USMB Coffee Shop IV

I have the cup with this picture. It says "Dad is strong" :)

The story about "Timbuktu" is the second day spinning in my mind... Why, and what does it may mean? :-\

I'm not sure about a story, or even interpretation of it...…..but in my circles it's always been 'someplace, way out there'....usually when you get lost. Example: I was on my way to town & made a wrong turn. Ended up in Timbuktu'
Good morning all!
Gluten Free Almond Bars
1 ¼ cups Pamela's Gluten Free All-Purpose Flour Artisan Blend
½ cup Pamela's Nut Flour Blend
1/3 c. local honey
¾ teaspoon baking soda
½ teaspoon salt
½ cup unsalted butter (melted)
1 large egg (beaten)
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
½ teaspoon almond extract
21 ounces cherry pie filling

How-Tos: Gluten Free Cherry Almond Bars
Note above that I substituted 1/3 honey for the 1/2 c. sugar because local honey benefits the immune system, whereas sugar does not and nutritionists consider sugar as an empty-calorie product due to zero health benefits.
⅓ cup almonds (sliced)

Health benefits of pie cherries: 12 Health Benefits of Cherries
1. Snack to Keep you, Full (helps dull appetite in dieters)
2 American Cancer Research Society: cherries beneficial in preventing colon cancer from developing.
3. Arthritis Relief - anti-inflammatory properties help other inflammatory processes also
4. Heart Protection and stroke prevention - by way of activation of PPARs that metabolize fats, glucose
5. Diabetes management and protection of type 2 (adult onset) diabetes
6. Contain powerful antioxidants that fight free radicals and prevent many illnesses and diseases
7. Cherries prevent as well as relieve muscle pain through antioxidants combined with anti-inflammatory properties
8. Lowers and controls healthy levels of blood pressure
9. Sleep aid via melatonin content
10. Busts belly fat via the antioxidant anthocyanin
11. Alleviates the swelling of gout by fighting inflammation
12. Enhances memory and motor skills through anthocyanin
Health benefits of almonds:
I accidentally erased all of my watched threads. :eusa_doh:

I didn't know we could do that. Well, hope you find and rewatch all the important ones.

Well, there were a couple of old threads that I wanted to take off, but I was trying to hurry and not really paying attention, and selected the wrong button (which was to unsubscribe to ALL of them). Lol! I am adding them back slowly. It's not that big a deal, just a bit more work to find a thread. :)
I was just thinking that communicating via Facebook, Twitter, message boards does have a different vibe than face to face communications.


Nevertheless, I LOVE this form of communication. :)
Just got home from a day at a local college, my employer booked me in for a 4 day certificated course, twas an easy day, tomorrow I have some practical theory to do, it will ask me to fault find on various apparatus, the only thing good about this is they feed me rather well at lunch time and I can drink as much coffee as I want to keep me awake.
Just got home from a day at a local college, my employer booked me in for a 4 day certificated course, twas an easy day, tomorrow I have some practical theory to do, it will ask me to fault find on various apparatus, the only thing good about this is they feed me rather well at lunch time and I can drink as much coffee as I want to keep me awake.

I don't know how many hours of those kinds of courses I have sat through after decades of employment. And I can count on one hand those that offered some really good information that I couldn't have found on my own and/or that I couldn't have taught the course myself. I wonder how much time would be saved if they would just hand us the material to read and then tested us to make sure we had learned it?
Just got home from a day at a local college, my employer booked me in for a 4 day certificated course, twas an easy day, tomorrow I have some practical theory to do, it will ask me to fault find on various apparatus, the only thing good about this is they feed me rather well at lunch time and I can drink as much coffee as I want to keep me awake.

I don't know how many hours of those kinds of courses I have sat through after decades of employment. And I can count on one hand those that offered some really good information that I couldn't have found on my own and/or that I couldn't have taught the course myself. I wonder how much time would be saved if they would just hand us the material to read and then tested us to make sure we had learned it?

Well if they did that, then they wouldn't be able to make any money off you! :D
Both Mr. P and I have been so busy with everything this whole month.
So many Doc appointments and tests that started Jan. 6 and just ended yesterday. Whew!
I won't get back from the Hospital till late Wednesday night.

I will keep in touch with you all on Thursday on how Mr. P is doing.
The doc decided to keep him in rehabilitation across from the hospital because of his MS. They want to keep a close eye on him for about a week and a half or so.

I miss every one, hope you are all ok.

Like Schwarzenegger say's "l'll be back. :)
Hi !

Well tomorrow is Mr. P's open heart bypass surgery.
Please keep him in your prayers and well wishes.
Thank You

I had a triple bypass back in 2013-ish and I'm still hanging in there. It's tough not to worry, impossible really, prayers and well wishes for You and your Hubby there Peach.

My perspective always includes a positive attitude in the emotionally hard times and believe me you have good reason to expect all to turn out well. They have this operation dialed in these days, it's absolutely amazing.

The one mistake I made was not securing pain medications for the after release time (released pre a holiday) and that made it a little rough for a short time.
Last edited:
My wife had a shoulder replacement on the 15th. Yesterday, the 27th, she had her bandages and sling removed and is recuperating more rapidly than the doctor predicted. Pretty good for an 82 year old. I have been on duty 24/7 as a nurse and orderly for 2 weeks, but I ain't complaining.
As most of us seem to be having some type of issue or another, here's a feeble attempt to lighten things up a bit...….:04:

I was just thinking that communicating via Facebook, Twitter, message boards does have a different vibe than face to face communications.


Nevertheless, I LOVE this form of communication. :)
I know the gist of the social networks, Face, Twit, etc., and they have never appealed to me. Never joined after perusing. I don't like to stay apprised of anyone's lives, even relatives. Barely, do message boards even. That is why I always have fewer posts than anyone on two sites in similar timeframes. I like to keep to myself as much as possible while still maintaining surface relationships. I've been this way since childhood, preferring only one true friend with whom to share intimacies but being very social with others I also enjoy as acquaintances. I would miss all of you if I didn't visit here more often than anywhere else in cyberspace. Truly! :11_2_1043:
Just got home from a day at a local college, my employer booked me in for a 4 day certificated course, twas an easy day, tomorrow I have some practical theory to do, it will ask me to fault find on various apparatus, the only thing good about this is they feed me rather well at lunch time and I can drink as much coffee as I want to keep me awake.

I don't know how many hours of those kinds of courses I have sat through after decades of employment. And I can count on one hand those that offered some really good information that I couldn't have found on my own and/or that I couldn't have taught the course myself. I wonder how much time would be saved if they would just hand us the material to read and then tested us to make sure we had learned it?
Probably a lot of time would be saved but more people would be served in an actual class, which is how I feel. There would be time for Q&A for that one or more people who might care about what they are learning. I have been asked several times if I would teach a course to employees about important customer service. I have always responded, "yes I will but there is one thing I cannot teach anyone and that is to "care". "But if 20 people show up and as little as one of them learns valuable customer service skills, then I would consider it worth my while".
I was just thinking that communicating via Facebook, Twitter, message boards does have a different vibe than face to face communications.


Nevertheless, I LOVE this form of communication. :)
And you are the PERFECT PERSON to be doing what you are. You are very good at your job, Foxfyre, in my opinion. You touch everybody because you care. :)

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