USMB Coffee Shop IV

I gotta admit that I am like a 3 year old in an operating room being told to do heart surgery. I have no clue what to do, plus I ha ve so many probs with my own body, I'm not sure what to do first or where to start in eating healthier. Reading labels is just as scarey because you hafta add the mgs of whatever you plan to use, in whatever meal you are preparing. From what I read, one is only supposed to have ONE TEASPOON of salt per day. One teaspoon. Like..really? Then again, most foods already hve salt in it. So that is more figuring and deducting and adding and to be honest..I don't know if I have the patience to even start. I need a dietician to tell me exactly what foods I can eat and what MrG can eat after I tell them what I CAN'T eat. Like peppermint, cinnamon, bananas, ginger, some yogurts, which give me major heartburn. I take Nexum of eat alot of Tums if I do eat any of those things (I love nanners but..they don't like me). I also used to use alot of italian dressing when cooking chicken. I saute the chicken in it, but now? No. Sodium in it. Everything has sodium in it. Which means fresh veggies..which I loathe...fruit, which is ok I guess but no sugar rush there....and other stuff we are not supposed to eat any more after 70 years of eating the wrong stuff and not liking change.

I bought some flax seed on amazon but I think its supposed to be ground...and how does one grind it? And what am I supposed to do with it once its ground? Never used it before except as eye pillow stuffing back when eye pillows were all the rage.

Anyway..I'm like a deer in headlights here. So..I plan to eat what I have always eaten..but Mrs Dash now instead of salt. Same with MrG. No frying food...baking instead. No skin on chicken. No unnecessary sugars, except I do like to munch on a teaspoon on raw cookie dough from pillsbury slice and bake choc chip cookies, lol. Usually now, when I want something sweet, I suck on a jaw breaker. I get my sugar and its not very big. Candy bars, I am not really a fan of. But I love cake, brownies, ice cream. MrG loves his cherry pies but no more of those for him. So now its a learning thing..and whether we will be able to follow thru and understand what we are supposed to eat, how to cook it, and what to avoid...that remains to be seen.

Really it's not that complicated, though it is very hard to change eating habits. Just get rid of, and don't use any type of premade anything. You can google recipes for seasoning mixes (taco, spaghetti, etc) and add together the different herbs and leave out anything calling for salt. If it says garlic salt, use garlic powder or granulated garlic instead. If it calls for celery salt, use some fresh celery leaves finely chopped instead. Use lots of fresh veggies for flavor and vitamins. Fresh garlic, onions, celery and peppers can flavor just about anything.

Here is a link to different homemade seasoning mixes.... Homemade Spice Blend Recipes

I have found a great spaghetti/marinara sauce that is great, everyone here likes it, it's universal for Italian recipes and is so simple......tomato sauce, chopped onion, minced garlic and basil and simmer for an hour. THAT'S IT!

The one thing I do disagree with is animal fats, (butter, chicken skin, etc) our bodies do need it to some degree. If nothing else use unsalted butter and olive oil.

Make a salad for supper. You can buy those salad mixes that have different types of lettuce, spinach, etc then add a chopped tomato, cucumber, radishes, boiled eggs, fresh sliced mushrooms or whatever you like (remember those salad bars years ago, with all the different toppings?) Then you can saute' some pieces of chicken in a little EVOO till done and add that. Dressing??? Meh, add some fruit instead. Chopped apples, orange sections or canned oranges, berries????? Maybe even grate a bit of cheese over it. No dressing needed. Or skip the chicken and add some shrimp or crab or tuna, then drizzle some lemon juice over it.

Like pot pies?? Cut some meat into bite sized chunks and cook until done. Add some chopped onion & minced garlic, cook till soft. Add some potatoes, peas, carrots or???? and cook till almost done. Mix all together in a casserole or pie dish. Then make a gravy...….heat a couple tablespoons of butter or oil in a pan, add enough flour to make a thick roux, then add a can of salt free broth and whisk together until hot, bubbly and smooth...pour that over the meat & veggies in the dish and stir to mix. Then top with a pie crust (cut some vent holes) and bake till golden brown and all is hot.

You can also make your own broth and freeze it. Just save up odd chicken pieces and leftover bones, add some onion, garlic, celery ribs with leaves, maybe a little carrot for color, a couple of bay leaves, and a splash of Apple Cider Vinegar. Cover it all with plenty of water in a big pot, bring it almost to a boil, then turn down the heat & simmer. Start this first thing in the morning and by supper time, you can use it. Just remember, the longer it simmers the more flavor it will have.
I need to learn how to knit. Or something. But if I can't hold a will I hold knitting needles? Such a delimma.
You might try crochet. Only one needle needed and very versatile. I taught myself to knit years ago but never caught on to crochet.

I can crochet a little bit but have never learned to get comfortable with the crochet hook. I think knitting needles might be more practical for me, but I don't have a clue how to use them.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Jackson for wellness.
SFC Ollie's son-in-law - comfort, wellness, solutions.
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Beautress for wellness
Gracie for wellness, good solutions, and a conquering spirit.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and stresses of caring for the animals.
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery (Jan 29) and comfort/peace for Peach.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back, and we rejoice when they do.

Well, my Uncle Jimmy passed away last night at the hospital. :( Now the only one left on my father's side of the family is my Aunt Sandy. Both of my grandparents, my uncle and my father all have passed on. Life can be very hard and very depressing.

Let me tell you that I am not a religious person and would probably consider myself agnostic because of all the doubts I carry around with me, but I REALLY hope there is a Heaven and that my family is together up there and happy.
Well, my Uncle Jimmy passed away last night at the hospital. :( Now the only one left on my father's side of the family is my Aunt Sandy. Both of my grandparents, my uncle and my father all have passed on. Life can be very hard and very depressing.

Let me tell you that I am not a religious person and would probably consider myself agnostic because of all the doubts I carry around with me, but I REALLY hope there is a Heaven and that my family is together up there and happy.

So sorry for your loss ChrisL. And yes it is hard to see them go. My Aunt Betty, age 93, is the only one left of her generation except for one first cousin who lives in Texas. I don't think anybody is left of Hombre's parents' generation and we have lost several in our own generation. And I don't think I'll violate the 'no religious fussing' rule for the Coffee Shop when I say that I think your concept of heaven is safe to believe in and is spot on.
Well, my Uncle Jimmy passed away last night at the hospital. :( Now the only one left on my father's side of the family is my Aunt Sandy. Both of my grandparents, my uncle and my father all have passed on. Life can be very hard and very depressing.

Let me tell you that I am not a religious person and would probably consider myself agnostic because of all the doubts I carry around with me, but I REALLY hope there is a Heaven and that my family is together up there and happy.

So sorry for your loss ChrisL. And yes it is hard to see them go. My Aunt Betty, age 93, is the only one left of her generation except for one first cousin who lives in Texas. I don't think anybody is left of Hombre's parents' generation and we have lost several in our own generation. And I don't think I'll violate the 'no religious fussing' rule for the Coffee Shop when I say that I think your concept of heaven is safe to believe in and is spot on.

Sorry, I didn't realize that was a rule. I have just been doing some deep thinking, not meant to offend anyone of course. :)

Thanks for your condolences, and know that I am sorry for losses you have suffered as well. :smiliehug:

IMO, you are still the nicest and most polite person here at USMB.
I need to learn how to knit. Or something. But if I can't hold a will I hold knitting needles? Such a delimma.
You might try crochet. Only one needle needed and very versatile. I taught myself to knit years ago but never caught on to crochet.

My mother was a prolific knitter, her speciality as Aaron wool,Mum, dad, my brother and I, we all had sweaters, zip up jumpers, cardigans, you name it we had one.
As long as she had wool she’d be sat by the fire with either her shelter collies on her lap or at her feet knitting.
She did crotchet too.
Awww,shit! Here we go again...Partner's trying to apply for his unemployment, can't figure out how to operate the internet. So he starts calling me names, "stupid", "idiot", etc. He's right, or course, because I put up with his slack-jawed, slurry curses and abuse. I told him he has to learn to do these things himself and he calls me stupid.
I think I'll go outside and freeze my nads a bit, it's more pleasant than being abused. I am rather interested in these bs Senate proceedings. Interesting how this is working out.
I thought he went back to his place? You really need to get out of that situation before he kills you. My brother in law had a stroke and tried to strangle me. Only reason he didn't is because I ran faster than his scrawny ass. Normally, he was a nice guy. Now? KooKoo and dangerous. His "thang" is to strangle..which he has done to his wife if anything ticks him off. He reaches those long skinny arms out and grabs the neck and squeezes. Fucker.
But..his brain is fried in parts, so it really isn't his fault, but it isn't anyone elses fault either and they don't need to be in danger like that. This includes you. Get his ass gone, pronto if you can, hon.
Can’t some strong individual hold a very firm pillow over his scrawny ass face?
Awww,shit! Here we go again...Partner's trying to apply for his unemployment, can't figure out how to operate the internet. So he starts calling me names, "stupid", "idiot", etc. He's right, or course, because I put up with his slack-jawed, slurry curses and abuse. I told him he has to learn to do these things himself and he calls me stupid.
I think I'll go outside and freeze my nads a bit, it's more pleasant than being abused. I am rather interested in these bs Senate proceedings. Interesting how this is working out.
I thought he went back to his place? You really need to get out of that situation before he kills you. My brother in law had a stroke and tried to strangle me. Only reason he didn't is because I ran faster than his scrawny ass. Normally, he was a nice guy. Now? KooKoo and dangerous. His "thang" is to strangle..which he has done to his wife if anything ticks him off. He reaches those long skinny arms out and grabs the neck and squeezes. Fucker.
But..his brain is fried in parts, so it really isn't his fault, but it isn't anyone elses fault either and they don't need to be in danger like that. This includes you. Get his ass gone, pronto if you can, hon.
He did go back to his place but showed up here again. Right now, I need someone to watch after my very pregnant does. He can at least call me if something starts to happen. He feels really guilty about the kid that froze to death so maybe he'll be more attentive to the remaining kids coming. I manage to ignore him. He's got his jobs around the place which match his capabilities. Come Spring, I plan to have the house in Anchorage livable. I'll hand it back to him and it will become all his to do with what he will. He's saying he wants to sell the place and move to South America. Don't let the door hit ya where good lord split ya, buddy!
Meanwhile, I have ordered two books from amazon for heart healthy recipes and foods he can eat once they do release him. I still feel like a deer in headlights, though.
Cooking heart heathy isn't that difficult but you will have to learn not to eat sugar, over-processed packaged foods, and heavy carbs. I just made my lunch for the week, a nice Italian tomato sauce with garlic, onions, pepperoni and spices. The tomato sauce label indicates it contains tomatoes, no salt or sugar. I then add some spaghetti squash as a noodle substitute. Bonus: no heavy carbs and a vegetable element because of the squash. You can even by "zoodles" already prepared at the supermarket. Zoodles are noodles made from zucchini. It might be more difficult to convince MrG to eat the "right stuff".
Aside: When the pard suffered his stroke I determined I would provide healthy, homemade meals for him. After he started eating hot dogs, bread, and all the other crap he likes to eat, I gave up. If he wants to kill himself who am I to stop him?
Well, my Uncle Jimmy passed away last night at the hospital. :( Now the only one left on my father's side of the family is my Aunt Sandy. Both of my grandparents, my uncle and my father all have passed on. Life can be very hard and very depressing.

Let me tell you that I am not a religious person and would probably consider myself agnostic because of all the doubts I carry around with me, but I REALLY hope there is a Heaven and that my family is together up there and happy.
Maybe they are waiting at the Rainbow Bridge? That would be my idea of heaven, reuniting with all the precious souls who traveled with me through life, regardless of how long, or short, their sojourn here may have been.
Hugs up for your sorry and grief, ChrisL.
Well, my Uncle Jimmy passed away last night at the hospital. :( Now the only one left on my father's side of the family is my Aunt Sandy. Both of my grandparents, my uncle and my father all have passed on. Life can be very hard and very depressing.

Let me tell you that I am not a religious person and would probably consider myself agnostic because of all the doubts I carry around with me, but I REALLY hope there is a Heaven and that my family is together up there and happy.

So sorry for your loss ChrisL. And yes it is hard to see them go. My Aunt Betty, age 93, is the only one left of her generation except for one first cousin who lives in Texas. I don't think anybody is left of Hombre's parents' generation and we have lost several in our own generation. And I don't think I'll violate the 'no religious fussing' rule for the Coffee Shop when I say that I think your concept of heaven is safe to believe in and is spot on.

Sorry, I didn't realize that was a rule. I have just been doing some deep thinking, not meant to offend anyone of course. :)

Thanks for your condolences, and know that I am sorry for losses you have suffered as well. :smiliehug:

IMO, you are still the nicest and most polite person here at USMB.

There's no rule against religion. We all enjoy Nosmo King 's Easter pageant stories and descriptions. It's just the controversial stuff that's off limits and I don't consider heaven to be a controversial topic. It becomes controversial when we get into who won't be there and who gets to go and who doesn't and stuff like that. You were/are fine.

And again so happy you're back. :)
All caught up!
It's been warmer these past two days, up in the double-digit teens! Considering how cold it's been the past month, this is a pleasant change. Of course, when it warms up we get snow, a couple of inches last night.
I hope this day finds all ya'll doing well, warm & happy.

Not really, we’ve had a cold spell over here, I’ve actually been wearing my long sleeved T-shirts under my sweat shirts at work again.
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well...he is home. They can't find what's wrong with him so they chalked it up to depression, too much salt, obesity, sugar. Good cop out when one doesn't know whats wrong with someone..just tick off a bunch of causes and call it a day, eh?

He has a rx for depression and a sleep aid, was told to knock off the salt....after 5 nights in the hospital Ok. *eye roll*.
well...he is home. They can't find what's wrong with him so they chalked it up to depression, too much salt, obesity, sugar. Good cop out when one doesn't know whats wrong with someone..just tick off a bunch of causes and call it a day, eh?

He has a rx for depression and a sleep aid, was told to knock off the salt....after 5 nights in the hospital Ok. *eye roll*.

Does depression make your heart rate drop down into the 30s while you sleep? You should go see his physician and a cardiac surgeon and get another opinion ASAP.

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