure today is: they don't know...
They don't whether he'll recover, or how much he'll recover, or how long it will take for him to recover. I know one thing for sure, this is going to get expensive. And, I'll have to take over his work on the place in addition to my own. I'm texting a buddy right now who has volunteered to pick up and haul a trailer load of hay. I'll have to contact our hay guy tomorrow. Oh, yeah, I'll have to pick up the slack and start paying for the things my partner paid for. I'm in deep shit. Needless to say, I'm starting to feel a little stressed and tired. I think tomorrow, I'll get some things done I was planning on doing and then come home and grant myself the afternoon "off". It will be easier for me to get up early Monday morning and get some of the outside work done, before it gets too hot. (Sweat running down everywhere on my body that goes down right now. It's 89F right now!)
And, I am most likely going to have to postpone my hip replacement. Another year of pain and agony but one of us has to be able to keep things going. At least I can postpone things. A stroke doesn't get postponed.
Prayers up, gallantwarrior. Prayers way up. :hands:
Evie brought me a prezzie. Dead bird. She thinks I am a really lousy hunter, I guess. So as she sat there preening at me with her food gift, I made all the necessary noises...yum yum...birdy! good! :21:
btw...that's her first catch. She is still young and I thought her a lousy hunter since I watch her all the time outside trying to sneak up on a bird with no grass, no covering to hide herself, slow to pounce and in general.....slowwwwwwwwwwwww. Either she got lucky or the bird was stupid. lol
I echo what Foxy said. Wish we were closer too, to help. MrG could fix that backhoe and I could help the partner while you are recooperating. Alas.....we are too far away and probably too frigging old/decrepit to do as much as we wish we could do.
I'm captioning this one as just because you CAN crochet something doesn't mean that you SHOULD crochet something.

Evie brought me a prezzie. Dead bird. She thinks I am a really lousy hunter, I guess. So as she sat there preening at me with her food gift, I made all the necessary noises...yum yum...birdy! good! :21:
She's probably right about that lousy hunter thing...
Last week, Sherman brought over a mousie and tortured the poor thing. When it finally escaped, he went back to where that one came from and brought another over.
btw...that's her first catch. She is still young and I thought her a lousy hunter since I watch her all the time outside trying to sneak up on a bird with no grass, no covering to hide herself, slow to pounce and in general.....slowwwwwwwwwwwww. Either she got lucky or the bird was stupid. lol
Birds are tough. Mice are easy. The only time Sherman brought a bird, I was able to scoop the poor thing up and release it outside before too much damage was done.
I echo what Foxy said. Wish we were closer too, to help. MrG could fix that backhoe and I could help the partner while you are recooperating. Alas.....we are too far away and probably too frigging old/decrepit to do as much as we wish we could do.
Hey, I'm just fortunate enough to have you all to root for us. At least y'all know how much that kind of psychic support can help and heal.
Thanks, everyone!
By the way it's 100 degrees here, had the house set at 85........ Gonna take a while to cool down. Maybe I'll get some light stuff done.
By the way it's 100 degrees here, had the house set at 85........ Gonna take a while to cool down. Maybe I'll get some light stuff done.
What do you define as "light stuff"? For me, that's hoisting a cold iced tea...
100? That's jeans and t-shirt weather....... The shorts and flip flops don't come out till it reaches 110....... :eusa_whistle:
Took some hamburger patties out of the freezer to thaw, put them on the back patio table. Five minutes later they were already medium rare........
By the way it's 100 degrees here, had the house set at 85........ Gonna take a while to cool down. Maybe I'll get some light stuff done.
What do you define as "light stuff"? For me, that's hoisting a cold iced tea...
100? That's jeans and t-shirt weather....... The shorts and flip flops don't come out till it reaches 110....... :eusa_whistle:
So, the youngsters got permission to wear shorts at work. Usually, ramp service personnel can wear shorts but maintenance, not. (I wouldn't want to be crawling around an airplane in shorts, but that's me.) An office wonk asked me (joking) why I wasn't wearing shorts. I observed that they would be blinded by the white if I did. They told me they had sunglasses. I told them I had hairy legs, like a gorilla. A young chica throws her leg up on a chair and shows her "hairy" legs, fine, non-existent furring. I pull up my pants leg, which draws ooohs and aahhhs of astonishment. I tell them that the fur holds up my socks, keeps my legs warm, and feels really funky in the swimming seaweed waving in a current. Chica almost lost it right then and there!
By the way it's 100 degrees here, had the house set at 85........ Gonna take a while to cool down. Maybe I'll get some light stuff done.
What do you define as "light stuff"? For me, that's hoisting a cold iced tea...
100? That's jeans and t-shirt weather....... The shorts and flip flops don't come out till it reaches 110....... :eusa_whistle:
So, the youngsters got permission to wear shorts at work. Usually, ramp service personnel can wear shorts but maintenance, not. (I wouldn't want to be crawling around an airplane in shorts, but that's me.) An office wonk asked me (joking) why I wasn't wearing shorts. I observed that they would be blinded by the white if I did. They told me they had sunglasses. I told them I had hairy legs, like a gorilla. A young chica throws her leg up on a chair and shows her "hairy" legs, fine, non-existent furring. I pull up my pants leg, which draws ooohs and aahhhs of astonishment. I tell them that the fur holds up my socks, keeps my legs warm, and feels really funky in the swimming seaweed waving in a current. Chica almost lost it right then and there!
Your nickname wouldn't be Chewbacca would it?

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