USMB Coffee Shop IV

You have goats sparky?
Anna & Abbie , we raised them from wee little things , on goat bubbas...

Do you and gallantwarrior know each other?

not yet....
I have a few more than you, but they are fascinating creatures. I find that the mature does don't jump and climb nearly as much as the kids.
Well, I finally feel completely in the Christmas Spirit now that I have listened to the complete soundtrack from "A Charlie Brown Christmas".


LOL. That should do it. I'm listening to some Manheim Steamroller right now. That helps get me in the spirit.

Manheim Steamroller is one of my favorite groups for Christmas, too!
Finally caught up in the CS. So much info! I've been pretty busy lately and haven't been keeping up lately but I suppose I'll have plenty of time for a couple of days while I cool my heels in a Red Cross shelter. Yup! Currently, I am the only inhabitant but they are evacuating others. I didn't need evacuation but the Willow Creek flooded and I cannot get home. So, here I am. I am worried about my animals. The generator has gone on strike because of the minus-degree temps. No generator = no well = no fresh water unless I carry it in. I have 40 gallons of fresh water freezing in my car. There are probably still about 15 gallons at the cabin but will the crippled partner be able to get that water to the animals. The girls will be OK because they are on level ground. The boys are down the hill and I doubt the pard will be able to get down there. I hope he doesn't try in his condition. He cannot pick up an entire bale of hay but he can break it into flakes and feed the animals that way, I think. I have been trying to call the neighbor north of our place to see whether they might help but have gotten no answer. This isn't quite how I envisioned spending my weekend, I assure you!
I hope my wife buys me a new laptop for Christmas or at least some tape and silicon adhesive to hold this one together for another year....

I keep waiting for this one to utterly fail but the darn thing keeps surviving...:eusa_doh:
Roy’s new Perkins Damascus knife turned up by post. :)

Well, it's cute.. :wink_2:

I've spent most of my life machining/crafting crystal, metal and wood but I still can't decide which one I loved the best..
Well, I finally feel completely in the Christmas Spirit now that I have listened to the complete soundtrack from "A Charlie Brown Christmas".


LOL. That should do it. I'm listening to some Manheim Steamroller right now. That helps get me in the spirit.

Manheim Steamroller is one of my favorite groups for Christmas, too!

I like them a lot, too. But my favorite this year is Kenny Burrell's "Have Yourself a Soulful Little Christmas"

We are Just about to go to the supermarket, the wife has £250 in supermarket stamps she buys £6 worth every shop.
Booze and luxury stuff mostly. :)
Supermarket stamps?

Yes you can buy £1 stamps and redeem the amount at Christmas

Long ago we had 'green stamps' that worked like that. You could redeem at the store or use them like cash with others who had something to trade for them. I used green stamps to buy our beloved Siamese mama cat who provided us many beautiful kittens, all going to Foxfyre approved wonderful homes, and so much love for many years.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:
Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Beautress for wellness
Kat for wellness
Mindful and her shoulder for healing
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery and comfort/peace for Peach.
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and increased responsibilities and also for Rod's healing in mind, body, and spirit.
Gracie for wellness, good solutions, and a conquering spirit.
Jackson for wellness.
And me, Foxfyre, for good news from upcoming tests.
Roy for wellness.
Gracie's Abby .
And all those we love.
And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back.

An inviting place for me to find peace is right here in the USMB Coffee Shop. :thup: Thanks to Foxfyre and all the contributors who come here and sit a spell. ;) It's the best place for me to be for goodwill on the USMB.
Putting the final border on a little blue quilt being worked on upstairs...Just 10 minutes more and the top is done! I took a little trip to the quilt store today to find a plain red and white stripe to go around the inside border, after finding a blue piece of fabric with stars etched into the surface of the fabric. It has 48 squares and is another "tall sails" ship. Also found a beautiful piece of "whales and deep sea fish" fabric in truly contemporary shades of blue. Placed that in the bottom below the "wave" row. The fish piece adds 4 more inches to help wrap the quilt around a childs chilly feet on a cold night. It was already a lot bigger than a crib quilt. Guess it's cot-sized and would well cover a 12-year-old with the exception of Baron Trump who's already what--6'2" or more? The squares are log cabin. Nobody has copied my quilt to show online that I know of. Oh, well, only the child and his mom see the quilt once delivered to the Care center who distributes the quilts to whoever wants one the most. I've got 3 rows on the next log cabin tall ships quilt. I thought that in case of a house fire, someone could use it to keep the kids warm at night. There was a fire not far from here a couple of days ago, but I didn't know about it until I was at the quilt shop and mentioned that some of my quilts in Wyoming went to the fire department to be given to a family who lost all in a fire. I really loved our fire department. They were national champs at the firemen's competition match that challenges departments all over the nation to bring their brightest and best to compete for speed, endurance, and lifting the 55 pounds of garments and protective gear they need to fight a really hot fire when they need to get up close and personal with putting the darn thing out.
We are Just about to go to the supermarket, the wife has £250 in supermarket stamps she buys £6 worth every shop.
Booze and luxury stuff mostly. :)
Supermarket stamps?

Yes you can buy £1 stamps and redeem the amount at Christmas

Long ago we had 'green stamps' that worked like that. You could redeem at the store or use them like cash with others who had something to trade for them. I used green stamps to buy our beloved Siamese mama cat who provided us many beautiful kittens, all going to Foxfyre approved wonderful homes, and so much love for many years.
I decorated my first apartment with Top Value Stamps! Wish we could do that again!
Abby has a heart murmur, cat leukemia and only gained 1 0z since her last visit. Good news is..she let them maul her and poke her without having to knock her out. She was a very good kitty! And, they gave her a few shots of antibiotics for her goopy eye (resperatory infection), a steroid shot, and flushed her eye out. All without one yeowl, or hiss, or bite, or claw. VERY good kitty. Of course I was with her during all this, so maybe thats why she let them torture her. She trusts me now. Good. I will take care of her best I can. She and Evie had a blast last night playing on their cat tree, so this means she is feeling much better. Wish I did. Got a bit of a stomach rumble going on. Stress, I presume. Or not eating right this past 2 days.

Had to retire my windows 7 too. I miss it already. Fan went out on it. I can take it to Staples and have another one put in I guess, but not right now. I have to get used to this damn laptop. It's ok, but the speakers suck and I don't know how to configure the other ones I had on the win 7 to work on this one. Plus, I had to use the mouse up scroll/ctrl button to enlarge the text which makes it difficult to see everthing else on the screen. Anyway...I gotta get used to it, as I said. But I sure miss my big pc. Maybe after xmas I will take it in for a new fan and hook it back up again.

Almost done bingeing Lilihammer. Then I think I will start Witcher on Netflix. Looks kinda interesting. Oh, and finished a puzzle and started a new one. This one is 300 pc. After it, I will tackle the 750 pc.

I'm glad the kitty has taken to you, Gracie.

I've had some belly troubles myself this weekend. A lot of it I blame on drinking; I had 3 shots on Saturday, which is probably more alcohol than I'd had in the previous 10 years combined. :p I was convinced to give it a try, but I think it was a bad idea. It led to my belly being very unhappy with me that night, or maybe it was Sunday morning. I felt somewhat bad today at work, as well, but that must be for some other reason. I was out all weekend on a short trip to see an old friend, and my schedule has gotten a bit out of whack because of it, so that might be contributing. Of course, with my digestive system, it could just be a random malfunction. :lol:

I forgot The Witcher is on! I need to find time to watch that soon. I read the books, played the first 2 games and own but haven't yet started the 3rd game (which I've been told is very much the best of them). I hope it turns out good. :)

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