USMB Coffee Shop IV

Good news! (I know, that's a new angle from me.) My oldest granddaughter was accepted to her first choice university and she received a nice scholarship, too!. Good grades and hard work do pay and we hope she realizes that.

Same with our daughter. And she went on to get her masters and PhD from her next first choice college at pretty much no expense because of her scholastic achievements. Those grades and the courses you take do make a difference.
Meanwhile...MrG took himself to the ER because he was concerned about some symptoms he is not comfy with. Feet swelling, legs swelling, hard to breathe when laying down. He claimed its because he has gained weight. I claimed its because he does nothing except lay in the bed and watch tv all day. Well....the hospital called and said they are concerned because they think its a heart issue and want to keep him and he doesn't want to stay but told them to call me to see what I think. Well duh. I ain't a doctor and said to keep his ass there and fix him. So...I guess he is going to spend the night at the hospital and he will call me tomorrow to say when I can come see what the heck is going on.

I'll holler when I know more.
Meanwhile...MrG took himself to the ER because he was concerned about some symptoms he is not comfy with. Feet swelling, legs swelling, hard to breathe when laying down. He claimed its because he has gained weight. I claimed its because he does nothing except lay in the bed and watch tv all day. Well....the hospital called and said they are concerned because they think its a heart issue and want to keep him and he doesn't want to stay but told them to call me to see what I think. Well duh. I ain't a doctor and said to keep his ass there and fix him. So...I guess he is going to spend the night at the hospital and he will call me tomorrow to say when I can come see what the heck is going on.

I'll holler when I know more.
I though of heart failure after the first line. I surely hope that all outcomes are for the best, Gracie. Love ya, Sister.

So yeah, get checked out if you have swelling in feet and legs. But I have swelling to the point my doc says use compression socks, but my heart has been ultra sounded, CT scanned, and stress tested and it's fine. So such swelling does not always or even usually indicate heart issues. Nevertheless, those who have the symptoms should get checked out.
First daffodils of the season.


Beautress; was it you telling us about the benefits of eating celery?

Daffodils already? We are at a lower latitude than you unless you are in southern Spain but we don't start getting crocuses until mid to late February and the first daffodils a couple of weeks after that.
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Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!
Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!
Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!
Gracie, is that a bunnie butt in your avatar!

Aw! Bunny butts are adorable, aren't they?
Already? I live in the southwest but in a very southern
Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!
Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!
Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!
Gracie, is that a bunnie butt in your avatar!

Aw! Bunny butts are adorable, aren't they?

Well he made me go back and check Gracie's avatar. And yeah, that's a bunny butt. :)
Already? I live in the southwest but in a very southern
Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!
Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!
Many Blessings and Gday from Australia,

been flamin hot down here in these parts

crikey *
Hey! Welcome to the Coffee Shop, mate!!
Gracie, is that a bunnie butt in your avatar!

Aw! Bunny butts are adorable, aren't they?

Well he made me go back and check Gracie's avatar. And yeah, that's a bunny butt. :)


But dang its almost all running game. And Garoppollo was my No. 1 quarterback on my fantasy team this year. The other was Houston's quarterback. Houston made it to the semi-finals and Garoppollo will be in the Super Bowl and I finished 4th in the league because a running game makes your quarterback much less productive.

Why on earth would you use Garoppollo over Watson? :D The 49ers didn't have much in the way of receivers to start the year. Even with Emmanual Sanders, they are a run-first team. Houston, on the other hand, mostly lived or died by the play of Watson.

Only throwing 8 times in the Championship game was crazy, but when the running game keeps working, why throw it? :p
Got another quilt topper for the bees worked to a point. The images were my inspiration, and are much prettier than mine, which I unwittingly picked some indigo material from the solids stash, and am slightly color blind in the dusky hours of the late evening. The second one is far and away a good quilt due to the attention to the outside border. I haven't exactly figured out what I'm going to do with the border, because it's already late in the month, and I spent the first two weeks working on a friend's church bazaar at a very tiny church outside of town. Nobody at her church sews, so I made them some potholders and some mug mats. The potholders took a day apiece and the mugmats took 2 days to make 4 of them. I ripped about the same amount of time as I spent sewing. The poholders were 1" postage stamps (8x8=64 pieces) and so were the mug mats, lol. I can still quilt small items, it's the big heavy quilts I don't do any more due to back issues they cause.

The little quilt, I really was unhappy not to be able to find anything close that like the pretty blue in the quilt. It's just joyful and has a luminescent quality due to the light and dark reflection areas of the material. It's just a special fabric the quilter who made the two quilts below must've saved or just lucked onto a one-of-a-kind beautiful fabric when she was making her master work. When I look at the completed center, it hits home the maker of the inspiration quilt also hit a homer in color placement. I thought prints would be fun where she used solid colors, but nope! She's a genius at color arrangements and her quilt is truly magnificent to me. I found it nameless, on the internet at bing search engine by placing in the browser box "beautiful quilts" probably a few weeks back, and just now got around to dissecting the quilt and doing what I could to make a quilt for a small child with. O finished the striped easy quilt with some knockout hot-off-the-press prints I picked up at Fabric Carousel in the past 2 weeks. It rocks. The dark squares and 3-stripe quilt? Not so rocks. :lmao:


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...... I miss the days when I could eat one heck of a lot more food at one sitting.

Gone are the days of the 10 taco lunch, the 3 plates of turkey dinner with all the fixings or in this case 1/2 of a pie.

...:( .. yet .. :) = :eusa_doh:

Damn, I now at diet too and forced to count, how much food I cannot eat today to plan friday party, lol! :) And - incredible - I have to plan, how many I may drunk this night! :( What's the damned life!
Welcome to middle age. Middle refers to your physique, by-the-way.

I hope, it's not late to return physique condition :) But it wouldnt' be so easy..
Hey, do any of you remember SarahG? The last thing I heard from her, she had said she had breast cancer and was going through chemo and radiation. She was a leftist, and her and I didn't always see eye to eye, but I wish her nothing but the best. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about her situation.
Havent seen her in a very long while. I wondered about her too.

Meanwhile....I went down to the hospital to get some answers and when I arrived..the doc was there. So, we had a nice chat. He has no clue why his body is retaining fluids. His heart did drop down when he slept and that is a mystery too. Still waiting on results from kidney and liver testings AND, his lungs are pretty much shot from all those years of smoking. Meanwhile, he said they did all they can do (although it doesn't seem like much since they are still clueless as to WHY) and said outpatient procedures can take over when he is released..which might be tomorrow. Maybe. They aren't sure. :102:

He did say NO SALT. And not alot of fluids. I said he doesn't drink soda or beer or tea or coffee but he drinks the hell out of milk. He said thats a fluid and to knock it down to two glasses a day, 1% milk. Um. Ok.

Meanwhile..I googled and read up on causes of fluid retention. Could be some of hs meds he is taking. Could be related to his heart. Could be kidneys. Could be this, that, pick a topic..could be the cause. Oy.

So..DrGracie and associates Drs Google, Stanford, Mayo, WebMd and CShoppers are now on call to figure it all out via process of illimination I guess.
Hey, do any of you remember SarahG? The last thing I heard from her, she had said she had breast cancer and was going through chemo and radiation. She was a leftist, and her and I didn't always see eye to eye, but I wish her nothing but the best. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about her situation.
Did you hear about Tiny Dancer? She passed away. That really bummed me out. DarkFury died too. I think from his throat cancer.:(
Yes. I thought it quite cute, lol.

Meanwhile....MrG just called. Said they will not release him today either. Still trying to find out why his body is retaining water. His heartbeat went down to 40 beats last n ight...they were not happy about that. He didn't know..he was asleep. He said they came in and woke him up because their little gadget attached to him started beeping at the low rythyms. So...they are still doing tests, and know now that his heart is involved in some way. he has lost 14 lbs since he got there...all of it fluids in his chest, legs and feet. Its gone way down now and his feet are almost normal..but now the heart is stuttering. Sigh. No answers, but at least he is where he can be taken care of if something worse happens.
Prayers up for your man, dear Gracie.
Hi everyone
Sorry about not posting for so long .
I have been so busy lately with everything going on.
Not enough hours in the day to get things done.

Mr. P saw the doc on Thursday.
He will have his open heart surgery on Jan. 29th at 1:30.

When I get home I will post about it in the evening.
Prayers up, Peach. I hope he comes through with a new lease on life.:eusa_pray:
And while I'm at it, :huddle: to everyone. I was headed out the driveway to go to karaoke, when my feet started cramping really, really bad before I got to the gate, so I had to reverse and come home. I was just gonna listen because my little case of asthma makes it hard to breathe deeply enough to hit the high notes. Guess I'll go back upstairs and try to plan a border around that quilt So far, it's about 40x60", so this will be bigger than most crib quilts, but hopefully it will keep someone warm in winter and his mommy's picnic table covered in the summers.
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I need to learn how to knit. Or something. But if I can't hold a will I hold knitting needles? Such a delimma.

But dang its almost all running game. And Garoppollo was my No. 1 quarterback on my fantasy team this year. The other was Houston's quarterback. Houston made it to the semi-finals and Garoppollo will be in the Super Bowl and I finished 4th in the league because a running game makes your quarterback much less productive.

Why on earth would you use Garoppollo over Watson? :D The 49ers didn't have much in the way of receivers to start the year. Even with Emmanual Sanders, they are a run-first team. Houston, on the other hand, mostly lived or died by the play of Watson.

Only throwing 8 times in the Championship game was crazy, but when the running game keeps working, why throw it? :p

Most times I put Watson in, Garoppolo outscored him 20 to 30 pts. Most times I put Garoppolo in, Watson outscored him 20 to 30 pts. Result? Many weeks my team had the strongest power rating in the league, but I still finished fourth. Fantasy football hates me!
I need to learn how to knit. Or something. But if I can't hold a will I hold knitting needles? Such a delimma.
Gracie, what happened, do you have arthritis or carpal-tunnel?
Both. The RA is running rampant. Both wrists, both thumbs, both ankles, both feet/toes, both hips.
Oh, Gracie, my sister had that stuff after she kicked the cancer out. She forgot to work on her diet, which is a full time job if you have any autoimmune disease. And some do not respond to it or are allergic to something. Usually if you follow a dietary path, you will notice if you read widely that some wellness takes a couple of weeks of no-fail pursuit in which little progress is seen. Some therapies don't kick in for two months. It takes a lot of patience, but avoiding bad foods and getting used to food you may have avoided since childhood is not easy, particularly when it takes longer to see results in half the nutritional ones. Oftimes people do not realize it took a lifetime of ignoring healthful eating to get one where they don't want to be healthwise, and it's particularly hard on older Americans who've lived off junk food their entire working life when they can't move fast anymore without falling and calories are reduced with a net weight gain anyhow due to slowdown of metabolism due to medicinal or internal noncooperation with a failure to exercise.

If you ever do get full range motion back in your fingers and arms due to doing the right amount of arm circles and claw-making exercises, keep in mind there are creams out there to help tighten the skin when you experience "cellulose loss." I'm having a lot more problems since I let my gym membership lapse due to pneumonia last year and asthma this. At least I was getting up and going, even if I could only use the walking or cycling machine for 10 minutes, it was all good later on. If you have asthma, however, people think you have the creeping mange or something, and don't know it's inner issue causing the cough reflex and other unmentionables. So hopefully, my doctor will be finding out what's going on with my little problems as I visit tomorrow for another blood draw. She found out something else that she might be able to prevent but didn't say what it was in case it was just a read caused by something I ate. I need to get a hatband, and a little wire protruding up and forward to attach reminder notes to that would be in a place where I couldn't possibly miss remembering it. Written reminder notes would be bounce, bounce, bouncing in front of my dumb little eyes.

Last md visit, I forgot to do what she told me to do about coming back and getting my lung pictures to make sure they were clear. Doh. That tends to extend your time spent wishing you felt better by 100%. Maybe tomorrow I will have done everything right, except I lost about 60 pills off my work area, and I've looked everywhere except the right one. It took me a week to find my new glasses after I missed them for looking where I put them in my purse, where they hid behind notebooks for a week, when I dumped the purse to clean it out. There they were! lol Old age is not for sissies like me. :D

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