USMB Coffee Shop IV

...... I miss the days when I could eat one heck of a lot more food at one sitting.

Gone are the days of the 10 taco lunch, the 3 plates of turkey dinner with all the fixings or in this case 1/2 of a pie.

...:( .. yet .. :) = :eusa_doh:

Damn, I now at diet too and forced to count, how much food I cannot eat today to plan friday party, lol! :) And - incredible - I have to plan, how many I may drunk this night! :( What's the damned life!
Welcome to middle age. Middle refers to your physique, by-the-way.

I hope, it's not late to return physique condition :) But it wouldnt' be so easy..

No the older we get the more difficult it gets to regain good physical condition. But it's always worth the effort. I'm probably older than everybody here but I'm still kicking and am a ornery 30 year old trapped in an old woman's body. :) But my 93-year-old aunt is still going strong, drives, does her own grocery shopping and gets herself to the hair dresser and manicurist. She avoids heavy traffic or driving complicated routes in the city these days--I do that for her--but otherwise she looks to be in her 60's or maybe early 70's.

Age isn't quite just a number. It still does factor into things. But we sure don't have to get old ahead of our time. You younger folks do pay attention to your diet and keep stuff you know is bad for you as an occasional thing. And do some physical exercise to give your lungs and muscles and circulatory system a work out and keep healthy. I promise you'll never regret it.

Mama Fox stepping off her soapbox now. (But still a rather stern look on her face.)
I need to learn how to knit. Or something. But if I can't hold a will I hold knitting needles? Such a delimma.
Gracie, what happened, do you have arthritis or carpal-tunnel?
Both. The RA is running rampant. Both wrists, both thumbs, both ankles, both feet/toes, both hips.

If you haven't tried it Gracie doing the Budwig diet might help. And it won't hurt you. If you don't see any relief within 2 weeks or so, then you'll know it doesn't work for you. But I have a friend and family member who both got amazing relief from debilitating RA once they went on the auto immune regime. Many feel better after just a few days.

Alleviate Arthritis By Following The Budwig Diet -

Dr. Johanna Budwig was a strict vegetarian and does not include animal protein--except for the cottage cheese necessary to make the quark--in her protocol, but her time was before all the modern improvements in many foods too. So while I think elimination of sugar and all other processed foods is probably necessary for the best results, I do think grass fed beef, free range chicken, and such, no hormones please, in moderation won't screw up the diet.
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Hey, do any of you remember SarahG? The last thing I heard from her, she had said she had breast cancer and was going through chemo and radiation. She was a leftist, and her and I didn't always see eye to eye, but I wish her nothing but the best. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about her situation.
Did you hear about Tiny Dancer? She passed away. That really bummed me out. DarkFury died too. I think from his throat cancer.:(

Prayers up for them and their families. I considered both friends here.
I need to learn how to knit. Or something. But if I can't hold a will I hold knitting needles? Such a delimma.
Gracie, what happened, do you have arthritis or carpal-tunnel?
Both. The RA is running rampant. Both wrists, both thumbs, both ankles, both feet/toes, both hips.

If you haven't tried it Gracie doing the Budwig diet might help. And it won't hurt you. If you don't see any relief within 2 weeks or so, then you'll know it doesn't work for you. But I have a friend and family member who both got amazing relief from debilitating RA once they went on the auto immune regime. Many feel better after just a few days.

Alleviate Arthritis By Following The Budwig Diet -

Dr. Johanna Budwig was a strict vegetarian and does not include animal protein in her protocol, but her time was before all the modern improvements in many foods too. So while I think elimination of sugar and all other processed foods is probably necessary for the best results, I do think grass fed beef, free range chicken, and such, no hormones please, in moderation won't screw up the diet.
Thank you for the link, Foxfyre. I've been doing as much of that kind of stuff I can remember for my case of autoimmune issues, and so far, most days I only have problems with joints if I miss the turmeric-ginger-garlic-and-cinnamon tablets. They have no after-effects in me, but they make the RA symptoms I was having way back cool off, and the cinnamon helps fight back if I forget and overdose (have any at all) on white bread or sugar. I haven't had a loaf of bread in my house for over 2 months nor chips for 4 months. I will not give up real maple syrup because it fights dementia if you are not diabetic. Getting rid of empty calories is good, and eating 100-calorie packs of almonds or walnuts are good to ward off autoimmune/protein related problems. I'm also upping my supplements to include 500 mg of vitamin C to support the immune fight that asthma seems to be in cold weather.

I still like to nibble on a little piece of chicken twice a week, though, and you need the iron in red meat to keep from getting too anemic, so I eat one and only one taco at a good restaurant about once a week. They put about 2 ounces of lean ground beef, and they do not put capsicum (nightshade) peppers on the taco. If they do bother you, you could always use white, or black pepper from tropical trees that are not a nightshade sources. haven't had a steak in a year. I'm reading rave reviews about pepper, but I've never liked it, but am starting to enjoy using a lot of black pepper, and a whole lot. For some reason, it doesn't seem to be as hot as it was when I was younger.
Hey, do any of you remember SarahG? The last thing I heard from her, she had said she had breast cancer and was going through chemo and radiation. She was a leftist, and her and I didn't always see eye to eye, but I wish her nothing but the best. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about her situation.

SarahG, I was told, was miffed at something I and a couple of others had posted thinking we meant her. Which she was in nobody's mind at the time. She had been a regular in the Coffee Shop but hasn't been around for years now. I miss her. And wish there was some way to reassure her that we were not laughing at or saying anything bad about her or anybody else for that matter.

It is so easy to take things wrong without benefit of context, body language, facial expression, tone of voice, etc. or without clarification of where a person is coming from. Most of us do pretty well to get clarification here though, and there is almost always clarification available.

But if I ever say anything that rubs any of you the wrong way, confront me with it. I'll either explain or apologize, whichever is appropriate. I think most of us would want that.
Hi everyone
Sorry about not posting for so long .
I have been so busy lately with everything going on.
Not enough hours in the day to get things done.

Mr. P saw the doc on Thursday.
He will have his open heart surgery on Jan. 29th at 1:30.

When I get home I will post about it in the evening.

Oh my Peach. I have thought about you and Mr. P so many times over the last few weeks and am so relieved you're both still okay for now. I know the surgery is a concern to you both, but I just feel like it is going to be okay. You've come through so much. No reason to stop plugging away at it now.
I need to learn how to knit. Or something. But if I can't hold a will I hold knitting needles? Such a delimma.
Gracie, what happened, do you have arthritis or carpal-tunnel?
Both. The RA is running rampant. Both wrists, both thumbs, both ankles, both feet/toes, both hips.

If you haven't tried it Gracie doing the Budwig diet might help. And it won't hurt you. If you don't see any relief within 2 weeks or so, then you'll know it doesn't work for you. But I have a friend and family member who both got amazing relief from debilitating RA once they went on the auto immune regime. Many feel better after just a few days.

Alleviate Arthritis By Following The Budwig Diet -

Dr. Johanna Budwig was a strict vegetarian and does not include animal protein in her protocol, but her time was before all the modern improvements in many foods too. So while I think elimination of sugar and all other processed foods is probably necessary for the best results, I do think grass fed beef, free range chicken, and such, no hormones please, in moderation won't screw up the diet.
Thank you for the link, Foxfyre. I've been doing as much of that kind of stuff I can remember for my case of autoimmune issues, and so far, most days I only have problems with joints if I miss the turmeric-ginger-garlic-and-cinnamon tablets. They have no after-effects in me, but they make the RA symptoms I was having way back cool off, and the cinnamon helps fight back if I forget and overdose (have any at all) on white bread or sugar. I haven't had a loaf of bread in my house for over 2 months nor chips for 4 months. I will not give up real maple syrup because it fights dementia if you are not diabetic. Getting rid of empty calories is good, and eating 100-calorie packs of almonds or walnuts are good to ward off autoimmune/protein related problems. I'm also upping my supplements to include 500 mg of vitamin C to support the immune fight that asthma seems to be in cold weather.

I still like to nibble on a little piece of chicken twice a week, though, and you need the iron in red meat to keep from getting too anemic, so I eat one and only one taco at a good restaurant about once a week. They put about 2 ounces of lean ground beef, and they do not put capsicum (nightshade) peppers on the taco. If they do bother you, you could always use white, or black pepper from tropical trees that are not a nightshade sources. haven't had a steak in a year. I'm reading rave reviews about pepper, but I've never liked it, but am starting to enjoy using a lot of black pepper, and a whole lot. For some reason, it doesn't seem to be as hot as it was when I was younger.

Maple syrup is considered a no-no on the strict Budwig Protocol, but pure maple syrup is technically not processed. I don't know how much of a health inhibitor the de-foamer they use to cut the foam in the boiling down process but some don't even use that and I doubt it's a problem. But Maple syrup, while head and shoulders more nutritious than refined table sugar, is still sucrose and should be used sparingly as the body doesn't need it. I use mostly raw unrefined honey to calm my very active sweet tooth. :) And when I can get (and afford) regional honey, that also helps with allergies and probably asthma. And I sweeten my coffee and tea with pure Stevia. Expensive but it only takes a few drops to sweeten a mug of liquid.
I gotta admit that I am like a 3 year old in an operating room being told to do heart surgery. I have no clue what to do, plus I ha ve so many probs with my own body, I'm not sure what to do first or where to start in eating healthier. Reading labels is just as scarey because you hafta add the mgs of whatever you plan to use, in whatever meal you are preparing. From what I read, one is only supposed to have ONE TEASPOON of salt per day. One teaspoon. Like..really? Then again, most foods already hve salt in it. So that is more figuring and deducting and adding and to be honest..I don't know if I have the patience to even start. I need a dietician to tell me exactly what foods I can eat and what MrG can eat after I tell them what I CAN'T eat. Like peppermint, cinnamon, bananas, ginger, some yogurts, which give me major heartburn. I take Nexum of eat alot of Tums if I do eat any of those things (I love nanners but..they don't like me). I also used to use alot of italian dressing when cooking chicken. I saute the chicken in it, but now? No. Sodium in it. Everything has sodium in it. Which means fresh veggies..which I loathe...fruit, which is ok I guess but no sugar rush there....and other stuff we are not supposed to eat any more after 70 years of eating the wrong stuff and not liking change.

I bought some flax seed on amazon but I think its supposed to be ground...and how does one grind it? And what am I supposed to do with it once its ground? Never used it before except as eye pillow stuffing back when eye pillows were all the rage.

Anyway..I'm like a deer in headlights here. So..I plan to eat what I have always eaten..but Mrs Dash now instead of salt. Same with MrG. No frying food...baking instead. No skin on chicken. No unnecessary sugars, except I do like to munch on a teaspoon on raw cookie dough from pillsbury slice and bake choc chip cookies, lol. Usually now, when I want something sweet, I suck on a jaw breaker. I get my sugar and its not very big. Candy bars, I am not really a fan of. But I love cake, brownies, ice cream. MrG loves his cherry pies but no more of those for him. So now its a learning thing..and whether we will be able to follow thru and understand what we are supposed to eat, how to cook it, and what to avoid...that remains to be seen.
I have noticed that when I am stuffed up (constipated), I get horrible joint flareups. So if I eat lightly...that should not be a problem.

But I should be a skinny minnie from what I DO eat.

1 over medium egg or poached egg.
1 very small potato for hashbrowns.
1 slice oscar meyer center cut bacon.
1 cup decaf coffee with lots of sugar, lol.

No Lunch except a jawbreaker.

Fried tilapia
1 cup white rice with salt and garlic and a smidge of butter.

Thats it. Thats what I eat and I am over weight!!
I do walk up the alley and back down again every night. My hips won't let me go any further. Once upon a time, I would walk blocks with the dogs. But the dogs are gone and I am decrepit now. Life sucks. lol
Hey, do any of you remember SarahG? The last thing I heard from her, she had said she had breast cancer and was going through chemo and radiation. She was a leftist, and her and I didn't always see eye to eye, but I wish her nothing but the best. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about her situation.
Did you hear about Tiny Dancer? She passed away. That really bummed me out. DarkFury died too. I think from his throat cancer.:(

That is so sad. She was really a firecracker. :( I didn't read too much from DarkFury, but still sad. Cancer is a terrible thing.
...... I miss the days when I could eat one heck of a lot more food at one sitting.

Gone are the days of the 10 taco lunch, the 3 plates of turkey dinner with all the fixings or in this case 1/2 of a pie.

...:( .. yet .. :) = :eusa_doh:

Damn, I now at diet too and forced to count, how much food I cannot eat today to plan friday party, lol! :) And - incredible - I have to plan, how many I may drunk this night! :( What's the damned life!
Welcome to middle age. Middle refers to your physique, by-the-way.

I hope, it's not late to return physique condition :) But it wouldnt' be so easy..

No the older we get the more difficult it gets to regain good physical condition. But it's always worth the effort. I'm probably older than everybody here but I'm still kicking and am a ornery 30 year old trapped in an old woman's body. :) But my 93-year-old aunt is still going strong, drives, does her own grocery shopping and gets herself to the hair dresser and manicurist. She avoids heavy traffic or driving complicated routes in the city these days--I do that for her--but otherwise she looks to be in her 60's or maybe early 70's.

Age isn't quite just a number. It still does factor into things. But we sure don't have to get old ahead of our time. You younger folks do pay attention to your diet and keep stuff you know is bad for you as an occasional thing. And do some physical exercise to give your lungs and muscles and circulatory system a work out and keep healthy. I promise you'll never regret it.

Mama Fox stepping off her soapbox now. (But still a rather stern look on her face.)

Okay, come on .. let me give you a hug Mama Fox...:11_2_1043:

looOooved .. that post .. I don't think of it as "soapbox" .. I think of it as wise advice over the kitchen table.. :eusa_angel:
...... I miss the days when I could eat one heck of a lot more food at one sitting.

Gone are the days of the 10 taco lunch, the 3 plates of turkey dinner with all the fixings or in this case 1/2 of a pie.

...:( .. yet .. :) = :eusa_doh:

Damn, I now at diet too and forced to count, how much food I cannot eat today to plan friday party, lol! :) And - incredible - I have to plan, how many I may drunk this night! :( What's the damned life!
Welcome to middle age. Middle refers to your physique, by-the-way.

I hope, it's not late to return physique condition :) But it wouldnt' be so easy..

No the older we get the more difficult it gets to regain good physical condition. But it's always worth the effort. I'm probably older than everybody here but I'm still kicking and am a ornery 30 year old trapped in an old woman's body. :) But my 93-year-old aunt is still going strong, drives, does her own grocery shopping and gets herself to the hair dresser and manicurist. She avoids heavy traffic or driving complicated routes in the city these days--I do that for her--but otherwise she looks to be in her 60's or maybe early 70's.

Age isn't quite just a number. It still does factor into things. But we sure don't have to get old ahead of our time. You younger folks do pay attention to your diet and keep stuff you know is bad for you as an occasional thing. And do some physical exercise to give your lungs and muscles and circulatory system a work out and keep healthy. I promise you'll never regret it.

Mama Fox stepping off her soapbox now. (But still a rather stern look on her face.)

Okay, come on .. let me give you a hug Mama Fox...:11_2_1043:

looOooved .. that post .. I don't think of it as "soapbox" .. I think of it as wise advice over the kitchen table.. :eusa_angel:

Thanks Lumpy. We never know how long we're going to live, but we might as well enjoy all of it. :)
Hey, do any of you remember SarahG? The last thing I heard from her, she had said she had breast cancer and was going through chemo and radiation. She was a leftist, and her and I didn't always see eye to eye, but I wish her nothing but the best. I was just wondering if anyone knows anything about her situation.
I remember her, not her politics. But I don't recall seeing her post recently. I sure hope things are going well for her.
Awww,shit! Here we go again...Partner's trying to apply for his unemployment, can't figure out how to operate the internet. So he starts calling me names, "stupid", "idiot", etc. He's right, or course, because I put up with his slack-jawed, slurry curses and abuse. I told him he has to learn to do these things himself and he calls me stupid.
I think I'll go outside and freeze my nads a bit, it's more pleasant than being abused. I am rather interested in these bs Senate proceedings. Interesting how this is working out.
well....just heard from MrG. He will not be released any time soon because they STILL can't figure out what is wrong with him. Kidneys look ok..liver looks ok...lungs are not too good, heart SEEMS ok except when he sleeps. When he drops to dangerous levels. Last night, it dropped to 30 beats. Not good. And they don't know why. So...I'm glad they are keeping him because if they release him and he comes home..he will die in his damn sleep.

He is not in good spirits. He said he is tired because he can't sleep and when he does, his heart tries to stop. I told him to ask about a damn pace maker. Something to keep it ticking.
well....just heard from MrG. He will not be released any time soon because they STILL can't figure out what is wrong with him. Kidneys look ok..liver looks ok...lungs are not too good, heart SEEMS ok except when he sleeps. When he drops to dangerous levels. Last night, it dropped to 30 beats. Not good. And they don't know why. So...I'm glad they are keeping him because if they release him and he comes home..he will die in his damn sleep.

He is not in good spirits. He said he is tired because he can't sleep and when he does, his heart tries to stop. I told him to ask about a damn pace maker. Something to keep it ticking.
I hope they find out what is causing MrG's problems and they can get him fixed up and home again soon, Gracie.
In the meantime, perhaps you can relish your quiet time?
I need to learn how to knit. Or something. But if I can't hold a will I hold knitting needles? Such a delimma.
Gracie, what happened, do you have arthritis or carpal-tunnel?
Both. The RA is running rampant. Both wrists, both thumbs, both ankles, both feet/toes, both hips.

If you haven't tried it Gracie doing the Budwig diet might help. And it won't hurt you. If you don't see any relief within 2 weeks or so, then you'll know it doesn't work for you. But I have a friend and family member who both got amazing relief from debilitating RA once they went on the auto immune regime. Many feel better after just a few days.

Alleviate Arthritis By Following The Budwig Diet -

Dr. Johanna Budwig was a strict vegetarian and does not include animal protein in her protocol, but her time was before all the modern improvements in many foods too. So while I think elimination of sugar and all other processed foods is probably necessary for the best results, I do think grass fed beef, free range chicken, and such, no hormones please, in moderation won't screw up the diet.
Thank you for the link, Foxfyre. I've been doing as much of that kind of stuff I can remember for my case of autoimmune issues, and so far, most days I only have problems with joints if I miss the turmeric-ginger-garlic-and-cinnamon tablets. They have no after-effects in me, but they make the RA symptoms I was having way back cool off, and the cinnamon helps fight back if I forget and overdose (have any at all) on white bread or sugar. I haven't had a loaf of bread in my house for over 2 months nor chips for 4 months. I will not give up real maple syrup because it fights dementia if you are not diabetic. Getting rid of empty calories is good, and eating 100-calorie packs of almonds or walnuts are good to ward off autoimmune/protein related problems. I'm also upping my supplements to include 500 mg of vitamin C to support the immune fight that asthma seems to be in cold weather.

I still like to nibble on a little piece of chicken twice a week, though, and you need the iron in red meat to keep from getting too anemic, so I eat one and only one taco at a good restaurant about once a week. They put about 2 ounces of lean ground beef, and they do not put capsicum (nightshade) peppers on the taco. If they do bother you, you could always use white, or black pepper from tropical trees that are not a nightshade sources. haven't had a steak in a year. I'm reading rave reviews about pepper, but I've never liked it, but am starting to enjoy using a lot of black pepper, and a whole lot. For some reason, it doesn't seem to be as hot as it was when I was younger.

Maple syrup is considered a no-no on the strict Budwig Protocol, but pure maple syrup is technically not processed. I don't know how much of a health inhibitor the de-foamer they use to cut the foam in the boiling down process but some don't even use that and I doubt it's a problem. But Maple syrup, while head and shoulders more nutritious than refined table sugar, is still sucrose and should be used sparingly as the body doesn't need it. I use mostly raw unrefined honey to calm my very active sweet tooth. :) And when I can get (and afford) regional honey, that also helps with allergies and probably asthma. And I sweeten my coffee and tea with pure Stevia. Expensive but it only takes a few drops to sweeten a mug of liquid.
It's pure maple from trees, and a teaspoon of it now and then eaten with a meal doesn't raise my blood sugar much. I haven't had any deserts since Thanksgiving, so a teaspoon of tree syrup occasionally is probably not a threat. Dementia is a threat, and its issues destroy the mind of the person who succumbs to it. It's unfair to the person under its spell.
Awww,shit! Here we go again...Partner's trying to apply for his unemployment, can't figure out how to operate the internet. So he starts calling me names, "stupid", "idiot", etc. He's right, or course, because I put up with his slack-jawed, slurry curses and abuse. I told him he has to learn to do these things himself and he calls me stupid.
I think I'll go outside and freeze my nads a bit, it's more pleasant than being abused. I am rather interested in these bs Senate proceedings. Interesting how this is working out.
I thought he went back to his place? You really need to get out of that situation before he kills you. My brother in law had a stroke and tried to strangle me. Only reason he didn't is because I ran faster than his scrawny ass. Normally, he was a nice guy. Now? KooKoo and dangerous. His "thang" is to strangle..which he has done to his wife if anything ticks him off. He reaches those long skinny arms out and grabs the neck and squeezes. Fucker.
But..his brain is fried in parts, so it really isn't his fault, but it isn't anyone elses fault either and they don't need to be in danger like that. This includes you. Get his ass gone, pronto if you can, hon.

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