USMB Coffee Shop IV

My laptop has been having attack issues. I took it to the shop for a tuneup but it doesn't seem to have had much effect.
The partner looks to be discharged on 5 Aug. He's been doing fairly well but is still weak as a babe and his right arm is pretty much a chunk of meat. He claims he had a "mild" stroke but the doctors disagree, they insist it was an acute stroke. Partner's got a long row to how, I'm afraid. I'll be bringing him back to my place. The medical professionals handling his case are concerned about the remote, off-grid location, but it is what it is. I'm pretty antsy about the parade of strangers that will apparently be parading through my home and my life: in-home caretakers, therapists, and who knows what other "concerned" social worker types. They're worried that my work schedule keeps me away for "extended" periods of time, not wanting him left (preferably) for longer than two hours at a time. Hell, if I go grocery shopping, he'll be alone for longer than that. I bought one of those cameras you can dial up to check on him and am taking the first week after his discharge off work. My brother has kindly offered to come up after that for a couple of weeks, too. I am so not looking forward to this...
Hello Friends... Been awhile since I checked in here. But I guess my old friends deserve an update. Those who care anyway.
It's been nearly 3 years since I've been single. Looking at dating but the eligible women I know have either placed me firmly in the friend zone or I've put them there. Time will tell.
The ticker has been pretty good. Got some sinus problems that the Doc treated me with 2 different regimes of antibiotics then told me it's not an infection. Probably go see an ENT.
My Brother has moved in on a pretty much permanent basis. He got a new ID with my address on it. I guess he plans on staying, It's been 2 years now.
Having a pretty fair Fishing season. 20 + pounds of Trout in the freezer. A mess of Bass. The other day took a 20 inch Pike and a 25 lb Carp... And a 24 inch channel cat....
Got a mess of groundhogs digging into the foundations of the garage. Went out and bought a pellet rifle and I've take 3 of them out... There's at least 2 more but they stay on the far side of the garage. Guess I'll have to trap them...
Later all!!!!!
Hey, Ollie! I joined the single club just over 3 years ago, and I know what you mean. Best wishes finding Ms. Right. I thought I found Mr. Right a few months back, but on our 3rd date, he got bad news when they found a small spot on one lung. I tried to get him to stop the smokes, but nothing doing. 3 months later he had his first chemo treatment because the spot became a mass. He died June 24. I was real sad, but when I called the daughter in law on July 4 to wish them a happy independence day, I was cut short, so it occurred to me they thought there was something going on that they'd get sued for. lol! Nope. I loved the company but wasn't interested in property. They may or may not catch on, but I have a feeling there's going to be a little fussing and fighting amongst 3 sibling sons, and I do not need to be taking sides, because the daughter in law went out of her way to make his last few days comfortable, as she went out of her way to keep him at home the 10 days of his hospice care, which she gave, being a professional RN before she retired a couple of years back to help with the granddaughters. Even so, it now would be awkward to ever call them again. At least I was happy for a short time, because he was a riot to be around, even when we were going to the vet hospital 50 miles away or eating out at Daisy's Diner. Companionship, though when you're all by yourself is well, it's all good. :)
I sold one of my painted rocks! Yay!

Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!


Oh, Gracie that's just wonderful!!!
By the way, the brain finally won out around 11AM....... Slept until 12:45PM....... God willing I'll sleep for another 10 hours tonight. :thup:
I sold one of my painted rocks! Yay!

Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!



Gorgeous!!! I would buy that!
My laptop has been having attack issues. I took it to the shop for a tuneup but it doesn't seem to have had much effect.
The partner looks to be discharged on 5 Aug. He's been doing fairly well but is still weak as a babe and his right arm is pretty much a chunk of meat. He claims he had a "mild" stroke but the doctors disagree, they insist it was an acute stroke. Partner's got a long row to how, I'm afraid. I'll be bringing him back to my place. The medical professionals handling his case are concerned about the remote, off-grid location, but it is what it is. I'm pretty antsy about the parade of strangers that will apparently be parading through my home and my life: in-home caretakers, therapists, and who knows what other "concerned" social worker types. They're worried that my work schedule keeps me away for "extended" periods of time, not wanting him left (preferably) for longer than two hours at a time. Hell, if I go grocery shopping, he'll be alone for longer than that. I bought one of those cameras you can dial up to check on him and am taking the first week after his discharge off work. My brother has kindly offered to come up after that for a couple of weeks, too. I am so not looking forward to this...

I so wish there was a better solution for you. :(
My laptop has been having attack issues. I took it to the shop for a tuneup but it doesn't seem to have had much effect.
The partner looks to be discharged on 5 Aug. He's been doing fairly well but is still weak as a babe and his right arm is pretty much a chunk of meat. He claims he had a "mild" stroke but the doctors disagree, they insist it was an acute stroke. Partner's got a long row to how, I'm afraid. I'll be bringing him back to my place. The medical professionals handling his case are concerned about the remote, off-grid location, but it is what it is. I'm pretty antsy about the parade of strangers that will apparently be parading through my home and my life: in-home caretakers, therapists, and who knows what other "concerned" social worker types. They're worried that my work schedule keeps me away for "extended" periods of time, not wanting him left (preferably) for longer than two hours at a time. Hell, if I go grocery shopping, he'll be alone for longer than that. I bought one of those cameras you can dial up to check on him and am taking the first week after his discharge off work. My brother has kindly offered to come up after that for a couple of weeks, too. I am so not looking forward to this...
What's the laptop doing/not doing?
By the way, the brain finally won out around 11AM....... Slept until 12:45PM....... God willing I'll sleep for another 10 hours tonight. :thup:
Yea! Thanks for reminding me to take my 5mg of melatonin right now, Ringel05. It takes an hour or two to kick in, but I sleep till the sun comes up, and that 's 7 hours for me, far more than I was getting before. :thup:
Hello Friends... Been awhile since I checked in here. But I guess my old friends deserve an update. Those who care anyway.
It's been nearly 3 years since I've been single. Looking at dating but the eligible women I know have either placed me firmly in the friend zone or I've put them there. Time will tell.
The ticker has been pretty good. Got some sinus problems that the Doc treated me with 2 different regimes of antibiotics then told me it's not an infection. Probably go see an ENT.
My Brother has moved in on a pretty much permanent basis. He got a new ID with my address on it. I guess he plans on staying, It's been 2 years now.
Having a pretty fair Fishing season. 20 + pounds of Trout in the freezer. A mess of Bass. The other day took a 20 inch Pike and a 25 lb Carp... And a 24 inch channel cat....
Got a mess of groundhogs digging into the foundations of the garage. Went out and bought a pellet rifle and I've take 3 of them out... There's at least 2 more but they stay on the far side of the garage. Guess I'll have to trap them...
Later all!!!!!

Always a treat when you can stop in Ollie. :)

(I have been an avid and pretty competent fisherman in the past and have caught, cleaned, cooked a lot of different kinds of fish. But I do wonder what you do with a 25-lb carp?)
Well..I cancelled my colonoscopy and endoscopy. Idiots. Very disappointed in this hospital. Surprised too, and not pleasantly. In essence, I didn't trust my body to their care. Long story I don't feel like going in to, just thought I'd let y'all know I didn't have it done. Going to doctor myself. So far..doing pretty good, too, I might add. The bloating is because...gulp...I'm fat. I don't go anywhere, don't do anything, can't garden or be active like I used to be due to the horrid heat, bored, and overall I just sit. I don't eat much but what I do eat just turns to fat which is being stored in my belly. Lucky me. It could be worse, though. I could have it being stored in my back. Fat back. Gross. In my belly..I can hide it by wearing lose clothing and sucking in. The other end...well..I guess I'm doing something right this past month because it's normal. Finally.
So...when the hospital and the doc got into it with my supposed care with both contradicting each other..I told both to take a hike and I cancelled. Done. I'm happy.:)
I'm sorry to read that you are having so many problems, Gracie. Maybe you don't need all that rotor-rooter stuff done. But it is very difficult to lose weight when inactive and unable to eat "cleanly". I sure hope things get better for guys.
I'm not all that trusting of doctors and their chemical solutions to our physical problems. My bit of good news this past week was a consult with a nurse practitioner to review the lab results done for my pre-op. Overall, things looked really good except my cholesterol was high. Since my cholesterol has always been high, I was not alarmed when told that the "good" cholesterol was higher that the "bad" kind. Curious about my A1C, I was told that I have an A1C of 4.9, no where near diabetic. All-in-all, a bit of light in an otherwise shady time right now.
All that Alaska salmon gives you good cholesterol, I heard. Yay!!!!
I'm my worst critic. I can't count the number of painting I gave away over the years because I hated how they turned out. My best work was my koi table. That one...I loved. Loved selling it too, cuz it wound up in Russia, lol. Cost more to ship than the table itself. But..thats when I could hold a brush without dropping it or yelling OUCH OWWW OUWWCH due to my horribly painful hands and fingers and wrists. So now I do haphazard stuff that is just for fun. But a friend wanted to see, so I showed and she bought. I tried to give it to her but she said no..she wanted to pay for her art straight from the I said fine. Send whatever she felt was reasonable in payment. Well, I don't feel much like an artist any more but I am glad she liked it. :)
gallantwarrior I've been thinking...which is all I can do nowadays, lol..about your situation. Have you considered maybe renting out a room in your partners house there in town to someone? That way, he is not alone while you are at work. You could drop him off when you head to your job, pick him up when you head back to your place. He will never be alone then. But can he handle the drives to and from? If might want to check in to that. I looked at room rentals in Anchorage and they go for 450 to 800 per month. IF you could find a caregiver looking for a room, that would be even better. He or she could still work outside the house on the days and times you have your partner. Or, if not a caregiver...reduction of rent in exchange for the person to be there during your absent times? Or, someone you guys already know at work that might need a place?

Just some thoughts.
Saturday morning!

So I'm in Milwaukee, and think that I'm gooning the hotel GM by asking where the monument to the pro rassler known as "Da Crusher" is....He says that it's just about five miles south of here....I'm like "WTF"?...So I go onto the the trusty interwebz, and there it is, in South Milwaukee!

Ain't Murica great?!?


Let the cartoon begin!

Interesting what constitutes art in the eye of some beholders.

Definitely art, as it captured the man as he projected himself...As well as projecting the South Milwaukee ethos and attitudes of his time.

Do a web search for videos about what it took to make this happen...It's a shimmering example of all-American volunteerism and love for a local legend put into motion.
Hello Friends... Been awhile since I checked in here. But I guess my old friends deserve an update. Those who care anyway.
It's been nearly 3 years since I've been single. Looking at dating but the eligible women I know have either placed me firmly in the friend zone or I've put them there. Time will tell.
The ticker has been pretty good. Got some sinus problems that the Doc treated me with 2 different regimes of antibiotics then told me it's not an infection. Probably go see an ENT.
My Brother has moved in on a pretty much permanent basis. He got a new ID with my address on it. I guess he plans on staying, It's been 2 years now.
Having a pretty fair Fishing season. 20 + pounds of Trout in the freezer. A mess of Bass. The other day took a 20 inch Pike and a 25 lb Carp... And a 24 inch channel cat....
Got a mess of groundhogs digging into the foundations of the garage. Went out and bought a pellet rifle and I've take 3 of them out... There's at least 2 more but they stay on the far side of the garage. Guess I'll have to trap them...
Later all!!!!!

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