USMB Coffee Shop IV

We just had a heatwave in Britain. I have a boiler controller that tells the temperature in my bedroom and the only problem is it reads in Centigrade and I am used to the old temperature readings. But I am getting used to centigrade and the maximum temperature in my bedroom was 28.5c I went to the front door to put out the rubbish and when I opened the door the heat from outside hit me in the face like opening an oven. So it was a lot hotter outside, and may have been 36 c The highest temperature recorded in England during the heatwave was 38.7
He had a beige '64 Comet. Grandpa was a potter. He pulled staggers from kiln cars. That is to say, he removed bisque fired ware, loaded the pieces on wide, thin planks called savers then transferred the ware to the glazers where decoration, the back stamp, gold trim and glaze was applies before final firing.

They don't give Buicks to guys doing that work.
It was an age joke...... :D
I already know I'm old!
What are you going to do when you actually GET old? I'll be 70 next Tuesday.
70 next Tuesday? Every day you wake up is a good one, Ernie. ;)
This is true. I party like it's 1999. Private party tonight, just the young lady and I and my birthday party tomorrow night at Doc Holliday's here in Foley.
Starting Tuesday, it will be party 24/7. The private party becomes permanent.

I stopped trying to keep the birthday list here in the Coffee Shop because I was missing so many birthdays either because I didn't have the dates or kept forgetting to check the list. USMB now on Xenforo doesn't have a way to keep up with that like V-Bulletin did. But just for Ernie:

Well..I cancelled my colonoscopy and endoscopy. Idiots. Very disappointed in this hospital. Surprised too, and not pleasantly. In essence, I didn't trust my body to their care. Long story I don't feel like going in to, just thought I'd let y'all know I didn't have it done. Going to doctor myself. So far..doing pretty good, too, I might add. The bloating is because...gulp...I'm fat. I don't go anywhere, don't do anything, can't garden or be active like I used to be due to the horrid heat, bored, and overall I just sit. I don't eat much but what I do eat just turns to fat which is being stored in my belly. Lucky me. It could be worse, though. I could have it being stored in my back. Fat back. Gross. In my belly..I can hide it by wearing lose clothing and sucking in. The other end...well..I guess I'm doing something right this past month because it's normal. Finally.
So...when the hospital and the doc got into it with my supposed care with both contradicting each other..I told both to take a hike and I cancelled. Done. I'm happy.:)

I understand that 'bloating'...…...hence, the new avatar....that's about what I look like

I've always had a belly even when I was 23 and down to 109lbs at 5'8 tall & small boned. No matter what I did, there was always a ponch & never could figure out how anyone could get a 'flat' stomach. Over the years my weight has fluctuated and was normally around 130-140, but as I got older it just kept going up a little here & a little there. Then after I had quit working to stay home with hubs...…..I ballooned nearly 30lbs and for the same reasons as you. Even though I do garden and a few other activities, there not very strenuous and is seasonal. Winter was the worst and I noticed packing around this extra weight makes me feel like crap.

I know I'll never get back to 120-130 but this summer I'm working on losing some of it anyway and trying to figure out ways to keep me moving I can do during the winter as well.
We just had a heatwave in Britain. I have a boiler controller that tells the temperature in my bedroom and the only problem is it reads in Centigrade and I am used to the old temperature readings. But I am getting used to centigrade and the maximum temperature in my bedroom was 28.5c I went to the front door to put out the rubbish and when I opened the door the heat from outside hit me in the face like opening an oven. So it was a lot hotter outside, and may have been 36 c The highest temperature recorded in England during the heatwave was 38.7
Stay cool. :thup:
It finally caught up with me, it took weeks and weeks but at last!!!! Slept for 10 1/2 hours last night......... My brain and body doesn't know what to do with themselves, the brain is screaming for more, the body's stiff and sore and keeps tellin' the brain to be patient, wait for the stiffness and soreness to ease up..........
Well..I cancelled my colonoscopy and endoscopy. Idiots. Very disappointed in this hospital. Surprised too, and not pleasantly. In essence, I didn't trust my body to their care. Long story I don't feel like going in to, just thought I'd let y'all know I didn't have it done. Going to doctor myself. So far..doing pretty good, too, I might add. The bloating is because...gulp...I'm fat. I don't go anywhere, don't do anything, can't garden or be active like I used to be due to the horrid heat, bored, and overall I just sit. I don't eat much but what I do eat just turns to fat which is being stored in my belly. Lucky me. It could be worse, though. I could have it being stored in my back. Fat back. Gross. In my belly..I can hide it by wearing lose clothing and sucking in. The other end...well..I guess I'm doing something right this past month because it's normal. Finally.
So...when the hospital and the doc got into it with my supposed care with both contradicting each other..I told both to take a hike and I cancelled. Done. I'm happy.:)

I understand that 'bloating'...…...hence, the new avatar....that's about what I look like

I've always had a belly even when I was 23 and down to 109lbs at 5'8 tall & small boned. No matter what I did, there was always a ponch & never could figure out how anyone could get a 'flat' stomach. Over the years my weight has fluctuated and was normally around 130-140, but as I got older it just kept going up a little here & a little there. Then after I had quit working to stay home with hubs...…..I ballooned nearly 30lbs and for the same reasons as you. Even though I do garden and a few other activities, there not very strenuous and is seasonal. Winter was the worst and I noticed packing around this extra weight makes me feel like crap.

I know I'll never get back to 120-130 but this summer I'm working on losing some of it anyway and trying to figure out ways to keep me moving I can do during the winter as well.

Well let's do it together this summer. I have fought the battle of the bulge ever since I got pregnant with our first child but it was a cinch to shave off a few pounds with diet and exercise when I was younger. Not so much any more and year by year I get a bit heavier. But my doctor would be thrilled and my wardrobe and I'm sure my poor back would benefit greatly if I would knock off 30 or 40 pounds. So that's my goal. Starting today.
We just had a heatwave in Britain. I have a boiler controller that tells the temperature in my bedroom and the only problem is it reads in Centigrade and I am used to the old temperature readings. But I am getting used to centigrade and the maximum temperature in my bedroom was 28.5c I went to the front door to put out the rubbish and when I opened the door the heat from outside hit me in the face like opening an oven. So it was a lot hotter outside, and may have been 36 c The highest temperature recorded in England during the heatwave was 38.7

Wow. 38.7 celsius would be over a 100 fahrenheit yes? That's hot pretty much anywhere though not all that abnormal for our part of the world this time of year. But brutal for folks not used to it. But the monsoon is here finally and has dropped our highs back into the low 90's which is deliciously pleasant for Albuquerque in mid summer.
Saturday morning!

So I'm in Milwaukee, and think that I'm gooning the hotel GM by asking where the monument to the pro rassler known as "Da Crusher" is....He says that it's just about five miles south of here....I'm like "WTF"?...So I go onto the the trusty interwebz, and there it is, in South Milwaukee!

Ain't Murica great?!?


Let the cartoon begin!

Interesting what constitutes art in the eye of some beholders.
It finally caught up with me, it took weeks and weeks but at last!!!! Slept for 10 1/2 hours last night......... My brain and body doesn't know what to do with themselves, the brain is screaming for more, the body's stiff and sore and keeps tellin' the brain to be patient, wait for the stiffness and soreness to ease up..........

For some reason last night I procrastinated going to bed. At 1 am my mind was still racing with stuff like "How do dragons blow out candles" and such. Finally by 2:30 the fatigue kicked in and I slept until 9:30 this morning. Still feeling fatigued though. Note to self: you don't do all nighters without consequences any more.
I sold one of my painted rocks! Yay!

Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!


It finally caught up with me, it took weeks and weeks but at last!!!! Slept for 10 1/2 hours last night......... My brain and body doesn't know what to do with themselves, the brain is screaming for more, the body's stiff and sore and keeps tellin' the brain to be patient, wait for the stiffness and soreness to ease up..........

For some reason last night I procrastinated going to bed. At 1 am my mind was still racing with stuff like "How do dragons blow out candles" and such. Finally by 2:30 the fatigue kicked in and I slept until 9:30 this morning. Still feeling fatigued though. Note to self: you don't do all nighters without consequences any more.
I have developed a habit. I go to bed around 10 or 11pm. I wake up again at 2am. I drink a cup of hot chocolate, browse twitter or weheartit or here, smoke a cig, then go back to bed. I sleep solid until about 9am. I do this every night.
Well..I cancelled my colonoscopy and endoscopy. Idiots. Very disappointed in this hospital. Surprised too, and not pleasantly. In essence, I didn't trust my body to their care. Long story I don't feel like going in to, just thought I'd let y'all know I didn't have it done. Going to doctor myself. So far..doing pretty good, too, I might add. The bloating is because...gulp...I'm fat. I don't go anywhere, don't do anything, can't garden or be active like I used to be due to the horrid heat, bored, and overall I just sit. I don't eat much but what I do eat just turns to fat which is being stored in my belly. Lucky me. It could be worse, though. I could have it being stored in my back. Fat back. Gross. In my belly..I can hide it by wearing lose clothing and sucking in. The other end...well..I guess I'm doing something right this past month because it's normal. Finally.
So...when the hospital and the doc got into it with my supposed care with both contradicting each other..I told both to take a hike and I cancelled. Done. I'm happy.:)

I understand that 'bloating'...…...hence, the new avatar....that's about what I look like

I've always had a belly even when I was 23 and down to 109lbs at 5'8 tall & small boned. No matter what I did, there was always a ponch & never could figure out how anyone could get a 'flat' stomach. Over the years my weight has fluctuated and was normally around 130-140, but as I got older it just kept going up a little here & a little there. Then after I had quit working to stay home with hubs...…..I ballooned nearly 30lbs and for the same reasons as you. Even though I do garden and a few other activities, there not very strenuous and is seasonal. Winter was the worst and I noticed packing around this extra weight makes me feel like crap.

I know I'll never get back to 120-130 but this summer I'm working on losing some of it anyway and trying to figure out ways to keep me moving I can do during the winter as well.

Well let's do it together this summer. I have fought the battle of the bulge ever since I got pregnant with our first child but it was a cinch to shave off a few pounds with diet and exercise when I was younger. Not so much any more and year by year I get a bit heavier. But my doctor would be thrilled and my wardrobe and I'm sure my poor back would benefit greatly if I would knock off 30 or 40 pounds. So that's my goal. Starting today.
I think I actually dropped maybe a pound or two. Belly is not 9 months now. Looks more like 6 month preggers. Been walking just before I go to bed. Up and down the alley, which is really a street but here, they call them streets. For me..its a damn alley. And all sorts of riffraff are wandering late at night, so I take my trust Gandalf Staff with me.:D
It finally caught up with me, it took weeks and weeks but at last!!!! Slept for 10 1/2 hours last night......... My brain and body doesn't know what to do with themselves, the brain is screaming for more, the body's stiff and sore and keeps tellin' the brain to be patient, wait for the stiffness and soreness to ease up..........

For some reason last night I procrastinated going to bed. At 1 am my mind was still racing with stuff like "How do dragons blow out candles" and such. Finally by 2:30 the fatigue kicked in and I slept until 9:30 this morning. Still feeling fatigued though. Note to self: you don't do all nighters without consequences any more.
I have developed a habit. I go to bed around 10 or 11pm. I wake up again at 2am. I drink a cup of hot chocolate, browse twitter or weheartit or here, smoke a cig, then go back to bed. I sleep solid until about 9am. I do this every night.

I might try that. :)
Hello Friends... Been awhile since I checked in here. But I guess my old friends deserve an update. Those who care anyway.
It's been nearly 3 years since I've been single. Looking at dating but the eligible women I know have either placed me firmly in the friend zone or I've put them there. Time will tell.
The ticker has been pretty good. Got some sinus problems that the Doc treated me with 2 different regimes of antibiotics then told me it's not an infection. Probably go see an ENT.
My Brother has moved in on a pretty much permanent basis. He got a new ID with my address on it. I guess he plans on staying, It's been 2 years now.
Having a pretty fair Fishing season. 20 + pounds of Trout in the freezer. A mess of Bass. The other day took a 20 inch Pike and a 25 lb Carp... And a 24 inch channel cat....
Got a mess of groundhogs digging into the foundations of the garage. Went out and bought a pellet rifle and I've take 3 of them out... There's at least 2 more but they stay on the far side of the garage. Guess I'll have to trap them...
Later all!!!!!
Well..I cancelled my colonoscopy and endoscopy. Idiots. Very disappointed in this hospital. Surprised too, and not pleasantly. In essence, I didn't trust my body to their care. Long story I don't feel like going in to, just thought I'd let y'all know I didn't have it done. Going to doctor myself. So far..doing pretty good, too, I might add. The bloating is because...gulp...I'm fat. I don't go anywhere, don't do anything, can't garden or be active like I used to be due to the horrid heat, bored, and overall I just sit. I don't eat much but what I do eat just turns to fat which is being stored in my belly. Lucky me. It could be worse, though. I could have it being stored in my back. Fat back. Gross. In my belly..I can hide it by wearing lose clothing and sucking in. The other end...well..I guess I'm doing something right this past month because it's normal. Finally.
So...when the hospital and the doc got into it with my supposed care with both contradicting each other..I told both to take a hike and I cancelled. Done. I'm happy.:)
I'm sorry to read that you are having so many problems, Gracie. Maybe you don't need all that rotor-rooter stuff done. But it is very difficult to lose weight when inactive and unable to eat "cleanly". I sure hope things get better for guys.
I'm not all that trusting of doctors and their chemical solutions to our physical problems. My bit of good news this past week was a consult with a nurse practitioner to review the lab results done for my pre-op. Overall, things looked really good except my cholesterol was high. Since my cholesterol has always been high, I was not alarmed when told that the "good" cholesterol was higher that the "bad" kind. Curious about my A1C, I was told that I have an A1C of 4.9, no where near diabetic. All-in-all, a bit of light in an otherwise shady time right now.
Hello Friends... Been awhile since I checked in here. But I guess my old friends deserve an update. Those who care anyway.
It's been nearly 3 years since I've been single. Looking at dating but the eligible women I know have either placed me firmly in the friend zone or I've put them there. Time will tell.
The ticker has been pretty good. Got some sinus problems that the Doc treated me with 2 different regimes of antibiotics then told me it's not an infection. Probably go see an ENT.
My Brother has moved in on a pretty much permanent basis. He got a new ID with my address on it. I guess he plans on staying, It's been 2 years now.
Having a pretty fair Fishing season. 20 + pounds of Trout in the freezer. A mess of Bass. The other day took a 20 inch Pike and a 25 lb Carp... And a 24 inch channel cat....
Got a mess of groundhogs digging into the foundations of the garage. Went out and bought a pellet rifle and I've take 3 of them out... There's at least 2 more but they stay on the far side of the garage. Guess I'll have to trap them...
Later all!!!!!
Good to see you're doing well and enjoying the fishing. Do you have any good recipes? You have a larger variety of fish available than we do, up here it's mostly salmon, halibut, and trout, with a few oddballs thrown in. Groundhogs, eh? Our "groundhogs" are about 400-800 larger than yours and some people think they are bears. Pellet rifle doesn't do the job and I'm just as happy they don't come around often.
Thanks for the update and I hope we get many more such from you.

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