USMB Coffee Shop IV

There has been agism round these here parts. I was born on January 29, 1957. I was a slobbering, toddling cutie oblivious to anything outside my line of sight.

I started to pay attention during the Mercury space shots. Lots of fire and adventure and science for a curious five year old. Alan Shepherd had donned that cool space suit and rode the rocket into space. Then, later in October, the missle crisis had the grownups talking about the emd of the world. Ya kinda pay attention, especially if you just saw how a rocket works.

Then the staggering day in November of 1963. I was home from school that day. Down with hives and slurping up tomato soup by the mug. Mom told me what happened in Dallas. It turned out they dismissed school an hour early and I watched my friends climb May St. hill on their way home.

Now, to a seven year old, the philosophy of life is elegantly simple. Every cloud has a silver lining. Early in February we went down to Grandpa's, Pop's dad, to watch his brand new color TV. A Zenith with a picture tube that was actually oval. Not elliptical, but had straight horizontal lines top and bottom framing the tube. But the sides were curved, like parenthesis or a goldfish bowl.

But the TV was just a tool so we could see Ed Sullivan show us what these "Beatles" were all about. And it seemed like buckets of dyes and inks and paints were thrown out on the street from fast moving vehicles. The Sixties were in town and the Sixties were primarily about color and light. Color through the psychedelic imagery of Peter Max. The guitar of Jimi Hendrix was colorful, soulful and innovative. We all lived in a yellow submarine.

By the end of 1968 we had had about enough. That year held more history than a year should bear. From the Tet Offensive in January to The Apollo Eight crew reading Genesis on Christmas Eve from a lunar orbit, 1968 must be bookmarked in our hearts as a year to remember.

As the man said, may you live in interesting times.
ummm gee...….am I the baby here @ 59??? Cause I sure don't feel like one
I emptied out a 6' x 12' trailer yesterday...... I slept like a log but woke up stiff, sore all over and smell like Voltaren Gel, the wife says it smells like Brylcreem and wish it was something much stronger.
ummm gee...….am I the baby here @ 59??? Cause I sure don't feel like one
I emptied out a 6' x 12' trailer yesterday...... I slept like a log but woke up stiff, sore all over and smell like Voltaren Gel, the wife says it smells like Brylcreem and wish it was something much stronger.

Again IMO age is just a number and it doesn't define what we can accomplish or what we are worth. But I think a lot of us who are likely past the halfway post are experiencing more aches and pains, are more limited in what we are able to do without lasting consequences, are dealing with chronic conditions that don't show up until later in life.

I don't mind my age and if I could return to my 20's and 30's I sure would want to take my current brain and experience back with me so I wouldn't make so many bad choices. But really the one thing I dislike more than anything else is that I am not as physically strong and don't have the stamina of my youth. And it would be nice to go through a whole day pain free. But it could be so much worse.

But I feel just as young as ever except when my body reminds me I'm not. :)
ummm gee...….am I the baby here @ 59??? Cause I sure don't feel like one
I emptied out a 6' x 12' trailer yesterday...... I slept like a log but woke up stiff, sore all over and smell like Voltaren Gel, the wife says it smells like Brylcreem and wish it was something much stronger.

Again IMO age is just a number and it doesn't define what we can accomplish or what we are worth. But I think a lot of us who are likely past the halfway post are experiencing more aches and pains, are more limited in what we are able to do without lasting consequences, are dealing with chronic conditions that don't show up until later in life.

I don't mind my age and if I could return to my 20's and 30's I sure would want to take my current brain and experience back with me so I wouldn't make so many bad choices. But really the one thing I dislike more than anything else is that I am not as physically strong and don't have the stamina of my youth. And it would be nice to go through a whole day pain free. But it could be so much worse.

But I feel just as young as ever except when my body reminds me I'm not. :)
Mentally I still see myself as 30 something........ then I walk past a mirror...... Reality bites....... :lol:
Well..I cancelled my colonoscopy and endoscopy. Idiots. Very disappointed in this hospital. Surprised too, and not pleasantly. In essence, I didn't trust my body to their care. Long story I don't feel like going in to, just thought I'd let y'all know I didn't have it done. Going to doctor myself. So far..doing pretty good, too, I might add. The bloating is because...gulp...I'm fat. I don't go anywhere, don't do anything, can't garden or be active like I used to be due to the horrid heat, bored, and overall I just sit. I don't eat much but what I do eat just turns to fat which is being stored in my belly. Lucky me. It could be worse, though. I could have it being stored in my back. Fat back. Gross. In my belly..I can hide it by wearing lose clothing and sucking in. The other end...well..I guess I'm doing something right this past month because it's normal. Finally.
So...when the hospital and the doc got into it with my supposed care with both contradicting each other..I told both to take a hike and I cancelled. Done. I'm happy.:)
It's kinda funny to read grandpa and Mercury Comet in the same sentence.......... Maybe a Buick Roadmaster or a Ford Fairlane but not a Comet......... :eusa_whistle:
He had a beige '64 Comet. Grandpa was a potter. He pulled staggers from kiln cars. That is to say, he removed bisque fired ware, loaded the pieces on wide, thin planks called savers then transferred the ware to the glazers where decoration, the back stamp, gold trim and glaze was applies before final firing.

They don't give Buicks to guys doing that work.
It was an age joke...... :D
I already know I'm old!
What are you going to do when you actually GET old? I'll be 70 next Tuesday.
70 next Tuesday? Every day you wake up is a good one, Ernie. ;)
This is true. I party like it's 1999. Private party tonight, just the young lady and I and my birthday party tomorrow night at Doc Holliday's here in Foley.
Starting Tuesday, it will be party 24/7. The private party becomes permanent.
Well..I cancelled my colonoscopy and endoscopy. Idiots. Very disappointed in this hospital. Surprised too, and not pleasantly. In essence, I didn't trust my body to their care. Long story I don't feel like going in to, just thought I'd let y'all know I didn't have it done. Going to doctor myself. So far..doing pretty good, too, I might add. The bloating is because...gulp...I'm fat. I don't go anywhere, don't do anything, can't garden or be active like I used to be due to the horrid heat, bored, and overall I just sit. I don't eat much but what I do eat just turns to fat which is being stored in my belly. Lucky me. It could be worse, though. I could have it being stored in my back. Fat back. Gross. In my belly..I can hide it by wearing lose clothing and sucking in. The other end...well..I guess I'm doing something right this past month because it's normal. Finally.
So...when the hospital and the doc got into it with my supposed care with both contradicting each other..I told both to take a hike and I cancelled. Done. I'm happy.:)

I can relate. I have had so damn many tests and procedures because my primary physician is on a definitive search and destroy mission to find something wrong with me. And when she keeps coming up bupkis and my wallet is so much thinner for nothing--large copays and deductibles on my insurance--I begin to just say forget it. Keep me comfortable, give me something for the uncomfortable but temporary annoying maladies I can't fix myself, and then just let me live out what's left of my life in peace. And like you said, the holistic approach is often just as effective, if not more so and I do try to go that route as much as possible.
It was an age joke...... :D
I already know I'm old!
What are you going to do when you actually GET old? I'll be 70 next Tuesday.

Sixty is the new forty. Seventy is the new fifty.

My Aunt Betty will be 93 in a couple of months and she is still going strong. . .drives, cooks. She is slowing down just a bit but she can still keep up with people 20 and 30 years her junior just fine.

Age really is just a number.

I hear you. I'm in reasonably good shape for an 85 year old LOL
I have more than my share of battle scars and far more gray hair than I feel I should have, but I'm seeing a 44 year old and I seem to be keeping up pretty well other than swhe does 6 miles a day on a bicycle. I prefer bikes that you don't have to pedal. My dad made 93 plus a couple months. His mind was still sharp as a tack, but the prostate cancer played havoc with his body.

You're really 85? Why you...

Nope I'll really be 70, but I'm in reasonably good shape for 85...
He had a beige '64 Comet. Grandpa was a potter. He pulled staggers from kiln cars. That is to say, he removed bisque fired ware, loaded the pieces on wide, thin planks called savers then transferred the ware to the glazers where decoration, the back stamp, gold trim and glaze was applies before final firing.

They don't give Buicks to guys doing that work.
It was an age joke...... :D
I already know I'm old!
What are you going to do when you actually GET old? I'll be 70 next Tuesday.
70 next Tuesday? Every day you wake up is a good one, Ernie. ;)
This is true. I party like it's 1999. Private party tonight, just the young lady and I and my birthday party tomorrow night at Doc Holliday's here in Foley.
Starting Tuesday, it will be party 24/7. The private party becomes permanent.
Happy Birthday, Ernie. And many happy returns of the day. Is Tuesday rice day?
ummm gee...….am I the baby here @ 59??? Cause I sure don't feel like one

Naw, we have quite a few Coffee Shoppers considerably younger than you. It's just the older folks among us are largely at least partially retired and have more time to putz around on these message boards so you see us more often. :)
ummm gee...….am I the baby here @ 59??? Cause I sure don't feel like one

Naw, we have quite a few Coffee Shoppers considerably younger than you. It's just the older folks among us are largely at least partially retired and have more time to putz around on these message boards so you see us more often. :)

Well that's a hefty dose of reality, ya meanie :sleep:
I sold one of my painted rocks! Yay!

Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!
Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture! Picture!


It was an age joke...... :D
I already know I'm old!
What are you going to do when you actually GET old? I'll be 70 next Tuesday.
70 next Tuesday? Every day you wake up is a good one, Ernie. ;)
This is true. I party like it's 1999. Private party tonight, just the young lady and I and my birthday party tomorrow night at Doc Holliday's here in Foley.
Starting Tuesday, it will be party 24/7. The private party becomes permanent.
Happy Birthday, Ernie. And many happy returns of the day. Is Tuesday rice day?
Please don't throw rice. She is moving in, but I'm a 3 time loser. If I ever consider getting married again, I'm gonna find a woman I hate and buy her a house. I figure I can save 5 years of pain for a couple hundred grand.
Saturday morning!

So I'm in Milwaukee, and think that I'm gooning the hotel GM by asking where the monument to the pro rassler known as "Da Crusher" is....He says that it's just about five miles south of here....I'm like "WTF"?...So I go onto the the trusty interwebz, and there it is, in South Milwaukee!

Ain't Murica great?!?


Let the cartoon begin!

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