USMB Coffee Shop IV

That's the look ^^^^ of a content dog who knows she's queen Roy

further, i always carry a bag of dog biscuits in my work truck, as most folks have dogs here in the sticks, it helps pass the 'security check' prior to entry to many a job


Hombre (my hubby) and I once got a contract to do condition inspections on all the farm and ranch properties that State Farm Insurance insures in the State of NM. With both of us working, it took several weeks to get to them all.

We always called ahead to tell the farmer or rancher that we didn't need to get inside any buildings but we did need to measure and photograph them. The property owners didn't need to be home but did they have any dogs that would be a problem?

Most didn't and the few who did promised to have them secured during the general time frame we would be by. And several times we were told that the dog(s) would be fine but they needed to secure the turkey. Watch turkeys in NM are fierce!

I did encounter one very large turkey that I had to fend off before the owner rescued me. And one aggressive billy goat.

I don't think carrying dog biscuits would have helped. :)
LOL. that reminds me of a wild story. I love goats ( they are a hoot ) but before I loved goats I was in real estate in California and one day was showing a house to prospective buyers with a suit and heels on and as we were approaching the front door of the house for sale suddenly out of the blue a goat appeared and came charging at ME and I was running around the house scared out of my wits when the hubby of the couple somehow diverted the goat's attention and ran him off and after finding the heel to one of my shoes, I showed them the house with a blushing red face. I was horrified. Running around like a chicken with its head cut off and then trying to show the benefits of the home. We all later had a good laugh. They didn't buy the ranch style home and I NEVER showed that house in the country again to anyone! Ha!

This is my first post with my new setup and my last for the night. My IT professional man was here today removing my desktop PC, remote stereo surround sound speakers with subwoofer and my printer I have had for years but refused to upgrade to W-10 as I don't need all the features anymore and so I am typing on a new keyboard and using a mouse so I can at least have a semblance of the experience of my PC desktop I loved so much. I can also still use the trackpad on this Chromebook if and when I choose to but I am sitting further away from the monitor and the slide-out area for a keyboard is in my way to use only the Chromebook and this way I still get to use a mouse, so I am in a transitional experience and only time will tell which way I choose as the most comfortable. I had downloaded 1500 tunes in my Windows Media but wasn't playing them as I have Pandora and these Acer Chromebooks have the best speakers as they are on either side of the keyboard and facing up and I like the rich bass. Best audio of any Chromebook I have experienced. Even my IT guy was impressed today. I still have 6 Chromebooks for my lap when I am not at my computer desk in the early mornings but 3 of them have an AUE date of June 2020 when they will no longer be supported with updates. This will leave me with three new ones with an AUE of November 2023. Gosh, don't we all remember the days when we purchased something for good money and it lasted until it died? No longer. Technology ends the life to anything digital now. I read where the 2020 Chromebooks will have an AUE date of 6&1/2 years from the date of manufacturing not when you receive yours if you purchase one. The previous AUE dates were for 4 years.

Hey, I am losing power. Winds and rains....lamps going off an on so goodnight to all you sweethearts and see you soon, xoxoxo
It's in the single digits F here, can't stuff wood in the stove fast enough.....~S~

Finally made it up into the mid 30's here today but was bitterly cold (for Albuquerque) all morning. But it is mid December. We kind of expect it to be winter even though winter doesn't officially arrive for a couple more days.

It's 30 here right now. It doesn't feel that cold to me, though. :dunno:

I went to Walmart after work to get bulbs for my car's turn signal. The website said they had them in stock: none there when I checked. :mad:

I'll have to go somewhere else before work, I'm driving for a few hours Saturday and want all 4 blinkers working.
Jasper, our oldest cat finally passed this morning from kidney failure, he was 17 1/2 years old. He was greatly loved and will be sorely missed but we are grateful he is no longer suffering.
Goodbye my little buddy, you are with God now.
It always hurts the heart to say goodbye to our fur-friends, especially when they have sojourned with us for many years. Best to you and Mrs. R.
Speaking of cats..I am taking Abby in to the vet tomorrow to have her put down. I did all I could for her, but now she is getting paralyzed in her back legs and its getting worse. MRI's cost a couple grand, which I don't have, and other tests will rack up to 5 to 700 bucks, which I also don't have to spare. I don't want to take her to the pound cuz they will just gas her. I want to be there when they do it, so she knows she is not alone when embarking on her journey over rainbow bridge. She is only 10 months old, too. Vet said last vist she probably has cat leukemia, and possibly lymphoma. Now with this not being able to walk and just laying all day cuz of that, I see no other way to address this except to put her out of her misery. :(
Aww, Gracie! You have done all you possibly could and what small life she had was so much better because of your efforts. Unfortunately, no matter how often you go through such a loss, it is never any easier. Better she should have you holding her as she passes. Hugs up!
It's in the single digits F here, can't stuff wood in the stove fast enough.....~S~

Finally made it up into the mid 30's here today but was bitterly cold (for Albuquerque) all morning. But it is mid December. We kind of expect it to be winter even though winter doesn't officially arrive for a couple more days.

It's 30 here right now. It doesn't feel that cold to me, though. :dunno:

I went to Walmart after work to get bulbs for my car's turn signal. The website said they had them in stock: none there when I checked. :mad:

I'll have to go somewhere else before work, I'm driving for a few hours Saturday and want all 4 blinkers working.

mmm .."blinkers" it's a fun word and reminds me of my dear ole Pops..
I mentioned to my wife it would be nice if we had a bottle of sloe Gin to offer our guests this year, no sooner said than done, she bought one today.
I remember tasting it at a gun fair years ago, my eldest son was 18months old so that is 38 yrs ago easy.
I’m looking forward to Xmas, my wife has her own money, she has always been independently wealthy. She overspends on me, but as a true Libran I expect it, that’s not me being shallow, it’s just the way it is :)
I haven't had sloe gin since I was younger, much younger. One of my young colleagues just asked me what sloe gin was and I remembered.
It's in the single digits F here, can't stuff wood in the stove fast enough.....~S~

Finally made it up into the mid 30's here today but was bitterly cold (for Albuquerque) all morning. But it is mid December. We kind of expect it to be winter even though winter doesn't officially arrive for a couple more days.

It's 30 here right now. It doesn't feel that cold to me, though. :dunno:

I went to Walmart after work to get bulbs for my car's turn signal. The website said they had them in stock: none there when I checked. :mad:

I'll have to go somewhere else before work, I'm driving for a few hours Saturday and want all 4 blinkers working.
It’s 44.6 degrees fahrenheit here, dark overcast skies, it’s 09:38. We have rain forecast till Monday, rivers will break their banks for sure.
It’s a funny life dogs have, even tho my boy is bigger he is subservient to her, I’ve seen him defend himself against bigger dogs, but the bitch is top dog, she is merciless.
My precious boy could have taken her though! He was fearless and quite able. ;)


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It's in the single digits F here, can't stuff wood in the stove fast enough.....~S~

Finally made it up into the mid 30's here today but was bitterly cold (for Albuquerque) all morning. But it is mid December. We kind of expect it to be winter even though winter doesn't officially arrive for a couple more days.

It's 30 here right now. It doesn't feel that cold to me, though. :dunno:

I went to Walmart after work to get bulbs for my car's turn signal. The website said they had them in stock: none there when I checked. :mad:

I'll have to go somewhere else before work, I'm driving for a few hours Saturday and want all 4 blinkers working.
It’s 44.6 degrees fahrenheit here, dark overcast skies, it’s 09:38. We have rain forecast till Monday, rivers will break their banks for sure.
Well, it is early afternoon here and those winds from last night are still with us and my connectivity was down this morning. I do not like to drive in this kind of windy weather. Often trees are laying across the roads. I remain grateful we haven't lost power. Fingers crossed.
I am officially on the lash. Everyone guy on the company is meeting in up a bar in the city (lock up your daughters and mother’s)

Leather or some rope variety whipping lash? Foxfyre wants to know.
on the lash. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English on the lashBritish English informal drinking a lot of alcohol in pubs or bars We went out on the lash last night
on the lash. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English on the lashBritish English informal drinking a lot of alcohol in pubs or bars We went out on the lash last night

It was obvious in Roy's post context, but appreciate your willingness to expand a cat's vocabulary. Happy to see you active in the Coffee Shop.
I’ve a question to ask you ladies, I bought a painting in 1980 for my ex wife on holiday, it’s hung on the wall of my house even after we split up. My question is this; As I bought the painting for her should I give her half the money if I sell it?
No. the painting!
Thanks Gracie.

It’s a Barry Hilton original, one of his earliest.
Barry Hilton
As a member of the Circle of Trustees at the Butler Institute of American Art I have to say I'm impressed with Mr Hiltons work.
Sorry folks! I've been away too long. It has been an eventful couple of weeks for me. I had a scheduled colonoscopy for the day before Thanksgiving! That meant Tuesday was prep day! Everybody's favorite! Then 7:00 am, down to the clinic for pictures, and they didn't give me one to hang on the fridge! Groggy from the anesthetic I slept Wednesday away. Then, what did I face the next day but a heaping Thanksgiving dinner!

I had adoctor appointment on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving. But the day before I walked from the Great Hall here at the Luxurious Pimplebutt Estate to my bedroom. Upon getting there, I felt light headed. Then I saw the lights one would see upon getting a blow to the nose! Kness buckled, a staggering step and, in the words of Howard Cosell, DOWN GOES NOSMO! I smacked my noggin on the consol table biffing up my left eye and rendering me more senseless than usual.

Well, I told the doctor about that during my exam last Tuesday. His face blanched and immediately ordered up a regimen of high priced medical tests. He advised I go to the ER as they would be able to apply the battery of testing he wanted right away. So, as my doctor's office is actually in the hospital, I was seated in a wheelchair and dispacted to a waiting bed in the emergency room.

First, blood tests then a couple bags of saline were pumped into me. Then blood pressure testing. Laying down, blood pressure. Sitting up, blood pressure. Standing up, blood pressure. And there's your problem! It drops twenty point when I stand. EKG, chest x-ray, electrocardiogram, more blood drawn and the news, we're going to keep you here tonight!

I phoned my brother to do two things for me. First, take Daisy the Mutt home with him. Second, DON'T TELL MOM! I didn't want her to wring her hands in worry for me.

At midnight (of course it would be midnight) I was wheeled down for a CAT scan on my head. They found nothing. The hospital vampires stopped by every couple hours to draw more vials of my blood. Meanwhile, I had nothing to eat since 10:00 the proceeding morning. All I really wanted were two basic human needs. Food and sleep.

I tossed and turned all night. At 9:00 the next morning, I was visited by my doctor. He added to the chemistry set I down every day and took mercy on me and I was discharged. I drove to a nearby diner and had the best breakfast and the second best cup of coffee in my life.

So I've been keeping busy. How's by yinz guys?
So, what did they figure out was causing your problem?
They say it was due to dehydration. I'm diabetic and after the roller coaster of prepping for a colonoscopy then Thanksgiving sinner then a weekend jam packed with activities, my body was more thirsty than I knew. Ain't that a kick in the head?
Dehydration can be dangerous. Many folks don't recognize that they need to drink more. And then, if imbibing alcohol beverages, you need to drink even more water to offset the way alcohol dehydrates your body.

And this is why I always drink my whiskey on the rocks.
On the rocks or with a water chaser. Good whiskey should never be polluted with mere water!

Funny story about him. I first saw his work at a Native American shop in Morro Bay, Ca. They were selling a few of his pieces and I fell in love with them all. So..I set about trying to find him, being a fan and all..I wanted to tell him just how much his art spoke to me. So, here I am seeking Robert Osterloh and only getting his dad, not knowing it was his dad and thinking this guy lived in LA or some exotic far away place that great artists France or England or some such. So I look and look and look, because he is very private or so I was told by the store owner. Then one day, he walked in with another painting. I was amazed and said I had been looking for him. He laughed, bummed a cig off me and we went outside to have a smoke and when I asked point blank where he lived, he said about 4 blocks from where I was at that time currently living. LOL.
After that smoke...I left the Native American shop I was working at, opened my own shop, and got him to bring me his art to sell for him :D.
I traded a fairly expensive persian rug for Red Wing..the painting I first posted above. But some years later..had to sell it. Dammit.

Thanks for sharing that with us Gracie :)

Caravaggio the 16th century painter painted his own image in most of his paintings too.

I have a theory that Hieronymus Bosch painted his own face in the tryptic 'the garden of earthly delights'
I believe he painted his own face on the tree man that is looking back over his shoulder in the hell panel.
Simply because that is what I would have done. Art critics have said he never painted his own portrait, but I think they are wrong. He would have used his own face for that figure.

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