USMB Coffee Shop IV

I'm feeling ok health wise...its my head that hurts. 3 years now up North. Been daydreaming of home and xmases past. Furkids tearing open stuffed animals I wrapped, the inlaws in the kitchen eating xmas breakfast, me outside playing with my garden even on xmas day and over all..warmth, company, furkids, happiness. Gone. It makes me maudlin and sad. So...I will avoid dragging people down and go watch Yippee Ki Yay MFers on tv cuz it just ain't xmas without Bruce Willis doing some damage to bad guys, lol.
The northern wife made a splendid Christmas lunch today, we had Turkey, Beef, and roast ham, carrots, sprouts, roasted parsnips, roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, stuffing balls, with a Jamie Oliver Christmas recipe gravy.
She even did the dishes later. :)

Later I’ll make a supper and do the dishes.
Finished on Sopranos. I must be in a mob mood, eh? :)

Tried watching The Witcher. Yawn. And Geraults deadpan voice drives me bonkers so.....nah. I won't bother finishing it.

Feeling a tad nauseated still. Not sure what is going on except maybe a stomach flu bug. Meh. I'll just watch tv and be careful what I put in my face for the rest of the day.

Dayum, gallantwarrior ! When it rains it pours for you lately! :( Hope things get better for you. And, your stressing about your animals is why I will never have critters again that rely on me. Cats are no biggie..they are so independent, they can survive anything and mine more or less take care of themselves except for vet care now and then. But having goats and dogs and whatnot depending on me and I can't be there? I'd be freaking out like you are!

Meanwhile...I finally watched Avengers Infinity War. WTF???? They killed off Guardians of the Galaxy folks? Groot? Peter? Manta? The rest? NO NO NO!!!!! And Spider man? Capt America? What the sam hell is Marvel doing???? I am NOT pleased. Not at all.:cranky:
Finished on Sopranos. I must be in a mob mood, eh? :)

Tried watching The Witcher. Yawn. And Geraults deadpan voice drives me bonkers so.....nah. I won't bother finishing it.

Feeling a tad nauseated still. Not sure what is going on except maybe a stomach flu bug. Meh. I'll just watch tv and be careful what I put in my face for the rest of the day.

Dayum, gallantwarrior ! When it rains it pours for you lately! :( Hope things get better for you. And, your stressing about your animals is why I will never have critters again that rely on me. Cats are no biggie..they are so independent, they can survive anything and mine more or less take care of themselves except for vet care now and then. But having goats and dogs and whatnot depending on me and I can't be there? I'd be freaking out like you are!

Meanwhile...I finally watched Avengers Infinity War. WTF???? They killed off Guardians of the Galaxy folks? Groot? Peter? Manta? The rest? NO NO NO!!!!! And Spider man? Capt America? What the sam hell is Marvel doing???? I am NOT pleased. Not at all.:cranky:
Chica, you are my hero-in. There is no way this piddling problem comes close to what you have been through these past years. I always look at the positives...At least my a-hole partner had decided to return to my place. His thoughts were he'd have the place warm and ready when I came home from work. Now, I'll be coming three miles home to his place and he'll be struggling to take care of the animals he claims to care for so much. With his infirmity, caring for critters will be a challenge. Me, I'll be OK. This place needs me to fill several bags of trash and that I will be doing.
I hope your coming year is much better. You are a hero of sorts for me, one tough chica, surely.
Finished on Sopranos. I must be in a mob mood, eh? :)

Tried watching The Witcher. Yawn. And Geraults deadpan voice drives me bonkers so.....nah. I won't bother finishing it.

Feeling a tad nauseated still. Not sure what is going on except maybe a stomach flu bug. Meh. I'll just watch tv and be careful what I put in my face for the rest of the day.

Dayum, gallantwarrior ! When it rains it pours for you lately! :( Hope things get better for you. And, your stressing about your animals is why I will never have critters again that rely on me. Cats are no biggie..they are so independent, they can survive anything and mine more or less take care of themselves except for vet care now and then. But having goats and dogs and whatnot depending on me and I can't be there? I'd be freaking out like you are!

Meanwhile...I finally watched Avengers Infinity War. WTF???? They killed off Guardians of the Galaxy folks? Groot? Peter? Manta? The rest? NO NO NO!!!!! And Spider man? Capt America? What the sam hell is Marvel doing???? I am NOT pleased. Not at all.:cranky:
Finished on Sopranos. I must be in a mob mood, eh? :)

Tried watching The Witcher. Yawn. And Geraults deadpan voice drives me bonkers so.....nah. I won't bother finishing it.

Feeling a tad nauseated still. Not sure what is going on except maybe a stomach flu bug. Meh. I'll just watch tv and be careful what I put in my face for the rest of the day.

Dayum, gallantwarrior ! When it rains it pours for you lately! :( Hope things get better for you. And, your stressing about your animals is why I will never have critters again that rely on me. Cats are no biggie..they are so independent, they can survive anything and mine more or less take care of themselves except for vet care now and then. But having goats and dogs and whatnot depending on me and I can't be there? I'd be freaking out like you are!

Meanwhile...I finally watched Avengers Infinity War. WTF???? They killed off Guardians of the Galaxy folks? Groot? Peter? Manta? The rest? NO NO NO!!!!! And Spider man? Capt America? What the sam hell is Marvel doing???? I am NOT pleased. Not at all.:cranky:
Chica, you are my hero-in. There is no way this piddling problem comes close to what you have been through these past years. I always look at the positives...At least my a-hole partner had decided to return to my place. His thoughts were he'd have the place warm and ready when I came home from work. Now, I'll be coming three miles home to his place and he'll be struggling to take care of the animals he claims to care for so much. With his infirmity, caring for critters will be a challenge. Me, I'll be OK. This place needs me to fill several bags of trash and that I will be doing.
I hope your coming year is much better. You are a hero of sorts for me, one tough chica, surely.
Awww! Thanks so much, Gracie! Quiet here. I was able to score lunch at my favorite diner and am chilling now. My work clothes will be clean and ready for me to go to work tonight. Partner is building confidence by being solely responsible for keeping himself and the goats alive while I am forced to live in Anchoragua. I do hope they get that ice dam and the resultant flooding under control soon.
I'm feeling ok health wise...its my head that hurts. 3 years now up North. Been daydreaming of home and xmases past. Furkids tearing open stuffed animals I wrapped, the inlaws in the kitchen eating xmas breakfast, me outside playing with my garden even on xmas day and over all..warmth, company, furkids, happiness. Gone. It makes me maudlin and sad. So...I will avoid dragging people down and go watch Yippee Ki Yay MFers on tv cuz it just ain't xmas without Bruce Willis doing some damage to bad guys, lol.
Okay. I'll reflect on your Yippee Ki Ya while I'm sitting, fur-less. I definitely miss my fur-kids more than anything. Hope your incoming package cheers you up. It's not much but is well intended. Luvs ya, sister Gracie!
I'm feeling ok health wise...its my head that hurts. 3 years now up North. Been daydreaming of home and xmases past. Furkids tearing open stuffed animals I wrapped, the inlaws in the kitchen eating xmas breakfast, me outside playing with my garden even on xmas day and over all..warmth, company, furkids, happiness. Gone. It makes me maudlin and sad. So...I will avoid dragging people down and go watch Yippee Ki Yay MFers on tv cuz it just ain't xmas without Bruce Willis doing some damage to bad guys, lol.
I want Alan Rickman to win just his once...... :D
He did do a really good bad guy.

My best wishes to you and I pray for only positives to follow you the rest of your days.
Merry Christmas.
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Since we rarely do turkey, the wife didn't want any this year I made a roast chicken with sausage stuffing, smashed taters, gravy and pretend vegetables.......... Honestly forgot to make any. :lol:
It was a free range chicken, no antibiotics or growth hormones, the first we've ever had. It was amazingly good, So much better than the standard cheap crap they sell. No more cheap, god knows what's in it chicken for us. :thup:
The northern wife made a splendid Christmas lunch today, we had Turkey, Beef, and roast ham, carrots, sprouts, roasted parsnips, roast potatoes, pigs in blankets, stuffing balls, with a Jamie Oliver Christmas recipe gravy.
She even did the dishes later. :)

Later I’ll make a supper and do the dishes.

That sounds like a feast for maybe 30? But does sound good. Except for the roasted parsnips. Here it would be sweet potatoes or yams.
We just got home a bit ago from having Christmas dinner at my Aunt Betty's. Got there early to help but she didn't need it. She had everything done or under control. Turkey, dressing, gravy, green beans, sweet potatoes. rolls, the works and it was served elegantly for six of us on a beautiful table set with fine china and was delicious.

She is 93 years old.
Since we rarely do turkey, the wife didn't want any this year I made a roast chicken with sausage stuffing, smashed taters, gravy and pretend vegetables.......... Honestly forgot to make any. :lol:
It was a free range chicken, no antibiotics or growth hormones, the first we've ever had. It was amazingly good, So much better than the standard cheap crap they sell. No more cheap, god knows what's in it chicken for us. :thup:

If you can......try to find a local farm that offers Community Supported Agriculture's (CSA's), where you pay a monthly fee to be a member and they give you their own raised meat & produce in return. You get to see just how that food is raised or produced and probably least likely to be recalled for contaminations. Each farm has their own offerings, rules and monthly fees so do some research & check reviews for others experiences before joining since some may have contracts that you'd be stuck with if you change your mind.

Or look for a local butcher and/or market and ask who their supplier is......local is always better than chains.
We just got home a bit ago from having Christmas dinner at my Aunt Betty's. Got there early to help but she didn't need it. She had everything done or under control. Turkey, dressing, gravy, green beans, sweet potatoes. rolls, the works and it was served elegantly for six of us on a beautiful table set with fine china and was delicious.

She is 93 years old.

She sounds like a very remarkable woman.

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