USMB Coffee Shop IV

I've got bad belly for Christmas, so I hope you all are having a better day than me! :lol:

There's all kinds of great meds out there to help you not have so many, if any, bad bellies Montro. Now that you have an income, you really should see a knowledgeable doctor about that. Hombre and I had terrible issues with reflux, et al, and now those issues just don't happen anymore. And it could prevent a ton of grief for you too as you get older.
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We just got home a bit ago from having Christmas dinner at my Aunt Betty's. Got there early to help but she didn't need it. She had everything done or under control. Turkey, dressing, gravy, green beans, sweet potatoes. rolls, the works and it was served elegantly for six of us on a beautiful table set with fine china and was delicious.

She is 93 years old.

She sounds like a very remarkable woman.

She is amazing. Still beautiful at 93, reads voraciously--I had to help her clean out her Kindle the other day as she had filled it up in a year--keeps up with current events, and still drives competently. She has gotten a bit insecure driving in heavy traffic and/or finding places like doctors in other places than her neighborhood, so I drive her to those appointments. And between her niece-in-law (Uncle Ed's niece) and me, we help take care of her finances and taxes. But otherwise she is entirely self sufficient.
It's officially the day after my favorite day of the year, Christmas. I look forward to Christmas, 2020 and hope all of our posters are still coming into the peaceful coffee shop at USMB. What a treasure trove of goodwill you all are. May others join in as well.

I had a great Christmas. I made others happy. Others also made me happy. Before Christmas, I had received a card from a special man in my life and he signed it, "Wishing you all things rare and beautiful". How did he know how prophetic that sentiment would become. ;)

Today, I will be receiving two more packages in the mail. I am looking forward to them as I know what they contain. I know this because they are to me from me. Ha!

May all of us get through the new year coming up as we endure the happinesses and joy, combined with the routine ups and downs that life will always bring. It can't always be Christmas, though speaking solely for myself, I would love to see it happen twice a year. For some, that would diminish the annual spirit of the meaning of Christmas but for others, it would be something to look forward to as it is a grand opportunity to be generous to others and to be grateful for all we have and love for the climate outside the festive holidays can always use a break. But "Christmas comes but once a year" and that will never change. ( much to the pleasure of many who like it just as it is ) However, I takes what I gets and rejoice in the specialness of Christmas coming once a year.

Happy New Year, good coffee mates!

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It's officially the day after my favorite day of the year, Christmas. I look forward to Christmas, 2020 and hope all of our posters are still coming into the peaceful coffee shop at USMB. What a treasure trove of goodwill you all are. May others join in as well.

I had a great Christmas. I made others happy. Others also made me happy. Before Christmas, I had received a card from a special man in my life and he signed it, "Wishing you all things rare and beautiful". How did he know how prophetic that sentiment would become. ;)

Today, I will be receiving two more packages in the mail. I am looking forward to them as I know what they contain. I know this because they are to me from me. Ha!

May all of us get through the new year coming up as we endure the happinesses and joy, combined with the routine ups and downs that life will always bring. It can't always be Christmas, though speaking solely for myself, I would love to see it happen twice a year. For some, that would diminish the annual spirit of the meaning of Christmas but for others, it would be something to look forward to as it is a grand opportunity to be generous to others and to be grateful for all we have and love for the climate outside the festive holidays can always use a break. But "Christmas comes but once a year" and that will never change. ( much to the pleasure of many who like it just as it is ) However, I takes what I gets and rejoice in the specialness of Christmas coming once a year.

Happy New Year, good coffee mates!

In June my wife and I went to this event
Michael Palin — Theatre Royal Bath

I was interested in buying his book but my wife said “don’t” somebody might buy it you!

Sure enough somebody did, my wife, she bought it and emailed Michael Palin’s son who handles his fathers business merchandise.
She told him I was interested in the book and had gone to his fathers show at Bath.
The book came autographed by the great man himself. Pretty epic book, and signed. :)
I've got bad belly for Christmas, so I hope you all are having a better day than me! :lol:

There's all kinds of great meds out there to help you not have so many, if any, bad bellies Montro. Now that you have an income, you really should see a knowledgeable doctor about that. Hombre and I had terrible issues with reflux, et al, and now those issues just don't happen anymore. And it could prevent a ton of grief for you too as you get older.

I haven't been to a doctor since I was in my 20s, or maybe my teens. :lol:

My health benefits kick in after the new year starts, so I'll see about getting at least a check-up then. Considering my age and how long it has been since I've seen a doctor, I'm expecting to be told I should have a colonoscopy, at least. :neutral:
I'm feeling ok health wise...its my head that hurts. 3 years now up North. Been daydreaming of home and xmases past. Furkids tearing open stuffed animals I wrapped, the inlaws in the kitchen eating xmas breakfast, me outside playing with my garden even on xmas day and over all..warmth, company, furkids, happiness. Gone. It makes me maudlin and sad. So...I will avoid dragging people down and go watch Yippee Ki Yay MFers on tv cuz it just ain't xmas without Bruce Willis doing some damage to bad guys, lol.
I want Alan Rickman to win just his once...... :D
He did do a really good bad guy.

My best wishes to you and I pray for only positives to follow you the rest of your days.
Merry Christmas.
I've got bad belly for Christmas, so I hope you all are having a better day than me! :lol:

There's all kinds of great meds out there to help you not have so many, if any, bad bellies Montro. Now that you have an income, you really should see a knowledgeable doctor about that. Hombre and I had terrible issues with reflux, et al, and now those issues just don't happen anymore. And it could prevent a ton of grief for you too as you get older.

I haven't been to a doctor since I was in my 20s, or maybe my teens. :lol:

My health benefits kick in after the new year starts, so I'll see about getting at least a check-up then. Considering my age and how long it has been since I've seen a doctor, I'm expecting to be told I should have a colonoscopy, at least. :neutral:
Watch out for doctors. They will kill you and get away with it.

Don’t do colonoscopy. Do noninvasive Colonguard.

Stop consuming sugar, grains, and junk food. All better.
I've got bad belly for Christmas, so I hope you all are having a better day than me! :lol:

There's all kinds of great meds out there to help you not have so many, if any, bad bellies Montro. Now that you have an income, you really should see a knowledgeable doctor about that. Hombre and I had terrible issues with reflux, et al, and now those issues just don't happen anymore. And it could prevent a ton of grief for you too as you get older.

I haven't been to a doctor since I was in my 20s, or maybe my teens. :lol:

My health benefits kick in after the new year starts, so I'll see about getting at least a check-up then. Considering my age and how long it has been since I've seen a doctor, I'm expecting to be told I should have a colonoscopy, at least. :neutral:
Watch out for doctors. They will kill you and get away with it.

Don’t do colonoscopy. Do noninvasive Colonguard.

Stop consuming sugar, grains, and junk food. All better.

Cologuard, from what I've read, is less effective than a colonoscopy. I'm also not all that concerned about colon cancer at the moment. However, a colonoscopy might find things other than cancer that a Cologuard test would not; non-cancerous polyps, diverticulitis, or inflammation. Actually, overall, a colonoscopy is more preventative while Cologuard seems to be more for detecting already present colon cancer. Also, with my history of digestive problems from top to bottom, I wouldn't be surprised if it was recommended that I get looked at from both ends, the way Gracie was; endoscopy and colonoscopy.

I am not going to stop consuming sugar. How would I drink my tea? And stop consuming grains? How would I eat cereal, and crackers? :lol:
I've got bad belly for Christmas, so I hope you all are having a better day than me! :lol:

There's all kinds of great meds out there to help you not have so many, if any, bad bellies Montro. Now that you have an income, you really should see a knowledgeable doctor about that. Hombre and I had terrible issues with reflux, et al, and now those issues just don't happen anymore. And it could prevent a ton of grief for you too as you get older.

I haven't been to a doctor since I was in my 20s, or maybe my teens. :lol:

My health benefits kick in after the new year starts, so I'll see about getting at least a check-up then. Considering my age and how long it has been since I've seen a doctor, I'm expecting to be told I should have a colonoscopy, at least. :neutral:

A couple months ago I had a vicious bad belly. A friend gave me 3 tablets of PAPAYA ENZYME and within 15 minutes I was fine. I went to GNC and bought a bottle of Natural Brand with 240 tablets. I gave my wife and SIL 3 tablets for a Thanksgiving bad belly and they were amazed at the quick results. You might try that remedy.
At this point, I'm in agreement with Gipper. I think I would rather die than do another colonoscopy. After I am now more educated about the Gastrointestinal Microbiome, and the damage that such a procedure can do to it!? I shudder to think about the damage I did to my body after the first one, yikes, what a mistake. I never used to have to worry about what I ate before that last one. Now I have to constantly watch what I eat, my body always reacts poorly to the wrong foods now, etc. . .

Like they say, with natural medicine and diet, the disease kills you, with modern medicine, the treatments kill you. :71:

I've got bad belly for Christmas, so I hope you all are having a better day than me! :lol:

There's all kinds of great meds out there to help you not have so many, if any, bad bellies Montro. Now that you have an income, you really should see a knowledgeable doctor about that. Hombre and I had terrible issues with reflux, et al, and now those issues just don't happen anymore. And it could prevent a ton of grief for you too as you get older.

I haven't been to a doctor since I was in my 20s, or maybe my teens. :lol:

My health benefits kick in after the new year starts, so I'll see about getting at least a check-up then. Considering my age and how long it has been since I've seen a doctor, I'm expecting to be told I should have a colonoscopy, at least. :neutral:
Watch out for doctors. They will kill you and get away with it.

Don’t do colonoscopy. Do noninvasive Colonguard.

Stop consuming sugar, grains, and junk food. All better.

I resisted getting a colonscopy until I developed systems alarming enough to warrant one. And it came back 100% negative. The issue was something else, easily correctable. But the test itself produced an amazing peace of mind.
I've got bad belly for Christmas, so I hope you all are having a better day than me! :lol:

There's all kinds of great meds out there to help you not have so many, if any, bad bellies Montro. Now that you have an income, you really should see a knowledgeable doctor about that. Hombre and I had terrible issues with reflux, et al, and now those issues just don't happen anymore. And it could prevent a ton of grief for you too as you get older.

I haven't been to a doctor since I was in my 20s, or maybe my teens. :lol:

My health benefits kick in after the new year starts, so I'll see about getting at least a check-up then. Considering my age and how long it has been since I've seen a doctor, I'm expecting to be told I should have a colonoscopy, at least. :neutral:
Watch out for doctors. They will kill you and get away with it.

Don’t do colonoscopy. Do noninvasive Colonguard.

Stop consuming sugar, grains, and junk food. All better.
Sugar, grains, and junk food. Added to my shopping list. Thanks for the reminder!!!
I've got bad belly for Christmas, so I hope you all are having a better day than me! :lol:

There's all kinds of great meds out there to help you not have so many, if any, bad bellies Montro. Now that you have an income, you really should see a knowledgeable doctor about that. Hombre and I had terrible issues with reflux, et al, and now those issues just don't happen anymore. And it could prevent a ton of grief for you too as you get older.

I haven't been to a doctor since I was in my 20s, or maybe my teens. :lol:

My health benefits kick in after the new year starts, so I'll see about getting at least a check-up then. Considering my age and how long it has been since I've seen a doctor, I'm expecting to be told I should have a colonoscopy, at least. :neutral:

A couple months ago I had a vicious bad belly. A friend gave me 3 tablets of PAPAYA ENZYME and within 15 minutes I was fine. I went to GNC and bought a bottle of Natural Brand with 240 tablets. I gave my wife and SIL 3 tablets for a Thanksgiving bad belly and they were amazed at the quick results. You might try that remedy.
The last time I had a "vicious bad belly" we determined it was the banana I had eaten a half hour before. Seems I'm banana intolerant. I found the best way to treat that was to eat no more bananas, worked so far, no pharmaceuticals or natural remedies...... :eusa_whistle:
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I've got bad belly for Christmas, so I hope you all are having a better day than me! :lol:

There's all kinds of great meds out there to help you not have so many, if any, bad bellies Montro. Now that you have an income, you really should see a knowledgeable doctor about that. Hombre and I had terrible issues with reflux, et al, and now those issues just don't happen anymore. And it could prevent a ton of grief for you too as you get older.

I haven't been to a doctor since I was in my 20s, or maybe my teens. :lol:

My health benefits kick in after the new year starts, so I'll see about getting at least a check-up then. Considering my age and how long it has been since I've seen a doctor, I'm expecting to be told I should have a colonoscopy, at least. :neutral:
Watch out for doctors. They will kill you and get away with it.

Don’t do colonoscopy. Do noninvasive Colonguard.

Stop consuming sugar, grains, and junk food. All better.
Sugar, grains, and junk food. Added to my shopping list. Thanks for the reminder!!!
Eat up.
I like my sugar. I like my crackers. I'm old. Why not eat what I want? So..I do. :D
At some point, it matters little what you eat, or don't. I worked with a charming little woman, five-by-five, she was widowed and had no children. She claimed her only comfort was food and she celebrated her meals. Of course, she preferred fine dining and good food, not cheap fast food fare.
I've got bad belly for Christmas, so I hope you all are having a better day than me! :lol:

There's all kinds of great meds out there to help you not have so many, if any, bad bellies Montro. Now that you have an income, you really should see a knowledgeable doctor about that. Hombre and I had terrible issues with reflux, et al, and now those issues just don't happen anymore. And it could prevent a ton of grief for you too as you get older.

I haven't been to a doctor since I was in my 20s, or maybe my teens. :lol:

My health benefits kick in after the new year starts, so I'll see about getting at least a check-up then. Considering my age and how long it has been since I've seen a doctor, I'm expecting to be told I should have a colonoscopy, at least. :neutral:

A couple months ago I had a vicious bad belly. A friend gave me 3 tablets of PAPAYA ENZYME and within 15 minutes I was fine. I went to GNC and bought a bottle of Natural Brand with 240 tablets. I gave my wife and SIL 3 tablets for a Thanksgiving bad belly and they were amazed at the quick results. You might try that remedy.
The last time I had a "vicious bad belly" we determined it was the banana I had eaten a half hour before. Seems I'm banana intolerant. I found the best way to treat that was to eat no more bananas, worked so far, no pharmaceuticals or natural remedies...... :eusa_whistle:

Um, to me that IS the natural remedy. Don't eat what doesn't agree with you. Do eat what your body needs. :)
I seem to still be captive in Anchorage. They have not figured out how to overcome the ice dam that is forcing Willow Creek over it's banks and down the access road to the bridge. Partner is still up at my place and reports he is doing well. He did get the generator running so now has access to water. If he keeps the place warm using the wood stove, he shouldn't need much propane. Maybe this exercise will provide a confidence building event. In the meantime, I inhabit hoarder haven. Cleaning up a bit, so it's not a total loss. I had to cancel my buddy, Alan's annual New Year's visit.
I'm happy to read here that my CS friends are all doing well.
Just an update for Mr. P
He just had his 2nd visit yesterday to see the Doc that will do his surgery.
He has two tests that will be done on Jan. 6th.
Then another appt. on the 16th and they will explain to us what will happen during and after his surgery and what I need to do for him at home.
Doc says he has a 95% chance of making it through his open heart surgery.
Of course our 36th anniversary is on Jan. 16th.
Still better than when we spent it in ICU in 2017. :)

I'm still doing renovations and painting.
I'm almost done except for putting down the new kitchen floor and one more back bedroom.
I'm still entertaining a couple of neighbors who come down to see me on the 3rd step ladder.
They both say I look like Spiderman without the sticky web stuff going up the wall. :biggrin:
That sounds like good news all around.

Sbiker!!!! Welcome back. Always a treat when you check in.

I like to be here, but job (or domestic needs) periodically breaks it :)

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