USMB Coffee Shop IV

Meanwhile, I have ordered two books from amazon for heart healthy recipes and foods he can eat once they do release him. I still feel like a deer in headlights, though.
Gracie, I was reading this article and started thinking about your hubby and was wondering if you might find the article helpful in one or more ways. I learned a few things. :)

Others here might find the article informative as well. Hugs!

14 Best Foods to Keep in Your Fridge
All caught up!
It's been warmer these past two days, up in the double-digit teens! Considering how cold it's been the past month, this is a pleasant change. Of course, when it warms up we get snow, a couple of inches last night.
I hope this day finds all ya'll doing well, warm & happy.

Not really, we’ve had a cold spell over here, I’ve actually been wearing my long sleeved T-shirts under my sweat shirts at work again.
Here, as well. Dark, cold and rainy without a break. :206:
Guys: Foxfyre, Beautress et al.

Bobbie Brown was on British TV this morning. Talking about her change of direction. Which is, what you put in your body, and not on it. Tumeric cropped up, and although I've heard so much about it, inflamation fighter etc., I just can't get it down me, I hate the taste. Same with sauerkraut. And I've really tried.

You could always try sprinkling a bit of turmeric in whatever recipe you're making in order to hide the taste...…..if you don't mind the main food turning yellow:)
This week as been a dousy with tummy troubles that I won't put into detail other than bad cramping that I almost took myself to urgent care. Thankfully it's subsided, for the time being, but has given me good reason to change my mind about that colonoscopy. I'll be calling first thing in the morning to make that appointment. Unfortunately, I'll probably be all better by then. It's also put my own food choices under the spotlight and how I need to make some serious changes and stick with it.
Good night darlinks. I really do love you guys.
And we continue to pray and/or send good vibes and/or positive thoughts and/or keep vigil for:

Pogo’s friend Pat and special comfort for Pogo,
Montrovant for continued progress in his transition.
Seagal and Mr. Seagal.
Kat for wellness
JustAnotherNut for wellness
Ringel and Ms Ringel - comfort, wellness, solutions for both.
Jackson for wellness.
Mindful and healing for her shoulder.
Beautress for wellness.
Extra prayers/positive vibes for gallantwarrior dealing with his own health issues as well as a terribly difficult situation with Rod and stresses of caring for the animals.
Peach's Mr. P for wellness and successful surgery (Jan 29) and comfort/peace for Peach.
Gracie and Mr. G. for wellness and solutions.
Comfort for ChrisL and her family in the passing of her Uncle Jimmy and for Mindful and Roy also dealing with loss of friends and loved ones.
SFC Ollie's son-in-law - urgent prayers and positive vibes for critical illness.
All those we love and care about who aren't on the list.

And we leave a light on so that those who have been away can find their way back, and we rejoice when they do.

This week as been a dousy with tummy troubles that I won't put into detail other than bad cramping that I almost took myself to urgent care. Thankfully it's subsided, for the time being, but has given me good reason to change my mind about that colonoscopy. I'll be calling first thing in the morning to make that appointment. Unfortunately, I'll probably be all better by then. It's also put my own food choices under the spotlight and how I need to make some serious changes and stick with it.

Sounds like a good check up is in order. I used to be able to eat literally anything without noticeable repercussions, but now not so much.
Guys: Foxfyre, Beautress et al.

Bobbie Brown was on British TV this morning. Talking about her change of direction. Which is, what you put in your body, and not on it. Tumeric cropped up, and although I've heard so much about it, inflamation fighter etc., I just can't get it down me, I hate the taste. Same with sauerkraut. And I've really tried.

Not sure how to disguise the taste of sauerkraut but Tumeric can be painlessly assimilated:

How To Sneak Turmeric Into Your Diet If You're Not In Love With The Taste
Guys: Foxfyre, Beautress et al.

Bobbie Brown was on British TV this morning. Talking about her change of direction. Which is, what you put in your body, and not on it. Tumeric cropped up, and although I've heard so much about it, inflamation fighter etc., I just can't get it down me, I hate the taste. Same with sauerkraut. And I've really tried.

Not sure how to disguise the taste of sauerkraut but Tumeric can be painlessly assimilated:

How To Sneak Turmeric Into Your Diet If You're Not In Love With The Taste


Germany has started selling supplements.
Guys: Foxfyre, Beautress et al.

Bobbie Brown was on British TV this morning. Talking about her change of direction. Which is, what you put in your body, and not on it. Tumeric cropped up, and although I've heard so much about it, inflamation fighter etc., I just can't get it down me, I hate the taste. Same with sauerkraut. And I've really tried.

Not sure how to disguise the taste of sauerkraut but Tumeric can be painlessly assimilated:

How To Sneak Turmeric Into Your Diet If You're Not In Love With The Taste


Germany has started selling supplements.

I was going to bring that up, I've seen turmeric pills available on amazon. I don't know if they work as well as taking the powder directly, but you wouldn't have to taste it. :)
Guys: Foxfyre, Beautress et al.

Bobbie Brown was on British TV this morning. Talking about her change of direction. Which is, what you put in your body, and not on it. Tumeric cropped up, and although I've heard so much about it, inflamation fighter etc., I just can't get it down me, I hate the taste. Same with sauerkraut. And I've really tried.

Not sure how to disguise the taste of sauerkraut but Tumeric can be painlessly assimilated:

How To Sneak Turmeric Into Your Diet If You're Not In Love With The Taste


Germany has started selling supplements.

I was going to bring that up, I've seen turmeric pills available on amazon. I don't know if they work as well as taking the powder directly, but you wouldn't have to taste it. :)

I'm giving them a try.
This week as been a dousy with tummy troubles that I won't put into detail other than bad cramping that I almost took myself to urgent care. Thankfully it's subsided, for the time being, but has given me good reason to change my mind about that colonoscopy. I'll be calling first thing in the morning to make that appointment. Unfortunately, I'll probably be all better by then. It's also put my own food choices under the spotlight and how I need to make some serious changes and stick with it.

Sounds like a good check up is in order. I used to be able to eat literally anything without noticeable repercussions, but now not so much.

Since this has been going on since Sunday, I'm thinking more of stomach flu but I really don't know. It usually takes a couple weeks to get into the DR and by then it would be gone. I did contact their office about the colonoscopy and was referred to a local Digestive Care Center to set up the appointment for the procedure. When I called them, they hadn't received the referral yet, so I have to wait till next week to make the appointment.

In the meantime, I am drinking my kefir and being careful of what I do eat. If this is just the flu, atleast it's giving me the kick in the pants I needed to change my diet and get the dreaded appointment.
This week as been a dousy with tummy troubles that I won't put into detail other than bad cramping that I almost took myself to urgent care. Thankfully it's subsided, for the time being, but has given me good reason to change my mind about that colonoscopy. I'll be calling first thing in the morning to make that appointment. Unfortunately, I'll probably be all better by then. It's also put my own food choices under the spotlight and how I need to make some serious changes and stick with it.

Sounds like a good check up is in order. I used to be able to eat literally anything without noticeable repercussions, but now not so much.

Since this has been going on since Sunday, I'm thinking more of stomach flu but I really don't know. It usually takes a couple weeks to get into the DR and by then it would be gone. I did contact their office about the colonoscopy and was referred to a local Digestive Care Center to set up the appointment for the procedure. When I called them, they hadn't received the referral yet, so I have to wait till next week to make the appointment.

In the meantime, I am drinking my kefir and being careful of what I do eat. If this is just the flu, atleast it's giving me the kick in the pants I needed to change my diet and get the dreaded appointment.
This link came to my inbox today and I thought of YOU after reading this morning before work about your tummy hurting. I thought I would pass this along just in case it might be helpful. Foods that are good and bad for digestive probs. Hope it helps somewhat sweetie.
This week as been a dousy with tummy troubles that I won't put into detail other than bad cramping that I almost took myself to urgent care. Thankfully it's subsided, for the time being, but has given me good reason to change my mind about that colonoscopy. I'll be calling first thing in the morning to make that appointment. Unfortunately, I'll probably be all better by then. It's also put my own food choices under the spotlight and how I need to make some serious changes and stick with it.

Sounds like a good check up is in order. I used to be able to eat literally anything without noticeable repercussions, but now not so much.

Since this has been going on since Sunday, I'm thinking more of stomach flu but I really don't know. It usually takes a couple weeks to get into the DR and by then it would be gone. I did contact their office about the colonoscopy and was referred to a local Digestive Care Center to set up the appointment for the procedure. When I called them, they hadn't received the referral yet, so I have to wait till next week to make the appointment.

In the meantime, I am drinking my kefir and being careful of what I do eat. If this is just the flu, atleast it's giving me the kick in the pants I needed to change my diet and get the dreaded appointment.
This link came to my inbox today and I thought of YOU after reading this morning before work about your tummy hurting. I thought I would pass this along just in case it might be helpful. Foods that are good and bad for digestive probs. Hope it helps somewhat sweetie.

Thank you. Yes I've heard of the BRAT diet with tummy troubles. Earlier today I tried the banana and within 10 minutes started cramping. Too soon to be the cause, but I waited a couple of hours till the cramping went away before having a dinner roll (didn't have any regular bread for toast) and didn't have a problem after that. I haven't been vomiting or even feeling queasy, just hard cramping and diarrhea.

Strangely, last night I made Fajitas for supper, then Lemon Pepper Chicken tonight cause they just sounded good and haven't had a problem from either meal. Talk about doing things the wrong way or backwards. I'll see how things go by tomorrow and if I'm still cramping, rice it is.
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If you have a colonoscopy...don't do the twilight. Some folks it doesn't work on and if you wake up while that tube is up there..its gonna HURT!!! Also..the prep sucks. However, the nurse told me that if you have th emoney, you don't half to drink that gallon of crappy stuff. There is another drink you can do that is 8 oz and easier to get down.
If you have a colonoscopy...don't do the twilight. Some folks it doesn't work on and if you wake up while that tube is up there..its gonna HURT!!! Also..the prep sucks. However, the nurse told me that if you have th emoney, you don't half to drink that gallon of crappy stuff. There is another drink you can do that is 8 oz and easier to get down.

I'm sure that no matter what happens, I'm not going to like it one bit.....and why I've put off having it done already.

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