USMB Coffee Shop IV

Finally caught up in the CS. So much info! I've been pretty busy lately and haven't been keeping up lately but I suppose I'll have plenty of time for a couple of days while I cool my heels in a Red Cross shelter. Yup! Currently, I am the only inhabitant but they are evacuating others. I didn't need evacuation but the Willow Creek flooded and I cannot get home. So, here I am. I am worried about my animals. The generator has gone on strike because of the minus-degree temps. No generator = no well = no fresh water unless I carry it in. I have 40 gallons of fresh water freezing in my car. There are probably still about 15 gallons at the cabin but will the crippled partner be able to get that water to the animals. The girls will be OK because they are on level ground. The boys are down the hill and I doubt the pard will be able to get down there. I hope he doesn't try in his condition. He cannot pick up an entire bale of hay but he can break it into flakes and feed the animals that way, I think. I have been trying to call the neighbor north of our place to see whether they might help but have gotten no answer. This isn't quite how I envisioned spending my weekend, I assure you!

Oh wow GW. You don't need this kind of stress. Hopefully the creek will go down so you can get back out there soon. Let's hope your pard comes through for you for once.
To all our Coffee shoppers,
We send good tidings and cheer,
And gratitude fills our listening hearts
Because you’re there all year.

We’re scattered all over the planet
In cities and in the sticks.
We vary somewhat in religion;
Mightn’t agree on politics.

But when it comes to love and caring,
Good nature, laughter, and fun,
You’re there and we deeply love you.

From our house to yours,

Finished on Sopranos. I must be in a mob mood, eh? :)

Tried watching The Witcher. Yawn. And Geraults deadpan voice drives me bonkers so.....nah. I won't bother finishing it.

Feeling a tad nauseated still. Not sure what is going on except maybe a stomach flu bug. Meh. I'll just watch tv and be careful what I put in my face for the rest of the day.

Dayum, gallantwarrior ! When it rains it pours for you lately! :( Hope things get better for you. And, your stressing about your animals is why I will never have critters again that rely on me. Cats are no biggie..they are so independent, they can survive anything and mine more or less take care of themselves except for vet care now and then. But having goats and dogs and whatnot depending on me and I can't be there? I'd be freaking out like you are!

Meanwhile...I finally watched Avengers Infinity War. WTF???? They killed off Guardians of the Galaxy folks? Groot? Peter? Manta? The rest? NO NO NO!!!!! And Spider man? Capt America? What the sam hell is Marvel doing???? I am NOT pleased. Not at all.:cranky:
Finally caught up in the CS. So much info! I've been pretty busy lately and haven't been keeping up lately but I suppose I'll have plenty of time for a couple of days while I cool my heels in a Red Cross shelter. Yup! Currently, I am the only inhabitant but they are evacuating others. I didn't need evacuation but the Willow Creek flooded and I cannot get home. So, here I am. I am worried about my animals. The generator has gone on strike because of the minus-degree temps. No generator = no well = no fresh water unless I carry it in. I have 40 gallons of fresh water freezing in my car. There are probably still about 15 gallons at the cabin but will the crippled partner be able to get that water to the animals. The girls will be OK because they are on level ground. The boys are down the hill and I doubt the pard will be able to get down there. I hope he doesn't try in his condition. He cannot pick up an entire bale of hay but he can break it into flakes and feed the animals that way, I think. I have been trying to call the neighbor north of our place to see whether they might help but have gotten no answer. This isn't quite how I envisioned spending my weekend, I assure you!

Oh wow GW. You don't need this kind of stress. Hopefully the creek will go down so you can get back out there soon. Let's hope your pard comes through for you for once.
I was able to hitch a ride with the rescue guys yesterday. I brought out the water and propane destined for the cabin. Partner will continue to try getting the generator started but it's been so stink cold... Partner will be feeding the goats, a couple of flakes at a time, and water can be dragged and shoved down the hill. He's got a challenge ahead but maybe he needs just that kind of challenge?
Me, I'm staying at the house in Anchorage. I cannot afford not to work. This place is a hoarder's dump, but it's warm and dry and I can do my laundry and get a shower.
Finished on Sopranos. I must be in a mob mood, eh? :)

Tried watching The Witcher. Yawn. And Geraults deadpan voice drives me bonkers so.....nah. I won't bother finishing it.

Feeling a tad nauseated still. Not sure what is going on except maybe a stomach flu bug. Meh. I'll just watch tv and be careful what I put in my face for the rest of the day.

Dayum, gallantwarrior ! When it rains it pours for you lately! :( Hope things get better for you. And, your stressing about your animals is why I will never have critters again that rely on me. Cats are no biggie..they are so independent, they can survive anything and mine more or less take care of themselves except for vet care now and then. But having goats and dogs and whatnot depending on me and I can't be there? I'd be freaking out like you are!

Meanwhile...I finally watched Avengers Infinity War. WTF???? They killed off Guardians of the Galaxy folks? Groot? Peter? Manta? The rest? NO NO NO!!!!! And Spider man? Capt America? What the sam hell is Marvel doing???? I am NOT pleased. Not at all.:cranky:
Finished on Sopranos. I must be in a mob mood, eh? :)

Tried watching The Witcher. Yawn. And Geraults deadpan voice drives me bonkers so.....nah. I won't bother finishing it.

Feeling a tad nauseated still. Not sure what is going on except maybe a stomach flu bug. Meh. I'll just watch tv and be careful what I put in my face for the rest of the day.

Dayum, gallantwarrior ! When it rains it pours for you lately! :( Hope things get better for you. And, your stressing about your animals is why I will never have critters again that rely on me. Cats are no biggie..they are so independent, they can survive anything and mine more or less take care of themselves except for vet care now and then. But having goats and dogs and whatnot depending on me and I can't be there? I'd be freaking out like you are!

Meanwhile...I finally watched Avengers Infinity War. WTF???? They killed off Guardians of the Galaxy folks? Groot? Peter? Manta? The rest? NO NO NO!!!!! And Spider man? Capt America? What the sam hell is Marvel doing???? I am NOT pleased. Not at all.:cranky:
Chica, you are my hero-in. There is no way this piddling problem comes close to what you have been through these past years. I always look at the positives...At least my a-hole partner had decided to return to my place. His thoughts were he'd have the place warm and ready when I came home from work. Now, I'll be coming three miles home to his place and he'll be struggling to take care of the animals he claims to care for so much. With his infirmity, caring for critters will be a challenge. Me, I'll be OK. This place needs me to fill several bags of trash and that I will be doing.
I hope your coming year is much better. You are a hero of sorts for me, one tough chica, surely.
Finished on Sopranos. I must be in a mob mood, eh? :)

Tried watching The Witcher. Yawn. And Geraults deadpan voice drives me bonkers so.....nah. I won't bother finishing it.

Feeling a tad nauseated still. Not sure what is going on except maybe a stomach flu bug. Meh. I'll just watch tv and be careful what I put in my face for the rest of the day.

Dayum, gallantwarrior ! When it rains it pours for you lately! :( Hope things get better for you. And, your stressing about your animals is why I will never have critters again that rely on me. Cats are no biggie..they are so independent, they can survive anything and mine more or less take care of themselves except for vet care now and then. But having goats and dogs and whatnot depending on me and I can't be there? I'd be freaking out like you are!

Meanwhile...I finally watched Avengers Infinity War. WTF???? They killed off Guardians of the Galaxy folks? Groot? Peter? Manta? The rest? NO NO NO!!!!! And Spider man? Capt America? What the sam hell is Marvel doing???? I am NOT pleased. Not at all.:cranky:

You're only now watching Infinity War? You still have to get to Endgame! ;)
Finished on Sopranos. I must be in a mob mood, eh? :)

Tried watching The Witcher. Yawn. And Geraults deadpan voice drives me bonkers so.....nah. I won't bother finishing it.

Feeling a tad nauseated still. Not sure what is going on except maybe a stomach flu bug. Meh. I'll just watch tv and be careful what I put in my face for the rest of the day.

Dayum, gallantwarrior ! When it rains it pours for you lately! :( Hope things get better for you. And, your stressing about your animals is why I will never have critters again that rely on me. Cats are no biggie..they are so independent, they can survive anything and mine more or less take care of themselves except for vet care now and then. But having goats and dogs and whatnot depending on me and I can't be there? I'd be freaking out like you are!

Meanwhile...I finally watched Avengers Infinity War. WTF???? They killed off Guardians of the Galaxy folks? Groot? Peter? Manta? The rest? NO NO NO!!!!! And Spider man? Capt America? What the sam hell is Marvel doing???? I am NOT pleased. Not at all.:cranky:
Finished on Sopranos. I must be in a mob mood, eh? :)

Tried watching The Witcher. Yawn. And Geraults deadpan voice drives me bonkers so.....nah. I won't bother finishing it.

Feeling a tad nauseated still. Not sure what is going on except maybe a stomach flu bug. Meh. I'll just watch tv and be careful what I put in my face for the rest of the day.

Dayum, gallantwarrior ! When it rains it pours for you lately! :( Hope things get better for you. And, your stressing about your animals is why I will never have critters again that rely on me. Cats are no biggie..they are so independent, they can survive anything and mine more or less take care of themselves except for vet care now and then. But having goats and dogs and whatnot depending on me and I can't be there? I'd be freaking out like you are!

Meanwhile...I finally watched Avengers Infinity War. WTF???? They killed off Guardians of the Galaxy folks? Groot? Peter? Manta? The rest? NO NO NO!!!!! And Spider man? Capt America? What the sam hell is Marvel doing???? I am NOT pleased. Not at all.:cranky:
Chica, you are my hero-in. There is no way this piddling problem comes close to what you have been through these past years. I always look at the positives...At least my a-hole partner had decided to return to my place. His thoughts were he'd have the place warm and ready when I came home from work. Now, I'll be coming three miles home to his place and he'll be struggling to take care of the animals he claims to care for so much. With his infirmity, caring for critters will be a challenge. Me, I'll be OK. This place needs me to fill several bags of trash and that I will be doing.
I hope your coming year is much better. You are a hero of sorts for me, one tough chica, surely.
Super early night of work for me. I got off at 10:30, usually it's 2:30-3:00. I have some time to mess around and eat an early dinner before I head to the little one's. I'm going to be there when she gets up to open presents.

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